Component Tag:
HTML Created:
Variable Namelist Group Category Entry Type Valid Values Possible Default Values Description and out-of-the-box Default
tadvect_ctype advect_nml Advection char*256 ['centered', 'upwind3', 'lw_lim']
Tracer advection choice.

Valid Values: 'center','upwind','lw_lim'
Default: 'upwind3'
reset_to_freezing baroclinic_nml Baroclinic logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to prevent very cold water.

Default: .false.
convergenceCheckFreq solvers Barotropic Mode Solvers integer ['any integer']
Check for convergence every convergenceCheckFreq iterations.

Default: 10
convergenceCheckStart solvers Barotropic Mode Solvers integer ['any integer']
Start checking for convergence after convergenceCheckStart steps 
(starting step number of convergence checking).

Default: 60
convergenceCriterion solvers Barotropic Mode Solvers real ['any real']
Convergence error criterion: |delta X/X| < convergenceCriterion

Default: 1.0e-13
LanczosconvergenceCriterion solvers Barotropic Mode Solvers real ['any real']
Convergence error criterion for Lanczos step.

Default:  0.15
maxIterations solvers Barotropic Mode Solvers integer ['any integer']
Upper limit on number of solver iterations.

Default: 1000
maxLanczosStep solvers Barotropic Mode Solvers integer ['any integer']
Maximum number of Lanczos steps taken to get eigenvalues.

Default: 100
preconditionerChoice solvers Barotropic Mode Solvers char*256 ['diagonal', 'evp', 'file']
Preconditioner choice.
Valid Values: 'diagonal', 'evp','file'
'diagonal' -- No preconditioner.
'file'     -- A preconditioner is used to reduce number of iterations to convergence.  No longer supported.
'evp'      -- Edge-vertex preconditioner.

Default: 'diagonal'
preconditionerFile solvers Barotropic Mode Solvers char*256 ['any char']
File containing preconditioner coefficients for solver; 
used when preconditionerChoice='file'.

Default: 'unknownPrecondFile'
solverChoice solvers Barotropic Mode Solvers char*256 ['pcg', 'ChronGear', 'PCSI']
Method to solve the two-dimensional elliptic equation for the surface pressure.

Valid Values: 'ChronGear','pcg','PCSI'
'ChronGear' = Chronopoulos-Gear conjugate-gradient solver with preconditioner.
'pcg'       =  Preconditioned conjugate-gradient solver.
'PCSI'      = Preconditioned Classical Stiefel Iteration.

Default: 'ChronGear'
b4b_flag context_nml Context logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to run POP in bit-for-bit mode.

Default: .false.
lccsm context_nml Context logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to run pop in the CESM context.

Default: .true.
lccsm_control_compatible context_nml Context logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to run POP with code that is bit-for-bit with the ccsm4 control run. (According to source notes, this option should have been removed in ccsm4_0_1!).

Default: .false.
lcoupled context_nml Context logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for whether POP is coupled to another system.

Default: .true.
ldebug context_nml Context logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If this is true, then various internal consistency checks are enabled.

Default: DEBUG from env_run.xml, but overridable by user_nl_pop
coupled_freq coupled_nml Coupling Options integer ['any integer']
Frequency POP is coupled to atmosphere / sea ice models via CESM flux coupler (units given by coupled_freq_opt).

Default:  24
coupled_freq_opt coupled_nml Coupling Options char*256 ['nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep', 'never']
Units of time for coupled_freq (frequency POP is coupled to atmosphere/sea ice models
via CESM flux coupler).

Valid Values: 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep', 'never'
Default: 'nhour'
qsw_distrb_opt coupled_nml Coupling Options char*256 ['const', '12hr', 'cosz']
Option for distributing net shortwave heat flux over a coupling interval (all options preserve time-integrated flux).

Valid Values: 'const','12hr','cosz'
Default: 'cosz'
ldamp_uv damping_nml Damping (Velocity) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to damp UVEL and VVEL; currently the only method for damping is from private communication with Nick Klingaman (Univ. of Reading); it is a non-linear damping.

Default: .false.
ldiag_bsf bsf_diagnostic_nml Diagnostics (Barotropic Stream Function) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to control the computation and printing of barotropic stream function diagnostics.

Default: .true.
ldiag_global_tracer_budgets budget_diagnostics_nml Diagnostics (Budgets) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to control the computation of global budget diagnostics for tracers.

Default: .true.
lrf_print_budget_term_by_term budget_diagnostics_nml Diagnostics (Budgets) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to control the printing Robert-filter budget terms in a human-eye-friendly manner. 

Default: .false.
lat_aux_begin transports_nml Diagnostics (Transports) real ['any real']
Beginning latitude for the auxiliary grid (degrees north).

Default: -90.0
lat_aux_end transports_nml Diagnostics (Transports) real ['any real']
Ending latitude for the auxiliary grid (degrees north).

Default:  90.0
lat_aux_grid_type transports_nml Diagnostics (Transports) char*256 ['southern', 'full', 'user-specified']
Type of the auxiliary latitudinal grid.

Valid Values: 'southern', 'full', 'user-specified'
Default: 'southern'
moc_requested transports_nml Diagnostics (Transports) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for turning on output for meridional overturning circulation.

Default: .true. for displaced pole grids, .false. for tripole grids.
n_heat_trans_requested transports_nml Diagnostics (Transports) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for outputting northward heat transport.

Default: .true. for displaced pole grids, .false. for tripole grids.
n_lat_aux_grid transports_nml Diagnostics (Transports) integer ['any integer']
Auxiliary grid dimension.

Default: 180
n_salt_trans_requested transports_nml Diagnostics (Transports) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for outputting northward salt transport.

Default: .true. for displaced pole grids, .false. for tripole grids.
n_transport_reg transports_nml Diagnostics (Transports) integer ['any integer']
Number of regions for all transport diagnostics.

Default: 2
transport_reg2_names transports_nml Diagnostics (Transports) char*256(6) ['any char']
Names of the selected input regions when n_transport_reg = 2.

Default: 'Atlantic Ocean','Mediterranean Sea','Labrador Sea','GIN Sea','Arctic Ocean','Hudson Bay'
clinic_distribution_type domain_nml Domain char*256 ['cartesian', 'balanced', 'spacecurve', 'blockone']
Selector for method used to distribute blocks in baroclinic distribution.

Valid Values: 'cartesian', 'balanced', 'spacecurve', 'blockone'
Default: 'cartesian'
ew_boundary_type domain_nml Domain char*256 ['cyclic', 'closed']
Selector for type of boundary used in the logical east-west direction for global domain.

Valid Values: 'cyclic', 'closed'
Default: 'cyclic'
nprocs_clinic domain_nml Domain integer ['any integer']
Number of processors in the baroclinic distribution.

Default: Set by CESM scripts
nprocs_tropic domain_nml Domain integer ['any integer']
Number of processors in the barotropic distribution.

Default: Set by CESM scripts
ns_boundary_type domain_nml Domain char*256 ['cyclic', 'closed', 'tripole']
Selector for type of boundary used in the logical north-south direction for global domain. 

Valid Values: 'cyclic', 'closed', 'tripole'
Default: 'closed'
profile_barrier domain_nml Domain logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to add MPI_Barrier calls for timing studies in time-step module.

Default: .false.
tropic_distribution_type domain_nml Domain char*256 ['cartesian', 'balanced', 'spacecurve', 'blockone']
Selector for method used to distribute blocks in barotropic distribution.

Valid Values: 'cartesian', 'balanced', 'spacecurve', 'blockone'
Default: 'cartesian'
box_atm_co2_init_val ecosys_forcing_data_nml ecosys real ['any real']
Default: CCSM_CO2_PPMV value in env_run.xml
ciso_atm_d14c_lat_band_vals ecosys_forcing_data_nml ecosys real(3) ['any real(3)']
ecosys_qsw_distrb_const ecosys_driver_nml Ecosystem Model logical ['.true.', '.false.']
ecosys_tadvect_ctype ecosys_driver_nml Ecosystem Model char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'base model'
lmarginal_seas ecosys_driver_nml Ecosystem Model logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Default: .true.
marbl_settings_file ecosys_driver_nml Ecosystem Model char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'marbl_in' for single instance, 'marbl_in_####' for multi-instance.
ciso_init_ecosys_init_file ecosys_tracer_init_nml Ecosystem Model (Tracer Initialization) char*256 ['any char']
ciso_init_ecosys_init_file_fmt ecosys_tracer_init_nml Ecosystem Model (Tracer Initialization) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'nc'
ciso_init_ecosys_option ecosys_tracer_init_nml Ecosystem Model (Tracer Initialization) char*256 ['any char']
ciso_tracer_init_ext%default_val ecosys_tracer_init_nml Ecosystem Model (Tracer Initialization) dtype(14)%real ['any dtype(14)%real']
ciso_tracer_init_ext%file_varname ecosys_tracer_init_nml Ecosystem Model (Tracer Initialization) dtype(14)%char*256 ['any char']
ciso_tracer_init_ext%mod_varname ecosys_tracer_init_nml Ecosystem Model (Tracer Initialization) dtype(14)%char*256 ['any char']
ciso_tracer_init_ext%scale_factor ecosys_tracer_init_nml Ecosystem Model (Tracer Initialization) dtype(14)%real ['any dtype(14)%real']
init_ecosys_init_file ecosys_tracer_init_nml Ecosystem Model (Tracer Initialization) char*256 ['any char']
Default: or (none provided for tripole grids)
init_ecosys_init_file_fmt ecosys_tracer_init_nml Ecosystem Model (Tracer Initialization) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'nc'
init_ecosys_option ecosys_tracer_init_nml Ecosystem Model (Tracer Initialization) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'ccsm_RUNTYPE'
tracer_init_ext%default_val&ecosys_tracer_init_nml derived Ecosystem Model (Tracer Initialization) dtype(31)%real ['any dtype(31)%real']
Default: none provided
tracer_init_ext%file_fmt&ecosys_tracer_init_nml derived Ecosystem Model (Tracer Initialization) dtype(31)%char*256 ['any char']
Default: none provided
tracer_init_ext%file_varname&ecosys_tracer_init_nml derived Ecosystem Model (Tracer Initialization) dtype(31)%char*256 ['any char']
Default: none provided
tracer_init_ext%filename&ecosys_tracer_init_nml derived Ecosystem Model (Tracer Initialization) dtype(31)%char*256 ['any char']
Default: none provided
tracer_init_ext%mod_varname&ecosys_tracer_init_nml derived Ecosystem Model (Tracer Initialization) dtype(31)%char*256 ['any char']
Default: none provided
tracer_init_ext%scale_factor&ecosys_tracer_init_nml derived Ecosystem Model (Tracer Initialization) dtype(31)%real ['any dtype(31)%real']
Default: none provided
state_choice state_nml Equation of State char*256 ['jmcd', 'mwjf', 'poly', 'line']
Which equation of state to use.

Valid Values: 'jmcd', 'mwjf', 'poly', 'line'
Default: 'mwjf'
state_file state_nml Equation of State char*256 ['any char']
File containing polynomial equation of state coefficients.

Default: 'internal'
state_range_freq state_nml Equation of State integer ['any integer']
Frequency (in steps) for checking validity of temperature and salinity ranges.

Default: 100000
state_range_opt state_nml Equation of State char*256 ['ignore', 'check', 'enforce']
Option for checking for valid temperature and salinity ranges.

Valid Values: 'ignore', 'check', 'enforce'
Default: 'enforce'
a1 estuary_nml Estuary Box Model real ['any real']
Default: none
a2 estuary_nml Estuary Box Model real ['any real']
Default: none
ebm_param_file_fmt estuary_nml Estuary Box Model char*256 ['any char']
Default: none
ebm_param_filename estuary_nml Estuary Box Model char*256 ['any char']
Default: auto-filled by CESM scripts
ebm_param_option estuary_nml Estuary Box Model char*256 ['any char']
Default: none
estuary_option estuary_nml Estuary Box Model char*256 ['any char']
Default: none
estuary_type estuary_nml Estuary Box Model char*256 ['any char']
Default: none
H estuary_nml Estuary Box Model real ['any real']
Default: none
h0 estuary_nml Estuary Box Model real ['any real']
Ratio of lower-layer depth to H at estuary mouth.

Default: none
h_lower estuary_nml Estuary Box Model real ['any real']
Thickness (m) of lower layer of exchange flow.

Default: none
h_upper estuary_nml Estuary Box Model real ['any real']
Thickness (m) of upper layer of exchange flow. 

Default: none
tide_amp estuary_nml Estuary Box Model real ['any real']
Default: none
W_h estuary_nml Estuary Box Model real ['any real']
Default: none
ap_data_inc forcing_ap_nml Forcing (Atmospheric Pressure) real ['any real']
Increment (in hours) between forcing times if ap_data_type='n-hour'.

Default: 1.e20
ap_data_renorm forcing_ap_nml Forcing (Atmospheric Pressure) real(20) ['any real(20)']
Renormalization constants for the components in the atmospheric pressure forcing file.

Default: 20*1.
ap_data_type forcing_ap_nml Forcing (Atmospheric Pressure) char*256 ['none', 'analytic', 'annual', 'monthly', 'monthly-equal', 'monthly-calendar', 'n-hour']
Type or periodicity of atmospheric forcing.

Valid Values: 'none', 'analytic', 'annual', 'monthly', 'monthly-equal', 'monthly-calendar', 'n-hour'
Default: 'none'
ap_file_fmt forcing_ap_nml Forcing (Atmospheric Pressure) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
ap_filename format (binary or netCDF)

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'bin'
ap_filename forcing_ap_nml Forcing (Atmospheric Pressure) char*256 ['any char']
Name of file containing atmospheric pressure forcing, or root of filenames if ap_data_type='n-hour'.

Default: 'unknown-ap'
ap_interp_freq forcing_ap_nml Forcing (Atmospheric Pressure) char*256 ['never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep']
How often to temporally interpolate atmospheric forcing data to current time.

Valid Values: 'never','n-hour','every-timestep'
Default: 'never'
ap_interp_inc forcing_ap_nml Forcing (Atmospheric Pressure) real ['any real']
Increment (in hours) between interpolation times if ap_interp_freq = 'n-hour'.

Default: 1e20
ap_interp_type forcing_ap_nml Forcing (Atmospheric Pressure) char*256 ['nearest', 'linear', '4point']
Type of temporal interpolation for atmospheric pressure forcing data.

Valid Values: 'nearest', 'linear', '4point'
Default: 'nearest'
atm_alt_co2_const ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: CCSM_CO2_PPMV value in env_run.xml
atm_alt_co2_opt ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['const', 'box_atm_co2']
Default: 'const'
atm_co2_const ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: CCSM_CO2_PPMV value in env_run.xml
atm_co2_opt ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['const', 'drv_prog', 'drv_diag', 'box_atm_co2']
Default: depends on OCN_CO2_TYPE in env_run.xml
ciso_atm_d13c_const ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
ciso_atm_d13c_filename ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
ciso_atm_d13c_opt ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['const', 'file', 'coupled']
ciso_atm_d14c_const ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
ciso_atm_d14c_filename ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
ciso_atm_d14c_opt ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['const', 'lat_bands', 'file']
ciso_atm_data_year ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) integer ['any integer']
Year in atm data that corresponds to ciso_atm_model_year.

Default: 1
ciso_atm_model_year ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) integer ['any integer']
Arbitrary model year.

Default: 1
dust_flux_input%default_val ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: none provided
dust_flux_input%file_fmt ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'nc'
dust_flux_input%file_varname ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'DSTSF'
dust_flux_input%filename ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: or
dust_flux_input%scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1.0e-1
dust_flux_source ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['monthly-calendar', 'driver']
Default: 'monthly-calendar'
fesedflux_input%default_val ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: none provided
fesedflux_input%file_fmt ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'nc'
fesedflux_input%file_varname ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
fesedflux_input%filename ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: or
fesedflux_input%scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1.1574e-6
feventflux_input%default_val ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: none provided
feventflux_input%file_fmt ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'nc'
feventflux_input%file_varname ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
feventflux_input%filename ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: or
feventflux_input%scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1.1574e-6
gas_flux_ap%default_val&ecosys_forcing_data_nml derived Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: none provided
gas_flux_ap%file_fmt&ecosys_forcing_data_nml derived Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: none provided
gas_flux_ap%file_varname&ecosys_forcing_data_nml derived Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: none provided
gas_flux_ap%filename&ecosys_forcing_data_nml derived Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: none provided
gas_flux_ap%scale_factor&ecosys_forcing_data_nml derived Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: none provided
gas_flux_fice%default_val&ecosys_forcing_data_nml derived Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: none provided
gas_flux_fice%file_fmt&ecosys_forcing_data_nml derived Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: none provided
gas_flux_fice%file_varname&ecosys_forcing_data_nml derived Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: none provided
gas_flux_fice%filename&ecosys_forcing_data_nml derived Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: none provided
gas_flux_fice%scale_factor&ecosys_forcing_data_nml derived Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: none provided
gas_flux_forcing_file ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: none provided
gas_flux_forcing_opt ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'drv'
gas_flux_ws%default_val&ecosys_forcing_data_nml derived Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: none provided
gas_flux_ws%file_fmt&ecosys_forcing_data_nml derived Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: none provided
gas_flux_ws%file_varname&ecosys_forcing_data_nml derived Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: none provided
gas_flux_ws%filename&ecosys_forcing_data_nml derived Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: none provided
gas_flux_ws%scale_factor&ecosys_forcing_data_nml derived Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: none provided
iron_flux_input%default_val ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: none provided
iron_flux_input%file_fmt ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'nc'
iron_flux_input%file_varname ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'DSTSF'
iron_flux_input%filename ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: or
iron_flux_input%scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1.79e6
iron_flux_source ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['monthly-calendar', 'driver-derived']
Default: 'monthly-calendar'
iron_frac_in_atm_bc ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
fraction, by weight, of iron in black carbon from atm

Default: 0.06
iron_frac_in_atm_coarse_dust ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
fraction, by weight, of iron in coarse dust from atm

Default: 0.035
iron_frac_in_atm_fine_dust ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
fraction, by weight, of iron in fine dust from atm

Default: 0.035
iron_frac_in_seaice_bc ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
fraction, by weight, of iron in black carbon from seaice

Default: 0.06
iron_frac_in_seaice_dust ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
fraction, by weight, of iron in dust from seaice

Default: 0.035
iron_patch_flux_filename ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: none provided
iron_patch_month ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: none provided
lecosys_tavg_all derived Forcing (Ecosystem) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
When turned on, ocn.ecosys.tavg.csh will accumulate ALL ecosys diagnostics
lecosys_tavg_alt_co2 derived Forcing (Ecosystem) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
When turned on, ocn.ecosys.tavg.csh will output alt_co2 related fields
lignore_driver_ndep ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If .false., abort if the coupler passes NHx or NOy and ndep_data_type is not 'driver'

Default: .false.
liron_patch ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Default: none provided
ndep_data_type ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['shr_stream', 'monthly-calendar', 'driver']
Default: 'monthly-calendar' or 'shr_stream'
ndep_shr_stream_file ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: depends on grid and OCN_TRANSIENT
ndep_shr_stream_scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 7.1429e6
ndep_shr_stream_year_align ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) integer ['any integer']
Default: 1849 (2101 for rcp runs)
ndep_shr_stream_year_first ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) integer ['any integer']
Default: 1849 (2004 for rcp runs)
ndep_shr_stream_year_last ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) integer ['any integer']
Default: 2006 (2101 for rcp runs)
nhy_flux_monthly_input%default_val ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: none provided
nhy_flux_monthly_input%file_fmt ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'nc'
nhy_flux_monthly_input%file_varname ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'NHx_deposition'
nhy_flux_monthly_input%filename ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: or
nhy_flux_monthly_input%scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 7.1429e6
nox_flux_monthly_input%default_val ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: none provided
nox_flux_monthly_input%file_fmt ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'nc'
nox_flux_monthly_input%file_varname ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'NOy_deposition'
nox_flux_monthly_input%filename ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: or
nox_flux_monthly_input%scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 7.1429e6
restorable_tracer_names ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256(41) ['any char']
Default: 'PO4','NO3','SiO3','O2','ALK'
restore_data_file_varnames ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256(41) ['any char']
Default: 'PO4','NO3','SiO3','O2','ALK'
restore_data_filenames ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256(41) ['any char']
Default: none provided, constructed by build-namelist
restore_data_filenames_derived derived Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: (gx3v7), (gx1v6,gx1v7)
restore_inv_tau_const ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 0.0
restore_inv_tau_input%default_val ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: none provided
restore_inv_tau_input%file_fmt ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'nc'
restore_inv_tau_input%file_varname ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
restore_inv_tau_input%filename ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: (gx3v7), (gx1v6,gx1v7)
restore_inv_tau_input%scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1.0
restore_inv_tau_opt ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['const', 'file_time_invariant']
Default: 'file_time_invariant' for gx3v7, gx1v6, gx1v7 grids, 'const' otherwise
riv_flux_alk_file_varname ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'alk_riv_flux'
riv_flux_alk_scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1.0
riv_flux_dfe_file_varname ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'dfe_riv_flux'
riv_flux_dfe_scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1.0
riv_flux_dic_file_varname ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'dic_riv_flux'
riv_flux_dic_scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1.0
riv_flux_din_file_varname ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'din_riv_flux'
riv_flux_din_scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1.0
riv_flux_dip_file_varname ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'dip_riv_flux'
riv_flux_dip_scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1.0
riv_flux_doc_file_varname ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'doc_riv_flux'
riv_flux_doc_scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1.0
riv_flux_don_file_varname ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'don_riv_flux'
riv_flux_don_scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1.0
riv_flux_dop_file_varname ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'dop_riv_flux'
riv_flux_dop_scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1.0
riv_flux_dsi_file_varname ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'dsi_riv_flux'
riv_flux_dsi_scale_factor ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1.0
riv_flux_shr_stream_file ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) char*256 ['any char']
Default: (gx3v7), (gx1v6,gx1v7) (gx3v7,estuary_type='vsf_ebm'), (gx1v6,gx1v7,estuary_type='vsf_ebm')
riv_flux_shr_stream_year_align ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) integer ['any integer']
Default: 1900
riv_flux_shr_stream_year_first ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) integer ['any integer']
Default: 1900
riv_flux_shr_stream_year_last ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) integer ['any integer']
Default: 1900 (OCN_TRANSIENT=unset), 2000
surf_avg_alk_const ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 2225.0
surf_avg_di13c_const ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1944.0
surf_avg_di14c_const ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1944.0
surf_avg_dic_const ecosys_forcing_data_nml Forcing (Ecosystem) real ['any real']
Default: 1944.0
geoheatflux_choice geoheatflux_nml Forcing (Geothermal Heat Flux) char*256 ['const', 'spatial']
Option for geothermal (bottom) heat flux.

Valid Values: 'const', 'spatial'
Default: 'const'
geoheatflux_const geoheatflux_nml Forcing (Geothermal Heat Flux) real ['any real']
Constant geothermal heat flux to apply to bottom layers. (W/m^2)

Default: 0.0
geoheatflux_depth geoheatflux_nml Forcing (Geothermal Heat Flux) real ['any real']
Depth (cm) below which geothermal heat flux is applied.

Default: 1000.0e2
pt_interior_data_inc forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) real ['any real']
Increment (hours) between forcing times if pt_interior_data_type='n-hour'.

LANL Default: 1e20
CESM Default: 24
pt_interior_data_renorm forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) real(20) ['any real(20)']
Renormalization constants for components in interior potential temperature forcing file.

Default: 20*1.
pt_interior_data_type forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) char*256 ['none', 'annual', 'monthly', 'monthly-equal', 'monthly-calendar', 'n-hour', 'shr_stream']
Type or periodicity of interior potential temperature forcing.

Valid Values: 'none', 'annual', 'monthly', 'monthly-equal', 'monthly-calendar', 'n-hour', 'shr_stream'
Default: 'none'
pt_interior_file_fmt forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
pt_interior_filename format (binary or netCDF).

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'bin'
pt_interior_filename forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) char*256 ['any char']
File containing interior potential temperature data, or root of filenames if pt_interior_data_type='n--hour'.

Default: 'unknown-pt_interior'
pt_interior_formulation forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) char*256 ['any char']
Interior potential temperature formulation.

Default: 'restoring'
pt_interior_interp_freq forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) char*256 ['never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep']
How often to temporally interpolate interior potential temperature data to current time.

Valid Values: 'never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep'
LANL Default: 'never'
CESM Default: 'every-timestep'
pt_interior_interp_inc forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) real ['any real']
Increment (hours) between interpolation times if interp_freq='n-hour'

LANL Default: 1e20
CESM Default: 72
pt_interior_interp_type forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) char*256 ['nearest', 'linear', '4point']
Type of temporal interpolation for interior potential temperature data.

Valid Values: 'nearest', 'linear', '4point'
LANL Default: 'nearest'
CESM Default: 'linear'
pt_interior_restore_file_fmt forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
pt_interior_restore_filename format (binary or netCDF).

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'bin'
pt_interior_restore_filename forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) char*256 ['any char']
Name of file containing variable interior potential temperature restoring data.

Default: 'unknown-pt_interior_restore'
pt_interior_restore_max_level forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) integer ['any integer']
Maximum level for interior potential temperature restoring.

Default: 0
pt_interior_restore_tau forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) real ['any real']
Restoring timescale (days) if pt_interior_formulation='restoring'.

LANL Default: 1e20
CESM Default: 365
pt_interior_shr_stream_file forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) char*256 ['any char']
Default: unknown-pt_interior_shr_stream
pt_interior_shr_stream_year_align forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) integer ['any integer']
Default: 1
pt_interior_shr_stream_year_first forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) integer ['any integer']
Default: 1
pt_interior_shr_stream_year_last forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) integer ['any integer']
Default: 1
pt_interior_surface_restore forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
PT interior restoring includes the surface layer

Default: .false.
pt_interior_variable_restore forcing_pt_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Potential Temperature) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Enable variable interior potential temperature restoring.

Default: .false.
s_interior_data_inc forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) real ['any real']
Increment (hours) between forcing times if s_interior_data_type='n-hour'.

LANL Default: 1e20
CESM Default: 24
s_interior_data_renorm forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) real(20) ['any real(20)']
Renormalization constants for components in interior salinity forcing file.

Default: 20*1.
s_interior_data_type forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) char*256 ['none', 'annual', 'monthly', 'monthly-equal', 'monthly-calendar', 'n-hour', 'shr_stream']
Type or periodicity of interior salinity forcing.

Valid Values: 'none', 'annual' ,'monthly', 'monthly-equal', 'monthly-calendar', 'n-hour', 'shr_stream'
Default: 'none'
s_interior_file_fmt forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
s_interior_filename format (binary or netCDF)

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'bin'
s_interior_filename forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) char*256 ['any char']
Name of file containing interior salinity data, or root of filenames if s_interior_data_type='n-hour'.

Default: 'unknown-s_interior'
s_interior_formulation forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) char*256 ['any char']
Interior salinity formulation.

Default: 'restoring'
s_interior_interp_freq forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) char*256 ['never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep']
How often to temporally interpolate interior salinity data to current time.

Valid Values: 'never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep'
LANL Default: 'never'
CESM Default: 'every-timestep'
s_interior_interp_inc forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) real ['any real']
Increment (hours) between interpolation times if s_interior_interp_freq='n-hour'.

LANL Default: 1e20
CESM Default: 72
s_interior_interp_type forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) char*256 ['nearest', 'linear', '4point']
Type of temporal interpolation for interior salinity data.

Valid Values: 'nearest', 'linear', '4point'
LANL Default: 'nearest'
CESM Default: 'linear'
s_interior_restore_file_fmt forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
s_interior_restore_filename format (binary or netCDF).

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'bin'
s_interior_restore_filename forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) char*256 ['any char']
Name of file containing variable interior salinity restoring data.

Default: 'unknown-s_interior_restore'
s_interior_restore_max_level forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) integer ['any integer']
Maximum level for interior salinity restoring.

Default: 0
s_interior_restore_tau forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) real ['any real']
Restoring timescale (days) if s_interior_formulation='restoring'.

LANL Default: 1e20
CESM Default: 365
s_interior_shr_stream_file forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) char*256 ['any char']
Default: unknown-s_interior_shr_stream
s_interior_shr_stream_year_align forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) integer ['any integer']
Default: 1
s_interior_shr_stream_year_first forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) integer ['any integer']
Default: 1
s_interior_shr_stream_year_last forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) integer ['any integer']
Default: 1
s_interior_surface_restore forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
S interior restoring includes the surface layer

Default: .false.
s_interior_variable_restore forcing_s_interior_nml Forcing (Interior Salt) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Enable variable interior salinity restoring.

Default: .false.
ladjust_precip forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Adjust precipitation to balance water budget.

LANL Default: .false.
CESM Default: .true. if sfwf_formulation='partially-coupled', .false. otherwise
lfw_as_salt_flx forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Treat fresh water flux as virtual salt flux when using varthick sfc layer.

LANL Default: .false.
CESM Default: .true.
lms_balance forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Balance E, P, M, R, and S in marginal seas.

LANL Default: N/A, CESM only
CESM Default: .true. if sfwf_formulation='partially-coupled', .false. otherwise
lsend_precip_fact forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for sending precip_fact to CESM coupler for use in fresh-water balance.

LANL Default: N/A, CESM only
CESM Default: .true. if sfwf_formulation='partially-coupled', .false. otherwise
precip_fact_const forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) real ['any real']
Value used for precip_fact when ladjust_precip=.false..

LANL Default: N/A, CESM only
CESM Default: 1.0
sfwf_data_inc forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) real ['any real']
Increment (hours) between forcing times if sfwf_data_type='n-hour'.

LANL Default: 1e20
CESM Default: 24.
sfwf_data_renorm forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) real(20) ['any real(20)']
Renormalization constants for components in sfwf forcing file.

LANL Default: 20*1.
CESM Default: 0.001, 19*1.
sfwf_data_type forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) char*256 ['none', 'analytic', 'annual', 'monthly', 'monthly-equal', 'monthly-calendar', 'n-hour']
Type or periodicity of surface fresh water flux forcing.

Valid Values: 'none', 'analytic', 'annual', 'monthly', 'monthly-equal', 'monthly-calendar', 'n-hour'
LANL Default: 'analytic'
CESM Default: 'none' or 'monthly'
sfwf_file_fmt forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
sfwf_filename format (binary or netCDF).

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'bin'
sfwf_filename forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) char*256 ['any char']
Name of file containing surface fresh water flux data, or root of filenames if sfwf_data_type='n-hour'.

LANL Default: 'unknown_sfwf'
CESM Default: '$sfwf_filename', auto-filled by CESM scripts
sfwf_formulation forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) char*256 ['restoring', 'bulk-NCEP', 'partially-coupled']
Surface fresh water flux formulation.

Valid Values: 'restoring', 'bulk-NCEP', 'partially-coupled'
LANL Default: 'restoring'
CESM Default: 'restoring' or 'partially-coupled', depending on configuration
sfwf_interp_freq forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) char*256 ['never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep']
How often to temporally interpolate surface fresh water flux data to current time.

Valid Values: 'never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep'
LANL Default: 'never'
CESM Default: 'every-timestep'
sfwf_interp_inc forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) real ['any real']
Increment (hours) between interpolation times if sfwf_interp_freq='n-hour'.

LANL Default: 1e20
CESM Default: 72.
sfwf_interp_type forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) char*256 ['nearest', 'linear', '4point']
Type of temporal interpolation for surface fresh water flux data.

Valid Values: 'nearest', 'linear', '4point'
LANL Default: 'nearest'
CESM Default: 'linear'
sfwf_restore_tau forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) real ['any real']
Restoring timescale (days) if sfwf_formulation='restoring'.

LANL Default: 1e20
CESM Default: 30.
sfwf_strong_restore forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) real ['any real']
Restoring flux for strong restoring in 'bulk-NCEP' and 'partially-coupled' formulation.

LANL Default: 0.6648
CESM Default: 0.0
sfwf_strong_restore_ms forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) real ['any real']
Restoring flux for strong restoring over marginal seas in CESM 'bulk-NCEP' and 'partially-coupled' formulations.

LANL Default: N/A, CESM only
CESM Default: 0.6648
sfwf_weak_restore forcing_sfwf_nml Forcing (Surface Fresh Water Flux) real ['any real']
Restoring flux for weak restoring in 'bulk-NCEP' and 'partially-coupled' formulation.

LANL Default: 0.092
CESM Default: 0.0115
luse_cpl_ifrac forcing_shf_nml Forcing (Surface Heat Flux) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to control use of fractional ice coverage.

LANL Default: N/A, CESM only
CESM Default: .true. if shf_formulation='partially-coupled', .false. otherwise
shf_data_inc forcing_shf_nml Forcing (Surface Heat Flux) real ['any real']
Increment (in hours) between forcing times if shf_data_type='n-hour'.

LANL Default: 1e20
CESM Default: 24.
shf_data_renorm forcing_shf_nml Forcing (Surface Heat Flux) real(20) ['any real(20)']
Renormalization constants for the components in the surface heat flux forcing file.

LANL Default: 20*1.
CESM Default: (0.94, 19*1.)
shf_data_type forcing_shf_nml Forcing (Surface Heat Flux) char*256 ['none', 'analytic', 'annual', 'monthly', 'monthly-equal', 'monthly-calendar', 'n-hour']
Type or periodicity of surface heat flux forcing.

Valid Values='none', 'analytic', 'annual', 'monthly', 'monthly-equal', 'monthly-calendar', 'n-hour'
LANL Default: 'analytic'
CESM Default: 'monthly' if formulation is 'partially-coupled', 'none' otherwise
shf_file_fmt forcing_shf_nml Forcing (Surface Heat Flux) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
shf_filename format (binary or netCDF)

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'bin'
shf_filename forcing_shf_nml Forcing (Surface Heat Flux) char*256 ['any char']
Name of file containing surface heat flux data, or root of filenames if shf_data_type='n-hour'.

LANL Default: 'unknown-shf'
CESM Default: '$shf_filename', auto-filled by CESM scripts
shf_formulation forcing_shf_nml Forcing (Surface Heat Flux) char*256 ['restoring', 'Barnier-restoring', 'bulk-NCEP', 'partially-coupled']
Surface heat flux formation.

Valid Values: 'restoring', 'Barnier-restoring', 'bulk-NCEP', 'partially-coupled'
LANL Default: 'restoring'
CESM Default: 'partially-coupled' or 'restoring' depending on configuration
shf_interp_freq forcing_shf_nml Forcing (Surface Heat Flux) char*256 ['never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep']
How often to temporally interpolate surface heat flux data to current time.

Valid Values: 'never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep'
LANL Default: 'never'
CESM Default: 'every-timestep'
shf_interp_inc forcing_shf_nml Forcing (Surface Heat Flux) real ['any real']
Increment (in hours) between interpolation times if shf_interp_freq = 'n-hour'.

LANL Default: 1e20
CESM Default: 72.
shf_interp_type forcing_shf_nml Forcing (Surface Heat Flux) char*256 ['nearest', 'linear', '4point']
Type of temporal interpolation for surface heat flux data.

LANL Default: 'nearest'
CESM Default: 'linear'
shf_restore_tau forcing_shf_nml Forcing (Surface Heat Flux) real ['any real']
Restoring timescale (days) if shf_formulation='restoring'.

LANL Default: 1e20
CESM Default: 30.
shf_strong_restore forcing_shf_nml Forcing (Surface Heat Flux) real ['any real']
Restoring flux for strong restoring in bulk-NCEP

LANL Default: 92.64
CESM Default: 0.0
shf_strong_restore_ms forcing_shf_nml Forcing (Surface Heat Flux) real ['any real']
Restoring flux for strong restoring over marginal seas in bulk-NCEP

LANL Default: N/A, CESM only
CESM Default: 92.64
shf_weak_restore forcing_shf_nml Forcing (Surface Heat Flux) real ['any real']
Restoring flux for weak restoring in bulk-NCEP

Default: 0.
ws_data_inc forcing_ws_nml Forcing (Wind Stress) real ['any real']
Increment (in hours) between forcing times if ws_data_type='nhour'.

LANL Default: 1e20
CESM Default: 24.
ws_data_renorm forcing_ws_nml Forcing (Wind Stress) real(20) ['any real(20)']
Renormalization constants for the components in the wind stress forcing file.

LANL Default: 20*1.
CESM Default: 10., 19*1.
ws_data_type forcing_ws_nml Forcing (Wind Stress) char*256 ['none', 'analytic', 'annual', 'monthly', 'monthly-calendar', 'monthly-equal', 'n-hour']
Type or periodicity of wind stress forcing.

Valid Values: 'none', 'analytic', 'annual', 'monthly', 'monthly-calendar', 'monthly-equal', 'n-hour'
LANL Default: 'analytic'
CESM Default: 'none'
ws_file_fmt forcing_ws_nml Forcing (Wind Stress) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
ws_filename format (binary of netCDF)

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'bin'
ws_filename forcing_ws_nml Forcing (Wind Stress) char*256 ['any char']
Name of file containing wind stress, or root of filenames if ws_data_type='n-hour'

Default: 'unknown-ws'
ws_interp_freq forcing_ws_nml Forcing (Wind Stress) char*256 ['never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep']
How often to temporally interpolate wind stress data to current time; value in namelist is ignored and value set to 'never' if ws_data_type is 'analytic', 'none', or 'annual'.

Valid Values: 'never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep'
LANL Default: 'never'
CESM Default: 'every-timestep'
ws_interp_inc forcing_ws_nml Forcing (Wind Stress) real ['any real']
Increment (in hours) between interpolation times if ws_interp_freq = 'n-hour'.
LANL Default: 1e20
CESM Default: 72.
ws_interp_type forcing_ws_nml Forcing (Wind Stress) char*256 ['nearest', 'linear', '4point']
Type of temporal interpolation for wind stress data.

Valid Values: 'nearest', 'linear', '4point'
LANL Default: 'nearest'
CESM Default: 'linear'
bathymetry_file grid_nml Grid char*256 ['any char']
Name of an input file containing bathymetry information.

Default: 'unknown_bathymetry'
bottom_cell_file grid_nml Grid char*256 ['any char']
Input file containing thickness (cm) of partial bottom cell for each column.

Default: 'unknown_bottom_cell'
flat_bottom grid_nml Grid logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag used to select flat-bottom topography.

Default: .false.
horiz_grid_file grid_nml Grid char*256 ['any char']
Name of the input file (with path) containing horizontal grid information.

Default: Set by CESM scripts based on ocean grid
horiz_grid_opt grid_nml Grid char*256 ['internal', 'file']
Option to define the horizontal grid by reading from an input file ('file') or
generating the grid internally ('internal')

Valid Values: 'internal', 'file'
Default: 'file'
kmt_kmin grid_nml Grid integer ['any integer']
Minimum allowable non-zero KMT value.

Default: 3
l1Ddyn grid_nml Grid logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to run POP in 1D dynamics mode (recommend only using with T62_g37 resolution)

Default: .false.
lremove_points grid_nml Grid logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for removing isolated or disconnected ocean gridpoints.

Default: .false.
n_topo_smooth grid_nml Grid integer ['any integer']
Number of topography smoothing passes.

Default: 0
partial_bottom_cells grid_nml Grid logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to activate the use of partial bottom cells.

Default: .false.
region_info_file grid_nml Grid char*256 ['any char']
Name of the input file containing integer region identification numbers at each gridpoint. 

The information in this file associates region ids with a region name; a negative region id 
indicates a marginal sea.

Default: Set by CESM scripts based on ocean grid
region_mask_file grid_nml Grid char*256 ['any char']
Name of the input file containing integer region number at each horizontal gridpoint. 

Default: Set by CESM scripts based on ocean grid
sfc_layer_opt grid_nml Grid char*256 ['varthick', 'rigid', 'oldfree']
Option for surface layer type: variable thickness ('varthick'), rigid lid ('rigid'),
or old free-surface formulation ('oldfree'). The 'oldfree' option is obsolete.

Valid Values: 'varthick', 'rigid', 'oldfree'
Default: 'varthick'
topography_file grid_nml Grid char*256 ['any char']
Name of the input file containing integer indices of the deepest vertical grid
level at each horizontal gridpoint.

Default: Set by CESM scripts based on ocean grid
topography_opt grid_nml Grid char*256 ['bathymetry', 'file', 'internal']
Option to define the bottom topography (KMT) by reading discretized values from an input file ('file') or
generating an idealized flat-bottom topography internally ('internal').

Valid Values: 'bathymetry','file','internal'
Default: 'file'
topography_outfile grid_nml Grid char*256 ['any char']
Name of the output file for writing horizontal grid information.

Default: '$RUNDIR/$CASENAME.pop.h.topography_bathymetry.ieeer8'
vert_grid_file grid_nml Grid char*256 ['any char']
Name of the input file (with path) containing
the thickness (cm) of each vertical layer.

Default: Set by CESM scripts based on ocean grid
vert_grid_opt grid_nml Grid char*256 ['internal', 'file']
Option to define the vertical grid by reading from an input file ('file') or
generating the grid internally ('internal').

Valid Values: 'internal', 'file'
Default: 'file'
Coriolis_min pop1d_nml Grid (1D) real ['any real']
If lmin_Coriolis = .true., this is smallest value for Coriolis parameter.
(units = 1/s)

Default: 6.4e-6 (corresponds to ~2.5 degrees)
Coriolis_val pop1d_nml Grid (1D) real ['any real']
If lconst_Coriolis = .true., use this value for Coriolis parameter.
(units = 1/s)

Default: 1e-4
global_SHF_coef pop1d_nml Grid (1D) real ['any real']
If lidentical_columns = .true., use this value for SHF coefficient in surface
forcing (units = W/m^2, converted in source code).

Default: -100
global_taux pop1d_nml Grid (1D) real ['any real']
If lidentical_columns = .true., use this value for tau_x in surface forcing.
(units = N/m^2, converted in source code)

Default: 0.1
lconst_Coriolis pop1d_nml Grid (1D) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to run POP with a spatially-constant Coriolis parameter; can not be run
without l1Ddyn = .true.

Default: .false.
lidentical_columns pop1d_nml Grid (1D) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to treat all columns the same (true 1D run). Recommend only using with
the T62_g37 resolution; can not be run without l1Ddyn = .true.

Default: .false.
lmin_Coriolis pop1d_nml Grid (1D) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to run POP with a specified minimum value for the Coriolis parameter; can not be run
without l1Ddyn = .true.

Default: .false. if l1Ddyn = .false; .true. if l1Ddyn = .true.
movie_contents movie_nml History Files (Movie) char*256 ['any char']
Filename for choosing fields for output in movie file.

Default: Set by CESM scripts based on ocean grid
movie_fmt movie_nml History Files (Movie) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
Data format type of movie_outfile file; either binary ('bin') or netCDF ('nc').

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'nc'
movie_freq movie_nml History Files (Movie) integer ['any integer']
Frequency of writing movie files.

Default: 1
movie_freq_opt movie_nml History Files (Movie) char*256 ['never', 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep']
Units of time for movie_freq (frequency of writing movie files).

Valid Values: 'never', 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep'
Default: 'never'
movie_outfile movie_nml History Files (Movie) char*256 ['any char']
Root filename for movie files.

Default: '$'
history_contents history_nml History Files (Snapshots) char*256 ['any char']
Filename for choosing fields for output in history file.

Default: Set by CESM scripts based on ocean grid
history_fmt history_nml History Files (Snapshots) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
Data format type of history_outfile file; either binary ('bin') or netCDF ('nc').

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'nc'
history_freq history_nml History Files (Snapshots) integer ['any integer']
Frequency of writing history files.

Default: 1
history_freq_opt history_nml History Files (Snapshots) char*256 ['never', 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep']
Units of time for history_freq (frequency of writing history files).

Valid Values: 'never', 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep'
Default: 'never'
history_outfile history_nml History Files (Snapshots) char*256 ['any char']
Root filename for history files.

Default: '$CASENAME.pop.hs'
ltavg_has_offset_date tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) logical(9) ['any logical(9)']
Default: .false. .false. .false.
ltavg_ignore_extra_streams tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Default: .false.
ltavg_nino_diags_requested tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Default: .true.
ltavg_one_time_header tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) logical(9) ['any logical(9)']
Default: .false. .false. .false.
ltavg_streams_index_present tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Default: .true.
n_tavg_streams tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) integer ['any integer']
Default: 3
tavg_contents tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) char*256 ['any char']
Default: ' '
tavg_file_freq tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) integer(9) ['any integer(9)']
Default: 1 1 1
tavg_file_freq_opt tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) char*256(9) ['any char']
Default: 'nmonth' 'nmonth' 'once'
tavg_fmt_in tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) char*256(9) ['any char']
Default: 'nc' 'nc' 'nc'
tavg_fmt_out tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) char*256(9) ['any char']
Default: 'nc' 'nc' 'nc'
tavg_freq tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) integer(9) ['any integer(9)']
Default: 1 1 1
tavg_freq_opt tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) char*256(9) ['any char']
Default: 'nmonth' 'nday' 'once'
tavg_infile tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) char*256 ['any char']
Default: ' '
tavg_offset_days tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) integer(9) ['any integer(9)']
Default: 2 2 2
tavg_offset_months tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) integer(9) ['any integer(9)']
Default: 1 1 1
tavg_offset_years tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) integer(9) ['any integer(9)']
Default: 1 1 1
tavg_outfile tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) char*256 ['any char']
Default: ' '
tavg_start tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) integer(9) ['any integer(9)']
Default: 0 0 0
tavg_start_opt tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) char*256(9) ['any char']
Default: 'nstep' 'nstep' 'nstep'
tavg_stream_filestrings tavg_nml History Files (Time-Averaged) char*256(9) ['any char']
Default: 'nmonth1' 'nday1' 'once'
hmix_momentum_choice hmix_nml Horizontal Mixing char*256 ['del2', 'del4', 'anis', 'gent']
Type of horizontal momentum mixing.

Valid Values: 'del2', 'del4', 'anis', 'gent'
Default: 'anis'
hmix_tracer_choice hmix_nml Horizontal Mixing char*256 ['del2', 'del4', 'gent', 'gmaniso']
Type of horizontal tracer mixing.

Valid Values: 'del2','del4','gent','gmaniso'
Default: 'gent'
lsubmesoscale_mixing hmix_nml Horizontal Mixing logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for submesoscale mixing.

Default: .true.
c_para hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) real ['any real']
Dimensionless Smagorinksi coefficient parallel to alignment direction.

Default: 8.0
c_perp hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) real ['any real']
Dimensionless Smagorinksi coefficient perpendicular to alignment direction.

Default: 8.0
hmix_alignment_choice hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) char*256 ['flow', 'east', 'grid']
Direction that breaks isotropy.

Valid Values: 'flow', 'east', 'grid'
Default: 'east'
lsmag_aniso hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to use nonlinear Smagorinski viscosities (c_para/perp and u_para/perp) rather than input anisotropic viscosities (visc_para/perp).

Default: .false.
lvariable_hmix_aniso hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to allow spatially variable anisotropic viscosity.

Default: .true.
smag_lat hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) real ['any real']
Latitude at which to vary perpendicular Smagorinsky viscosity.

Default: 20.0
smag_lat_fact hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) real ['any real']
Coefficient of latitude-dependent Smagorinsky viscosity.

Default: 0.98
smag_lat_gauss hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) real ['any real']
Gaussian width of latitude-dependent Smagorinksy viscosity.

Default: 98.0
u_para hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) real ['any real']
Velocity for grid Reynolds number viscous limit (parallel to alignment direction).

Default: 5.0
u_perp hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) real ['any real']
Velocity for grid Reynolds number viscous limit (perpendicular to alignment direction).

Default: 5.0
var_viscosity_infile hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) char*256 ['any char']
File name for variable viscosity factor.

Default: 'ccsm-internal'
var_viscosity_infile_fmt hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
var_viscosity_infile format (binary or netCDF).

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'bin'
var_viscosity_outfile hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) char*256 ['any char']
File for output of internally-computed viscosity.

Default: '$RUNDIR/$CASENAME.pop.hv'
var_viscosity_outfile_fmt hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
var_viscosity_outfile format (binary or netCDF).

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'nc'
vconst_1 hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) real ['any real']
1 of 7 coefficients for variable viscosity form. Units are cm^2/s.

Default: 0.6e7
vconst_2 hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) real ['any real']
1 of 7 coefficients for variable viscosity form.

Default: 0.5
vconst_3 hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) real ['any real']
1 of 7 coefficients for variable viscosity form.

Default: 0.16
vconst_4 hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) real ['any real']
1 of 7 coefficients for variable viscosity form. Units are 1/cm.

Default: 2.e-8
vconst_5 hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) integer ['any integer']
1 of 7 coefficients for variable viscosity form.

Default: 3
vconst_6 hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) real ['any real']
1 of 7 coefficients for variable viscosity form. Units are cm^2/s.

Default: 0.6e7
vconst_7 hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) real ['any real']
1 of 7 coefficients for variable viscosity form. Units are degrees of latitude.

Default: 45.0
visc_para hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) real ['any real']
Viscosity parallel to alignment direction.

Default: 50.0e7
visc_perp hmix_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Anisotropic) real ['any real']
Viscosity perpendicular to alignment direction.

Default: 50.0e7
ah&hmix_del2t_nml derived Horizontal Mixing (DEL2 Tracer) real ['any real']
Horizontal tracer mixing coefficient.

Default: 0.6e7
Note: You must specify both the variable name and namelist name if you change this variable in user_nl_pop!
lauto_hmix&hmix_del2t_nml derived Horizontal Mixing (DEL2 Tracer) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to internally compute mixing coefficient.

Default: .false.
Note: You must specify both the variable name and namelist name if you change this variable in user_nl_pop!
lvariable_hmix&hmix_del2t_nml derived Horizontal Mixing (DEL2 Tracer) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to enable spatially-varying mixing.

Default: .false.
Note: You must specify both the variable name and namelist name if you change this variable in user_nl_pop!
am&hmix_del2u_nml derived Horizontal Mixing (DEL2 Velocity) real ['any real']
Horizontal momentum mixing coefficient.

Default: 0.5e8
Note: You must specify both the variable name and namelist name if you change this variable in user_nl_pop!
lauto_hmix&hmix_del2u_nml derived Horizontal Mixing (DEL2 Velocity) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to internally compute mixing coefficient.

Default: .false.
Note: You must specify both the variable name and namelist name if you change this variable in user_nl_pop!
lvariable_hmix&hmix_del2u_nml derived Horizontal Mixing (DEL2 Velocity) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to enable spatially-varying mixing.

Default: .false.
Note: You must specify both the variable name and namelist name if you change this variable in user_nl_pop!
ah&hmix_del4t_nml derived Horizontal Mixing (DEL4 Tracer) real ['any real']
Horizontal tracer mixing coefficient.

Default: -0.2e20
Note: You must specify both the variable name and namelist name if you change this variable in user_nl_pop!
lauto_hmix&hmix_del4t_nml derived Horizontal Mixing (DEL4 Tracer) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to internally compute mixing coefficient.

Default: .false.
Note: You must specify both the variable name and namelist name if you change this variable in user_nl_pop!
lvariable_hmix&hmix_del4t_nml derived Horizontal Mixing (DEL4 Tracer) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to enable spatially-varying mixing.

Default: .false.
Note: You must specify both the variable name and namelist name if you change this variable in user_nl_pop!
am&hmix_del4u_nml derived Horizontal Mixing (DEL4 Velocity) real ['any real']
Horizontal momentum mixing coefficient.

Default: -0.6e20
Note: You must specify both the variable name and namelist name if you change this variable in user_nl_pop!
lauto_hmix&hmix_del4u_nml derived Horizontal Mixing (DEL4 Velocity) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to internally compute mixing coefficient.

Default: .false.
Note: You must specify both the variable name and namelist name if you change this variable in user_nl_pop!
lvariable_hmix&hmix_del4u_nml derived Horizontal Mixing (DEL4 Velocity) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to enable spatially-varying mixing.

Default: .false.
Note: You must specify both the variable name and namelist name if you change this variable in user_nl_pop!
addrandfluc hmix_gm_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Isopycnic Tracer) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to add random fluctuation to orientation

Default: .false.
cflmajoronly hmix_gm_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Isopycnic Tracer) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
T reduce major only for cfl violations, F reduce entire tensor for cfl violations

Default: .true.
cflmult hmix_gm_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Isopycnic Tracer) real ['any real']
multiplication factor for cfl check

Default: 0.175
erat_const hmix_gm_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Isopycnic Tracer) real ['any real']
constant eigenvalue ratio

Default: 5.0
erat_factor hmix_gm_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Isopycnic Tracer) real ['any real']
max negative factor of major to set minor, set to 0 to force minor to be positive

Default: 0.0
isominoronly hmix_gm_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Isopycnic Tracer) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
T Set isotropic diffusivity with minor: F set isotropic diffusivity with avg of major and minor

Default: .true.
isoonly hmix_gm_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Isopycnic Tracer) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
T to do isotropic using diagnosis

Default: .false.
kdir_type_choice hmix_gm_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Isopycnic Tracer) char*256 ['shear', 'east', 'zonal', 'flow', 'pvgrid', 'read']
choice for major axis direction

Valid Values: 'shear', 'east', 'zonal', 'flow', 'pvgrid', 'read'
Default: 'shear'
kmin_type_choice hmix_gm_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Isopycnic Tracer) char*256 ['simple', 'read']
choice for minor diffusivity

Valid Values: 'simple', 'read'
Default: 'simple'
krat_type_choice hmix_gm_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Isopycnic Tracer) char*256 ['shear', 'simple', 'read']
choice for diffusivity ratio (major/minor)

Valid Values: 'shear', 'simple', 'read'
Default: 'shear'
minorfactor hmix_gm_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Isopycnic Tracer) real ['any real']
minor eigenvalue multiplicative factor

Default: 1.0
savenewtavgs hmix_gm_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Isopycnic Tracer) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Save aniso time averaged diagnostics

Default: .true.
shrdispfac hmix_gm_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Isopycnic Tracer) real ['any real']
multiplicative coefficient for shear dispersion term: MAJOR = MINOR + shrdispfac/MINOR*<(U*dy)^2+(V*dx)^2>

Default: 0.5
simpsubcells hmix_gm_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Isopycnic Tracer) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
T to use simple subcell volume = 1/8 T-cell volume, F to use HTN ___ HTE

Default: .false.
vertdiffhere hmix_gm_aniso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Isopycnic Tracer) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
T do VDC here, F to do in vertical_mix

Default: .false.
ah&hmix_gm_nml derived Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) real ['any real']
Isopycnal diffusivity.

Default: 3.0e7
Note: You must specify both the variable name and namelist name if you change this variable in user_nl_pop!
ah_bkg_bottom hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) real ['any real']
Background horizontal diffusivity at k = KMT

Default: 0.0
ah_bkg_srfbl hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) real ['any real']
Background horizontal diffusivity within the surface boundary layer.

Default: 3.0e7
ah_bolus hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) real ['any real']
Thickness (GM bolus) diffusivity.

Default: 3.0e7
buoyancy_freq_filename hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) char*256 ['any char']
File name for the time-dependent buoyancy frequency (squared).

Default: '$RUNDIR/buoyancy_freq'
buoyancy_freq_fmt hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
buoyancy_freq_filename format (binary or netCDF).

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'nc'
const_eg hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) real ['any real']
Unitless tuning parameter.

Default: 1.2
diag_gm_bolus hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for diagnostic bolus velocity computation.

Default: .true.
diag_gm_steer hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for diagnostic steering level eddy flux computation.

Default: .true.
gamma_eg hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) real ['any real']
Effective upper limit for inverse eddy timescale (unitless).

Default: 500.0
kappa_depth_1 hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) real ['any real']
1 of 2 parameters for variation of KAPPA with kappa_type_depth option.

Default: 1.0
kappa_depth_2 hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) real ['any real']
1 of 2 parameters for variation of KAPPA with kappa_type_depth option.

Default: 0.0
kappa_depth_scale hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) real ['any real']
Depth scale for variation of KAPPA with kappa_type_depth.

Default: 150000.0
kappa_freq_choice hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) char*256 ['never', 'every_time_step', 'once_a_day']
Frequency of KAPPA computation.

Valid Values: 'never', 'every_time_step', 'once_a_day'
Default: 'once_a_day'
kappa_isop_choice hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) char*256 ['cons', 'steer', 'dept', 'depth', 'vmhs', 'hdgr', 'drad', 'bfre', 'bfvm', 'bfhd', 'bfdr', 'edgr']
Choice for KAPPA_ISOP (isopycnal).

Valid Values: 'cons', 'steer', 'depth', 'vmhs', 'hdgr', 'drad', 'bfre', 'bfvm', 'bfhd', 'bfdr', 'edgr'
Default: 'bfre'
kappa_isop_deep hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) real ['any real']
specify isopcynal deep diffusivity as fraction of the reference value

Default: 0.1
kappa_max_eg hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) real ['any real']
Maximum value for KAPPA (cm^2/s).

Default: 2.0e7
kappa_min_eg hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) real ['any real']
Minimum value for KAPPA (cm^2/s).

Default: 0.35e7
kappa_thic_choice hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) char*256 ['cons', 'steer', 'dept', 'depth', 'vmhs', 'hdgr', 'drad', 'bfre', 'bfvm', 'bfhd', 'bfdr', 'edgr']
Choice for KAPPA_THIC (thickness).

Valid Values: 'cons', 'steer', 'depth', 'vmhs', 'hdgr', 'drad', 'bfre', 'bfvm', 'bfhd', 'bfdr', 'edgr'
Default: 'bfre'
kappa_thic_deep hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) real ['any real']
specify thickness deep diffusivity as fraction of the reference value

Default: 0.1
read_n2_data hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to use climatoligical N^2 data instead of model-dependent N^2.

Default: .false.
slm_b hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) real ['any real']
Maximum slope allowed for bolus transport.

Default: 0.3
slm_r hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) real ['any real']
Maximum slope allowed for redi diffusion.

Default: 0.3
slope_control_choice hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) char*256 ['tanh', 'notanh', 'clip', 'Gerd']
Choice for slope control.

Valid Values: 'tanh', 'notanh', 'clip', 'Gerd'
Default: 'notanh'
transition_layer_on hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for transition layer parameterization.

Default: .true.
use_const_ah_bkg_srfbl hmix_gm_nml Horizontal Mixing (Gent-McWilliams Tracer) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to use ag_bkg_srfbl as maxmium background horizontal diffusivity within the surface boundary layer (rather than using KAPPA_ISOP).

Default: .true.
efficiency_factor mix_submeso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Submesoscale) real ['any real']
Efficiency factor: must be between 0.06 and 0.08 [inclusive].

Default: 0.07
hor_length_scale mix_submeso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Submesoscale) real ['any real']
Constant horizontal length scale in cm (if luse_const_horiz_len_scale=.true.).

Default: 5.0e5 (5 km)
luse_const_horiz_len_scale mix_submeso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Submesoscale) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to use constant horizontal length scale given by hor_length_scale rather than varying length scale with space and time.

Default: .false.
time_scale_constant mix_submeso_nml Horizontal Mixing (Submesoscale) real ['any real']
Time scale constant in seconds -- must be between 1 and 4 days [86400 and 345600 seconds].

Default: 8.64e4 (1 day)
irf_tracer_file irf_nml Impulse Response Functions (Diagnostic Tracers) char*256 ['any char']
Default: one of the following, depending on ocean grid and NK_MODE
irf_tracer_file_ind_start irf_nml Impulse Response Functions (Diagnostic Tracers) integer ['any integer']
Default: 1
init_ts_file init_ts_nml Initialization char*256 ['any char']
Name of the input file containing ocean initial conditions.
Contents of this file depend on init_ts_option. If luse_pointer_files = .true., and 
init_ts_option is 'ccsm_continue', 'ccsm_branch', or 'ccsm_hybrid', then
init_ts_file is ignored and POP reads the file specified in the ocean rpointer files.

Default: Set by CESM scripts based on ocean grid
init_ts_file_fmt init_ts_nml Initialization char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
Data format type of init_ts_file file; either binary ('bin') or netCDF ('nc').

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'bin'
init_ts_option init_ts_nml Initialization char*256 ['any char']
Option for initializing ocean conditions.
'ccsm_startup' reads initial temperature and salinity from a file;
'ccsm_continue' and 'ccsm_branch' read ocean initial conditions from a restart file;
'ccsm_hybrid' reads ocean initial conditions from a restart file with a different model date; and
'PHC' remaps PHC Levitus data to POP grid.
'PHC' is a research option that is available but not publicly supported.

Default: 'ccsm_RUNTYPE'
init_ts_outfile init_ts_nml Initialization char*256 ['any char']
Name of the output file for writing temperature and salinity.
This file is only generated when init_ts_option = 'PHC'

Default: '$RUNDIR/$CASENAME.pop.h.ts_ic'
init_ts_outfile_fmt init_ts_nml Initialization char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
Data format type of init_ts_outfile file; either binary ('bin') or netCDF ('nc').

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'nc'
init_ts_perturb init_ts_nml Initialization real ['any real']
init_ts_perturb perturbation for ts. 

Default: 1.0e-3
init_ts_suboption init_ts_nml Initialization char*256 ['any char']
Suboption for initializing temperature and salinity. See CESM documentation. 
This option should only be used by experts.

If init_ts_suboption = 'spunup', then init_ts_option is set (internally) to 'ccsm_startup_spunup';
otherwise, this option has no effect. If the spunup suboption is selected, the model T,S are
initialized from the specified input file, but velocities are initialized to zero, as in 
a 'ccsm_startup' run.
This option should only be used by experts. 

Default: 'null'
log_filename io_nml IO char*256 ['any char']
Root name for ocean-model log file.

Default: Set by CESM scripts.
lredirect_stdout io_nml IO logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to redirect stdout to a log file.

Default: '.true.'
luse_pointer_files io_nml IO logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to activate the use of pointer files, which point to the location of restart files.

Default: '.true.'
num_iotasks io_nml IO integer ['any integer']
Number of input / output tasks.

Default: 1
pointer_filename io_nml IO char*256 ['any char']
Root filename of the file that points to location of restarts.

Default: rpointer.ocn.* (found in $RUNDIR)
cfl_all_levels diagnostics_nml Model Diagnostics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to control the writing of some CFL diagnostics for all vertical levels.
If true, CFL diagnostics at all vertical levels are computed and printed.

Default: .false.
diag_all_levels diagnostics_nml Model Diagnostics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to control the writing of some global diagnostics for all vertical levels.
If true, tracer mean diagnostics at all vertical levels are computed and printed.

Default: .false.
diag_cfl_freq diagnostics_nml Model Diagnostics integer ['any integer']
Frequency of computing and printing CFL diagnostics.
Default: 1
diag_cfl_freq_opt diagnostics_nml Model Diagnostics char*256 ['never', 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep']
Units of time for diag_cfl_freq (frequency of CFL diagnostics).

Valid Values: 'never', 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep'
Default: 'nmonth'
diag_global_freq diagnostics_nml Model Diagnostics integer ['any integer']
Frequency of computing and printing of global diagnostics.

Default: 1
diag_global_freq_opt diagnostics_nml Model Diagnostics char*256 ['never', 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep']
Units of time for diag_global_freq (frequency of global diagnostics).

Valid Values: 'never', 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep'
Default: 'nmonth'
diag_outfile diagnostics_nml Model Diagnostics char*256 ['any char']
Name of the output file into which diagnostics are written.

Default: '$RUNDIR/$CASENAME.pop.dd'
diag_transp_freq diagnostics_nml Model Diagnostics integer ['any integer']
Frequency of computing and printing transport diagnostics.

Default: 1
diag_transp_freq_opt diagnostics_nml Model Diagnostics char*256 ['never', 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep']
Units of time for diag_transp_freq (frequency of transport diagnostics).

Valid Values: 'never', 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep'
Default: 'nmonth'
diag_transport_file diagnostics_nml Model Diagnostics char*256 ['any char']
Name of the file that contains information for choosing fields for output. 
(the "transport_contents" file name)

Default: Set by CESM scripts based on ocean grid
diag_transport_outfile diagnostics_nml Model Diagnostics char*256 ['any char']
Name of the output file into which transport diagnostics are written.

Default: '$RUNDIR/$CASENAME.pop.dt'
diag_velocity_outfile diagnostics_nml Model Diagnostics char*256 ['any char']
Name of the output file into which the velocity diagnostics are written.

Default: '$RUNDIR/$CASENAME.pop.dv'
ldiag_velocity diagnostics_nml Model Diagnostics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to activate the computation of the velocity diagnostics.

Default: .true.
lmcog mcog_nml Multi-Column Ocean Grid Parameterization (MCOG) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for activating mcog, the multiple-column ocean grid parameterization.

Default: .false., unless ecosys is turned on
lmcog_debug mcog_nml Multi-Column Ocean Grid Parameterization (MCOG) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for activating debugging statements in multiple-column ocean grid parameterization.

Default: .false.
mcog_col_to_bin mcog_nml Multi-Column Ocean Grid Parameterization (MCOG) integer(100) ['any integer(100)']
bin index for each column

Default: mcog_col_to_bin(nbin) = nbin
mcog_dagg_qsw_abort_thres mcog_nml Multi-Column Ocean Grid Parameterization (MCOG) real ['any real']
call abort if abs(dagg_qsw) exceeds this threshold

Default: 1.0e-10
overflows_diag_outfile overflows_nml Overflow Parameterization char*256 ['any char']
File for writing overflow diagnostics output.

Default: '$RUNDIR/$'
overflows_infile overflows_nml Overflow Parameterization char*256 ['any char']
File with overflow information.

Default: Set by CESM scripts based on ocean grid.
overflows_interactive overflows_nml Overflow Parameterization logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for using interactive overflows.

Default: .true. for displaced pole grids, .false. for tripole grids.
overflows_on overflows_nml Overflow Parameterization logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for using parameterized overflows.

Default: .true. for displaced pole grids, .false. for tripole grids.
overflows_restart_type overflows_nml Overflow Parameterization char*256 ['ccsm_startup', 'ccsm_continue', 'ccsm_hybrid', 'ccsm_branch']
Overflow restart type.

Valid Values: 'ccsm_startup', 'ccsm_continue', 'ccsm_hybrid', 'ccsm_branch'
Default: 'ccsm_$RUNTYPE'
overflows_restfile overflows_nml Overflow Parameterization char*256 ['any char']
Overflow restart file name.

Default: '$RUNDIR/$'
abio_dic_dic14_on passive_tracers_on_nml Passive Tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for using abio_dic_dic14 module.

Default: 'Set by CESM scripts based on $OCN_TRACER_MODULES'
cfc_on passive_tracers_on_nml Passive Tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for using cfc module.

Default: 'Set by CESM scripts based on $OCN_TRACER_MODULES'
ecosys_on passive_tracers_on_nml Passive Tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for using ecosys module.

Default: 'Set by CESM scripts based on $OCN_TRACER_MODULES'
iage_on passive_tracers_on_nml Passive Tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for using iage module.

Default: 'Set by CESM scripts based on $OCN_TRACER_MODULES'
init_iage_init_file iage_nml Passive Tracers char*256 ['any char']
Filename for initializing iage (if init_iage_option='file').

Default: 'same_as_TS'
init_iage_init_file_fmt iage_nml Passive Tracers char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
init_iage_init_file format (binary or netCDF).

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'bin'
init_iage_option iage_nml Passive Tracers char*256 ['ccsm_startup', 'zero', 'ccsm_startup_spunup', 'restart', 'ccsm_continue', 'ccsm_branch', 'ccsm_hybrid', 'file']
Option for initialization of iage.

Valid Values: 'ccsm_startup', 'zero', 'ccsm_startup_spunup', 'restart', 'ccsm_continue', 'ccsm_branch', 'ccsm_hybrid', 'file'
Default: 'ccsm_$RUNTYPE'
IRF_on passive_tracers_on_nml Passive Tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for using IRF module.

Default: 'Set by CESM scripts based on $OCN_TRACER_MODULES'
sf6_on passive_tracers_on_nml Passive Tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for using sf6 module.

Default: 'Set by CESM scripts based on $OCN_TRACER_MODULES'
tracer_init_ext%default_val&iage_nml derived Passive Tracers dtype(1)%real ['any dtype(1)%real']
tracer_init_ext%file_fmt&iage_nml derived Passive Tracers dtype(1)%char*256 ['any char']
tracer_init_ext%file_varname&iage_nml derived Passive Tracers dtype(1)%char*256 ['any char']
tracer_init_ext%filename&iage_nml derived Passive Tracers dtype(1)%char*256 ['any char']
tracer_init_ext%mod_varname&iage_nml derived Passive Tracers dtype(1)%char*256 ['any char']
tracer_init_ext%scale_factor&iage_nml derived Passive Tracers dtype(1)%real ['any dtype(1)%real']
abio_atm_co2_const abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) real ['any real']
Default: CCSM_CO2_PPMV value in env_run.xml
abio_atm_co2_filename abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) char*256 ['any char']
abio_atm_co2_opt abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) char*256 ['file', 'const', 'drv_diag']
Source of atmos CO2 and D14C.

Valid Values: 'file', 'const', 'drv_diag'
Default: '
abio_atm_d14c_const abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) real ['any real']
abio_atm_d14c_filename abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) char*256 ['any char']
abio_atm_d14c_opt abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) char*256 ['file', 'const', 'lat_bands']
Source of atmos D14C.

Valid Values: 'file', 'const', 'lat_bands'
Default: 'lat_bands'
abio_atm_data_year abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) integer ['any integer']
Year in data that corresponds to abio_atm_model_year.

Default: 1
abio_atm_model_year abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) integer ['any integer']
Arbitrary model year.

Default: 1
abio_comp_surf_avg_freq abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) integer ['any integer']
Default: '1'
abio_comp_surf_avg_freq_opt abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) char*256 ['any char']
Default: 'never'
abio_surf_avg_dic14_const abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) real ['any real']
abio_surf_avg_dic_const abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) real ['any real']
abio_tracer_init_ext%default_val abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) dtype(2)%real ['any dtype(2)%real']
abio_tracer_init_ext%file_varname abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) dtype(2)%char*256 ['any char']
abio_tracer_init_ext%mod_varname abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) dtype(2)%char*256 ['any char']
abio_tracer_init_ext%scale_factor abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) dtype(2)%real ['any dtype(2)%real']
abio_use_nml_surf_vals abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
init_abio_dic_dic14_init_file abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) char*256 ['any char']
init_abio_dic_dic14_init_file_fmt abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) char*256 ['any char']
init_abio_dic_dic14_option abio_dic_dic14_nml Passive Tracers (Abiotic DIC & DIC14) char*256 ['any char']
cfc_formulation cfc_nml Passive Tracers (CFCs) char*256 ['ocmip', 'model']
Flux formulation.

Valid Values: 'ocmip', 'model'
Default: 'model'
data_year&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) integer ['any integer']
Year in data that corresponds to model_year.

Default: 1850 for OCN_TRANSIENT=1850-2000, 2009 for OCN_TRANSIENT=CORE2, 1 otherwise.
gas_flux_ap%default_val&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) real ['any real']
gas_flux_ap%file_fmt&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_ap%file_varname&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_ap%filename&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_ap%scale_factor&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) real ['any real']
gas_flux_fice%default_val&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) real ['any real']
gas_flux_fice%file_fmt&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_fice%file_varname&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_fice%filename&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_fice%scale_factor&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) real ['any real']
gas_flux_ws%default_val&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) real ['any real']
gas_flux_ws%file_fmt&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_ws%file_varname&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_ws%filename&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_ws%scale_factor&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) real ['any real']
init_cfc_init_file cfc_nml Passive Tracers (CFCs) char*256 ['any char']
Filename for initializing cfc (if init_cfc_option='file').

Default: 'same_as_TS'
init_cfc_init_file_fmt cfc_nml Passive Tracers (CFCs) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
init_cfc_init_file format (binary or netCDF).

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'bin'
init_cfc_option cfc_nml Passive Tracers (CFCs) char*256 ['ccsm_startup', 'zero', 'ccsm_startup_spunup', 'restart', 'ccsm_continue', 'ccsm_branch', 'ccsm_hybrid', 'file']
Option for initialization of cfc.

Valid Values: 'ccsm_startup', 'zero', 'ccsm_startup_spunup', 'restart', 'ccsm_continue', 'ccsm_branch', 'ccsm_hybrid', 'file'
Default: ccsm_$runtype
model_year&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) integer ['any integer']
Arbitrary model year.

Default: 1850 for OCN_TRANSIENT=1850-2000, 310 for OCN_TRANSIENT=CORE2, 1 otherwise.
tracer_init_ext%default_val&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) dtype(1)%real ['any dtype(1)%real']
tracer_init_ext%file_fmt&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) dtype(1)%char*256 ['any char']
tracer_init_ext%file_varname&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) dtype(1)%char*256 ['any char']
tracer_init_ext%filename&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) dtype(2)%char*256 ['any char']
tracer_init_ext%mod_varname&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) dtype(1)%char*256 ['any char']
tracer_init_ext%scale_factor&cfc_nml derived Passive Tracers (CFCs) dtype(1)%real ['any dtype(1)%real']
pcfc_file cfc_nml Passive Tracers (pCFC) char*256 ['any char']
File name for ascii time series of atm cfc11.

Default: '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/ocn/pop/res_indpt/forcing/'
pcfc_first_nonzero_year cfc_nml Passive Tracers (pCFC) integer ['any integer']
first year of non-zero values in pcfc_file
If the effective cfc calendar year is less than this,
and cfc tracers are being read from a restart file,
then a fallback of const=0 for I/O reading is registered.
Default: 1936
data_year&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) integer ['any integer']
Year in data that corresponds to model_year.

Default: 1850 for 1850-2000 transient run, 1981 otherwise.
gas_flux_ap%default_val&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) real ['any real']
gas_flux_ap%file_fmt&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_ap%file_varname&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_ap%filename&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_ap%scale_factor&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) real ['any real']
gas_flux_fice%default_val&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) real ['any real']
gas_flux_fice%file_fmt&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_fice%file_varname&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_fice%filename&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_fice%scale_factor&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) real ['any real']
gas_flux_ws%default_val&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) real ['any real']
gas_flux_ws%file_fmt&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_ws%file_varname&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_ws%filename&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) char*256 ['any char']
gas_flux_ws%scale_factor&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) real ['any real']
init_sf6_init_file sf6_nml Passive Tracers (SF6) char*256 ['any char']
Filename for initializing sf6 (if init_sf6_option='file').

Default: 'same_as_TS'
init_sf6_init_file_fmt sf6_nml Passive Tracers (SF6) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
init_sf6_init_file format (binary or netCDF).

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'bin'
init_sf6_option sf6_nml Passive Tracers (SF6) char*256 ['ccsm_startup', 'zero', 'ccsm_startup_spunup', 'restart', 'ccsm_continue', 'ccsm_branch', 'ccsm_hybrid', 'file']
Option for initialization of sf6.

Valid Values: 'ccsm_startup', 'zero', 'ccsm_startup_spunup', 'restart', 'ccsm_continue', 'ccsm_branch', 'ccsm_hybrid', 'file'
Default: ccsm_$runtype
model_year&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) integer ['any integer']
Arbitrary model year.

Default: 1850 for 1850-2000 transient run, 1 otherwise.
psf6_file sf6_nml Passive Tracers (SF6) char*256 ['any char']
File name for ascii time series of atm sf6.

Default: '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/ocn/pop/res_indpt/forcing/'
psf6_first_nonzero_year sf6_nml Passive Tracers (SF6) integer ['any integer']
first year of non-zero values in psf6_file
If the effective sf6 calendar year is less than this,
and the sf6 tracer is being read from a restart file,
then a fallback of const=0 for I/O reading is registered.
Default: 1953
sf6_formulation sf6_nml Passive Tracers (SF6) char*256 ['ocmip', 'model']
Flux formulation.

Valid Values: 'ocmip', 'model'
Default: 'model'
tracer_init_ext%default_val&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) dtype(1)%real ['any dtype(1)%real']
tracer_init_ext%file_fmt&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) dtype(1)%char*256 ['any char']
tracer_init_ext%file_varname&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) dtype(1)%char*256 ['any char']
tracer_init_ext%filename&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) dtype(2)%char*256 ['any char']
tracer_init_ext%mod_varname&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) dtype(1)%char*256 ['any char']
tracer_init_ext%scale_factor&sf6_nml derived Passive Tracers (SF6) dtype(1)%real ['any dtype(1)%real']
abio_atm_d14c_lat_band_vals abio_dic_dic14_nml passive_tracers real(3) ['any real(3)']
lbouss_correct pressure_grad_nml Pressure Gradient Options logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for adding correction to Boussinesq approximation.

Default: .false.
lpressure_avg pressure_grad_nml Pressure Gradient Options logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to turn on averaging of pressure across three time steps.

Default: .true.
even_odd_freq restart_nml Restart integer ['any integer']
Frequency to write even/odd restart files (units = nstep).

Default: 100000
leven_odd_on restart_nml Restart logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to turn even_odd restarts on.

Default: .false.
pressure_correction restart_nml Restart logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to  apply correction to pressure upon restart.
If .true., surface pressure is modified to correct for an error due to (possible) different timestep. 
Use .false. for exact restart.

Default: .false.
restart_fmt restart_nml Restart char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
Data format type of restart_outfile file; either binary ('bin') or netCDF ('nc').

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'nc'
restart_freq restart_nml Restart integer ['any integer']
Number of 'restart_freq_opt' units between the writing of restart files.

Default: 100000
restart_freq_opt restart_nml Restart char*256 ['never', 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep']
Units of time for restart_freq (restart frequency).

Valid Values: 'never', 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep'
Default: 'nyear'
restart_outfile restart_nml Restart char*256 ['any char']
Name of the restart output filename root.
The model code will create the complete restart output filename
based on the model date.

Default: '$RUNDIR/$CASENAME.pop.r'
restart_start restart_nml Restart integer ['any integer']
Wait prior to beginning to output restart files.
Number of units of restart_start_opt before restart files are started in a run.

Default:  0
restart_start_opt restart_nml Restart char*256 ['nstep', 'nday', 'nyear', 'date']
Units of time for restart_start. Take restart_start units 
prior to beginning the writing of regular restart files.

Default: 'nstep'
ice_freq ice_nml Sea-ice Emulation integer ['any integer']
Frequency with which to compute ice (units of ice_freq_opt).

Default:  100000
ice_freq_opt ice_nml Sea-ice Emulation char*256 ['never', 'coupled', 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep']
Option for frequency of computing ice.

Valid Values: 'never', 'coupled', 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep'
Default: 'coupled'
kmxice ice_nml Sea-ice Emulation integer ['any integer']
Lowest level from which to integrate ice formation.

Default: 1
lactive_ice ice_nml Sea-ice Emulation logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for whether POP is coupled to an active ice model.

Default: Depends on $OCN_ICE_FORCING ("inactive" implies .false.)
licecesm2 ice_nml Sea-ice Emulation logical ['.true.', '.false.']
CESM2 default for forming ice every timestep when coupled

Default: .true.
chl_file_fmt sw_absorption_nml Shortwave Absorption char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
chl_filename format (binary or netCDF).

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'bin'
chl_filename sw_absorption_nml Shortwave Absorption char*256 ['any char']
Chlorophyll input filename.

Default: auto-filled by CESM scripts
chl_option sw_absorption_nml Shortwave Absorption char*256 ['file', 'model']
Chlorophyll option.

Valid Values: 'file', 'model'
Default: auto-filled by CESM scripts
jerlov_water_type sw_absorption_nml Shortwave Absorption integer ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
Jerlov water type.

Valid Values: 1-5 (correspond to I, IA, IB, II, and III, respectively)
Default: 3
sw_absorption_type sw_absorption_nml Shortwave Absorption char*256 ['top-layer', 'jerlov', 'chlorophyll']
Short-wave absorption type.

Valid Values: 'top-layer', 'jerlov', 'chlorophyll'
Default: 'chlorophyll'
lchange_ans se_nml Software Testing logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag used for testing when introducing answer changes that will not be
controlled by other namelist flags. Outside of specific tags, this flag will
not have any affect on POP.

Default: .false.
accel_file time_manager_nml Time Management char*256 ['any char']
File containing vertical profile of timestep acceleration factors. 

Default: Set by CESM scripts based on ocean grid
allow_leapyear time_manager_nml Time Management logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to select calendar with leap years.

Default: .false.
date_separator time_manager_nml Time Management char*1 ['any char']
Single character used to separate yyyy mm dd in date string. Note a blank space (' ') can be used
to indicate no separator, but this is not recommended.

Default: "-"
dt_count time_manager_nml Time Management integer ['any integer']
Number of timesteps in dt_option units. Serves
as a starting point from which POP determines the exact model timestep size.

Default: Set by CESM scripts based on ocean grid
dt_option time_manager_nml Time Management char*256 ['steps_per_year', 'steps_per_day', 'seconds', 'hours']
Selector for units used in determining tracer timestep size; used in conjunction
with dt_count to serve as a starting point from which POP determines
the exact model timestep size.

Not all permissible time_mix_opt values are compatible with all dt_option values.
The recommended option is steps_per_day

Valid Values: 'steps_per_year', 'steps_per_day', 'seconds', 'hours'
Default: 'steps_per_day'
dtuxcel time_manager_nml Time Management real ['any real']
Factor to multiply momentum timestep in order to set the momentum timestep to a
value different from the tracer timestep.  

Default: 1.0
fit_freq time_manager_nml Time Management integer ['any integer']
Number of intervals per day into which full and half timesteps must exactly "fit"
when using time_mix_opt='avgfit'

Default: 1
iday0 time_manager_nml Time Management integer ['any integer']
Day number at the start of the experiment. iday0 remains fixed over the course of
the integration; it does not change if experiment is continued.

Default: 2
ihour0 time_manager_nml Time Management integer ['any integer']
Hours at the start of the experiment. ihour0 remains fixed over the course of
the integration; it does not change if experiment is continued.

Default: 0
iminute0 time_manager_nml Time Management integer ['any integer']
Minutes at the start of the experiment. iminute0 remains fixed over the course of
the integration; it does not change if experiment is continued. 

Default: 0
imonth0 time_manager_nml Time Management integer ['any integer']
Month number at the start of the experiment. imonth0 remains fixed over the course of
the integration; it does not change if experiment is continued.

Default: 1
impcor time_manager_nml Time Management logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for implicit treatment of Coriolis terms.

Default: .true.
isecond0 time_manager_nml Time Management integer ['any integer']
Seconds at the start of the experiment. isecond0 remains fixed over the course of
the integration; it does not change if experiment is continued.

Default: 0
iyear0 time_manager_nml Time Management integer ['any integer']
Year at the start of the experiment. iyear0 remains fixed over the course of
the integration; it does not change if experiment is continued.

Default: 1
laccel time_manager_nml Time Management logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for timestep acceleration.

Default: .false.
lrf_conserveVT time_manager_nml Time Management logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Conserve [volume*TRACER] across each Robert Filtering step. Note that
this option is unstable, so only use it as a sanity check over a few days at most.

Default: .false.
ltime_mgr_print time_manager_nml Time Management logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Print time_manager info every timestep and print initial time-flag info.

Default: .false.
robert_alpha time_manager_nml Time Management real ['any real']
Tuning parameter used in Robert filtering.

Williams, Paul D. "A proposed Modification to the Robert-Asselin Time Filter." Monthly
Weather Review, Vol 137, 2009.

Default: 1.0
robert_nu time_manager_nml Time Management real ['any real']
Tuning parameter used in Robert filtering.

Williams, Paul D. "A proposed Modification to the Robert-Asselin Time Filter." Monthly
Weather Review, Vol 137, 2009.

Default: 0.20
runid time_manager_nml Time Management char*256 ['any char']
The CESM identifier for the run.

Default: $CASENAME
stop_count time_manager_nml Time Management integer ['any integer']
Number of stop_option units before POP stops OR date (yyyymmdd) at which POP stops.

Default: 1000
stop_option time_manager_nml Time Management char*256 ['never', 'eoy', 'eom', 'eod', 'nyear', 'nyears', 'nmonth', 'nmonths', 'nday', 'ndays', 'nstep', 'nsteps', 'date']
Units of time for 'stop_count'.
In conjunction with 'stop_count', determines stopping time.

Valid Values: 'never', 'eoy', 'eom', 'eod', 'nyear', 'nyears', 'nmonth', 'nmonths', 'nday', 'ndays', 'nstep', 'nsteps', 'date'
Default: 'nyear'
time_mix_freq time_manager_nml Time Management integer ['any integer']
Frequency of mixing timestep. Ignored when time_mix_opt = 'robert'

Default: 17
time_mix_opt time_manager_nml Time Management char*256 ['avgbb', 'avgfit', 'robert']
Option for time mixing:
   avgbb  = DEPRECATED OPTION. leapfrog with occasional time-averaging timestep, immediately
            followed by another time-averaging timestep ("back-to-back" avg). DO NOT USE THIS
            OPTION in scientific experiments.
   avgfit = leapfrog with occasional time-averaging timestep to control stability.
            The timestep is modified such that an integer number of full and half timesteps
            fits into each coupling interval.
   robert = leapfrog with modified Robert-Asselin time filtering to control stability.
            The timestep is modifed such that an integer number of full timesteps
            fits into each coupling interval.

Valid Values: 'robert' 'avgfit', 'avgbb'
ltopostress topostress_nml Topographic Stress logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to turn on topographic stress.

Default: .false.
nsmooth_topo topostress_nml Topographic Stress integer ['any integer']
Number of passes the topography smoother will make.

Default: 0
aidif vertical_mix_nml Vertical Mixing real ['any real']
Time-centering parameter for implicit vertical mixing.
Use of the default value (1.0) is recommended.
Valid Values: in the range [0.5,1.0]

Default: 1.0
bottom_drag vertical_mix_nml Vertical Mixing real ['any real']
Drag coefficient used in quadratic bottom drag formula (dimensionless).

Default: 1.0e-3
convect_diff vertical_mix_nml Vertical Mixing real ['any real']
Tracer mixing coefficient to be used with diffusion option.

Default: 10000.0
convect_visc vertical_mix_nml Vertical Mixing real ['any real']
Momentum mixing coefficient to use with diffusion option. 

Default: 10000.0
convection_type vertical_mix_nml Vertical Mixing char*256 ['adjustment', 'diffusion']

Selector for convection method.

Valid Values: 'adjustment', 'diffusion'

'adjustment' -- convection treated by adjustment.
'diffusion'  -- convection treated by large mixing coefficients.

Default: 'diffusion'
implicit_vertical_mix vertical_mix_nml Vertical Mixing logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to activate computation of vertical mixing implicitly in time.

Default: .true.
nconvad vertical_mix_nml Vertical Mixing integer ['any integer']
Number of passes through the convective-adjustment algorithm.

Default: 2
vmix_choice vertical_mix_nml Vertical Mixing char*256 ['const', 'rich', 'kpp']
Selector for method of computing vertical diffusion.

Valid Values: 'const', 'rich', 'kpp'

'const' -- use constant vertical mixing
'rich'  -- use Richardson-number vertical mixing
'kpp'   -- use Kpp vertical mixing

Default: 'kpp'
const_vdc vmix_const_nml Vertical Mixing (Constant) real ['any real']
Vertical diffusivity coefficient (tracer mixing) (cm^2/s).

Default: 0.25
const_vvc vmix_const_nml Vertical Mixing (Constant) real ['any real']
Vertical viscosity coefficient (momentum mixing) (cm^2/s).

Default: 0.25
bckgrnd_vdc1 vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) real ['any real']
Background diffusivity (Ledwell).

Default: 0.16
bckgrnd_vdc2 vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) real ['any real']
Variation in diffusivity.

Default: 0.0
bckgrnd_vdc_ban vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) real ['any real']
Banda Sea diffusivity (Gordon).

Default: 1.0
bckgrnd_vdc_dpth vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) real ['any real']
Depth at which diffusivity equals vdc1
Default: 1000.0e02
bckgrnd_vdc_eq vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) real ['any real']
Equatorial diffusivity (Gregg).

Default: 0.01
bckgrnd_vdc_linv vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) real ['any real']
Inverse length for transition region.

Default: 4.5e-05
bckgrnd_vdc_psim vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) real ['any real']
Maximum PSI-induced diffusivity (MacKinnon).

Default: 0.13
langmuir_opt vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) char*256 ['any char']
Langmuir mixing parameterization option.

Valid Values: 'null', 'vr12-ma', 'vr12-en'
Default: 'vr12-ma'
larctic_bckgrnd_vdc vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to decrease Arctic background diffusivity; typically only used as an option
with niw_mixing in research mode.

Default: .false.
lcheckekmo vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to check Ekman, Monin-Obhukov depth limit.

Default: .false.
lcvmix vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for using CVMix for mixing instead of POP routines

Default: .true.
ldbl_diff vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for computing double-diffusive mixing.

Default: .true.
lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to allow horizontally-varying background (need bckgrnd_vdc2=0.0).

Default: .true.
linertial vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for using inertial mixing parameterization.

Default: .false.
lrich vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for computing Ri-dependent mixing.

Default: .true.
lshort_wave vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for computing short-wave forcing.

Default: .true.
num_v_smooth_Ri vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) integer ['any integer']
Number of times to vertically smooth Ri.

Default: 1
Prandtl vmix_kpp_nml Vertical Mixing (KPP) real ['any real']
Prandtl number.

Default: 10.0
rich_mix&vmix_kpp_nml derived Vertical Mixing (KPP) real ['any real']
Coefficient for Richardson number term.

Default: 50.0
Note: You must specify both the variable name and namelist name if you change this variable in user_nl_pop!
lniw_mixing niw_nml Vertical Mixing (Near-Inertial Wave) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for using near inertial wave mixing.

Default: .false.
niw_boundary_layer_absorption niw_nml Vertical Mixing (Near-Inertial Wave) real ['any real']
Fraction of near inertial wave energy absorbed in the boundary layer.

Default: 0.7
niw_energy_file niw_nml Vertical Mixing (Near-Inertial Wave) char*256 ['any char']
Input file for reading near inertial wave energy flux.

Default: Resolution-dependent
niw_energy_file_fmt niw_nml Vertical Mixing (Near-Inertial Wave) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
niw_energy_file_fmt (binary or netCDF).

Valid Values: 'bin', 'nc'
Default: 'bin'
niw_energy_type niw_nml Vertical Mixing (Near-Inertial Wave) char*256 ['any char']
Type (internal or external) for near inertial wave energy source.

Default: 'blke'
niw_local_mixing_fraction niw_nml Vertical Mixing (Near-Inertial Wave) real ['any real']
Fraction of near inertial wave energy available for mixing local to the generation region.

Default: 0.5
niw_mix_max niw_nml Vertical Mixing (Near-Inertial Wave) real ['any real']
Maximum diffusivity for near inertial waves (cm^2/s).

Default: 100.0
niw_mixing_efficiency niw_nml Vertical Mixing (Near-Inertial Wave) real ['any real']
Mixing efficiency (portion producing mixing rather than thermal heating).

Default: 0.2
niw_obs2model_ratio niw_nml Vertical Mixing (Near-Inertial Wave) real ['any real']
Ratio between observed and modeled near inertial wave strength.

Default: 2.0
niw_vert_decay_scale niw_nml Vertical Mixing (Near-Inertial Wave) real ['any real']
Vertical decay scale for turbulence (cm).

Default: 500.0e02
bckgrnd_vdc vmix_rich_nml Vertical Mixing (Richardson Parameterization) real ['any real']
Background vertical diffusivity (cm^2/s).

Default: 0.1
bckgrnd_vvc vmix_rich_nml Vertical Mixing (Richardson Parameterization) real ['any real']
Background vertical viscosity (cm^2/s).

Default: 1.0
rich_mix&vmix_rich_nml derived Vertical Mixing (Richardson Parameterization) real ['any real']
Coefficient for Richardson-number function.

Default: 50.0
Note: You must specify both the variable name and namelist name if you change this variable in user_nl_pop!
ltidal_all_TC_coefs_eq_1 tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for setting q==1 in construction of 3D tidal energy field from tidal constituents for plotting/testing'
Do not activate this flag in a scientific experiment.

Default: .false.
ltidal_all_TC_coefs_eq_p33 tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for setting q==0.33 in construction of 3D tidal energy field from tidal constituents for plotting/testing'
Do not activate this flag in a scientific experiment.

Default: .false.
ltidal_lunar_cycle tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to activate 18.6-year lunar cycle.

Default: .false.
ltidal_max tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to impose tidal_mix_max on all TIDAL_DIFF values.

Default: .true.
ltidal_melet_plot tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to activate collection of fields used to create Melet plot.

Default: .false.
ltidal_min_regions tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Apply minimum tidal mixing value in specified regions

Default: .false.
ltidal_mixing tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to activate tidal mixing.

Default: .true.
ltidal_schmittner_socn tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to activate Schmittner's method southern ocean modification.

Default: .true.
ltidal_stabc tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to impose tidal_mix_max on all TIDAL_DIFF values.

Default: .true.
num_tidal_min_regions tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) integer ['any integer']
Number of regions where minimum tidal-mixing values will be applied

Default: 2
tidal_diss_lim_TC tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) real ['any real']
Tidal dissipation vertical threshhold in tidal-constituent dataset (cm).
Energy above this level is not included in the parameterization.
Active only when 3D tidal-constituent datasets are used.

Default: 0.0e02
tidal_energy_choice tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) char*256 ['arbic', 'jayne', 'ER03', 'GN13', 'LGM0', 'LGMi5g21', 'LGMi6g21']
Selector for tidal mixing energy file source. 

'jayne' Jayne 2009
'arbic' not yet available
'ER03'  Egbert and Ray 2003
'GN13'  Green and Nycander 2013
'LGM0'  LGM present day Wilmes 2017
'LGMi5g21' LGM 21kyrbp sea-level reconstruction ig5
'LGMi6g21' LGM 21kyrbp sea-level reconstruction ig6

Default: 'jayne'
tidal_energy_file tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) char*512 ['any char']
Input file containing tidal energy.

Default: 'unknown_tidal_energy_file'
tidal_energy_file_fmt tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) char*256 ['bin', 'nc']
File format of the tidal_energy_file file. 

Valid Values: 'bin,nc'
Default: 'nc'
tidal_energy_ts_calendar tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) char*256 ['365']
tidal_energy_ts_file calendar type. 

Ignored if the lunar cycle is not active.

Valid Values: '365'

Default: '365'
tidal_energy_ts_data_final_day tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) integer ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31']
Final day used in the model from the lunar-cycle timeseries data record.

The lunar-cycle timeseries data record extends through 2200-12-31 (yyyy-mm-dd).

Ignored if the lunar cycle is not active.

Default: '1'
tidal_energy_ts_data_final_month tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) integer ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12']
Numerical representation of the final month used in the model from the lunar-cycle
timeseries data record.

The lunar-cycle timeseries data record extends through 2200-12-31 (yyyy-mm-dd).

Ignored if the lunar cycle is not active.

Default: ''
tidal_energy_ts_data_final_year tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) integer ['any integer']
Final year used in the model from the lunar-cycle timeseries data record.

The lunar-cycle timeseries data record extends through 2200-12-31 (yyyy-mm-dd).

Ignored if the lunar cycle is not active.

Default: '2009'
tidal_energy_ts_data_first_day tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) integer ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31']
Starting day used in the model from the lunar-cycle timeseries data record.

The lunar-cycle timeseries data record starts at 1500-01-02 (yyyy-mm-dd).

There are no data points at 29-Feb, but the model can accomodate a Gregorian
calendar anyway, by interpolating between 28-Feb and 01-Mar.

Ignored if the lunar cycle is not active.

Default: '1'
tidal_energy_ts_data_first_month tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) integer ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12']
Numerical representation of the starting month used in the model from the lunar-cycle
timeseries data record.

1 == January, etc.

The lunar-cycle timeseries data record starts at 1500-01-02 (yyyy-mm-dd).

Ignored if the lunar cycle is not active.

Default: '1'
tidal_energy_ts_data_first_year tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) integer ['any integer']
Starting year used in the model from the lunar-cycle timeseries data record.

The lunar-cycle timeseries data record starts at 1500-01-02 (yyyy-mm-dd).

Ignored if the lunar cycle is not active.

Default: '1948'
tidal_energy_ts_file_fmt tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) char*256 ['ascii']
File format of the tidal_energy_ts_file file. 

Ignored if the lunar cycle is not active.

Valid Values: 'ascii'
Default: 'ascii'
tidal_energy_ts_files tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) char*1024(4) ['any char']
Array of tidal energy timeseries modulation files (18.6 year tidal cycle),
for each of the tidal constituents M2,S2,K1,O1.

Ignored if the lunar cycle is not active.

Default: 'unknown_tidal_energy_ts_files'
tidal_energy_ts_model_yr_align tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) integer ['any integer']
Model year assigned to the selected data year.

Ignored if the lunar cycle is not active.

Default: '1'
tidal_eps_n2 tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) real ['any real']
Minimum value of N**2 used in tidal diffusion computations.

Default: 1.0e-08
tidal_local_mixing_fraction tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) real ['any real']
Fraction of energy available for mixing local to the generation region.

Default: 0.33
tidal_min_regions_klevels tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) integer(9) ['any integer(9)']
Number of bottom k-levels where minimum tidal-mixing values will be applied

Default: 6
tidal_min_regions_name tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) char*128(9) ['any char']
Name of regions where minimum tidal-mixing values will be applied

Default: 2
tidal_min_values tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) real(9) ['any real(9)']
Array of minimum tidal-mixing values

Default: 1.0
tidal_mix_max tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) real ['any real']
Maximum for vertical diffusivity and viscosity (cm^2/s).

Default: 100.0
tidal_mixing_efficiency tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) real ['any real']
Tidal mixing efficiency. (Gamma)

Default: 0.2
tidal_mixing_method_choice tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) char*256 ['jayne', 'polzin', 'schmittner']
Selector for tidal mixing scheme method.

      Jayne, S. R., and L. C. St. Laurent, 2001: Parameterizing tidal
        dissipation over rough topography. Geophys. Res. Lett., 
        v28, 811-814.

      Simmons, H. L., S. R. Jayne, L. C. St. Laurent, and
        A. J. Weaver, 2004: Tidally driven mixing in a numerical
        model of the ocean general circulation. Ocean Modelling,
        vol 6, 245-263.

      Jayne, Steven R., 2009: The Impact of Abyssal Mixing
        Parameterizations in an Ocean General Circulation Model.
       JPO, vol 39, 1756-1775.

      Use with 3D datasets only.

      Schmittner, A. and G.D. Egbert, 2014: An improved parameterization
      of tidal mixing for ocean models. Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 211-224, 201

      Melet version is implemented.

      Polzin, K. L., 2009:  An abyssal recipe. Ocean Modelling,
        vol 30, 298-309

      Melet, A. et al, 2013: Sensitivity of the ocean state to the
        vertical distribution of the internal-tide-driven mixing. 
        J. Phys Oceanography, vol 43, 602-615

Default: 'jayne'
tidal_TLATmax_regions tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) real(9) ['any real(9)']
Array of tidal-mixing upper TLAT values

Default: 1.0
tidal_TLATmin_regions tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) real(9) ['any real(9)']
Array of tidal-mixing lower TLAT values

Default: 1.0
tidal_TLONmax_regions tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) real(9) ['any real(9)']
Array of tidal-mixing upper TLON values

Default: 1.0
tidal_TLONmin_regions tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) real(9) ['any real(9)']
Array of tidal-mixing lower TLON values

Default: 1.0
tidal_vars_file_fmt_polz tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) char*256 ['nc']
File format of the tidal_vars_file_polz file (netCDF only).

Ignored if the 'polzin' tidal_mixing_method_choice option is not active.

Default: 'nc'
tidal_vars_file_polz tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) char*512 ['any char']
Input file containing initialization variables (urms and topographic
roughness) for use in the Polzin tidal mixing method.

Default: 'unknown_tidal_vars_file_polz'
tidal_vert_decay_option_schm tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) char*256 ['SSJ02', 'P09']
Vertical decay function used in the Schmittner subgridscale scheme.

Ignored if the 'schmittner' tidal_mixing_method_choice option is not active.

Valid Values: 'SSJ02','P09'
Default: 'SSJ02'
vertical_decay_scale tidal_nml Vertical Mixing (Tidal) real ['any real']
Vertical decay scale for turbulence (cm).

Default: 500.0e02
Variable Namelist Group Category Entry Type Valid Values Possible Default Values Description and out-of-the-box Default