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Variable Namelist Group Category Entry Type Valid Values Possible Default Values Description and out-of-the-box Default
rtmhist_fexcl1 rtm_inparm history char(1000) ['any char']
      Fields to exclude from history tape series 1.
rtmhist_fexcl2 rtm_inparm history char(1000) ['any char']
      Fields to exclude from history tape series  2.
rtmhist_fexcl3 rtm_inparm history char(1000) ['any char']
      Fields to exclude from history tape series  3.
rtmhist_fincl1 rtm_inparm history char(1000) ['any char']
      Fields to add to history tape series  1.
rtmhist_fincl2 rtm_inparm history char(1000) ['any char']
      Fields to add to history tape series  2.
rtmhist_fincl3 rtm_inparm history char(1000) ['any char']
      Fields to add to history tape series  3.
rtmhist_mfilt rtm_inparm history integer(6) ['any integer(6)']
      Per tape series  maximum number of time samples.
rtmhist_ndens rtm_inparm history integer(6) ['1']
      Per tape series  history file density (i.e. output precision) 
      1=double precision, 2=single precision (NOT functional)
rtmhist_nhtfrq rtm_inparm history integer(6) ['any integer(6)']
      Per tape series history write frequency. 
      positive means in time steps,  0=monthly, negative means hours
      (i.e. 24 means every 24 time-steps and -24 means every day
finidat_rtm rtm_inparm rtm char ['any char']
      Full pathname of initial rtm file 
flood_mode rtm_inparm rtm char ['ACTIVE', 'NULL']
      If ACTIVE, turn on rtm flooding back to clm. Note that rtm flood
      is not supported in CESM1.1
frivinp_rtm rtm_inparm rtm char ['any char']
      Full pathname of input datafile for RTM.
ice_runoff rtm_inparm rtm logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      If .true., river runoff will be split up into liquid and ice streams,
      otherwise ice runoff will be zero and all runoff directed to liquid stream.
nrevsn_rtm rtm_inparm rtm char ['any char']
      Full pathname of master restart file for a branch run. (only used if RUN_TYPE is branch)
rtm_effvel rtm_inparm rtm char ['ACTIVE', 'NULL']
      If ACTIVE, calculate the effective velocity using slope. 
rtm_mode rtm_inparm rtm char ['ACTIVE', 'NULL']
      If ACTIVE, turn on rtm river routing. If the value rtm_mode is
      NULL, then rof_present will be set to false at runtime.
rtm_tstep rtm_inparm rtm integer ['any integer']
RTM time step (sec). - set automatically via the value of ROF_NCPL
Variable Namelist Group Category Entry Type Valid Values Possible Default Values Description and out-of-the-box Default