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Use CASEROOT tools xmlquery to query these variables and xmlchange to change their values.

Parameter Name Default Value Data Type Group CASEROOT File Valid Values Description
COMP_ATM cam char case_comp env_case.xml ['cam']
b'Name of atmospheric component'
CAM_CPPDEFS UNSET char build_component_cam env_build.xml []
b'CAM cpp definitions (setup automatically - DO NOT EDIT)'
CAM_DYCORE fv char build_component_cam env_build.xml ['eul', 'fv', 'se']
b'CAM dynamical core'
CAM_CONFIG_OPTS char build_component_cam env_build.xml []
b'\n      CAM configure options, see CAM configure utility for details\n      Provides option(s) for the CAM configure utility.\n      CAM_CONFIG_OPTS are normally set as compset variables (e.g., -phys  cam4 -chem waccm_ma)\n      and in general should not be modified for supported compsets.  It is recommended that if you want\n      to modify this value for your experiment, you should use your own user-defined\n      component sets via using create_newcase with a compset_file argument\n    '
CAM_NML_USE_CASE UNSET char run_component_cam env_run.xml []
b'CAM namelist use_case.  Provides the use_case option for the\n      CAM build-namelist utility (which is called from\n      $CASEROOT/Buildconf/cam.buildnml).  The CAM build-namelist\n      leverages groups of namelist options (use cases) that are often\n      paired with the CAM configure options.  These use cases are xml\n      files located in\n      $CIMEROOT/../components/cam/bld/namelist_files/use_cases.\n      In general, this variable should not be modified for supported\n      component sets (compsets).  Recommendation: If you want to\n      modify this value for your experiment, use your own user-defined\n      component sets.'
CAM_NAMELIST_OPTS char run_component_cam env_run.xml []
b'CAM specific namelist settings for -namelist option Provides\n      options to the -namelist argument for the CAM build-namelist\n      utility.  This should be reserved for component set\n      specification. Users should modify CAM namelists only via the\n      $CASEROOT/user_nl_cam file.'
CAM_USER_MODS char run_component_cam env_case.xml []
b'User mods to apply to specific compset matches. '
Parameter Name Default Value Data Type Group CASEROOT File Valid Values Description