CESM2.2.0 CAM6.3 Namelist Definitions
Model Version: 2.2.0
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Variable | Namelist Group | Category | Entry Type | Valid Values | Possible Default Values | Description and out-of-the-box Default |
bndtvaer | cam3_aero_data_nl | aero_data_cam | char*256 | ['any char'] | Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for aerosol masses. Default: set by build-namelist. |
cam3_aero_data_on | cam3_aero_data_nl | aero_data_cam | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Add CAM3 prescribed aerosols to the physics buffer. Default: FALSE |
prescribed_strataero_use_chemtrop | prescribed_strataero_nl | aerosol | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Indicates whether to use the unified chemistry tropopause method to set prescribed stratospheric aerosols below the tropopause to zero. This has a maximum altitude level corresponding to 300 hPa for latitudes poleward of 50 degrees. Default: set by build-namelist |
cam_chempkg | phys_ctl_nl | build | char*32 | ['trop_mam3', 'trop_mam4', 'trop_mam7', 'trop_mozart', 'trop_strat_mam4_vbs', 'trop_strat_mam4_vbsext', ' waccm_ma', 'waccm_mad_mam4', 'waccm_ma_mam4', 'waccm_ma_sulfur', 'waccm_sc', 'waccm_sc_mam4', 'waccm_tsmlt_mam4', ' terminator', 'none'] | Name of the CAM chemistry package. N.B. this variable may not be set by the user. It is set by build-namelist via information in the configure cache file to be consistent with how CAM was built. Default: set by build-namelist |
cam_physpkg | phys_ctl_nl | build | char*16 | ['cam3', 'cam4', 'cam5', 'cam6', 'adiabatic', 'held_suarez', 'kessler'] | Name of the CAM physics package. N.B. this variable may not be set by the user. It is set by build-namelist via information in the configure cache file to be consistent with how CAM was built. Default: set by build-namelist |
use_simple_phys | phys_ctl_nl | build | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag for simple physics package. N.B. this variable may not be set by the user. It is set by build-namelist via information in the configure cache file to be consistent with how CAM was built. Default: set by build-namelist |
sim_year | camexp | cam | char*9 | ['1850', '2000', '1850-2000'] | This varible is only used internally by build-namelist to determine appropriate defaults for climatological or transient forcing datasets. Default: set by build-namelist. |
aer_drydep_list | aerosol_nl | cam_chem | char*16(1000) | ['any char'] | List of aerosol species that undergo sediment (dry deposition). Default: set by build-namelist. |
aer_scav_coef | aerosol_nl | cam_chem | real(1000) | ['any real(1000)'] | Scavenging coefficient used in BULK aerosol wet removal Default: set by build-namelist. |
aer_sol_factb | aerosol_nl | cam_chem | real(1000) | ['any real(1000)'] | Below-cloud solubility factor used in BULK aerosol wet removal Default: set by build-namelist. |
aer_sol_facti | aerosol_nl | cam_chem | real(1000) | ['any real(1000)'] | In-cloud solubility factor used in BULK aerosol wet removal Default: set by build-namelist. |
aer_wetdep_list | aerosol_nl | cam_chem | char*16(1000) | ['any char'] | List of aerosol species that undergo wet deposition. Default: set by build-namelist. |
aerodep_flx_cycle_yr | aerodep_flx_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | is 2000 for: {'aer_model': 'bam'} is 2000 for: {'aer_model': 'mam'} |
The cycle year of the prescribed aerosol flux data
if aerodep_flx_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
aerodep_flx_datapath | aerodep_flx_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero for: {'aer_model': 'bam'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/aero for: {'aer_model': 'mam'} |
Full pathname of the directory that contains the files specified in
Default: set by build-namelist.
aerodep_flx_file | aerodep_flx_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | is aerosoldep_monthly_1849-2006_1.9x2.5_c090803.nc for: {'aer_model': 'bam'} is mam3_1.9x2.5_L30_2000clim_c130319.nc for: {'aer_model': 'mam'} |
Filename of dataset for prescribed aerosols. Default: set by build-namelist. |
aerodep_flx_filelist | aerodep_flx_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Filename of file that contains a sequence of filenames for prescribed
aerosols. The filenames in this file are relative to the directory specified
by aerodep_flx_datapath.
Default: set by build-namelist.
aerodep_flx_fixed_tod | aerodep_flx_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to ssaerodep_flx_fixed_ymd at which the prescribed aerosol flux data is fixed if saerodep_flx_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
aerodep_flx_fixed_ymd | aerodep_flx_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the prescribed aerosol flux data is fixed
if aerodep_flx_type is 'FIXED'.
Default: 0
aerodep_flx_rmfile | aerodep_flx_nl | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Remove the file containing prescribed aerosol deposition fluxes from local disk when no longer needed. Default: FALSE |
aerodep_flx_specifier | aerodep_flx_nl | cam_chem | char*32(22) | ['any char'] | Names of variables containing aerosol data in the prescribed aerosol datasets. Default: none |
aerodep_flx_type | aerodep_flx_nl | cam_chem | char*32 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', 'FIXED'] | is CYCLICAL for: {'aer_model': 'bam'} is CYCLICAL for: {'aer_model': 'mam'} |
Type of time interpolation for data in aerodep_flx files. Can be set to 'CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', or 'FIXED'. Default: 'SERIAL' |
aircraft_co2_file | camexp | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/ggas/emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_ac_175001-201512_fv_0.9x1.25_c20181011.nc for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is atm/cam/ggas/emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_ac_175001-201512_fv_1.9x2.5_c20181011.nc for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is atm/cam/ggas/emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_ac_175001-201512_fv_0.9x1.25_c20181011.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C384'} is atm/cam/ggas/emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_ac_175001-201512_fv_0.9x1.25_c20181011.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C192'} is atm/cam/ggas/emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_ac_175001-201512_fv_0.9x1.25_c20181011.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C96'} is atm/cam/ggas/emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_ac_175001-201512_fv_1.9x2.5_c20181011.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C48'} is atm/cam/ggas/emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_ac_175001-201512_fv_1.9x2.5_c20181011.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C24'} |
Full pathname of the ac_CO2 file specified in the filelist in
aircraft_specifier. This is only to
get this name into the cam.input_data_list for the CESM scripts.
Default: set by build-namelist.
aircraft_datapath | aircraft_emit_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/ggas |
Full pathname of the directory that contains the files specified in
Default: set by build-namelist.
aircraft_specifier | aircraft_emit_nl | cam_chem | char*256(100) | ['any char'] |
Filename of file that contains aircraft input file lists. The filenames in the files are relative
to the directory specified by aircraft_datapath.
Default: set by build-namelist.
aircraft_type | aircraft_emit_nl | cam_chem | char*32 | ['CYCLICAL_LIST', 'SERIAL'] | SERIAL |
Type of time interpolation for data in aircraft aerosol files. Default: 'CYCLICAL_LIST' |
airpl_emis_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/emis/emissions.aircraft.T42LR.nc |
Full pathname of boundary dataset for airplane emissions. Default: set by build-namelist. |
CB2_scav_coef | camexp | cam_chem | real(1000) | ['any real(1000)'] | Scavenging coefficient used in the wet removal of CB2 Default: set by build-namelist. |
CB2_sol_factb | camexp | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | Below-cloud solubility factor used in CB2 wet removal Default: set by build-namelist. |
CB2_sol_facti | camexp | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | In-cloud solubility factor used in CB2 wet removal Default: set by build-namelist. |
chem_freq | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | Frequency in time steps at which the chemical equations are solved. Default: 1 |
chem_rad_passive | chem_inparm | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag to set rad_climate variable so that the chemical tracers are radiatively passive. Default: FALSE |
chlorine_loading_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/ub/EESC_1850-2100_c090603.nc |
Filename of dataset for linoz cholirine loading. Default: none. |
chlorine_loading_fixed_tod | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to chlorine_loading_fixed_ymd at which the chlorine loading data is fixed if chlorine_loading_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
chlorine_loading_fixed_ymd | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the chlorine loading data is fixed
if chlorine_loading_type is 'FIXED'.
Default: 0
chlorine_loading_type | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*8 | ['SERIAL', 'FIXED'] |
Type of time interpolation type for data in chlorine_loading_file
Default: 'SERIAL'
clim_soilw_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/dvel/clim_soilw.nc |
Full pathname of dataset containing soil moisture fraction information used in 'xactive_atm' method of calculating dry deposition of chemical tracers. Default: set by build-namelist. |
depvel_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/dvel/depvel_monthly.nc |
Full pathname of dataset which contains the prescribed deposition velocities used in the 'table' method of calculating dry deposition of chemical tracers. Default: set by build-namelist. |
depvel_lnd_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/dvel/regrid_vegetation.nc is atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/dvel/regrid_vegetation_all_zero_aquaplanet_1deg_regularGrid_c20170421.nc for: {'aquaplanet': '1'} |
Full pathname of dataset which contains land vegitation information used in 'xactive_atm' method of calculating dry deposition of chemical tracers. Default: set by build-namelist. |
drydep_srf_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_ne5np4_110920.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne5np4'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_ne16np4_110920.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne16np4'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_ne30np4_110920.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_ne30np4.pg2_200108.nc for: {'npg': '2', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_ne30pg3_180522.nc for: {'npg': '3', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_ne60np4_110920.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne60np4'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_ne120np4_110920.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne120np4'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_ne120np4.pg2_200109.nc for: {'npg': '2', 'hgrid': 'ne120np4'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_ne240np4_110920.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne240np4'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_ne0np4conus30x8_161116.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_ne30x4_ARCTIC_191011.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_ne30x8_ARCTICGRIS_191212.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_C24_c200625.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C24'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_C48_c200625.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C48'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_C96_c200625.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C96'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_C192_c200625.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C192'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/atmsrf_C384_c200625.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C384'} |
Dry deposition surface values interpolated to model grid, required for unstructured atmospheric grids with modal chemistry. Default: none |
DST01_scav_coef | camexp | cam_chem | real(1000) | ['any real(1000)'] | Scavenging coefficient used in the wet removal of DST01 Default: set by build-namelist. |
DST02_scav_coef | camexp | cam_chem | real(1000) | ['any real(1000)'] | Scavenging coefficient used in the wet removal of DST02 Default: set by build-namelist. |
DST03_scav_coef | camexp | cam_chem | real(1000) | ['any real(1000)'] | Scavenging coefficient used in the wet removal of DST03 Default: set by build-namelist. |
DST04_scav_coef | camexp | cam_chem | real(1000) | ['any real(1000)'] | Scavenging coefficient used in the wet removal of DST04 Default: set by build-namelist. |
dust_emis_fact | dust_nl | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | 0.37D0 is 0.35D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is 0.35D0 for: {'phys': 'spcam_m2005'} is 0.45D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is 0.45D0 for: {'phys': 'spcam_m2005', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is 0.45D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is 0.35D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6'} is 0.30D0 for: {'silhs': '1', 'phys': 'cam6'} is 0.45D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is 0.45D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is 0.45D0 for: {'phys': 'spcam_m2005', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is 0.55D0 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'phys': 'cam5'} is 0.22D0 for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'clubb_sgs': '1', 'phys': 'cam5'} is 0.70D0 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'phys': 'cam6'} is 0.8D0 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbs', 'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4'} is 0.8D0 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbs', 'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8'} is 0.8D0 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_ts1', 'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4'} is 0.8D0 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_tst', 'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8'} is 0.8D0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'dyn': 'se', 'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4'} is 0.8D0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'dyn': 'se', 'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8'} is 0.70D0 for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'phys': 'cam6'} is 0.13D0 for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'phys': 'spcam_m2005', 'spcam_clubb_sgs': '1'} is 0.26D0 for: {'ver': 'chem', 'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is 0.7D0 for: {'ver': 'chem', 'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is 0.24D0 for: {'ver': 'chem', 'offline_dyn': '1', 'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is 0.9D0 for: {'ver': 'chem', 'offline_dyn': '1', 'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} |
Tuning parameter for dust emissions. Default: set by build-namelist. |
dust_sol_factb | camexp | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | Below-cloud solubility factor used in wet removal of BULK dust Default: set by build-namelist. |
dust_sol_facti | camexp | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | In-cloud solubility factor used in wet removal of BULK dust Default: set by build-namelist. |
exo_coldens_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/phot/exo_coldens.nc |
Full pathname of dataset of O2 and 03 column densities above the model for look-up-table photolysis Default: set by build-namelist. |
ext_frc_cycle_yr | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The cycle year of the external forcings (3D emissions) data
if ext_frc_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
ext_frc_fixed_tod | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to ext_frc_fixed_ymd at which the external forcings are fixed if ext_frc_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
ext_frc_fixed_ymd | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
Default: current model date
The date at which the external forcings are fixed
if ext_frc_type is 'FIXED'.
Default: 0
ext_frc_specifier | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256(1000) | ['any char'] | List of full pathnames of elevated emission (or external chemical forcings) datasets. The chemistry package reads in elevated emission data from a set of netcdf files in units of "molecules/cm3/s". Each tracer species emissions is read from its own file as directed by the namelist variable ext_frc_specifier. The ext_frc_specifier variable tells the model which species have elevated emissions and the file path for the corresponding species. That is, the ext_frc_specifier variable is set something like: ext_frc_specifier = 'SO2 -> /path/vrt.emis.so2.nc', 'SO4 -> /path/vrt.emis.so4.nc', etc... Each emission file can have more than one source. When the emission are read in the sources are summed to give a total emission field for the corresponding species. The emission can be read in as time series of data, cycle over a given year, or be fixed to a given date. The vertical coordinate in these emissions files should be 'altitude' (km) so that the vertical redistribution to the model layers is done using a mass conserving method. If the vertical coordinate is altitude then data needs to be ordered from the surface to the top (increasing altitude). Default: set by build-namelist. |
ext_frc_type | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*32 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', 'FIXED'] | Type of time interpolation for fixed lower boundary data. Can be set to 'CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', or 'FIXED'. Default: 'CYCLICAL' |
flbc_cycle_yr | chem_surfvals_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The cycle year of the fixed lower boundary data
if flbc_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
flbc_file | chem_surfvals_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/lb/LBC_1765-2100_1.9x2.5_CCMI_RCP60_za_RNOCStrend_c141002.nc |
Full pathname of dataset for fixed lower boundary conditions. Default: set by build-namelist. |
flbc_fixed_tod | chem_surfvals_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to flbc_fixed_ymd at which the fixed lower boundary data is fixed if flbc_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
flbc_fixed_ymd | chem_surfvals_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the fixed lower boundary data is fixed
if flbc_type is 'FIXED'..
Default: 0
flbc_list | chem_surfvals_nl | cam_chem | char*16(1000) | ['any char'] | List of species that are fixed at the lower boundary. Default: set by build-namelist. |
flbc_type | chem_surfvals_nl | cam_chem | char*8 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'FIXED'] | Type of time interpolation for fixed lower boundary data. Default: 'CYCLICAL' |
fstrat_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/ub/ubvals_b40.20th.track1_1996-2005_c110315.nc |
Full pathname of dataset for chemical tracers constrained in the stratosphere Default: set by build-namelist. |
fstrat_list | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*16(1000) | ['any char'] | List of species that are constrained in the stratosphere. Default: set by build-namelist. |
gas_wetdep_list | wetdep_inparm | cam_chem | char*16(1000) | ['any char'] | List of gas-phase species that undergo wet deposition via the wet deposition scheme. Default: NONE |
gas_wetdep_method | wetdep_inparm | cam_chem | char*3 | ['MOZ', 'NEU', 'OFF'] | NEU is MOZ for: {'phys': 'spcam_sam1mom'} is OFF for: {'phys': 'spcam_m2005'} |
Wet deposition method used MOZ --> mozart scheme is used NEU --> J Neu's scheme is used OFF --> wet deposition is turned off Default: NEU except for SPCAM runs |
gcr_ionization_cycle_yr | gcr_ionization_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The cycle year of the prescribed green house gas data
if gcr_ionization_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
gcr_ionization_datapath | gcr_ionization_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Full pathname of the directory that contains the files specified in
Default: set by build-namelist.
gcr_ionization_datatype | gcr_ionization_nl | cam_chem | char*32 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', 'FIXED'] | Type of time interpolation for data in gcr_ionization files. Can be set to 'CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', or 'FIXED'. Default: 'SERIAL' |
gcr_ionization_filelist | gcr_ionization_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Filename of file that contains a sequence of filenames for ionization
rates by galactic cosmic rays. The filenames in this file are relative
to the directory specified by gcr_ionization_datapath.
Default: set by build-namelist.
gcr_ionization_filename | gcr_ionization_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | Filename of dataset for ionization rates by galactic cosmic rays. Default: set by build-namelist. |
gcr_ionization_fixed_tod | gcr_ionization_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to gcr_ionization_fixed_ymd at which the prescribed green house gas data is fixed if gcr_ionization_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
gcr_ionization_fixed_ymd | gcr_ionization_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the prescribed green house gas data is fixed
if gcr_ionization_type is 'FIXED'.
Default: 0
gcr_ionization_fldname | gcr_ionization_nl | cam_chem | char*16 | ['any char'] | Names of variables containing ionization rates (/cm3/sec) in the cosmic rays datasets. Default: none |
ipcc_aircraft_emis | camexp | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag to tell build-namelist to use time-dependent external forcing files for the aircraft emissions. Default: FALSE |
lght_landmask_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | Full pathname of dataset for land mask applied to the lighting NOx production Default: set by build-namelist. |
lght_no_prd_factor | chem_inparm | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | 1.00D0 is 1.80D0 for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4'} is 1.80D0 for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8'} is 1.50D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is 1.30D0 for: {'offline_dyn': '1', 'phys': 'cam6'} is 1.60D0 for: {'offline_dyn': '1', 'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is 0.32D0 for: {'offline_dyn': '1', 'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} |
Multiplication factor applied to the lighting NOx production Default: 1.0. |
linoz_data_cycle_yr | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The cycle year of the LINOZ data
if linoz_data_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
linoz_data_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | linoz2004_2006jpl_c081216.nc |
Filename of dataset for LINOZ data. Default: none. |
linoz_data_filelist | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Filename of file that contains a sequence of filenames of the linoz data.
The filenames in this file are relative to the directory specified
by linoz_data_datapath.
Default: set by build-namelist.
linoz_data_fixed_tod | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to linoz_data_fixed_ymd at which the LINOZ data is fixed if linoz_data_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
linoz_data_fixed_ymd | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the LINOZ data is fixed
if linoz_data_type is 'FIXED'.
Default: 0
linoz_data_path | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/ub |
Full pathname of the directory that contains the files specified in
Default: none.
linoz_data_rmfile | chem_inparm | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Remove the file containing LINOZ data from local disk when no longer needed. Default: FALSE |
linoz_data_type | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*24 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', 'FIXED'] | Type of time interpolation for data in linoz_data files. Can be set to 'CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', or 'FIXED'. Default: 'SERIAL' |
mmr_sums | species_sums_nl | cam_chem | char*256(200) | ['any char'] | Give the user the ability to specify species families (or groupings) diagnostics in mass mixing ratio. These group names can be added to history fincl variables. The units are kg/kg. A "+" character at the end of a string indicates that the summation will continue with the next string. Example: mmr_sums = 'soa_a1 = soa1_a1 + soa2_a1 + soa3_a1 + soa4_a1 + soa5_a1', 'soa_a2 = soa1_a2 + soa2_a2 + soa3_a2 + soa4_a2 + soa5_a2' fincl1 = 'soa_a1','soa_a2', ... Default: none |
modal_accum_coarse_exch | aerosol_nl | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'phys': 'cam6'} |
Turns on accumulation to coarse mode exchange appropriate for the stratosphere. This also changes the default mode definitions (widths and edges) via default aerosol property input files. Default: FALSE |
modal_strat_sulfate | aerosol_nl | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Turns on prognostic modal sulfate aerosols in the stratosphere. Default: FALSE |
NH4_scav_coef | camexp | cam_chem | real(1000) | ['any real(1000)'] | Scavenging coefficient used in the wet removal of NH4 Default: set by build-namelist. |
NH4_sol_factb | camexp | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | Below-cloud solubility factor used in NH4 wet removal Default: set by build-namelist. |
NH4_sol_facti | camexp | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | In-cloud solubility factor used in NH4 wet removal Default: set by build-namelist. |
NH4NO3_sol_factb | camexp | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | Below-cloud solubility factor used in NH4NO3 wet removal Default: set by build-namelist. |
NH4NO3_sol_facti | camexp | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | In-cloud solubility factor used in NH4NO3 wet removal Default: set by build-namelist. |
noy_ubc_cycle_yr | noy_ubc_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The cycle year of the NOy upper boundary data
if flbc_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
noy_ubc_datapath | noy_ubc_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Full pathname of the directory that contains the NOy upper boundary conditions files specified in
Default: set by build-namelist.
noy_ubc_datatype | noy_ubc_nl | cam_chem | char*32 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', 'FIXED'] | Type of time interpolation for NOy upper boundary conditions. Default: 'SERIAL' |
noy_ubc_filelist | noy_ubc_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Filename of file that contains a sequence of filenames for prescribed NOy upper boundary conditions.
The filenames in this file are relative to the directory specified by noy_ubc_datapath.
Default: set by build-namelist.
noy_ubc_filename | noy_ubc_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | File name of dataset for NOy upper boundary conditions. Default: set by build-namelist. |
noy_ubc_fixed_tod | noy_ubc_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to noy_ubc_fixed_ymd at which the NOy upper boundary data is fixed if flbc_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
noy_ubc_fixed_ymd | noy_ubc_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the NOy upper boundary data is fixed
if flbc_type is 'FIXED'..
Default: 0
o2_xsect_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/phot/o2src.nc |
Full pathname of dataset of O2 cross sections for fast-tuv photolysis Default: set by build-namelist. |
OC2_scav_coef | camexp | cam_chem | real(1000) | ['any real(1000)'] | Scavenging coefficient used in the wet removal of OC2 Default: set by build-namelist. |
OC2_sol_factb | camexp | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | Below-cloud solubility factor used in OC2 wet removal Default: set by build-namelist. |
OC2_sol_facti | camexp | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | In-cloud solubility factor used in OC2 wet removal Default: set by build-namelist. |
prescribed_aero_cycle_yr | prescribed_aero_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | is 2000 for: {'aer_model': 'bam'} is 2000 for: {'aer_model': 'mam'} |
The cycle year of the prescribed aerosol data
if prescribed_aero_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
prescribed_aero_datapath | prescribed_aero_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero for: {'aer_model': 'bam'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/aero for: {'aer_model': 'mam'} |
Full pathname of the directory that contains the files specified in
Default: set by build-namelist.
prescribed_aero_file | prescribed_aero_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | is aero_1.9x2.5_L26_2000clim_c091112.nc for: {'aer_model': 'bam'} is mam3_1.9x2.5_L30_2000clim_c130319.nc for: {'aer_model': 'mam'} |
Filename of dataset for prescribed aerosols. Default: set by build-namelist. |
prescribed_aero_filelist | prescribed_aero_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | is aero_1.9x2.5_L26_list_c070514.txt for: {'aer_model': 'bam'} is aero_1.9x2.5_L26_list_c070514.txt for: {'aer_model': 'mam'} |
Filename of file that contains a sequence of filenames for prescribed
aerosols. The filenames in this file are relative to the directory specified
by prescribed_aero_datapath.
Default: set by build-namelist.
prescribed_aero_fixed_tod | prescribed_aero_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to prescribed_aero_fixed_ymd at which the prescribed aerosol data is fixed if prescribed_aero_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
prescribed_aero_fixed_ymd | prescribed_aero_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the prescribed aerosol data is fixed
if prescribed_aero_type is 'FIXED'.
Default: 0
prescribed_aero_model | camexp | cam_chem | char*5 | ['bulk', 'modal'] | Switch used to indicate which type of aerosols are prescribed -- bulk or modal. This is used to set the default prescribed_aero_specifier and aerodep_flx_specifier namelist variables. Default: set by build-namelist |
prescribed_aero_rmfile | prescribed_aero_nl | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Remove the file containing prescribed aerosol concentrations from local disk when no longer needed. Default: FALSE |
prescribed_aero_specifier | prescribed_aero_nl | cam_chem | char*32(50) | ['any char'] | A list of variable names of the concentration fields in the prescribed aerosol datasets and corresponding names used in the physics buffer seperated by colons. For example: prescribed_aero_specifier = 'pbuf_name1:ncdf_fld_name1','pbuf_name2:ncdf_fld_name2', ... If there is no colon seperater then the specified name is used as both the pbuf_name and ncdf_fld_name, Default: none |
prescribed_aero_type | prescribed_aero_nl | cam_chem | char*32 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', 'FIXED'] | is CYCLICAL for: {'aer_model': 'bam'} is CYCLICAL for: {'aer_model': 'mam'} |
Type of time interpolation for data in prescribed_aero files. Can be set to 'CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', or 'FIXED'. Default: 'SERIAL' |
prescribed_ghg_cycle_yr | prescribed_ghg_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | is 1995 for: {'ver': 'fixed_ch4'} |
The cycle year of the prescribed green house gas data
if prescribed_ghg_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
prescribed_ghg_datapath | prescribed_ghg_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/chem/methane for: {'ver': 'fixed_ch4'} |
Full pathname of the directory that contains the files specified in
Default: set by build-namelist.
prescribed_ghg_file | prescribed_ghg_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | is CH4_1990-1999_clim_c090605.nc for: {'ver': 'fixed_ch4'} |
Filename of dataset for prescribed GHGs. Default: set by build-namelist. |
prescribed_ghg_filelist | prescribed_ghg_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | is filelist_c090605.txt for: {'ver': 'fixed_ch4'} |
Filename of file that contains a sequence of filenames for prescribed
GHGs. The filenames in this file are relative to the directory specified
by prescribed_ghg_datapath.
Default: set by build-namelist.
prescribed_ghg_fixed_tod | prescribed_ghg_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to prescribed_ghg_fixed_ymd at which the prescribed green house gas data is fixed if prescribed_ghg_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
prescribed_ghg_fixed_ymd | prescribed_ghg_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the prescribed green house gas data is fixed
if prescribed_ghg_type is 'FIXED'.
Default: 0
prescribed_ghg_rmfile | prescribed_ghg_nl | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Remove the file containing prescribed green house gas concentrations from local disk when no longer needed. Default: FALSE |
prescribed_ghg_specifier | prescribed_ghg_nl | cam_chem | char*16(100) | ['any char'] | Names of variables containing GHG data in the prescribed GHG datasets. Default: none |
prescribed_ghg_type | prescribed_ghg_nl | cam_chem | char*32 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', 'FIXED'] | is CYCLICAL for: {'ver': 'fixed_ch4'} |
Type of time interpolation for data in prescribed_ghg files. Can be set to 'CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', or 'FIXED'. Default: 'SERIAL' |
prescribed_ozone_cycle_yr | prescribed_ozone_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | 2000 is 0 for: {'chem': 'waccm_sc'} |
The cycle year of the prescribed ozone data
if prescribed_ozone_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
prescribed_ozone_datapath | prescribed_ozone_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/ozone is atm/cam/ozone_strataero for: {'chem': 'waccm_sc_mam4'} |
Full pathname of the directory that contains the files specified in
Default: set by build-namelist.
prescribed_ozone_file | prescribed_ozone_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | ozone_1.9x2.5_L26_2000clim_c091112.nc is ozone_strataero_CAM6chem_2000climo_zm_5day_c171004.nc for: {'scam': '1', 'phys': 'cam6'} is ozone_strataero_CAM6chem_2000climo_zm_5day_c171004.nc for: {'camiop': '1', 'phys': 'cam6'} is waccm_ozone_c121126.nc for: {'chem': 'waccm_sc'} is ozone_strataero_WACCM6_L70_zm5day_19750101-20141229_c180216.nc for: {'chem': 'waccm_sc_mam4'} |
Filename of dataset for prescribed ozone. Default: set by build-namelist. |
prescribed_ozone_filelist | prescribed_ozone_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Filename of file that contains a sequence of filenames for prescribed
ozone. The filenames in this file are relative to the directory specified
by prescribed_ozone_datapath.
Default: set by build-namelist.
prescribed_ozone_fixed_tod | prescribed_ozone_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to prescribed_ozone_fixed_ymd at which the prescribed ozone data is fixed if prescribed_ozone_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
prescribed_ozone_fixed_ymd | prescribed_ozone_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the prescribed ozone data is fixed
if prescribed_ozone_type is 'FIXED'.
Default: 0
prescribed_ozone_name | prescribed_ozone_nl | cam_chem | char*16 | ['any char'] | O3 |
Name of variable containing ozone data in the prescribed ozone datasets. Default: 'ozone' |
prescribed_ozone_rmfile | prescribed_ozone_nl | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Remove the file containing prescribed ozone concentrations from local disk when no longer needed. Default: FALSE |
prescribed_ozone_type | prescribed_ozone_nl | cam_chem | char*32 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', 'FIXED'] | CYCLICAL |
Type of time interpolation for data in prescribed_ozone files. Can be set to 'CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', or 'FIXED'. Default: 'SERIAL' |
prescribed_strataero_3modes | camexp | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true the prescribed stratospheric aerosols have three distribution modes. Default: true for CAM6, otherwise false |
prescribed_strataero_cycle_yr | prescribed_strataero_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The cycle year of the prescribed volcanic aerosol data
if prescribed_strataero_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
prescribed_strataero_datapath | prescribed_strataero_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/sulf is atm/cam/volc for: {'phys': 'cam6'} is atm/cam/ozone for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'ver': '3modes'} is atm/cam/ozone_strataero for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'chem': 'waccm_sc_mam4', 'ver': '3modes'} |
Full pathname of the directory that contains the files specified in
Default: set by build-namelist.
prescribed_strataero_feedback | camexp | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to turn on climate feed backs due to prescribed stratospheric aerosols via the rad_climate namelist variable. Default: false |
prescribed_strataero_file | prescribed_strataero_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | CESM_1949_2100_sad_V2_c130627.nc is CESM_1849_2100_sad_V3_c160211.nc for: {'phys': 'cam6'} is ozone_strataero_CAM6chem_1849-2014_zm_5day_c170924.nc for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'ver': '3modes'} is ozone_strataero_WACCM6_L70_zm5day_19750101-20141229_c180216.nc for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'chem': 'waccm_sc_mam4', 'ver': '3modes'} |
Filename of dataset for prescribed volcaero. Default: set by build-namelist. |
prescribed_strataero_filelist | prescribed_strataero_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Filename of file that contains a sequence of filenames for prescribed
stratospheric aerosols. The filenames in this file are relative to the directory specified
by prescribed_strataero_datapath.
Default: set by build-namelist.
prescribed_strataero_fixed_tod | prescribed_strataero_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to prescribed_strataero_fixed_ymd at which the prescribed volcanic aerosol data is fixed if prescribed_strataero_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
prescribed_strataero_fixed_ymd | prescribed_strataero_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the prescribed volcanic aerosol data is fixed
if prescribed_strataero_type is 'FIXED'.
Default: 0
prescribed_strataero_rmfile | prescribed_strataero_nl | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Remove the file containing prescribed volcanic aerosol concentrations from local disk when no longer needed. Default: FALSE |
prescribed_strataero_specifier | prescribed_strataero_nl | cam_chem | char*16 | ['any char'] | Name of variable containing prescribed stratospheric aerosol specifiers Default: set by the CAM program |
prescribed_strataero_type | prescribed_strataero_nl | cam_chem | char*32 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', 'FIXED'] | Type of time interpolation for data in prescribed_strataero files. Can be set to 'CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', or 'FIXED'. Default: 'SERIAL' |
prescribed_volcaero_cycle_yr | prescribed_volcaero_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The cycle year of the prescribed volcanic aerosol data
if prescribed_volcaero_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
prescribed_volcaero_datapath | prescribed_volcaero_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Full pathname of the directory that contains the files specified in
Default: set by build-namelist.
prescribed_volcaero_file | prescribed_volcaero_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | Filename of dataset for prescribed volcaero. Default: set by build-namelist. |
prescribed_volcaero_filelist | prescribed_volcaero_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Filename of file that contains a sequence of filenames for prescribed
volcanic aerosols. The filenames in this file are relative to the directory specified
by prescribed_volcaero_datapath.
Default: set by build-namelist.
prescribed_volcaero_fixed_tod | prescribed_volcaero_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to prescribed_volcaero_fixed_ymd at which the prescribed volcanic aerosol data is fixed if prescribed_volcaero_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
prescribed_volcaero_fixed_ymd | prescribed_volcaero_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the prescribed volcanic aerosol data is fixed
if prescribed_volcaero_type is 'FIXED'.
Default: 0
prescribed_volcaero_name | prescribed_volcaero_nl | cam_chem | char*16 | ['any char'] | Name of variable containing volcaero data in the prescribed volcaero datasets. Default: 'MMRVOLC' |
prescribed_volcaero_rmfile | prescribed_volcaero_nl | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Remove the file containing prescribed volcanic aerosol concentrations from local disk when no longer needed. Default: FALSE |
prescribed_volcaero_type | prescribed_volcaero_nl | cam_chem | char*32 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', 'FIXED'] | Type of time interpolation for data in prescribed_volcaero files. Can be set to 'CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', or 'FIXED'. Default: 'SERIAL' |
rsf_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/phot/RSF_GT200nm_v3.0_c080811.nc |
Full pathname of dataset for radiative source function used in look up table photloysis Default: set by build-namelist. |
rxn_rate_sums | rxn_rate_diags_nl | cam_chem | char*256(200) | ['any char'] | is
'O3_Prod = NO_HO2 + CH3O2_NO + HOCH2OO_NO + C2H5O2_NO + CH3CO3_NO + EO2_NO + C3H7O2_NO + PO2_NO + ',
'RO2_NO + ENEO2_NO + MACRO2_NOa + jhonitr + ',
'MCO3_NO + MEKO2_NO + ALKO2_NO + jalknit + ACBZO2_NO + BENZO2_NO + BZOO_NO + ',
'.77*APINO2_NO + .75*BPINO2_NO + .77*LIMONO2_NO + .71*MYRCO2_NO + .93*APINNO3_NO + .93*BPINNO3_NO + .93*LIMONNO3_NO + .93*MYRCNO3_NO + ',
'.7*TERPA1O2_NO + .83*TERPA2O2_NO + .7*TERPA3O2_NO + .91*TERPA4O2_NO + TERPA3CO3_NO + ',
'jisopfnc + jisopn2b + jisopn3b + jisopn4d + jisopn1d + 2.0*jisopfdn + .75*jmacrn + .75*jmvkn + ',
'jterpfdn + jterpns1 + jterpns + jterpnt + jterpnt1 + ',
'jinheb + jinhed + 2.0*jisopfdnc + jisopfnp + jisopnbno3 + jisopnoohb + jnc4cho + ',
'jno3ch2cho + jnoa + jonitr + 0.5*jterpnps + 0.46*jterpnps1 + jterpnpt + 0.46*jterpnpt1 + ',
'ISOPFDNC_OH + 0.5*ISOPFNC_OH + 0.17*ISOPN1D_O3 + 0.08*ISOPN1D_OH + 0.46*ISOPN2BO2_HO2 + ',
'0.15*ISOPN2B_OH + 0.13*ISOPN3B_OH + 0.17*ISOPN4D_O3 + 0.04*ISOPN4D_OH + 0.17*ISOPNOOHD_O3 + ',
'0.07*ISOPNOOHD_OH + 0.17*NC4CHO_O3 + 0.04*NC4CHO_OH + ISOPN1DO2_NOa + 1.73*ISOPN2BO2_NOa + ',
'O3_Loss = O1D_H2O + OH_O3 + HO2_O3 + C2H4_O3 + C3H6_O3 + ISOP_O3 + MVK_O3 + MACR_O3 + BCARY_O3 + ',
'S_O3 + SO_O3 + APIN_O3 + BPIN_O3 + LIMON_O3 + MYRC_O3 + ',
'O3S_Loss = 2.0*O_O3 + O1D_H2O + HO2_O3 + OH_O3 + H_O3 + 2.0*NO2_O + 2.0*jno3_b + 2.0*CLO_O + ',
'2.0*jcl2o2 + 2.0*CLO_CLOa + 2.0*CLO_CLOb + ',
'2.0*BRO_CLOb + 2.0*BRO_CLOc + 2.0*BRO_BRO + 2.0*BRO_O + CLO_HO2 + BRO_HO2 + ',
'C2H4_O3 + C3H6_O3 + ISOP_O3 + MVK_O3 + MACR_O3 + BCARY_O3 + ',
'S_O3 + SO_O3 + APIN_O3 + BPIN_O3 + LIMON_O3 + MYRC_O3 + ',
'RO2_NO_sum = CH3O2_NO + HOCH2OO_NO + C2H5O2_NO + CH3CO3_NO + EO2_NO + C3H7O2_NO + PO2_NO + RO2_NO + ENEO2_NO + ',
'MVKO2_NOa + MVKO2_NOn +',
'O3_alkenes = C2H4_O3 + C3H6_O3 + ISOP_O3 + MVK_O3 + MACR_O3 + BCARY_O3 + ',
'APIN_O3 + BPIN_O3 + LIMON_O3 + MYRC_O3 + ',
'RO2_NO3_sum = MCO3_NO3 + ISOPNO3_NO3 + ',
'RO2_HO2_sum = CH3O2_HO2 + HOCH2OO_HO2 + C2H5O2_HO2 + CH3CO3_HO2 + EO2_HO2 + C3H7O2_HO2 + PO2_HO2 + RO2_HO2 + ',
'MACRO2_HO2 + MCO3_HO2 + MEKO2_HO2 + ',
'ALKO2_HO2 + ACBZO2_HO2 + BENZO2_HO2 + BZOO_HO2 + C6H5O2_HO2 + DICARBO2_HO2 + ',
'RO2_RO2_sum = CH3O2_CH3O2a + CH3O2_CH3O2b + C2H5O2_CH3O2 + C2H5O2_C2H5O2 + CH3CO3_CH3O2 + CH3CO3_CH3CO3 + C3H7O2_CH3O2 + RO2_CH3O2 + MACRO2_CH3O2 + ',
'MACRO2_CH3CO3 + MCO3_CH3O2 + MCO3_CH3CO3 + MCO3_MCO3 + ',
'MVKO2_CH3O2 + MVKO2_CH3CO3 + ',
'RCO2_NO2_sum = CH3CO3_NO2 + MCO3_NO2 + ACBZO2_NO2 + ',
'OddOx_Ox_Loss = 2.0*O_O3 + O1D_H2O',
'OddOx_HOx_Loss = HO2_O + HO2_O3 + OH_O + OH_O3 + H_O3',
'OddOx_NOx_Loss = 2.0*NO2_O + 2.0*jno3_b',
'OddOx_CLOxBROx_Loss = 2.0*CLO_O + 2.0*jcl2o2 + 2.0*CLO_CLOa + 2.0*CLO_CLOb + 2.0*BRO_CLOb + 2.0*BRO_CLOc + 2.0*BRO_BRO + 2.0*BRO_O + CLO_HO2 + BRO_HO2',
'OddOx_Loss_Tot = 2.0*O_O3 + O1D_H2O + HO2_O + HO2_O3 + OH_O + OH_O3 + H_O3 + 2.0*NO2_O + 2.0*jno3_b + 2.0*CLO_O + ',
'2.0*jcl2o2 + 2.0*CLO_CLOa + 2.0*CLO_CLOb + 2.0*BRO_CLOb + 2.0*BRO_CLOc + 2.0*BRO_BRO + 2.0*BRO_O + CLO_HO2 + BRO_HO2',
'OddOx_Prod_Tot = 2.0*jo2_a + 2.0*jo2_b',
'Ox_Prod = 2.0*jo2_a + 2.0*jo2_b + NO_HO2 + CH3O2_NO + HOCH2OO_NO + C2H5O2_NO + CH3CO3_NO + EO2_NO + C3H7O2_NO + PO2_NO + ',
'RO2_NO + ENEO2_NO + MACRO2_NOa + jhonitr + ',
'MCO3_NO + MEKO2_NO + ALKO2_NO + jalknit + ACBZO2_NO + BENZO2_NO + BZOO_NO + ',
'.77*APINO2_NO + .75*BPINO2_NO + .77*LIMONO2_NO + .71*MYRCO2_NO + .93*APINNO3_NO + .93*BPINNO3_NO + .93*LIMONNO3_NO + .93*MYRCNO3_NO + ',
'.7*TERPA1O2_NO + .83*TERPA2O2_NO + .7*TERPA3O2_NO + .91*TERPA4O2_NO + TERPA3CO3_NO + ',
'jisopfnc + jisopn2b + jisopn3b + jisopn4d + jisopn1d + 2.0*jisopfdn + .75*jmacrn + .75*jmvkn + ',
'jterpfdn + jterpns1 + jterpns + jterpnt + jterpnt1 + ',
'jinheb + jinhed + 2.0*jisopfdnc + jisopfnp + jisopnbno3 + jisopnoohb + jnc4cho + ',
'jno3ch2cho + jnoa + jonitr + 0.5*jterpnps + 0.46*jterpnps1 + jterpnpt + 0.46*jterpnpt1 + ',
'ISOPFDNC_OH + 0.5*ISOPFNC_OH + 0.17*ISOPN1D_O3 + 0.08*ISOPN1D_OH + 0.46*ISOPN2BO2_HO2 + ',
'0.15*ISOPN2B_OH + 0.13*ISOPN3B_OH + 0.17*ISOPN4D_O3 + 0.04*ISOPN4D_OH + 0.17*ISOPNOOHD_O3 + ',
'0.07*ISOPNOOHD_OH + 0.17*NC4CHO_O3 + 0.04*NC4CHO_OH + ISOPN1DO2_NOa + 1.73*ISOPN2BO2_NOa + ',
'Ox_Loss = 2.0*O_O3 + O1D_H2O + HO2_O + HO2_O3 + OH_O + OH_O3 + H_O3 + 2.0*NO2_O + 2.0*jno3_b + 2.0*CLO_O + ',
'2.0*jcl2o2 + 2.0*CLO_CLOa + 2.0*CLO_CLOb + 2.0*BRO_CLOb + 2.0*BRO_CLOc + 2.0*BRO_BRO + 2.0*BRO_O + CLO_HO2 + BRO_HO2 + ',
'C2H4_O3 + C3H6_O3 + ISOP_O3 + MVK_O3 + MACR_O3 + BCARY_O3 + S_O3 + SO_O3 +',
'APIN_O3 + BPIN_O3 + LIMON_O3 + MYRC_O3 + ',
for: {'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_ts2'} 'O3_Prod = NO_HO2 + CH3O2_NO + HOCH2OO_NO + C2H5O2_NO + CH3CO3_NO + EO2_NO + C3H7O2_NO + PO2_NO + RO2_NO + ENEO2_NO + ', ' MACRO2_NOa + MCO3_NO + MEKO2_NO + ALKO2_NO + .92*ISOPAO2_NO + .92*ISOPBO2_NO + ISOPNO3_NO + XO2_NO + ACBZO2_NO + ', ' BENZO2_NO + BZOO_NO + C6H5O2_NO + DICARBO2_NO + MALO2_NO + MDIALO2_NO + PHENO2_NO + TOLO2_NO + XYLENO2_NO + XYLOLO2_NO + ', ' NTERPO2_NO + .9*TERP2O2_NO + .8*TERPO2_NO + jalknit + jhonitr + jisopnooh + jnc4cho + jnoa + jnterpooh + jonitr + jterpnit + ', ' ALKNIT_OH + 0.7*ISOPNITA_OH + NOA_OH + TERPNIT_OH', 'O3_Loss = O1D_H2O + OH_O3 + HO2_O3 + C2H4_O3 + C3H6_O3 + ISOP_O3 + MVK_O3 + MACR_O3 + MTERP_O3 + BCARY_O3 + S_O3 + SO_O3', 'O3S_Loss = 2.0*O_O3 + O1D_H2O + HO2_O3 + OH_O3 + H_O3 + 2.0*NO2_O + 2.0*jno3_b + 2.0*CLO_O + 2.0*jcl2o2 + 2.0*CLO_CLOa + ', ' 2.0*CLO_CLOb + 2.0*BRO_CLOb + 2.0*BRO_CLOc + 2.0*BRO_BRO + 2.0*BRO_O + CLO_HO2 + BRO_HO2 + S_O3 + SO_O3 + ', ' C2H4_O3 + C3H6_O3 + ISOP_O3 + MVK_O3 + MACR_O3 + MTERP_O3 + BCARY_O3' 'O3_alkenes = C2H4_O3 + C3H6_O3 + ISOP_O3 + MVK_O3 + MACR_O3 + MTERP_O3 + BCARY_O3', 'RO2_NO_sum = CH3O2_NO + HOCH2OO_NO + C2H5O2_NO + CH3CO3_NO + EO2_NO + C3H7O2_NO + PO2_NO + RO2_NO + ENEO2_NO + ENEO2_NOb + MACRO2_NOa + ', ' MACRO2_NOb + MCO3_NO + MEKO2_NO + ALKO2_NO + ALKO2_NOb + ISOPAO2_NO + ISOPBO2_NO + ISOPNO3_NO + XO2_NO + ACBZO2_NO + BENZO2_NO + BZOO_NO + ', ' C6H5O2_NO + DICARBO2_NO + MALO2_NO + MDIALO2_NO + PHENO2_NO + TOLO2_NO + XYLENO2_NO + XYLOLO2_NO + NTERPO2_NO + TERP2O2_NO + TERPO2_NO', 'RO2_NO3_sum = MACRO2_NO3 + MCO3_NO3 + ISOPAO2_NO3 + ISOPBO2_NO3 + ISOPNO3_NO3 + XO2_NO3 + NTERPO2_NO3', 'RO2_HO2_sum = CH3O2_HO2 + HOCH2OO_HO2 + C2H5O2_HO2 + CH3CO3_HO2 + EO2_HO2 + C3H7O2_HO2 + PO2_HO2 + RO2_HO2 + MACRO2_HO2 + ', ' MCO3_HO2 + MEKO2_HO2 + ALKO2_HO2 + ISOPAO2_HO2 + ISOPBO2_HO2 + ISOPNO3_HO2 + XO2_HO2 + ACBZO2_HO2 + BENZO2_HO2 + BZOO_HO2 + ', ' C6H5O2_HO2 + DICARBO2_HO2 + MALO2_HO2 + MDIALO2_HO2 + PHENO2_HO2 + TOLO2_HO2 + XYLENO2_HO2 + XYLOLO2_HO2 + NTERPO2_HO2 + ', ' TERP2O2_HO2 + TERPO2_HO2', 'RO2_RO2_sum = CH3O2_CH3O2a + CH3O2_CH3O2b + C2H5O2_CH3O2 + C2H5O2_C2H5O2 + CH3CO3_CH3O2 + CH3CO3_CH3CO3 + C3H7O2_CH3O2 + ', ' RO2_CH3O2 + MACRO2_CH3O2 + MACRO2_CH3CO3 + MCO3_CH3O2 + MCO3_CH3CO3 + MCO3_MCO3 + ISOPAO2_CH3O2 + ISOPBO2_CH3O2 + ', ' ISOPAO2_CH3CO3 + ISOPBO2_CH3CO3 + ISOPNO3_CH3O2 + XO2_CH3O2 + XO2_CH3CO3 + NTERPO2_CH3O2 + TERP2O2_CH3O2', 'RCO2_NO2_sum = CH3CO3_NO2 + MCO3_NO2 + ACBZO2_NO2', 'OddOx_Ox_Loss = 2.0*O_O3 + O1D_H2O', 'OddOx_HOx_Loss = HO2_O + HO2_O3 + OH_O + OH_O3 + H_O3', 'OddOx_NOx_Loss = 2.0*NO2_O + 2.0*jno3_b', 'OddOx_CLOxBROx_Loss = 2.0*CLO_O + 2.0*jcl2o2 + 2.0*CLO_CLOa + 2.0*CLO_CLOb + 2.0*BRO_CLOb + 2.0*BRO_CLOc + 2.0*BRO_BRO + 2.0*BRO_O + CLO_HO2 + BRO_HO2', 'OddOx_Loss_Tot = 2.0*O_O3 + O1D_H2O + HO2_O + HO2_O3 + OH_O + OH_O3 + H_O3 + 2.0*NO2_O + 2.0*jno3_b + 2.0*CLO_O + 2.0*jcl2o2 + ', ' 2.0*CLO_CLOa + 2.0*CLO_CLOb + 2.0*BRO_CLOb + 2.0*BRO_CLOc + 2.0*BRO_BRO + 2.0*BRO_O + CLO_HO2 + BRO_HO2', 'OddOx_Prod_Tot = 2.0*jo2_a + 2.0*jo2_b', 'Ox_Prod = 2.0*jo2_a + 2.0*jo2_b + NO_HO2 + CH3O2_NO + HOCH2OO_NO + C2H5O2_NO + CH3CO3_NO + EO2_NO + C3H7O2_NO + PO2_NO + ', ' RO2_NO + ENEO2_NO + MACRO2_NOa + MCO3_NO + MEKO2_NO + ALKO2_NO + .92*ISOPAO2_NO + .92*ISOPBO2_NO + ISOPNO3_NO + XO2_NO + ', ' ACBZO2_NO + BENZO2_NO + BZOO_NO + C6H5O2_NO + DICARBO2_NO + MALO2_NO + MDIALO2_NO + PHENO2_NO + TOLO2_NO + XYLENO2_NO + ', ' XYLOLO2_NO + NTERPO2_NO + .9*TERP2O2_NO + .8*TERPO2_NO + jalknit + jhonitr + jisopnooh + jnc4cho + jnoa + jnterpooh + ', ' jonitr + jterpnit + ALKNIT_OH + 0.7*ISOPNITA_OH + NOA_OH + TERPNIT_OH', 'Ox_Loss = 2.0*O_O3 + O1D_H2O + HO2_O + HO2_O3 + OH_O + OH_O3 + H_O3 + 2.0*NO2_O + 2.0*jno3_b + 2.0*CLO_O + 2.0*jcl2o2 + ', ' 2.0*CLO_CLOa + 2.0*CLO_CLOb + 2.0*BRO_CLOb + 2.0*BRO_CLOc + 2.0*BRO_BRO + 2.0*BRO_O + CLO_HO2 + BRO_HO2 + C2H4_O3 + ', ' C3H6_O3 + ISOP_O3 + MVK_O3 + MACR_O3 + MTERP_O3 + BCARY_O3 + S_O3 + SO_O3' |
Give the user the ability to specify rate families (or groupings) diagnostics based on reaction tag names. These group names can be added to history fincl variables. A "+" character at the end of a string indicates that the summation will continue with the next string. Example: rate_sums = 'OX_P = NO_HO2 + CH3O2_NO + 2*jo2_b ... ', 'OX_L = NO2_O_M + HO2_O3 + CLO_O ...', 'RO2_RO2_sum = CH3O2_CH3O2a + CH3O2_CH3O2b + C2H5O2_CH3O2 + C2H5O2_C2H5O2 + CH3CO3_CH3O2 +', 'CH3CO3_CH3CO3 + CH3H7O2_CH3O2 + RO2_CH3O2 + MACRO2_CH3O2 ...', fincl1 = 'OX_P','OX_L', 'RO2_RO2_sum', ... Default: none |
seasalt_emis_scale | aerosol_nl | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | 1.35D0 is 1.62D0 for: {'ver': 'mam7'} is 0.90D0 for: {'ver': 'strat'} is 1.00D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'ver': 'strat'} is 1.10D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'ver': 'strat', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is 1.2D0 for: {'ver': 'strat', 'spcam_clubb_sgs': '1'} is 0.60D0 for: {'silhs': '1', 'clubb_sgs': '1', 'ver': 'strat'} is 1.00D0 for: {'phys': 'spcam_sam1mom', 'spcam_clubb_sgs': '1'} is 1.00D0 for: {'phys': 'spcam_m2005', 'spcam_clubb_sgs': '1'} |
Tuning for seasalt_emis Default: set by build-namelist. |
season_wes_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/dvel/season_wes.nc |
Full pathname of dataset which contains season information used in 'xactive_atm' method of calculating dry deposition of chemical tracers. Default: set by build-namelist. |
SO4_scav_coef | camexp | cam_chem | real(1000) | ['any real(1000)'] | Scavenging coefficient used in the wet removal of SO4 Default: set by build-namelist. |
SO4_sol_factb | camexp | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | Below-cloud solubility factor used in SO4 wet removal Default: set by build-namelist. |
SO4_sol_facti | camexp | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | In-cloud solubility factor used in SO4 wet removal Default: set by build-namelist. |
soil_erod_file | dust_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/dst/dst_source2x2tunedcam6-2x2-04062017.nc is atm/cam/dst/dst_source2x2_cam5.4_c150327.nc for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is atm/cam/dst/dst_source2x2tuned-cam4-06132012.nc for: {'phys': 'cam4'} is atm/cam/dst/dst_source1x1tuned-cam4-06202012.nc for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} |
Full pathname of boundary dataset for soil erodibility factors. Default: set by build-namelist. |
sol_factb_interstitial | aerosol_nl | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | 0.1D0 is 1.0D0 for: {'unicon': '1'} |
Tuning for below cloud scavenging of interstitial modal aerosols. Default: set by build-namelist. |
sol_facti_cloud_borne | aerosol_nl | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | 1.0D0 is 0.6D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1'} is 1.0D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg2'} is 1.0D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg3'} |
Tuning for in-cloud scavenging of cloud-borne modal aerosols. Default: set by build-namelist. |
sol_factic_interstitial | aerosol_nl | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | 0.4D0 is 1.0D0 for: {'unicon': '1'} |
Tuning for in-cloud scavenging of interstitial modal aerosols. Default: set by build-namelist. |
srf_emis_cycle_yr | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The cycle year of the surface emissions data
if srf_emis_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
srf_emis_fixed_tod | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to srf_emis_fixed_ymd at which the surface emissions are fixed if srf_emis_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
srf_emis_fixed_ymd | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the surface emissions are fixed
if srf_emis_type is 'FIXED'.
Default: 0
srf_emis_specifier | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256(1000) | ['any char'] | List of full pathnames of surface emission datasets. The chemistry package reads in emission data from a set of netcdf files in units of "molecules/cm2/s". Each tracer species emissions is read from its own file as directed by the namelist variable srf_emis_specifier. The srf_emis_specifier variable tells the model which species have emissions and the file path for the corresponding species. That is, the srf_emis_specifier variable is set something like: srf_emis_specifier = 'CH4 -> /path/emis.ch4.nc', 'CO -> /path/emis.co.nc', etc... Each emission file can have more than one source. When the emission are read in the sources are summed to give a total emission field for the corresponding species. The emission can be read in as time series of data, cycle over a given year, or be fixed to a given date. Default: set by build-namelist. |
srf_emis_type | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*32 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', 'FIXED'] |
Type of time interpolation of emission datasets specified.
by srf_emis_specifier.
Default: 'CYCLICAL'
SSLT01_scav_coef | camexp | cam_chem | real(1000) | ['any real(1000)'] | Scavenging coefficient used in the wet removal of SSLT01 Default: set by build-namelist. |
SSLT02_scav_coef | camexp | cam_chem | real(1000) | ['any real(1000)'] | Scavenging coefficient used in the wet removal of SSLT02 Default: set by build-namelist. |
SSLT03_scav_coef | camexp | cam_chem | real(1000) | ['any real(1000)'] | Scavenging coefficient used in the wet removal of SSLT03 Default: set by build-namelist. |
SSLT04_scav_coef | camexp | cam_chem | real(1000) | ['any real(1000)'] | Scavenging coefficient used in the wet removal of SSLT04 Default: set by build-namelist. |
sslt_sol_factb | camexp | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | Below-cloud solubility factor used in wet removal of BULK sea salt Default: set by build-namelist. |
sslt_sol_facti | camexp | cam_chem | real | ['any real'] | In-cloud solubility factor used in wet removal of BULK sea salt Default: set by build-namelist. |
sulf_cycle_yr | sulf_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The cycle year of the prescribed sulfate data
if sulf_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
sulf_datapath | sulf_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Full pathname of the directory that contains the files specified in
Default: set by build-namelist.
sulf_file | sulf_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/sulf/sulfate.ar5_camchem_c130304.nc |
Full pathname of dataset containing tropopheric sulfate aerosols Default: set by build-namelist. |
sulf_filelist | sulf_nl | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Filename of file that contains a sequence of filenames for prescribed
sulfate. The filenames in this file are relative to the directory specified
by sulf_datapath.
Default: set by build-namelist.
sulf_fixed_tod | sulf_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to sulf_fixed_ymd at which the prescribed sulfate data is fixed if sulf_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
sulf_fixed_ymd | sulf_nl | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the prescribed sulfate data is fixed
if sulf_type is 'FIXED'.
Default: 0
sulf_name | sulf_nl | cam_chem | char*16 | ['any char'] | Name of variable containing sulfate data in the prescribed sulfate datasets. Default: 'SULFATE' |
sulf_rmfile | sulf_nl | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Remove the file containing prescribed sulfate concentrations from local disk when no longer needed. Default: FALSE |
sulf_type | sulf_nl | cam_chem | char*32 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', 'FIXED'] | Type of time interpolation for data in prescribed sulfate files. Can be set to 'CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', or 'FIXED'. Default: 'CYCLICAL' |
tracer_cnst_cycle_yr | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | is 1850 for: {'scam': '1', 'phys': 'cam6', 'ver': 'fixed_ox'} is 1850 for: {'ver': 'fixed_ox', 'phys': 'cam6', 'camiop': '1'} is 2000 for: {'ver': 'fixed_ox'} is 2000 for: {'ver': 'fixed_ox_halons'} is 1995 for: {'ver': 'fixed_ch4'} 2000 |
The cycle year of the prescribed chemical constituents data
if tracer_cnst_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
tracer_cnst_datapath | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/oxid for: {'ver': 'fixed_ox'} is atm/waccm/halons for: {'ver': 'fixed_ox_halons'} is atm/cam/chem/methane for: {'ver': 'fixed_ch4'} is atm/waccm/halons for: {'chem': 'waccm_sc_mam4'} |
Full pathname of the directory that contains the files specified in
Default: set by build-namelist.
tracer_cnst_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | is oxid_1.9x2.5_L26_1850-2005_c091123.nc for: {'ver': 'fixed_ox'} is oxid_1.9x2.5_L26_1850clim_c091123.nc for: {'scam': '1', 'phys': 'cam6', 'ver': 'fixed_ox'} is oxid_1.9x2.5_L26_1850clim_c091123.nc for: {'ver': 'fixed_ox', 'phys': 'cam6', 'camiop': '1'} is halons_oxid_1.9x2.5zm_L66_1849-2099_c160714.nc for: {'ver': 'fixed_ox_halons'} is CH4_1990-1999_clim_c090605.nc for: {'ver': 'fixed_ch4'} is halons_oxid_1.9x2.5zm_L66_1849-2099_c160714.nc for: {'chem': 'waccm_sc_mam4'} |
Filename of dataset for the prescribed chemical constituents. Default: set by build-namelist. |
tracer_cnst_filelist | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | is oxid_1.9x2.5_L26_clim_list.c090805.txt for: {'ver': 'fixed_ox'} is filelist_c090605.txt for: {'ver': 'fixed_ch4'} |
Filename of file that contains a sequence of filenames for the prescribed chemical constituents.
The filenames in this file are relative to the directory specified
by tracer_cnst_datapath.
Default: set by build-namelist.
tracer_cnst_fixed_tod | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to tracer_cnst_fixed_ymd at which the chemical constituents data is fixed if tracer_cnst_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
tracer_cnst_fixed_ymd | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the chemical constituents data is fixed
if tracer_cnst_type is 'FIXED'.
Default: 0
tracer_cnst_rmfile | chem_inparm | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Remove the file containing prescribed chemical constituents from local disk when no longer needed. Default: FALSE |
tracer_cnst_specifier | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256(100) | ['any char'] | List of prescribed chemical constituents. Default: set by build-namelist. |
tracer_cnst_type | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*24 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', 'FIXED'] | is CYCLICAL for: {'ver': 'fixed_ox'} is CYCLICAL for: {'ver': 'fixed_ox_halons'} is CYCLICAL for: {'ver': 'fixed_ch4'} CYCLICAL |
Type of time interpolation for data in tracer_cnst files. Default: 'SERIAL' |
tracer_srcs_cycle_yr | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The cycle year of the prescribed chemical sources data
if tracer_srcs_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
tracer_srcs_datapath | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Full pathname of the directory that contains the files specified in
Default: set by build-namelist.
tracer_srcs_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | Filename of dataset for the prescribed chemical sources. Default: set by build-namelist. |
tracer_srcs_filelist | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Filename of file that contains a sequence of datasets for the prescribed chemical sources.
The filenames in this file are relative to the directory specified
by tracer_srcs_datapath.
Default: set by build-namelist.
tracer_srcs_fixed_tod | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to tracer_srcs_fixed_ymd at which the chemical sources data is fixed if tracer_srcs_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
tracer_srcs_fixed_ymd | chem_inparm | cam_chem | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the chemical sources data is fixed
if tracer_srcs_type is 'FIXED'.
Default: 0
tracer_srcs_rmfile | chem_inparm | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Remove the file containing prescribed chemical sources from local disk when no longer needed. Default: FALSE |
tracer_srcs_specifier | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256(100) | ['any char'] | List of prescribed chemical sources Default: set by build-namelist. |
tracer_srcs_type | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*24 | ['any char'] | Type of time interpolation for data in tracer_srcs files. Default: 'SERIAL' |
tuv_xsect_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/phot/tuv_xsect.nc |
Full pathname of dataset for fast-tuv photolysis cross sections Default: set by build-namelist. |
vmr_sums | species_sums_nl | cam_chem | char*256(200) | ['any char'] | Give the user the ability to specify species families (or groupings) diagnostics in volume mixing ratio. These group names can be added to history fincl variables. The units are mole/mole. A "+" character at the end of a string indicates that the summation will continue with the next string. Example: vmr_sums = 'SOAG = SOAG0 + SOAG1 + SOAG2 + SOAG3 + SOAG4', 'NOy = N + NO + NO2 + NO3 + 2*N2O5 + HNO3 + HO2NO2 + CLONO2 +', 'BRONO2 + PAN + MPAN + ISOPNO3 + ONITR +', 'HONITR + ALKNIT + ISOPNITA + ISOPNITB + ISOPNOOH + NC4CH2OH +', 'NC4CHO + NOA + NTERPOOH + PBZNIT + TERPNIT' fincl1 = 'NOy','SOAG', ... Default: none |
xactive_prates | chem_inparm | cam_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If TRUE then use the FTUV method to calculate the photolysis reactions rates, otherwise use the look up table method. Default: FALSE |
xs_coef_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/phot/effxstex.txt |
Full pathname of dataset for Chebyshev polynomial Coeff data used for photolysis cross sections. Default: set by build-namelist. |
xs_long_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/phot/temp_prs_GT200nm_JPL10_c140624.nc |
Full pathname of cross section dataset for long wavelengh photolysis Default: set by build-namelist. |
xs_short_file | chem_inparm | cam_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/phot/xs_short_jpl10_c140303.nc |
Full pathname of cross section dataset for short wavelengh photolysis Default: set by build-namelist. |
carma_conmax | carma_nl | carma | real | ['any real'] | A fraction that scales how tight the convergence criteria are to determine that the substepping has resulted in a valid solution. Smaller values will force more substepping. CARMA particles. Default: 0.1 |
carma_cstick | carma_nl | carma | real | ['any real'] | Accommodation coefficient for coagulation. Default: 1.0 |
carma_do_aerosol | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that the CARMA model is an aerosol model, and should be called in tphysac. Default: TRUE |
carma_do_cldice | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that CARMA is a cloud ice model and should be called in tphysbc. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_cldliq | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that CARMA is a cloud liquid model and should be called in tphysbc. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_clearsky | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that CARMA should do clear sky calculations for particles that are not part of a cloud in addition to doing a separate calculation for incloud particles. Only valid when carma_do_incloud is true. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_coag | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating whether the coagulation process is enabled for CARMA particles. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_detrain | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that CARMA is responsible for detrain condensate from convection into the model. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_drydep | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that the dry deposition process is enabled for CARMA particles. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_emission | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that the emission of particles is enabled for CARMA. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_explised | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that sedimentation should be calculated using an explicit technique where the substepping is used to keep the CFL condition from being violated rather than the default PPM scheme. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_fixedinit | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating CARMA coefficients should only be initialized once from a fixed temperature profile rather than recomputed for each column. This improves performance, but reduces accuracy. By default the temperature profile used is calculated as the average of the initial condition file, but a predefined profile can be provided. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_grow | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that the condensational growth process is enabled for CARMA particles. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_incloud | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that CARMA should treat cloud particles as incloud rather than gridbox average calculations. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_optics | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that carma should generate optical properties files for the CAM radiation code. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_partialinit | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating used in cunjunction with carma_do_fixedinit to indicate that only the coagulation coefficients should only be initialized from a fixed temperature profile and all other coeeficients will be recalculated. Coagulation is the slowest initialization, so this improves performance while still retaining accuracy for most processes. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_pheat | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that particle heating will be used for the condensational growth process. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_pheatatm | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that particle heating will affect the atmospheric temperature. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_substep | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that substepping will be used for the condensational growth process. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_thermo | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that changes in heating will be calculated as a result CARMA processes and will affect the CAM heating tendency. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_vdiff | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that the effect of Brownian diffusion will be calculated for CARMA particles. NOTE: This needs to be used in conjunction with CARMA sedimentation. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_vtran | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that the sedimentation process is enabled for CARMA particles. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_wetdep | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that the wet deposition process is enabled for CARMA particles. Default: FALSE |
carma_dt_threshold | carma_nl | carma | real | ['any real'] | When non-zero, the largest change in temperature (K) allowed per substep. Default: 0. |
carma_flag | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating whether CARMA is enabled. If CARMA has been included in the build (configure -carma with something other than none), then this will cause all of the CARMA constituents and field names to be registered, but no other CARMA process will be preformed. This overrides the individual CARMA process flags. Default: FALSE |
carma_gsticki | carma_nl | carma | real | ['any real'] | Accommodation coefficient for growth with ice. Default: 0.93 |
carma_gstickl | carma_nl | carma | real | ['any real'] | Accommodation coefficient for growth with liquid. Default: 1.0 |
carma_hetchem_feedback | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that CARMA sulfate surface area density will be used in heterogeneous chemistry rate calculation. Default: FALSE |
carma_maxretries | carma_nl | carma | integer | ['any integer'] | Specifies the maximum number of retry attempts to be used when condensational growth requires substepping, but the original estimate for the amount of substepping was insufficient. Default: 8 |
carma_maxsubsteps | carma_nl | carma | integer | ['any integer'] | Specifies the maximum number of substeps that could be used for the first guess when condensational growth requires substepping. Default: 1 |
carma_model | carma_nl | carma | char*32 | ['any char'] | The name of the active CARMA microphysics model or none when CARMA is not active. Default: none |
carma_rad_feedback | carma_nl | carma | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that CARMA sulfate mass mixing ratio will be used in radiation calculation. Default: FALSE |
carma_reftfile | carma_nl | carma | char*256 | ['any char'] | Specifies the name of the reference temperature file that will be used (and created if necessary) for initialization of CARMA to a fixed temperature profile. Default: carma_reft.nc |
carma_rhcrit | carma_nl | carma | real | ['any real'] | Critical relative humidity for liquid cloud formation, used for sub-grid scale in-cloud saturation. Default: 1.0 |
carma_tstick | carma_nl | carma | real | ['any real'] | Accommodation coefficient for temperature. Default: 1.0 |
carma_do_escale | carma_model_nl | carma_model | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that meteor smoke emission will be scaled by a global relative flux based upon the carma_escale_file. Default: FALSE |
carma_do_WeibullK | carma_model_nl | carma_model | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that a calculated Weibull K should be used. Default: FALSE |
carma_emis_dust | carma_model_nl | carma_model | real | ['any real'] | Global mass of dust emission for the event. Default: 0. (kg) |
carma_emis_file | carma_model_nl | carma_model | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/waccm/emis/meteor_smoke_kalashnikova.nc for: {'carma': 'meteor_smoke'} is atm/waccm/emis/meteor_smoke_kalashnikova.nc for: {'carma': 'mixed_sulfate'} is atm/waccm/emis/meteor_smoke_kalashnikova.nc for: {'carma': 'pmc'} is atm/waccm/emis/meteor_smoke_kalashnikova.nc for: {'carma': 'pmc_sulfate'} is atm/waccm/emis/early_earth_haze.nc for: {'carma': 'tholin'} |
Specifies the name of the file containing the meteor smoke emission (ablation) profile. Default: set by build-namelist. |
carma_emis_maxlat | carma_model_nl | carma_model | real | ['any real'] | Maximum latitude of the area for emssions from the event. Default: 90. (degrees north) |
carma_emis_maxlon | carma_model_nl | carma_model | real | ['any real'] | Maximum longitude of the area for emssions from the event. Default: 360. (degrees east) |
carma_emis_minlat | carma_model_nl | carma_model | real | ['any real'] | Minimum latitude of the area for emssions from the event. Default: -90. (degrees north) |
carma_emis_minlon | carma_model_nl | carma_model | real | ['any real'] | Minimum longitude of the area for emssions from the event. Default: 0. (degrees east) |
carma_emis_soot | carma_model_nl | carma_model | real | ['any real'] | Global mass of dust emission for the event. Default: 0. (kg) |
carma_emis_startdate | carma_model_nl | carma_model | integer | ['any integer'] | Starting date for emissions in the form of (yyyyddd) where yyyy is a year and ddd is a day of year. Default: 1 (yyyyddd) |
carma_emis_starttime | carma_model_nl | carma_model | integer | ['any integer'] | Starting time for the emission event in GMT. Default: 0. (s Z) |
carma_emis_stopdate | carma_model_nl | carma_model | integer | ['any integer'] | Stopping date for emissions in the form of (yyyyddd) where yyyy is a year and ddd is a day of year. Default: 1 (yyyyddd) |
carma_emis_stoptime | carma_model_nl | carma_model | integer | ['any integer'] | Stoping time for the emission event in GMT. Default: 0. (s) |
carma_emis_total | carma_model_nl | carma_model | real | ['any real'] | The total meteor smoke emission rate in kt/year. The flux will be scaled to total that value. Default: 16.0 |
carma_emission_rate | carma_model_nl | carma_model | real | ['any real'] | The emission rate of inert tracers used in the test. A positive value indicates that the rate is a column mass (kg/m2/s) and a negative value indicate that it is a mass mixing ratio (kg/kg/s). Default: 1e-9 |
carma_escale_file | carma_model_nl | carma_model | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/waccm/emis/smoke_grf_frentzke.nc for: {'carma': 'meteor_smoke'} is atm/waccm/emis/smoke_grf_frentzke.nc for: {'carma': 'mixed_sulfate'} is atm/waccm/emis/smoke_grf_frentzke.nc for: {'carma': 'pmc'} is atm/waccm/emis/smoke_grf_frentzke.nc for: {'carma': 'pmc_sulfate'} |
Specifies the name of the file containing the global realtive flux specification. Default: set by build-namelist. |
carma_fractal_soot | carma_model_nl | carma_model | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Are the soot particles treated as fractals? Default: FALSE |
carma_launch_doy | carma_model_nl | carma_model | integer | ['any integer'] | Specifies the day of year when tracers will start being emitted for the tracer test. Default: 1 |
carma_mice_file | carma_model_nl | carma_model | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/physprops/mice_warren2008.nc for: {'carma': 'pmc'} is atm/cam/physprops/mice_warren2008.nc for: {'carma': 'pmc_sulfate'} |
Specifies the name of the file containing ice refrative indicies as a function of wavelength used for the particle heating calculation. Default: set by build-namelist. |
carma_neutral_h2so4 | carma_model_nl | carma_model | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating that h2so4 vapor pressures should be calculated as if they were over sulfates that have been totally neutralized. Default: FALSE |
carma_seasalt_emis | carma_model_nl | carma_model | char*32 | ['any char'] | Specifies the name of the sea salt emission parameterization. Default: Gong |
carma_soilerosion_file | carma_model_nl | carma_model | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/dst/soil_erosion_factor_1x1_c120907.nc for: {'carma': 'cirrus_dust'} is atm/cam/dst/soil_erosion_factor_1x1_c120907.nc for: {'carma': 'dust'} |
Specifies the name of the file containing soil erosion factors. This is used by the dust model. Default: set by build-namelist. |
carma_sulfate_method | carma_model_nl | carma_model | char*32 | ['bulk', 'carma', 'fixed', 'modal'] | Specifies the method to use to get the prescribed sulfate aerosols for use with nucleation of cirrus clouds. This can be different than the sulfate aerosols that are used with the climate. Default: fixed |
chem_use_chemtrop | chem_inparm | chemistry | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
Indicates whether to use the unified chemistry tropopause method to set the tropopause used in gas phase and aerosol chemical processes. This has a maximum altitude level corresponding to 300 hPa for latitudes poleward of 50 degrees. Default: set by build-namelist |
cldfrc_dp1 | cldfrc_nl | cldfrc | real | ['any real'] | 0.14D0 is 0.10D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is 0.10D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6'} is 0.10D0 for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'phys': 'cam4'} is 0.10D0 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'phys': 'cam4'} |
parameter for deep convection cloud fraction. Default: set by build-namelist |
cldfrc_dp2 | cldfrc_nl | cldfrc | real | ['any real'] | 500.0D0 |
parameter for deep convection cloud fraction. Default: set by build-namelist |
cldfrc_freeze_dry | cldfrc_nl | cldfrc | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
Switch for Vavrus "freeze dry" adjustment in cloud fraction. Set to FALSE to turn the adjustment off. Default: .true. |
cldfrc_ice | cldfrc_nl | cldfrc | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is .true. for: {'phys': 'cam6'} |
Switch for ice cloud fraction calculation. Default: .true. for CAM5 and CAM6, otherwise .false. |
cldfrc_premit | cldfrc_nl | cldfrc | real | ['any real'] | 75000.0D0 is 25000.0D0 for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is 25000.0D0 for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is 25000.0D0 for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.5x0.625'} is 25000.0D0 for: {'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '128x256'} is 25000.0D0 for: {'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '256x512'} is 25000.0D0 for: {'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '512x1024'} is 40000.0D0 for: {'pbl': 'uw'} is 40000.0D0 for: {'pbl': 'uw', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is 40000.0D0 for: {'pbl': 'uw', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is 40000.0D0 for: {'pbl': 'uw', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.5x0.625'} is 40000.0D0 for: {'pbl': 'uw', 'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '128x256'} is 40000.0D0 for: {'pbl': 'uw', 'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '256x512'} is 40000.0D0 for: {'pbl': 'uw', 'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '512x1024'} is 40000.0D0 for: {'pbl': 'uw', 'dyn': 'se'} |
top pressure bound for mid level cloud. Default: set by build-namelist |
cldfrc_rhminh | cldfrc_nl | cldfrc | real | ['any real'] | 0.800D0 is 0.770D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is 0.700D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is 0.770D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is 0.500D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '48x96'} is 0.900D0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '4x5'} is 0.900D0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '10x15'} is 0.680D0 for: {'hgrid': '128x256'} is 0.680D0 for: {'hgrid': '128x256'} is 0.650D0 for: {'hgrid': '512x1024'} |
Minimum rh for high stable clouds. Default: set by build-namelist |
cldfrc_rhminl | cldfrc_nl | cldfrc | real | ['any real'] | 0.900D0 is 0.910D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5', 'carma': 'cirrus'} is 0.850D0 for: {'unicon': '1', 'dyn': 'fv', 'phys': 'cam5'} is 0.850D0 for: {'unicon': '1', 'dyn': 'se', 'phys': 'cam5'} is 0.950D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5', 'microphys': 'mg2'} is 0.950D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5', 'microphys': 'mg3'} is 0.8975D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is 0.8875D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'microphys': 'mg1'} is 0.9125D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is 0.910D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'carma': 'cirrus'} is 0.950D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'microphys': 'mg2'} is 0.950D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'microphys': 'mg3'} is 0.8975D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6'} is 0.8875D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'microphys': 'mg1'} is 0.9125D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is 0.910D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is 0.920D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is 0.920D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is 0.913D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'ocn': 'docn'} is 0.903D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '512x1024'} is 0.905D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '128x256'} is 0.880D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '48x96'} is 0.910D0 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'phys': 'cam4'} |
Minimum rh for low stable clouds. Default: set by build-namelist |
cldfrc_sh1 | cldfrc_nl | cldfrc | real | ['any real'] | 0.07D0 is 0.04D0 for: {'dyn': 'fv'} is 0.10D0 for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is 0.04D0 for: {'dyn': 'se'} |
parameter for shallow convection cloud fraction. Default: set by build-namelist |
cldfrc_sh2 | cldfrc_nl | cldfrc | real | ['any real'] | 500.0D0 |
parameter for shallow convection cloud fraction. Default: set by build-namelist |
cldsed_ice_stokes_fac | cldsed_nl | cldsed | real | ['any real'] | 1.0D0 is 0.5D0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} is 0.5D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} |
Factor applied to the ice fall velocity computed from Stokes terminal velocity. Default: set by build-namelist |
co2_cycle_rad_passive | camexp | co2_cycle | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag to set rad_climate variable so that the prognostic CO2 controlled by the co2_cycle module is radiatively passive. Default: FALSE |
co2_flag | co2_cycle_nl | co2_cycle | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If TRUE turn on CO2 code. Default: set by build-namelist |
co2_readflux_aircraft | co2_cycle_nl | co2_cycle | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If TRUE read co2 aircraft flux from file. Default: set by build-namelist |
co2_readflux_fuel | co2_cycle_nl | co2_cycle | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If TRUE read co2 fuel flux from file. Default: set by build-namelist |
co2_readflux_ocn | co2_cycle_nl | co2_cycle | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If TRUE read co2 ocn flux from file. Default: FALSE |
co2flux_fuel_file | co2_cycle_nl | co2_cycle | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/ggas/emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_surface_175001-201512_fv_0.9x1.25_c20181011.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is atm/cam/ggas/emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_surface_175001-201512_fv_1.9x2.5_c20181011.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is atm/cam/ggas/emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_surface_175001-201512_fv_0.9x1.25_c20181011.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': 'C384'} is atm/cam/ggas/emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_surface_175001-201512_fv_0.9x1.25_c20181011.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': 'C192'} is atm/cam/ggas/emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_surface_175001-201512_fv_0.9x1.25_c20181011.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': 'C96'} is atm/cam/ggas/emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_surface_175001-201512_fv_1.9x2.5_c20181011.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': 'C48'} is atm/cam/ggas/emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_surface_175001-201512_fv_1.9x2.5_c20181011.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': 'C24'} |
Filepath for dataset containing CO2 flux from fossil fuel. Default: none |
co2flux_ocn_file | co2_cycle_nl | co2_cycle | char*256 | ['any char'] | Filepath for dataset containing CO2 flux from ocn. Default: none |
cld_macmic_num_steps | phys_ctl_nl | conv | integer | ['any integer'] | 1 is 3 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg2'} is 6 for: {'silhs': '1', 'clubb_sgs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg2'} is 1 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'waccmx': '1', 'microphys': 'mg2'} is 2 for: {'dtime': '1200', 'clubb_sgs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg2'} is 1 for: {'dtime': '600', 'clubb_sgs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg2'} is 1 for: {'dtime': '300', 'clubb_sgs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg2'} is 3 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg3'} |
Number of macrophysics/microphysics substeps. Default: 1 |
cldfrc2m_do_subgrid_growth | cldfrc2m_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'phys': 'cam6'} |
Use cloud fraction to determine whether to do growth of ice clouds below RHice of 1 down to RHice = rhmini. Default: .true. for CAM6; all others => .false. |
cldfrc2m_rhmaxi | cldfrc2m_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 1.1D0 is 1.0D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1'} is 1.05D0 for: {'silhs': '1', 'clubb_sgs': '1'} is 1.0D0 for: {'spcam_clubb_sgs': '1'} |
rhi at which ice cloud fraction = 1. Default: set by build-namelist |
cldfrc2m_rhmaxis | cldfrc2m_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 1.1D0 is 1.0D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1'} is 1.0D0 for: {'spcam_clubb_sgs': '1'} |
rhi at which ice cloud fraction = 1 in the stratosphere. Default: set by build-namelist |
cldfrc2m_rhmini | cldfrc2m_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 0.80D0 is 0.85D0 for: {'unicon': '1'} is 0.80D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1'} |
Minimum rh for ice cloud fraction > 0. Default: set by build-namelist |
cldfrc2m_rhminis | cldfrc2m_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 1.0D0 is 0.85D0 for: {'unicon': '1'} |
Minimum rh for ice cloud fraction > 0 in the stratosphere. Default: set by build-namelist |
cldfrc_icecrit | cldfrc_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 0.95D0 is 0.93D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is 0.93D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6'} is 0.70D0 for: {'carma': 'cirrus'} is 0.70D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5', 'carma': 'cirrus'} is 0.70D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'carma': 'cirrus'} |
Critical RH for ice clouds (Wilson & Ballard scheme). Default: set by build-namelist |
cldfrc_iceopt | cldfrc_nl | conv | integer | ['any integer'] | 1 is 5 for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is 5 for: {'phys': 'cam6'} is 4 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'carma': 'cirrus'} is 4 for: {'phys': 'cam5', 'carma': 'cirrus'} is 4 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'carma': 'cirrus'} |
Scheme for ice cloud fraction: 1=wang & sassen, 2=schiller (iciwc), 3=wood & field, 4=Wilson (based on smith), 5=modified slingo (ssat & empyt cloud) Default: set by build-namelist |
cldfrc_premib | cldfrc_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 750.0D2 is 700.0D2 for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is 700.0D2 for: {'phys': 'cam6'} |
Bottom height (Pa) for mid-level liquid stratus fraction. Default: 700.e2 for CAM5 and CAM6; all others=> 750.e2 |
cldfrc_rhminl_adj_land | cldfrc_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 0.100D0 is 0.000D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6'} is 0.000D0 for: {'carma': 'cirrus'} |
Adjustment to rhminl for land without snow cover. Default: 0.0 for CAM6; all others => 0.10 |
clubb_do_energyfix | clubb_params_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Apply adjustments to dry static energy so that CLUBB conserves energy. Default: true |
clubb_do_liqsupersat | clubb_params_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Apply liquid supersaturation adjustment code Default: false |
convproc_do_aer | phys_ctl_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to use new convective scavenging for modal aerosols. This scheme replaces the call to ZM's convtran for the the modal aerosol number and mass mixing ratio constituents. Default: .false. |
convproc_do_deep | aerosol_convproc_opts | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to turn on / off deep convection in the MAM convective cloud processing scheme. Default: .true. |
convproc_do_evaprain_atonce | aerosol_convproc_opts | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to control when aerosols are released by rain re-evaporation in wet removal and redistribution of aerosol mass in modes. If FALSE then aerosols are immediately released back to its original mode from the rain as the rain evaporates. If TRUE the aerosols are released only when the rain totally evaporates and the mass of given aerosol components is released back in the most coarse mode for such component. For example, dust, sea salt and sulfate aerosols released by the rain evaporation are redistributed to coarse mode aerosol mass. Also, released POM, SOA and BC mass are redistributed into accumulated mode aerosol mass. Default: .false. |
convproc_do_gas | aerosol_convproc_opts | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to turn on / off trace gas tendencies due to the MAM convective cloud processing scheme. Default: .false. |
convproc_do_shallow | aerosol_convproc_opts | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to turn on / off shallow convection in the MAM convective cloud processing scheme. Default: .false. |
convproc_pom_spechygro | aerosol_convproc_opts | conv | real | ['any real'] | Hygroscopicity of primary organic mater used in MAM convective cloud processing scheme. Set to -1 to use the values defined in the physical properties file. Default: -1 |
convproc_wup_max | aerosol_convproc_opts | conv | real | ['any real'] | Maximum updraft velocity (m/s) in MAM convective cloud processing scheme. Default: 4 m/s |
deep_scheme | phys_ctl_nl | conv | char*16 | ['ZM', 'UNICON', 'off', 'CLUBB_SGS'] | ZM is off for: {'silhs': '1'} is UNICON for: {'unicon': '1'} is NONE for: {'pbl': 'none'} is SPCAM for: {'phys': 'spcam_sam1mom'} is SPCAM for: {'phys': 'spcam_m2005'} |
Type of deep convection scheme employed. 'ZM' for Zhang-McFarlane; 'off' for none; or 'UNICON' which doesn't distinquish shallow and deep. Default: 'ZM' unless using 'UNICON', 'SPCAM' or 'pbl=none' |
deepconv_wetdep_history | aerosol_convproc_opts | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to turn on / off default history fields associated with aerosol wet deposition fluxes as computed in the MAM convective cloud processing scheme. Default: .true. |
do_clubb_sgs | phys_ctl_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'clubb_sgs': '1'} is .true. for: {'spcam_clubb_sgs': '1'} |
Switch for CLUBB_SGS Default: set by build-namelist |
hkconv_c0 | hkconv_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | is 1.0e-4 for: {'dyn': 'fv'} is 5.0e-5 for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is 5.0e-5 for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is 5.0e-5 for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.5x0.625'} is 2.0e-4 for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '4x5'} 2.0e-4 is 1.0e-5 for: {'hgrid': '512x1024'} is 1.0e-5 for: {'hgrid': '256x512'} is 1.0e-4 for: {'hgrid': '48x96'} is 1.0e-4 for: {'hgrid': '128x256'} is 1.0e-4 for: {'dyn': 'se'} |
Rain water autoconversion coefficient for Hack shallow scheme. Default: set by build-namelist |
hkconv_cmftau | hkconv_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 1800.0D0 |
Characteristic adjustment time scale for Hack shallow scheme. Default: 1800.0 |
macro_park_do_cldice | macro_park_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to control whether Park macrophysics should prognose cloud ice (cldice). Default: .true., except for carma=cirrus and carma=carma_dust |
macro_park_do_cldliq | macro_park_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to control whether Park macrophysics should prognose cloud liquid (cldliq). Default: .true. |
macro_park_do_detrain | macro_park_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to control whether Park macrophysics should perform detrainment into the stratiform cloud scheme. Default: .true., except for carma=cirrus and carma=carma_dust |
macrop_scheme | phys_ctl_nl | conv | char*16 | ['none', 'park', 'RK', 'CLUBB_SGS'] | none is rk for: {'macrophys': 'rk'} is park for: {'macrophys': 'park'} is CLUBB_SGS for: {'macrophys': 'clubb_sgs'} is SPCAM_sam1mom for: {'macrophys': 'spcam_sam1mom'} is SPCAM_m2005 for: {'macrophys': 'spcam_m2005'} |
Type of macrophysics scheme employed. 'park' for Park (1998); 'RK' for Rasch and Kristjansson (1998); 'CLUBB_SGS' clubb. Default: set by build-namelist |
microp_scheme | phys_ctl_nl | conv | char*16 | ['NONE', 'RK', 'MG', 'SPCAM_m2005', 'SPCAM_sam1mom'] | NONE is RK for: {'microphys': 'rk'} is MG for: {'microphys': 'mg1'} is MG for: {'microphys': 'mg2'} is SPCAM_m2005 for: {'microphys': 'spcam_m2005'} is SPCAM_sam1mom for: {'microphys': 'spcam_sam1mom'} is MG for: {'microphys': 'mg3'} |
Type of microphysics scheme employed. 'RK' for Rasch and Kristjansson (1998); 'MG' for Morrison and Gettelman (2008), Gettelman et al (2010) two moment scheme for CAM5 and CAM6 SPCAM has two different microphysics schemes: SPCAM_m2005 (Morrison et al 2005), SPCAM_sam1mom (Khairoutinov 2003) Default: set by build-namelist (depends on value set in configure). |
rk_strat_conke | rk_stratiform_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 10.0e-6 is 5.0e-6 for: {'dyn': 'fv'} is 5.0e-6 for: {'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '512x1024'} is 5.0e-6 for: {'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '256x512'} is 5.0e-6 for: {'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '128x256'} is 5.0e-6 for: {'dyn': 'se'} |
Tunable constant for evaporation of precip in RK microphysics scheme. Default: set by build-namelist |
rk_strat_icritc | rk_stratiform_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 5.0e-6 is 9.5e-6 for: {'unicon': '1', 'dyn': 'fv'} is 45.0e-6 for: {'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is 45.0e-6 for: {'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is 45.0e-6 for: {'hgrid': '0.5x0.625'} is 18.0e-6 for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is 18.0e-6 for: {'hgrid': '1x1.25'} is 9.5e-6 for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is 9.5e-6 for: {'hgrid': '2x2.5'} is 9.5e-6 for: {'hgrid': '4x5'} is 9.5e-6 for: {'hgrid': '10x15'} is 30.0e-6 for: {'hgrid': '512x1024'} is 20.0e-6 for: {'hgrid': '256x512'} is 16.0e-6 for: {'hgrid': '128x256'} is 1.0e-6 for: {'hgrid': '48x96'} is 18.0e-6 for: {'dyn': 'se'} |
Threshold for autoconversion of cold ice in RK microphysics scheme. Default: set by build-namelist |
rk_strat_icritw | rk_stratiform_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 4.0e-4 is 2.0e-4 for: {'dyn': 'fv'} is 2.0e-6 for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is 2.0e-4 for: {'dyn': 'se'} |
Threshold for autoconversion of warm ice in RK microphysics scheme. Default: set by build-namelist |
rk_strat_polstrat_rhmin | rk_stratiform_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | Relative humidity threshold for stratospheric cloud water condensation in RK microphysics poleward of 50 degrees. Default: none |
rk_strat_r3lcrit | rk_stratiform_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 10.0e-6 is 1.0e-6 for: {'hgrid': '48x96'} |
Critical radius at which autoconversion become efficient in RK microphysics scheme. Default: set by build-namelist |
shallow_scheme | phys_ctl_nl | conv | char*16 | ['Hack', 'UW', 'CLUBB_SGS', 'UNICON', 'SPCAM_m2005', 'SPCAM_sam1mom'] | is NONE for: {'pbl': 'none'} is UW for: {'pbl': 'uw'} is UNICON for: {'unicon': '1', 'pbl': 'uw'} is Hack for: {'pbl': 'hb'} is Hack for: {'pbl': 'hbr'} is CLUBB_SGS for: {'pbl': 'clubb_sgs'} is SPCAM for: {'pbl': 'spcam_m2005'} is SPCAM for: {'pbl': 'spcam_sam1mom'} |
Type of shallow convection scheme employed.
'Hack' for Hack shallow convection;
'UW' for original McCaa UW pbl scheme, modified by Sungsu Park;
'UNICON' which doesn't distinquish shallow and deep.
'SPCAM_m2005' for SPCAM double moment
'SPCAM_sam1mom' for SPCAM single moment
Default: set by build-namelist (depends on eddy_scheme).
subcol_scheme | subcol_nl | conv | char*16 | ['SILHS', 'CloudObj', 'tstcp', 'vamp', 'off'] | off is SILHS for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Type of sub-column generator scheme employed. 'SIHLS' Sub-columns generated with Latin Hypercube sampling of the CLUBB PDF; 'CloudObj' Create sub-columns where most water is assigned to cloud sub-columns; 'tstcp' testing; 'vamp' Variation Across Microphysics Profiles simple deterministic scheme; 'off' None Default: 'off' |
subcol_silhs_constrainmn | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Whether to constrain samples of ice, liquid and vapor to the same subcolumn mean as the grid mean value. |
subcol_silhs_corr_file_name | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | char*16 | ['any char'] | default |
Correlation input file run name (as in 'rico' or 'arm97' or 'default') |
subcol_silhs_corr_file_path | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | char*256 | ['any char'] | . |
Location of SILHS correlation input files - usually the path to the SILHS code directory. |
subcol_silhs_hmp2_ip_on_hmm2_ip_intrcpt%Ni | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | Intercept of linear equation that calculates precribed in-cloud ice concentration ratio [N_i'^2] / [N_i]^2 [-] |
subcol_silhs_hmp2_ip_on_hmm2_ip_intrcpt%Nr | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | Intercept of linear equation that calculates precribed in-cloud rain drop concentration ratio [N_r'^2] / [N_r]^2 [-] |
subcol_silhs_hmp2_ip_on_hmm2_ip_intrcpt%Ns | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | Intercept of linear equation that calculates precribed in-cloud snow concentration ratio [N_s'^2] / [N_s]^2 [-] |
subcol_silhs_hmp2_ip_on_hmm2_ip_intrcpt%ri | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | Intercept of linear equation that calculates precribed in-cloud ice mixing ratio [r_i'^2] / [r_i]^2 [-] |
subcol_silhs_hmp2_ip_on_hmm2_ip_intrcpt%rr | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | Intercept of linear equation that calculates precribed in-cloud rain water mixing ratio [r_r'^2] / [r_r]^2 [1/m] |
subcol_silhs_hmp2_ip_on_hmm2_ip_intrcpt%rs | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | Intercept of linear equation that calculates precribed in-cloud snow mixing ratio [r_s'^2] / [r_s]^2 [-] |
subcol_silhs_hmp2_ip_on_hmm2_ip_slope%Ni | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | Slope of linear equation that calculates precribed in-cloud ice concentration ratio [N_i'^2] / [N_i]^2 [1/m] |
subcol_silhs_hmp2_ip_on_hmm2_ip_slope%Nr | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | Slope of linear equation that calculates precribed in-cloud rain drop concentration ratio [N_r'^2] / [N_r]^2 [1/m] |
subcol_silhs_hmp2_ip_on_hmm2_ip_slope%Ns | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | Slope of linear equation that calculates precribed in-cloud snow concentration ratio [N_s'^2] / [N_s]^2 [1/m] |
subcol_silhs_hmp2_ip_on_hmm2_ip_slope%ri | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | Slope of linear equation that calculates precribed in-cloud ice mixing ratio [r_i'^2] / [r_i]^2 [1/m] |
subcol_silhs_hmp2_ip_on_hmm2_ip_slope%rr | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | Slope of linear equation that calculates precribed in-cloud rain water mixing ratio [r_r'^2] / [r_r]^2 [1/m] |
subcol_silhs_hmp2_ip_on_hmm2_ip_slope%rs | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | Slope of linear equation that calculates precribed in-cloud snow mixing ratio [r_s'^2] / [r_s]^2 [1/m] |
subcol_silhs_meanice | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
A special configuration that sends mean ice mixing ratios and number concentrations to microphysics but allows cloud liquid water and number concentrations to vary. Should reduce the impact of negative condensate. Default False. |
subcol_silhs_n_to_micro | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
Whether to send SILHS liq and ice num concentrations to microphysics (if false, uses grid mean values). |
subcol_silhs_ncnp2_on_ncnm2 | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 0.05 |
Prescribed in-cloud ratio [N_cn'^2] / [N_cn]^2 [no units] |
subcol_silhs_numsubcol | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | integer | ['any integer'] | 4 |
Number of subcolumns/samples to use in this simulation. Must be less than psubcols. Default: 4 |
subcol_silhs_q_to_micro | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
Whether to send SILHS liq and ice mixing ratios to microphysics (if false, uses grid mean values). |
subcol_silhs_use_clear_col | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Whether to use a clear-air only column to ensure consistant subcolumn cloud fraction |
subcol_silhs_var_covar_src | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
Flag to use SILHS to calculate the effect of microphysics on CLUBB's predictive (co)variances rtp2 (total water variance), thlp2 (theta-l variance), and rtpthlp (covariance of total water and theta-l), as well as on CLUBB's predictive fluxes wprtp (total water flux) and wpthlp (flux of theta-l). |
subcol_silhs_weight | subcol_silhs_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
Turns on/off use of weights during averaging in tstcp 'true' to use weights. Default: '.true.' |
subcol_tstcp_filter | subcol_tstcp_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Turns on/off filtering during averaing in tstcp 'true' to use filtering. Default: '.false.' |
subcol_tstcp_noAvg | subcol_tstcp_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Turns off averaging and assigns first subcolumn back to grid. Needed for BFB comparisons 'true' for no averaging. Default: '.false.' |
subcol_tstcp_perturb | subcol_tstcp_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Perturbs the temperatures in state after copying for testing purposes 'true' to perturb temperatures. Default: '.false.' |
subcol_tstcp_restart | subcol_tstcp_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Tests the restart capabilities of weights with a more adequate test 'true' to set the weights to a slightly more complicated pattern for restart testing Default: '.false.' |
subcol_tstcp_weight | subcol_tstcp_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Turns on/off use of weights during averaging in tstcp 'true' to use weights. Default: '.false.' |
subcol_vamp_ctyp | subcol_vamp_nl | conv | integer | ['any integer'] | 3 |
Type of condensate to assume in VAMP Generator 1 Uniform Condensate 2 Variable Condensate Uniform Number 3 Variable Condensate Variable Number Default: 3 |
subcol_vamp_nsubc | subcol_vamp_nl | conv | integer | ['any integer'] | 10 |
Number of subcolumns in VAMP Generator Default: 10 |
subcol_vamp_otyp | subcol_vamp_nl | conv | integer | ['any integer'] | 1 |
Type of overlap to assume in VAMP Generator 1 Maximum Default: 1 |
use_subcol_microp | phys_ctl_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Control use of sub-columns within macro/micro physics; 'false' for no subcolumns. Default: 'false' |
uwshcu_rpen | uwshcu_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 10.0 is 5.0 for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is 5.0 for: {'dyn': 'se'} |
Penetrative entrainment efficiency in UW shallow scheme. Default: set by build-namelist |
zmconv_c0_lnd | zmconv_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 0.0030D0 is 0.0059D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is 0.0035D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5', 'hgrid': 'ne120np4'} is 0.0035D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5', 'hgrid': 'C384'} is 0.0075D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'phys': 'cam5', 'microphys': 'mg2'} is 0.0075D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'phys': 'cam5', 'microphys': 'mg3'} is 0.0059D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6'} is 0.0035D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': 'ne120np4'} is 0.0035D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': 'C384'} is 0.0075D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'phys': 'cam6', 'microphys': 'mg2'} is 0.0075D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'phys': 'cam6', 'microphys': 'mg3'} is 0.0035D0 for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'phys': 'cam4'} is 0.0035D0 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'phys': 'cam4'} is 0.0020D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '48x96'} is 0.0040D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '128x256'} is 0.0040D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '256x512'} is 0.0040D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '512x1024'} |
Autoconversion coefficient over land in ZM deep convection scheme. Default: set by build-namelist |
zmconv_c0_ocn | zmconv_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 0.0030D0 is 0.0450D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is 0.0035D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5', 'hgrid': 'ne120np4'} is 0.0035D0 for: {'phys': 'cam5', 'hgrid': 'C384'} is 0.0450D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6'} is 0.0035D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': 'ne120np4'} is 0.0035D0 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': 'C384'} is 0.0300D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'phys': 'cam6', 'microphys': 'mg2'} is 0.0300D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'phys': 'cam6', 'microphys': 'mg3'} is 0.0035D0 for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'phys': 'cam4'} is 0.0035D0 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'phys': 'cam4'} is 0.0020D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '48x96'} is 0.0040D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '128x256'} is 0.0040D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '256x512'} is 0.0040D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '512x1024'} |
Autoconversion coefficient over ocean in ZM deep convection scheme. Default: set by build-namelist |
zmconv_ke | zmconv_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 3.0E-6 is 5.0E-6 for: {'dyn': 'fv'} is 5.0E-6 for: {'dyn': 'se'} is 5.0E-6 for: {'hgrid': '128x256'} is 5.0E-6 for: {'hgrid': '256x512'} is 5.0E-6 for: {'hgrid': '512x1024'} |
Tunable evaporation efficiency in ZM deep convection scheme. Default: set by build-namelist |
zmconv_ke_lnd | zmconv_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 3.0E-6 is 1.0E-5 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg2'} is 1.0E-5 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg3'} |
Tunable evaporation efficiency for land in ZM deep convection scheme. Default: set by build-namelist |
zmconv_microp | zmconv_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Turn on convective microphysics Default: .false. |
zmconv_momcd | zmconv_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 0.4000D0 is 0.7000D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg2'} is 0.7000D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg3'} |
Convective momentum transport parameter (downward) Default: set by build-namelist |
zmconv_momcu | zmconv_nl | conv | real | ['any real'] | 0.4000D0 is 0.7000D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg2'} is 0.7000D0 for: {'clubb_sgs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg3'} |
Convective momentum transport parameter (upward) Default: set by build-namelist |
zmconv_num_cin | zmconv_nl | conv | integer | ['any integer'] | 5 is 1 for: {'phys': 'cam6'} |
The number of negative buoyancy regions that are allowed before the convection top and CAPE calculations are completed. Default: => 1 for CAM6; => 5 for all other |
zmconv_org | zmconv_nl | conv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'zmconv_org': '1'} |
Include organization parameterization in ZM. This value is set to true automatically if -zmconv_org is set in configure. Default: .false., unless -zmconv_org set in configure |
cosp_active | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true, the active COSP cloud simulators are run to produce select output for the AMWG diagnostics package. sets cosp_ncolumns=10 and cosp_nradsteps=3 (appropriate for COSP statistics derived from seasonal averages), and runs CloudSat radar and CALIPSO lidar simulators (cosp_lradar_sim=.true.,cosp_llidar_sim=.true.). This default logical is set in cospsimulator_intr.F90. Default: FALSE |
cosp_amwg | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true, COSP cloud simulators are run to produce all output required for the COSP plots in the AMWG diagnostics package. sets cosp_ncolumns=10 and cosp_nradsteps=3 (appropriate for COSP statistics derived from seasonal averages), and runs MISR, ISCCP, MODIS, CloudSat radar and CALIPSO lidar simulators (cosp_lmisr_sim=.true.,cosp_lisccp_sim=.true., cosp_lmodis_sim=.true.,cosp_lradar_sim=.true.,cosp_llidar_sim=.true.). This default logical is set in cospsimulator_intr.F90. Default: FALSE |
cosp_histfile_aux | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true, additional output is added to make it possible to run COSP off-line. This default is set in cospsimulator_intr.F90 Default: FALSE |
cosp_histfile_aux_num | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | integer | ['any integer'] | This specifies the CAM history tape where extra COSP diagnostics will be written. This default is set in cospsimulator_intr.F90 Default: -1 |
cosp_histfile_num | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | integer | ['any integer'] | This specifies the CAM history tape where COSP diagnostics will be written. Ignored/not used if any of the cosp_cfmip_* namelist variables are invoked. This default is set in cospsimulator_intr.F90 Default: 1 |
cosp_isccp | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true, the ISCCP cloud simulator is run to produce select output for the AMWG diagnostics package. sets cosp_ncolumns=10 and cosp_nradsteps=3 (appropriate for COSP statistics derived from seasonal averages), and runs ISCCP simulator (cosp_lmisr_sim=.false.,cosp_lisccp_sim=.true., cosp_lmodis_sim=.false.,cosp_lradar_sim=.false.,cosp_llidar_sim=.false.). This default logical is set in cospsimulator_intr.F90. 1236: Default: FALSE |
cosp_lfrac_out | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Turns on sub-column output from COSP. If both the isccp/misr simulators and the lidar/radar simulators are run, lfrac_out is from the isccp/misr simulators columns. This default logical is set in cospsimulator_intr.F90 Default: FALSE |
cosp_lisccp_sim | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true, COSP ISCCP simulator will be run and all non-subcolumn output will be saved. ISCCP simulator is run on only daylight columns. Default: FALSE |
cosp_lite | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true, the COSP cloud simulators are run to produce select output for the AMWG diagnostics package. sets cosp_ncolumns=10 and cosp_nradsteps=3 (appropriate for COSP statistics derived from seasonal averages), and runs MISR, ISCCP, MODIS, and CALIPSO lidar simulators (cosp_lmisr_sim=.true.,cosp_lisccp_sim=.true., cosp_lmodis_sim=.true.,cosp_llidar_sim=.true.). This default logical is set in cospsimulator_intr.F90. Default: FALSE |
cosp_llidar_sim | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true, COSP lidar simulator will be run and all non-subcolumn output will be saved Default: FALSE |
cosp_lmisr_sim | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true, MISR simulator will be run and all non-subcolumn output will be saved. MISR simulator is run on only daylight columns. Default: FALSE |
cosp_lmodis_sim | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true, MODIS simulator will be run and all non-subcolumn output will be saved. Default: FALSE |
cosp_lradar_sim | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true, COSP radar simulator will be run and all non-subcolumn output will be saved. Default: FALSE |
cosp_ncolumns | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | integer | ['any integer'] | Number of subcolumns in SCOPS This default logical is set in cospsimulator_intr.F90 Default: 50 |
cosp_nradsteps | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | integer | ['any integer'] | This specifies the frequency at which is COSP is called, every cosp_nradsteps radiation timestep. This default is set in cospsimulator_intr.F90 Default: 1 |
cosp_passive | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true, the passive COSP cloud simulators are run to produce select output for the AMWG diagnostics package. sets cosp_ncolumns=10 and cosp_nradsteps=3 (appropriate for COSP statistics derived from seasonal averages), and runs MISR, ISCCP, and MODIS simulators (cosp_lmisr_sim=.true.,cosp_lisccp_sim=.true.,cosp_lmodis_sim=.true.). This default logical is set in cospsimulator_intr.F90. Default: FALSE |
cosp_runall | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true, run all simulators using the default values cosp_ncolumns=50 and cosp_nradsteps=1. This option is mainly intended for testing, but it also must be used in order to output the input fields needed to run the simulator in an offline mode (via setting cosp_histfile_aux=.true.). Default: FALSE |
docosp | cospsimulator_nl | cosp | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true, the COSP cloud simulator is run. Setting this namelist variable happens automatically if you compile with COSP. COSP will not run unless this is set to .true. in the namelist! Turn on the desired simulators using lXXX_sim namelist vars If no specific simulators are specified, all of the simulators are run on all columns and all output is saved. (useful for testing). COSP is available with CAM4, CAM5 and CAM6 physics. This default logical is set in cospsimulator_intr.F90. Default: FALSE |
cam_snapshot_after_num | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | integer | ['any integer'] | -1 |
History file number for after snapshots for CAM snapshot Default: |
cam_snapshot_before_num | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | integer | ['any integer'] | -1 |
History file number for before snapshots for CAM snapshot Default: |
cam_take_snapshot_after | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | char*32 | ['chem_emissions', 'aoa_tracers_timestep_tend', 'co2_cycle_set_ptend', 'chem_timestep_tend', 'vertical_diffusion_section', 'aero_model_drydep', 'gw_tend', 'qbo_relax', 'iondrag_calc_section', 'physics_dme_adjust', 'physics_dme_adjust', 'dadadj_tend', 'convect_deep_tend', 'convect_shallow_tend', 'macrop_driver_tend', 'clubb_tend_cam', 'microp_section', 'microp_driver_tend_subcol', 'aero_model_wetdep', 'radiation_tend', 'held_suarez_tend', 'kessler_tend', 'thatcher_jablonowski_precip_tend', 'user_set'] | Name of parameterization to take snapshot after running user_set is used when a user inserts a call to cam_snapshot_all_outfld using cam_snapshot_after_num as the first argument. Default: Unused |
cam_take_snapshot_before | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | char*32 | ['chem_emissions', 'aoa_tracers_timestep_tend', 'co2_cycle_set_ptend', 'chem_timestep_tend', 'vertical_diffusion_section', 'aero_model_drydep', 'gw_tend', 'qbo_relax', 'iondrag_calc_section', 'physics_dme_adjust', 'physics_dme_adjust', 'dadadj_tend', 'convect_deep_tend', 'convect_shallow_tend', 'macrop_driver_tend', 'clubb_tend_cam', 'microp_section', 'microp_driver_tend_subcol', 'aero_model_wetdep', 'radiation_tend', 'held_suarez_tend', 'kessler_tend', 'thatcher_jablonowski_precip_tend', 'user_set'] | Name of parameterization to take snapshot before running user_set is used when a user inserts a call to cam_snapshot_all_outfld using cam_snapshot_before_num as the first argument. Default: Unused |
diag_cnst_conv_tend | cam_diag_opts | diagnostics | char*8 | ['none', 'q_only', 'all'] | Output constituent tendencies due to convection. Set to 'none', 'q_only' or 'all'. Default: 'q_only' |
do_circulation_diags | circ_diag_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Turns on TEM circulation diagnostics history output. Only valid for FV dycore. Default: .false., unless it is overridden (WACCM with interactive chemistry and a few other specific configurations do this) |
history_aero_optics | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Switch for diagnostic output of the aerosol optics Default: .false. |
history_aerosol | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Switch for diagnostic output of the aerosol tendencies Default: .false. |
history_amwg | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
Produce output for the AMWG diagnostic package. Default: .true. |
history_budget | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Switch for cam4 T/Q budget diagnostic output Default: .false. |
history_budget_histfile_num | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | integer | ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'] | History tape number T/Q budget output is written to. Default: 1 |
history_carma | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch for diagnostics specific to the current CARMA model. Default: .true. |
history_cesm_forcing | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to turn on/off default output specific to CESM forcings. Default: .false. |
history_chemistry | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
Switch for diagnostics specific to the current chemistry package or configuration. Default: .true. |
history_chemspecies_srf | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
Switch to turn on/off default output chemical species mixing ratios in the surface layer. Default: .false. |
history_clubb | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
Switch for diagnostics specific to CLUBB. Default: .true. |
history_dust | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Switch for diagnostics specific to dust. Default: .false. |
history_eddy | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Switch for diagnostic output of eddy variables Default: .false. |
history_scwaccm_forcing | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to turn on/off default output specific to WACCM-SC forcings. Default: .false. |
history_vdiag | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Produce output for the AMWG variability diagnostics. Default: .false. |
history_waccm | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} |
Switch for diagnostic output used primarily for WACCM runs. Default: .true. if WACCM physics is on, .false. otherwise. |
history_waccmx | phys_ctl_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'waccmx': '1'} |
Switch for diagnostic output used primarily for WACCM-X runs. Default: .true. if WACCM-X is on, .false. otherwise. |
print_energy_errors | check_energy_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Turn on verbose output identifying columns that fail energy/water conservation checks. Default: FALSE |
print_qneg_warn | qneg_nl | diagnostics | char*8 | ['summary', 'timestep', 'off'] | Control the writing of qneg3 and qneg4 warning messages. 'summary' causes a summary of QNEG3 and QNEG4 errors to be printed at the end of the run 'timestep' causes a summary of QNEG3 and QNEG4 errors to be printed at the end of each timestep. The total is reset at the end of each timestep. 'off' causes the qneg3 and qneg4 warnings to be supressed. Note that these settings do not affect the availability of qneg history variables. Default: 'summary' |
unicon_offline_dat_hfile | unicon_nl | diagnostics | integer | ['any integer'] | History file number for offline unicon driver output. Default: 2 (i.e., h1 history file) |
unicon_offline_dat_out | unicon_nl | diagnostics | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Produce output for the offline unicon driver. Default: .false. |
atm_logfile | camexp | driver | char*256 | ['any char'] | Name of file that the atmosphere component log messages will be written to. By default all log messages are written to stdout. Default: "" |
atm_logfile_diro | camexp | driver | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Absolute pathname of directory that the file specified by atm_logfile
will be written to.
Default: "."
cpl_logfile | camexp | driver | char*256 | ['any char'] | Name of file that the driver component log messages will be written to. By default all log messages are written to stdout. Default: "" |
cpl_logfile_diro | camexp | driver | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Absolute pathname of directory that the file specified by cpl_logfile
will be written to.
Default: "."
lnd_logfile | camexp | driver | char*256 | ['any char'] | Name of file that the land component log messages will be written to. By default all log messages are written to stdout. Default: "" |
lnd_logfile_diro | camexp | driver | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Absolute pathname of directory that the file specified by lnd_logfile
will be written to.
Default: "."
rof_logfile | camexp | driver | char*256 | ['any char'] | Name of file that the runoff component log messages will be written to. By default all log messages are written to stdout. Default: "" |
rof_logfile_diro | camexp | driver | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Absolute pathname of directory that the file specified by rof_logfile
will be written to.
Default: "."
dadadj_niter | dadadj_nl | dry_conv_adj | integer | ['any integer'] | 15 is 100 for: {'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} |
The maximum number of iterations to achieve convergence in dry adiabatic adjustment. For WACCM-X it can be advantageous to use a number which is much higher than the CAM default. Default: 15 |
dadadj_nlvdry | dadadj_nl | dry_conv_adj | integer | ['any integer'] | Number of layers from the top of the model over which to do dry convective adjustment. Must be less than plev (the number of vertical levels). Default: 3 |
eul_dif2_coef | dyn_eul_inparm | dyn_eul | real | ['any real'] | 2.5D5 is 2.5D7 for: {'hgrid': '8x16'} |
del^2 horizontal diffusion coefficient. This is used above the Nth order diffusion. Default: set by build-namelist |
eul_divdampn | dyn_eul_inparm | dyn_eul | real | ['any real'] | 0.0D0 |
Number of days (from timestep 0) to run divergence damper. Use only if spectral model becomes dynamicallly unstable during initialization. Suggested value: 2. (Value must be >= 0.) Default: 0. |
eul_hdif_coef | dyn_eul_inparm | dyn_eul | real | ['any real'] | 1.0D18 is 2.0D16 for: {'hgrid': '32x64'} is 2.0D16 for: {'hgrid': '48x96'} is 1.17D16 for: {'hgrid': '64x128'} is 7.14D14 for: {'hgrid': '128x256'} is 1.5D14 for: {'hgrid': '256x512'} is 1.5D13 for: {'hgrid': '512x1024'} |
Nth order horizontal diffusion coefficient. Default: set by build-namelist |
eul_hdif_kmnhdn | dyn_eul_inparm | dyn_eul | integer | ['any integer'] | 4 |
The order N horizontal diffusion operator will be used in and below the layer specified by this variable. Default: 4 |
eul_hdif_order | dyn_eul_inparm | dyn_eul | integer | ['any integer'] | 4 |
Order (N) of horizontal diffusion operator used below the sponge layers. N must be a positive multiple of 2. Default: 4 |
eul_kmxhdc | dyn_eul_inparm | dyn_eul | integer | ['any integer'] | 5 |
Number of levels over which to apply Courant limiter, starting at top of model. Default: 5 |
eul_nsplit | dyn_eul_inparm | dyn_eul | integer | ['any integer'] | 1 is 12 for: {'hgrid': '512x1024'} |
Number of dynamics timesteps per physics timestep. If zero, a best-estimate will be automatically calculated. Default: 1 |
eul_tfilt_eps | dyn_eul_inparm | dyn_eul | real | ['any real'] | 0.06D0 |
Time filter coefficient. Default: 0.06 |
force_2d | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | Set to 1 to force the 2D transpose computation when a 1D decomposition is used. This is intended for debugging purposes only. Default: 0 |
fv_am_correction | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to turn on corrections that improve angular momentum conservation. Default: .false. |
fv_am_diag | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to turn on a diagnostic calculation of angular momentum which is written to the log file at each time step. Also enables calculation of fields written to history file which are used in conjuction with those enabled by do_circulation_diags for detailed analysis. Default: .false. |
fv_am_fix_lbl | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to apply the fixer turned on by fv_am_fixer level by level. The intent is to not contaminate the stratospheric circulation with tropospheric AM loss, where it is most likely greatest (due to the larger divergence fields). This option is experimental. Default: .false. |
fv_am_fixer | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to apply an arbitrary fix based on solid-body rotation to the zonal velocity fields to improve conservation of angular momentum. Default: .false. |
fv_am_geom_crrct | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag to turn on corrections in FV geometry and/or pressure terms. Default: .false. |
fv_conserve | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating whether the dynamics uses internal algorithm for energy conservation. Default: .false. |
fv_ct_overlap | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | Overlapping of trac2d and cd_core subcycles. Default: 0 |
fv_del2coef | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | real | ['any real'] | 3.e+5 |
Chooses level of velocity diffusion. Default: 3.0e5 |
fv_div24del2flag | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['2', '4', '42'] | 2 is 4 for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is 4 for: {'phys': 'cam6'} is 4 for: {'phys': 'spcam_m2005'} is 42 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is 42 for: {'phys': 'spcam_sam1mom', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is 42 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is 42 for: {'phys': 'spcam_sam1mom', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is 42 for: {'phys': 'cam5', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is 42 for: {'phys': 'spcam_m2005', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is 42 for: {'phys': 'cam5', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is 42 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is 42 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is 42 for: {'phys': 'spcam_m2005', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} |
Chooses type of divergence damping and velocity diffusion. div24del2flag = 2 for ldiv2 (default), = 4 for ldiv4, = 42 for ldiv4 + ldel2 where ldiv2: 2nd-order divergence damping everywhere and increasing in top layers ldiv4: 4th-order divergence damping ldel2: 2nd-order velocity-component damping targetted to top layers, with coefficient del2coef Default: set by build-namelist |
fv_fft_flt | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['0', '1'] | is 0 for: {'phys': 'cam3'} 1 |
1 for FFT filter always, 0 for combined algebraic/FFT filter. The value 0 is used for CAM3, otherwise it is using the value 1. Default: set by build-namelist |
fv_filtcw | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['0', '1'] | 0 is 1 for: {'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} |
Enables optional filter for intermediate c-grid winds, (courtesy of Bill Putman). Default: 0 |
fv_high_altitude | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to apply variable physics appropriate for the thermosphere and ionosphere Default: set by build-namelist |
fv_high_order_top | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag to extend standard 4th-order PPM scheme to model top. Default: .false. |
fv_iord | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | Order (mode) of X interpolation (1,..,6). East-West transport scheme. = 1: first order upwind = 2: 2nd order van Leer (Lin et al 1994) = 3: standard PPM = 4: enhanced PPM (default) Default: 4 |
fv_jord | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | Order (mode) of Y interpolation (1,..,6). North-South transport scheme. = 1: first order upwind = 2: 2nd order van Leer (Lin et al 1994) = 3: standard PPM = 4: enhanced PPM (default) Default: 4 |
fv_kord | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | Scheme to be used for vertical mapping. = 1: first order upwind = 2: 2nd order van Leer (Lin et al 1994) = 3: standard PPM = 4: enhanced PPM (default) Default: 4 |
fv_nsplit | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | is 8 for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} is 16 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is 32 for: {'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} |
Number of dynamics timesteps per physics timestep. If zero, a best-estimate will be automatically calculated. Default: 0 |
fv_nspltrac | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | is 2 for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} is 4 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is 16 for: {'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} |
Number of tracer advection timesteps per physics timestep. Nsplit is partitioned into nspltrac and nsplit/nspltrac, with the latter being the number of dynamics timesteps per tracer timestep, possibly rounded upward; after initialization, the code quantity nsplit is redefined to be the number of dynamics timesteps per tracer timestep. Default: 0 |
fv_nspltvrm | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | 1 is 2 for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is 2 for: {'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is 2 for: {'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is 2 for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} is 4 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is 16 for: {'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} |
Number of vertical re-mapping timesteps per physics timestep. Nspltrac is partitioned into nspltvrm and nspltrac/nspltvrm, with the latter being the number of tracer timesteps per re-mapping timestep, possibly rounded upward; after initialization, the code quantity nspltrac is redefined to be the number of tracer timesteps per re-mapping timestep. Default: 0 |
fv_print_dpcoup_warn | dyn_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | char*8 | ['off', 'full'] | Flag to determine how to handle dpcoup warning messages Default: off |
fv_trac_decomp | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | Size of tracer domain decomposition for trac2d. Default: 1 |
geopkblocks | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | Geopotential method 2 pipeline parameter (routine geopk_d). geopk_d implements a pipeline algorithm by dividing the information that must be moved between processes into blocks. geopkblocks specifies the number of blocks to use. The larger the number of blocks, the greater the opportunity for overlapping communication with computation and for decreasing instantaneous bandwidth requirements. The smaller the number of blocks, the fewer MPI messages sent, decreasing MPI total latency. See geopk_d within geopk.F90. Default: 1 |
geopktrans | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['0', '1', '2'] | Geopotential method (routines geopk, geopk16, or geopk_d). =0 for transpose method; =1 for method using semi-global z communication with optional 16-byte arithmetic; =2 for method using local z communication; method 0, method 1 with 16-byte arithmetic and method 2 are all bit-for-bit across decompositions; method 0 scales better than method 1 with npr_z, and method 1 is superior to method 0 for small npr_z; The optimum speed is attained using either method 1 with 8-byte arithmetic (standard for geopk16) or method 2 when utilizing the optimal value for the associated parameter geopkblocks; for the last two subcycles of a timestep, method 0 is automatically used; see geopk.F90 and cd_core.F90. Default: 0 |
modc_hs_cdcore | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | True for mod_comm irregular communication handshaking for cd_core/geopk Default: .true. |
modc_hs_dynrun | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | True for mod_comm irregular communication handshaking for dyn_run/misc Default: .true. |
modc_hs_gather | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | True for mod_comm irregular communication handshaking for gather Default: .true. |
modc_hs_scatter | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | True for mod_comm irregular communication handshaking for scatter Default: .false. |
modc_hs_tracer | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | True for mod_comm irregular communication handshaking for multiple tracers Default: .true. |
modc_mxreq_cdcore | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | Maximum number of outstanding nonblocking MPI requests to allow when using mp_swapirr and point-to-point communications for cd_core/geopk. Setting this less than the maximum can improve robustness for large process count runs. If set to less than zero, then do not limit the number of outstanding send/receive requests. Default: -1 (so no limit) |
modc_mxreq_dynrun | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | Maximum number of outstanding nonblocking MPI requests to allow when using mp_swapirr and point-to-point communications for dyn_run/misc. Setting this less than the maximum can improve robustness for large process count runs. If set to less than zero, then do not limit the number of outstanding send/receive requests. Default: -1 (so no limit) |
modc_mxreq_gather | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | Maximum number of outstanding nonblocking MPI requests to allow when using mp_swapirr and point-to-point communications for gather. Setting this less than the maximum can improve robustness for large process count runs. If set to less than zero, then do not limit the number of outstanding send/receive requests. Default: 64 |
modc_mxreq_scatter | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | Maximum number of outstanding nonblocking MPI requests to allow when using mp_swapirr and point-to-point communications for scatter. Setting this less than the maximum can improve robustness for large process count runs. If set to less than zero, then do not limit the number of outstanding send/receive requests. Default: -1 (so no limit) |
modc_mxreq_tracer | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | Maximum number of outstanding nonblocking MPI requests to allow when using mp_swaptrirr and point-to-point communications for multiple tracers. Setting this less than the maximum can improve robustness for large process count runs. If set to less than zero, then do not limit the number of outstanding send/receive requests. Default: -1 (so no limit) |
modc_onetwo | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['1', '2'] | One or two simultaneous mod_comm irregular communications (excl. tracers) Default: 2 |
modc_send_cdcore | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | True for geopk_d and mod_comm irregular communication blocking send for cd_core/geopk; false for nonblocking send. Default: .true. |
modc_send_dynrun | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | True for mod_comm irregular communication blocking send for dyn_run/misc, false for nonblocking send Default: .true. |
modc_send_gather | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | True for mod_comm irregular communication blocking send for gather, false for nonblocking send Default: .true. |
modc_send_scatter | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | True for mod_comm irregular communication blocking send for scatter, false for nonblocking send Default: .true. |
modc_send_tracer | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | True for mod_comm irregular communication blocking send for multiple tracers, false for nonblocking send Default: .true. |
modc_sw_cdcore | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['0', '1', '2'] | Mod_comm irregular underlying communication method for cd_core/geopk 0 for original mp_sendirr/mp_recvirr 1 for mp_swapirr and a point-to-point implementation of communication pattern 2 for mp_swapirr and a collective (MPI_Alltoallv) implementation of communication pattern Default: 0 |
modc_sw_dynrun | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['0', '1', '2'] | Mod_comm irregular underlying communication method for dyn_run/misc. 0 for original mp_sendirr/mp_recvirr 1 for mp_swapirr and a point-to-point implementation of communication pattern 2 for mp_swapirr and a collective (MPI_Alltoallv) implementation of communication pattern Default: 0 |
modc_sw_gather | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['0', '1', '2'] | Mod_comm irregular underlying communication method for gather 0 for original mp_sendirr/mp_recvirr 1 for mp_swapirr and a point-to-point implementation of communication pattern 2 for mp_swapirr and a collective (MPI_Alltoallv) implementation of communication pattern Default: 1 |
modc_sw_scatter | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['0', '1', '2'] | Mod_comm irregular underlying communication method for scatter 0 for original mp_sendirr/mp_recvirr 1 for mp_swapirr and a point-to-point implementation of communication pattern 2 for mp_swapirr and a collective (MPI_Alltoallv) implementation of communication pattern Default: 0 |
modc_sw_tracer | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | Mod_comm irregular underlying communication method for multiple tracers 0 for original mp_sendtrirr/mp_recvtrirr 1 for mp_swaptrirr and point-to-point communications 2 for mp_swaptrirr and all-to-all communications Default: 0 |
modc_tracers | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['any integer'] | Max number of tracers for simultaneous mod_comm irregular communications Default: 3 |
modcomm_gatscat | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['0', '1'] | For mod_comm gather/scatters, 0 for temporary contiguous buffers; 1 for mpi derived types. Default: 0 |
modcomm_geopk | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['0', '1'] | For geopk (geopktrans=1) messages, 0 for temporary contiguous buffers; 1 for mpi derived types. Default: 0 |
modcomm_transpose | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer | ['0', '1'] | For mod_comm transposes, 0 for temporary contiguous buffers; 1 for mpi derived types. Default: 0 |
npr_yz | spmd_fv_inparm | dyn_fv | integer(4) | ['any integer(4)'] | A four element integer array which specifies the YZ and XY decompositions. The first two elements are the number of Y subdomains and number of Z subdomains in the YZ decomposition. The second two elements are the number of X subdomains and the number of Y subdomains in the XY decomposition. Note that both the X and Y subdomains must contain at least 3 grid points. For example, a grid with 96 latitudes can contain no more than 32 Y subdomains. There is no restriction on the number of grid points (levels) in a Z subdomain, but note that the threading parallelism in the FV dycore is over levels, so for parallel efficiency it is best to have at least the number of levels in each Z subdomain as there are threads available. There are a couple of rough rules of thumb to follow when setting the 2D decompositions. The first is that the number of Y subdomains in the YZ decomposition should be the same as the number of Y subdomains in the XY decomposition (npr_yz(1) == npr_yz(4)). The second is that the total number of YZ subdomains (npr_yz(1)*npr_yz(2)) should equal the total number of XY subdomains (npr_yz(3)*npr_yz(4)). Default: ntask,1,1,ntask where ntask is the number of MPI tasks. This is a 1D decomposition in latitude. |
print_filew_warn | fill_nl | dyn_fv | char*8 | ['off', 'full'] | Control the writing of filew warning messages. Default: 'off' |
fv3_adjust_dry_mass | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Logical: whether to adjust the global dry-air mass to the value set by fv3_adjust_dry_mass. This is only done in an initialization step, particularly when using an initial condition from an external dataset, interpolated from another resolution (either horizontal or vertical), or when changing the topography, so that the global mass of the atmosphere matches some estimate of observed value. It is recommended to only set this to True when initializing the model. Default: FALSE |
fv3_beta | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | real | ['any real'] | 0 |
Real: Parameter specifying fraction of time-off-centering for backwards evaluation of the pressure gradient force. The default value of 0.0 indicates a fully backwards evaluation of the pressure gradient force using the updated (time n+1) dynamical fields. A value of 0.5 will equally weight the PGF determined at times n and n+1, but may not be stable; values larger than 0.45 are not recommended. A value of 0.4 is recommended for most hydrostatic simulations, which allows an improved representation of inertia-gravity waves in the tropics. In non-hydrostatic simulations using the semi-implicit solver (a_imp > 0.5) the values of a_imp and fv3_beta should add to 1, so that the time-centering is consistent between the PGF and the nonhydrostatic solver. Proper range is 0 to 0.45. Default: 0. |
fv3_clock_grain | fms_nml | dyn_fv3 | char*256 | ['any char'] | is LOOP for: {'dyn': 'fv3'} |
The level of clock granularity used for performance timing sections of code. Possible values in order of increasing detail are: NONE, COMPONENT, SUBCOMPONENT, MODULE_DRIVER, MODULE, ROUTINE, LOOP, and INFRA. Default: none |
fv3_consv_am | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Logical: whether to enable Angular momentum fixer. Default: FALSE |
fv3_consv_te | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | 0 |
Real: fraction of total energy lost during the adiabatic integration between calls of the physics, to be added back globally as heat; essentially the strength of the energy fixer in the physics. Note that this is a global energy fixer and cannot add back energy locally. The default algorithm increments the potential temperature so the pressure gradients are unchanged. Proper range is 0 to 1. 1 will restore the energy completely to its original value before entering the physics; a value of 0.7 roughly causes the energy fixer to compensate for the amount of energy changed by the physics in GFDL HiRAM or AM3. Default: 0 |
fv3_d2_bg | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | real | ['any real'] | 0 |
Real: coefficient for background second-order divergence damping. This option remains active even if fv3_nord is nonzero. Proper range is 0 to 0.02. Default: 0.0 |
fv3_d2_bg_k1 | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | real | ['any real'] | 0.15D0 |
Real: strength of second-order diffusion in the top sponge layer. This value, and fv3_d2_bg_k2, will be changed appropriately in the model (depending on the height of model top), so the actual damping may be very reduced. See atmos_cubed_sphere/model/dyn_core for details. Recommended range is 0. to 0.2. Note that since diffusion is converted to heat if fv3_d_con > 0 larger amounts of spongelayer diffusion may be less stable. Default: 0.15 |
fv3_d2_bg_k2 | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | real | ['any real'] | 0.02D0 |
Real: strength of second-order diffusion in the second sponge layer from the model top. This value should be lower than fv3_d2_bg_k1. Default: 0.02 |
fv3_d4_bg | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | real | ['any real'] | 0.15D0 |
Real: Dimensionless coefficient for background higher-order divergence damping. If no second-order divergence damping is used, then values between 0.1 and 0.16 are recommended. Requires fv3_nord > 0. Note that the scaling for fv3_d4_bg differs from that of fv3_d2_bg; fv3_nord ge 1 and fv3_d4_bg = 0.16 will be less diffusive than fv3_nord = 0 and fv3_d2_bg = 0.02. Default: 0.15 |
fv3_d_con | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | real | ['any real'] | is 0 for: {'dyn': 'fv3'} is 0 for: {'dyn': 'fv3nh'} |
Real: Fraction of kinetic energy lost to net damping (divergence and vorticity) to be converted to heat. Acts as a dissipative heating mechanism in the dynamical core. Proper range is 0 to 1. Note that this is a local, physically correct, energy fixer. Default: 0 |
fv3_d_ext | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | real | ['any real'] | 0 |
Real: coefficient for external (barotropic) mode damping. Proper range is 0 to 0.02. A value of 0.01 or 0.02 may help improve the models maximum stable time step in low-resolution (2-degree or poorer) simulations; otherwise a value of 0 is recommended. Default: 0 |
fv3_dddmp | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | real | ['any real'] | 0.0D0 |
Real: Dimensionless coefficient for the second-order Smagorinsky type divergence damping. 0.0 is the default but 0.2 (the Smagorinsky constant) is recommended if ICs are noisy Default: 0.0 |
fv3_delt_max | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | real | ['any real'] | 0.0D0 |
Real: maximum allowed magnitude of the dissipative heating rate, K/s; larger magnitudes are clipped to this amount. This can help avoid instability that can occur due to strong heating when d_con > 0. A value of 0.008 (a rate equivalent to about 800K per day) is sufficient to stabilize the model at 3 km resolution. Default: 0.0 |
fv3_dnats | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | 0 |
Integer: The number of tracers which are not to be advected by the dynamical core, but still passed into the dynamical core; the last dnats+pnats tracers in field_table are not advected. Default: 0 |
fv3_do_sat_adj | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Logical: If true activate Fast Saturation Adjustment Module. It adjusts cloud water evaporation (cloud water change to water vapor), cloud water freezing (cloud water change to cloud ice), and cloud ice deposition (water vapor change to cloud ice). Default: FALSE |
fv3_do_vort_damp | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | is .true. for: {'dyn': 'fv3nh'} is .false. for: {'dyn': 'fv3'} |
Logical: whether to apply flux damping (of strength governed by fv3_vtdm4) to the fluxes of vorticity, air mass, and nonhydrostatic vertical velocity (there is no dynamically correct way to add explicit diffusion to the tracer fluxes). The form is the same as is used for the divergence damping, including the same order (from fv3_nord) damping, unless fv3_nord = 0, in which case this damping is fourth-order, or if fv3_nord = 3, in which case this damping is sixth-order (instead of eighth-order). We recommend enabling this damping when the linear or non-monotonic horizontal advection schemes are enabled, but is unnecessary and not recommended when using monotonic advection. Default: FALSE |
fv3_domains_stack_size | fms_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | is 6000000 for: {'dyn': 'fv3'} |
Integer: The size in words of the MPP_DOMAINS user stack. If fv3_domains_stack_size > 0, the following MPP_DOMAINS routine is called: call mpp_domains_set_stack_size (fv3_domains_stack_size). If fv3_domains_stack_size = 0 then the size set by mpp_domains_mod is used. Default: 6000000 |
fv3_dwind_2d | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Logical: whether to use a simpler and faster algorithm for interpolating the A-grid (cell-centered) wind tendencies computed from the physics to the D-grid. Typically, the A-grid wind tendencies are first converted in 3D cartesian coordinates and then interpolated before converting back to 2D local coordinates. When this option enabled, a much simpler but less accurate 2D interpolation is used. Default: FALSE |
fv3_fill | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
Logical: Fills in negative tracer values by taking positive tracers from the cells above and below. This option is useful when the physical parameterizations produced negatives. Default: TRUE |
fv3_fv_debug | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
true for debug print Default: FALSE |
fv3_fv_diag | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
true to print diagnostics Default: FALSE |
fv3_fv_sg_adj | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | 0 |
Integer: timescale (in seconds) at which to remove two-delta-z instability when the local (between two adjacent levels) Richardson number is less than 1. This is achieved by local mixing, which conserves mass, momentum, and total energy. Values of 0 or smaller disable this feature. If fv3_n_sponge < 0 then the mixing is applied only to the top fv3_n_sponge layers of the domain. Proper range is 0 to 3600. Default: 0 |
fv3_grid_type | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | 0 |
Integer: which type of grid to use. If 0, the equidistant gnomonic cubed-sphere will be used. If 4, a doubly-periodic f-plane cartesian grid will be used. If -1, the grid is read from INPUT/grid_spec.nc. Other FV3 grid type values (2, 3, 5, 6, and 7) are not supported and will likely not run. Default: 0 |
fv3_hord_dp | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | is -10 for: {'dyn': 'fv3'} is -5 for: {'dyn': 'fv3nh'} |
Integer: horizontal advection scheme for mass. A positivity constraint may be warranted for fv3_hord_dp but not strictly necessary. Hord horizontal advection method ================================ 5 Unlimited fifth-order scheme with 2 delta x filter; fastest and least diffusive 6 Intermediate-strength monotonicity constraint. Gives best ACC but weaker TCs 7 #6 with a positive-definite constraint 8 Lin 2004 monotone PPM constraint; overall best for tracers? 9 Hunyh constraint: more expensive but less diffusive than #8 10 9, with a 2 delta x filter, and the Huynh constraint applied only if a certain condition is met; otherwise unlimited -5 #5 with a positive-definite constraint -10 #10 with a positive-definite constraint Default: -10 (hydrostatic) or -5 (non-hydrostatic) |
fv3_hord_mt | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | is 10 for: {'dyn': 'fv3'} is 5 for: {'dyn': 'fv3nh'} |
Integer: horizontal advection scheme for momentum fluxes. A complete list of kord options is given in the table below. 10 is the default for hydrostatic simulations, using a limited form of the monotonicity constraint of Huynh, which is less diffusive than other constraints. 5 is the default for non-hydrostatic simulations which uses the completely unlimited (linear or non-monotone) PPM scheme. If no monotonicity constraint is applied, enabling the flux damping (fv3_do_vort_damp = .true.) is highly recommended to control grid-scale noise. It is also recommended that fv3_hord_mt, fv3_hord_vt, fv3_hord_tm, and fv3_hord_dp use the same value, to ensure consistent transport of all dynamical fields, unless a positivity constraint on mass advection (fv3_hord_dp) is desired. Hord horizontal advection method ================================ 5 Unlimited fifth-order scheme with 2 delta x filter; fastest and least diffusive 6 Intermediate-strength monotonicity constraint. Gives best ACC but weaker TCs 7 #6 with a positive-definite constraint 8 Lin 2004 monotone PPM constraint; overall best for tracers? 9 Hunyh constraint: more expensive but less diffusive than #8 10 9, with a 2 delta x filter, and the Huynh constraint applied only if a certain condition is met; otherwise unlimited -5 #5 with a positive-definite constraint -10 #10 with a positive-definite constraint Default: 10 (hydrostatic) or 5 (non-hydrostatic) |
fv3_hord_tm | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | is 10 for: {'dyn': 'fv3'} is 5 for: {'dyn': 'fv3nh'} |
Integer: horizontal advection scheme for potential temperature and layer thickness in nonhydrostatic simulations. 10 is the default for hydrostatic simulations, using a limited form of the monotonicity constraint of Huynh, which is less diffusive than other constraints. 5 is the default for non-hydrostatic simulations which uses the completely unlimited (linear or non-monotone) PPM scheme. Hord horizontal advection method ================================ 5 Unlimited fifth-order scheme with 2 delta x filter; fastest and least diffusive 6 Intermediate-strength monotonicity constraint. Gives best ACC but weaker TCs 7 #6 with a positive-definite constraint 8 Lin 2004 monotone PPM constraint; overall best for tracers? 9 Hunyh constraint: more expensive but less diffusive than #8 10 9, with a 2 delta x filter, and the Huynh constraint applied only if a certain condition is met; otherwise unlimited -5 #5 with a positive-definite constraint -10 #10 with a positive-definite constraint Default: 10 (hydrostatic) or 5 (non-hydrostatic) |
fv3_hord_tr | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | 8 |
Integer: horizontal advection scheme for tracers. 8 by default. This value can differ from the other hord options since tracers are sub-cycled and require positive-definite advection to control the appearance of non-physical negative masses. 8 (fastest) or 10 (least diffusive) are typically recommended. Hord horizontal advection method ================================ 5 Unlimited fifth-order scheme with 2 delta x filter; fastest and least diffusive 6 Intermediate-strength monotonicity constraint. Gives best ACC but weaker TCs 7 #6 with a positive-definite constraint 8 Lin 2004 monotone PPM constraint; overall best for tracers? 9 Hunyh constraint: more expensive but less diffusive than #8 10 9, with a 2 delta x filter, and the Huynh constraint applied only if a certain condition is met; otherwise unlimited -5 #5 with a positive-definite constraint -10 #10 with a positive-definite constraint Default:8 |
fv3_hord_vt | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | is 10 for: {'dyn': 'fv3'} is 5 for: {'dyn': 'fv3nh'} |
Integer: horizontal advection scheme for absolute vorticity and for vertical velocity in nonhydrostatic simulations. 10 is the default for hydrostatic simulations, using a limited form of the monotonicity constraint of Huynh, which is less diffusive than other constraints. 5 is the default for non-hydrostatic simulations which uses the completely unlimited (linear or non-monotone) PPM scheme. Hord horizontal advection method ================================ 5 Unlimited fifth-order scheme with 2 delta x filter; fastest and least diffusive 6 Intermediate-strength monotonicity constraint. Gives best ACC but weaker TCs 7 #6 with a positive-definite constraint 8 Lin 2004 monotone PPM constraint; overall best for tracers? 9 Hunyh constraint: more expensive but less diffusive than #8 10 9, with a 2 delta x filter, and the Huynh constraint applied only if a certain condition is met; otherwise unlimited -5 #5 with a positive-definite constraint -10 #10 with a positive-definite constraint Default: 10 (hydrostatic) or 5 (non-hydrostatic) |
fv3_hydrostatic | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | is .true. for: {'dyn': 'fv3'} is .false. for: {'dyn': 'fv3nh'} |
Logical: whether to use the hydrostatic or nonhydrostatic solver. Default: TRUE |
fv3_k_split | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | 2 |
Integer: number of vertical remappings per dt_atmos (physics time step). Default: 2 |
fv3_ke_bg | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | real | ['any real'] | 0 |
Real: background KE production (m^2/s^3) over a small step Use this to conserve total energy if fv3_consv_te=0 Default: 0 |
fv3_kord_mt | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | 9 |
Integer: vertical remapping scheme for the winds. 9 is recommended as the safest option, although 10, and 11 can also be useful. kord table ========== 4 Monotone PPM 6 Vanilla PPM 7 PPM with Hyunh monotonicity constraint(more expensive but less diffusive) 9 Monotonic Cubic Spline 10 Selectively (local extrema retained) monotonic Cubic Spline with 2 delta z oscillations removed 11 Non-monotonic cubic spline with 2 delta z oscillations removed Default: 9 |
fv3_kord_tm | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | -9 |
Integer: vertical remapping scheme for temperature. If positive (not recommended), then vertical remapping is performed on total energy instead of temperature (see remap_t below). kord table ========== 4 Monotone PPM 6 Vanilla PPM 7 PPM with Hyunh monotonicity constraint(more expensive but less diffusive) 9 Monotonic Cubic Spline 10 Selectively (local extrema retained) monotonic Cubic Spline with 2 delta z oscillations removed 11 Non-monotonic cubic spline with 2 delta z oscillations removed -9 Monotonic Cubic Spline with a positive-definite constraint Default: -9 |
fv3_kord_tr | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | 9 |
Integer: vertical remapping scheme for tracers. 9 or 11 recommended. It is recommended that the value of fv3_kord_tr should match fv3_kord_tm. kord table ========== 4 Monotone PPM 6 Vanilla PPM 7 PPM with Hyunh monotonicity constraint(more expensive but less diffusive) 9 Monotonic Cubic Spline 10 Selectively (local extrema retained) monotonic Cubic Spline with 2 delta z oscillations removed 11 Non-monotonic cubic spline with 2 delta z oscillations removed Default: 9 |
fv3_kord_wz | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | 9 |
Integer: vertical remapping scheme for vertical velocity in nonhydrostatic simulations. It is recommended that the value of fv3_kord_wz should match fv3_kord_mt. kord table ========== 4 Monotone PPM 6 Vanilla PPM 7 PPM with Hyunh monotonicity constraint(more expensive but less diffusive) 9 Monotonic Cubic Spline 10 Selectively (local extrema retained) monotonic Cubic Spline with 2 delta z oscillations removed 11 Non-monotonic cubic spline with 2 delta z oscillations removed Default: 9 |
fv3_layout | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer(2) | ['any integer(2)'] | Integer(2): Processor layout on each tile. The number of PEs assigned to a domain must equal fv3_layout(1)*fv3_layout(2)*ntiles. Must be set. Default: none |
fv3_lcp_moist | dyn_fv3_inparm | dyn_fv3 | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | is .true. for: {'dyn': 'fv3'} |
If TRUE the continuous equations the dynamical core is based on will conserve a comprehensive moist total energy based on cp for dry air and all condensates. If FALSE the continuous equations the dynamical core is based on will conserve a total energy based on cp for dry air only (same total energy as CAM physics uses). For more details see Lauritzen et al., (2018;DOI:10.1029/2017MS001257) Default: TRUE |
fv3_lcv_moist | dyn_fv3_inparm | dyn_fv3 | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | is .false. for: {'dyn': 'fv3'} |
If TRUE the continuous equations the dynamical core is based on will conserve a comprehensive moist total energy based on cv for dry air and all condensates. If FALSE the continuous equations the dynamical core is based on will conserve a total energy based on cp for dry air only (same total energy as CAM physics uses). For more details see Lauritzen et al., (2018;DOI:10.1029/2017MS001257) Default: FALSE |
fv3_make_nh | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Logical: Whether to re-initialize the nonhydrostatic state, by re-computing dz from hydrostatic balance and setting w to 0. Default: FALSE |
fv3_n_split | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | 6 |
Integer: number of small dynamics (acoustic) time steps between vertical remapping. A setting of 0 allows the model to choose a value by examining the resolution, dt_atmos, and fv3_k_split. Default: 6 |
fv3_n_sponge | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | 0 |
Integer: controls the number of layers at the upper boundary on which the 2 delta x filter is applied. Default: 0 |
fv3_na_init | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | 0 |
Integer: Number of forward-backward dynamics steps used to initialize adiabatic solver. Not recommended if not cold-starting the model. Default: 0 |
fv3_ncnst | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | Integer: Number of tracer species advected by fv_tracer in the dynamical core. Typically this is set automatically by reading in values from field_table, but fv3_ncnst can be set to a smaller value so only the first ncnst tracers listed in field_table are not advected. Default: none |
fv3_no_dycore | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Logical: disables execution of the dynamical core, only running the initialization, diagnostic, and I/O routines, and any physics that may be enabled. Default: FALSE |
fv3_nord | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | 3 |
Integer: order of divergence damping: 0 for second-order; 1 for fourth-order; 2 for sixth-order; 3 for eighth-order. Sixth-order may yield a better solution for low resolutions (one degree or coarser) by virtue of it being more scale-selective and will not damp moderately-well-resolved disturbances as much as does lower-order damping. Default: 3 |
fv3_npx | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | is 25 for: {'hgrid': 'C24'} is 49 for: {'hgrid': 'C48'} is 97 for: {'hgrid': 'C96'} is 193 for: {'hgrid': 'C192'} is 385 for: {'hgrid': 'C384'} |
Integer: Number of grid corners in the x-direction on one tile of the domain; so one more than the number of grid cells across a tile. On the cubed sphere this is one more than the number of cells across a cube face. Must be set. Default: none |
fv3_npy | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | is 25 for: {'hgrid': 'C24'} is 49 for: {'hgrid': 'C48'} is 97 for: {'hgrid': 'C96'} is 193 for: {'hgrid': 'C192'} is 385 for: {'hgrid': 'C384'} |
Integer: Number of grid corners in the y-direction on one tile of the domain. This value should be identical to fv3_npx on a cubed-sphere grid; doubly periodic or nested grids do not have this restriction. Must be set. Default: none |
fv3_npz | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | z Integer: Number of vertical levels. Each choice of fv3_npz comes with a pre-defined set of hybrid sigma-pressure levels and model top (see fv_eta.F90). Must be set. Default: none |
fv3_ntiles | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | 6 |
Integer: Number of tiles on the domain. For the cubed sphere, this should be 6, one tile for each face of the cubed sphere; normally for most other domains (including nested grids) this should be set to 1. Must be set. Default: 6 |
fv3_nwat | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | 3 is 3 for: {'phys': 'cam4'} is 3 for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is 5 for: {'phys': 'cam6'} is 6 for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'microphys': 'mg3'} is 1 for: {'phys': 'held_suarez'} is 1 for: {'phys': 'adiabatic'} is 3 for: {'phys': 'kessler'} is 1 for: {'phys': 'tj2016'} |
Integer: Number of water species to be included in condensate and water vapor loading. The masses of the first nwat tracer species will be added to the dry air mass, so that p is the mass of dry air, water vapor, and the included condensate species. The value used depends on the microphysics in the physics package you are using. This value is set by namelist defaults. Default: None |
fv3_print_freq | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | 1 |
Integer: number of hours between print out of max/min and air/tracer mass diagnostics to standard output. 0 never prints out any output; set to -1 to see output after every dt_atmos. Computing these diagnostics requires some computational overhead. Default: 0 |
fv3_print_memory_usage | fms_nml | dyn_fv3 | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | is .true. for: {'dyn': 'fv3'} |
Logical: If set to .TRUE., memory usage statistics will be printed at various points in the code. It is used to study memory usage, e.g to detect memory leaks. Default: FALSE |
fv3_range_warn | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Logical: checks whether the values of the prognostic variables are within a reasonable range at the end of a dynamics time step, and prints a warning if not. Adds computational overhead, so we only recommend using this when debugging. Default: FALSE |
fv3_rf_cutoff | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | real | ['any real'] | 750 |
Real: pressure below which no Rayleigh damping is applied if tau > 0. Default: 750 |
fv3_scale_ttend | dyn_fv3_inparm | dyn_fv3 | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
If TRUE perform temp tendency scaling before send to fv3 dynamics Default: FALSE |
fv3_stack_size | fms_nml | dyn_fv3 | integer | ['any integer'] | is 6000000 for: {'dyn': 'fv3'} |
Integer: The size in words of the MPP user stack. If fv3_stack_size > 0, the following MPP routine is called: call mpp_set_stack_size (fv3_stack_size). If fv3_stack_size = 0 then the defaults set by mpp_mod is used. Default: 6000000 |
fv3_tau | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | real | ['any real'] | 10 |
Real: time scale (in days) for Rayleigh friction applied to horizontal and vertical winds; lost kinetic energy is converted to heat, except on nested grids. 0.0 disables damping. Larger values yield less damping. For models with tops at 1 mb or lower values between 10 and 30 are useful for preventing overly-strong polar night jets; for higher-top hydrostatic models values between 5 and 15 should be considered; and for non-hydrostatic models values of 10 or less should be considered, with smaller values for higher-resolution. Default: 10 |
fv3_vtdm4 | fv_core_nml | dyn_fv3 | real | ['any real'] | 0.0D0 |
Real: coefficient for background other-variable damping. The value of fv3_vtdm4 should be less than that of fv3_d4_bg. A good first guess for fv3_vtdm4 is about one-third the value of fv3_d4_bg. Requires fv3_do_vort_damp to be .true. Disabled for values less than 1.e-3. Other-variable damping should not be used if a monotonic horizontal advection scheme is used. Default: 0.0 |
met_cell_wall_winds | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | TRUE => the offline meteorology winds are defined on the model grid cell walls. Default: FALSE |
met_data_file | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | char*256 | ['any char'] | Name of file that contains the offline meteorology data. Default: none |
met_data_path | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | char*256 | ['any char'] | Name of directory that contains the offline meteorology data. Default: none |
met_filenames_list | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | char*256 | ['any char'] | Name of file that contains names of the offline meteorology data files. Default: none |
met_fix_mass | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | switch to turn on/off mass fixer for offline driver Default: true |
met_nudge_temp | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true nudge atmospheric temperature (T) from the meteorology. Default: true |
met_qflx_factor | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | real | ['any real'] | multiplication factor for water vapor flux Default: 1.0 |
met_qflx_name | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | char*16 | ['any char'] | water vapor flux field name in met data file Default: 'QFLX' |
met_remove_file | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | TRUE => the offline meteorology file will be removed from local disk when no longer needed. Default: FALSE |
met_rlx_bot | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | real | ['any real'] | (km) bottom of relaxation region of winds for offline waccm Default: 50. |
met_rlx_bot_bot | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | real | ['any real'] | (km) bottom of ramping relaxation region for metdata at model bottom Default: 0. |
met_rlx_bot_top | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | real | ['any real'] | (km) top of ramping relaxation region for metdata at model bottom Default: 0. |
met_rlx_time | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | real | ['any real'] | Relaxation time (hours) applied to specified meteorology. - positive values less then time step size gives 100% nudging - negative values gives 0.0% nudging (infinite relaxation time) Default: 0.0 |
met_rlx_top | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | real | ['any real'] | (km) top of relaxation region of winds for offline waccm Default: 60. |
met_shflx_factor | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | real | ['any real'] | multiplication factor for srf heat flux Default: 1.0 |
met_shflx_name | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | char*16 | ['any char'] | srf heat flux field name in met data file Default: 'SHFLX' |
met_snowh_factor | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | real | ['any real'] | multiplication factor for snow hieght Default: 1.0 |
met_srf_feedback | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If false then do not allow surface models feedbacks influence climate Default: true |
met_srf_land | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true nudge meteorology surface fields over the land. If false, then fields are still nudged over the ocean. Default: true |
met_srf_land_scale | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If met_srf_land is false, then determines whether to nudge proportional to the non-land fraction (i.e. 1 - land fraction) (true), or to nudge everywhere except where land fraction is 1 (false). Default: false |
met_srf_nudge_flux | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true nudge meteorology surface fields TAUX, TAUY, SHFLX, QFLX rather than force Default: true |
met_srf_rad | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true nudge meteorology surface fields from radiation. These include ASDIR, ASDIF, ALDIR, ALDIF, and LWUP. Default: false |
met_srf_refs | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true nudge meteorology reference surface fields. These include TSREF, QREF, and U10. Default: false |
met_srf_sst | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true nudge meteorology reference for sea surface temperature and sea ice fraction (SST and SEAICEFRAC). Default: false |
met_srf_tau | metdata_nl | dyn_fv_off | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true nudge surface sheer stress (TAUX, TAUY) from the meteorology. Default: true |
dyn_allgather | spmd_dyn_inparm | dyn_spectral_spmd | integer | ['any integer'] | Spectral dynamics gather option. 0: use mpi_allgatherv 1: use point-to-point MPI-1 two-sided implementation 2: use point-to-point MPI-2 one-sided implementation if supported, otherwise use MPI-1 implementation 3: use Co-Array Fortran implementation if supported, otherwise use MPI-1 implementation Default: 0 |
dyn_alltoall | spmd_dyn_inparm | dyn_spectral_spmd | integer | ['any integer'] | Spectral dynamics transpose option. 0: use mpi_alltoallv 1: use point-to-point MPI-1 two-sided implementation 2: use point-to-point MPI-2 one-sided implementation if supported, otherwise use MPI-1 implementation 3: use Co-Array Fortran implementation if supported, otherwise use MPI-1 implementation Default: 0 |
dyn_equi_by_col | spmd_dyn_inparm | dyn_spectral_spmd | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag indicating whether to assign latitudes to equidistribute columns or latitudes. This only matters when using a reduced grid. Default: TRUE |
dyn_npes | spmd_dyn_inparm | dyn_spectral_spmd | integer | ['any integer'] | Number of processes assigned to dynamics (SE, EUL and SLD dycores). Default: Total number of processes assigned to job. |
dyn_npes_stride | spmd_dyn_inparm | dyn_spectral_spmd | integer | ['any integer'] | Stride for dynamics processes (EUL and SLD dycores). E.g., if stride=2, assign every second process to the dynamics. Default: 1 |
analytic_ic_type | analytic_ic_nl | dyn_test | char*80 | ['none', 'held_suarez_1994', 'moist_baroclinic_wave_dcmip2016', 'dry_baroclinic_wave_dcmip2016', 'dry_baroclinic_wave_jw2006', 'us_standard_atmosphere'] | none is held_suarez_1994 for: {'phys': 'adiabatic'} is held_suarez_1994 for: {'phys': 'held_suarez'} is moist_baroclinic_wave_dcmip2016 for: {'phys': 'kessler'} is moist_baroclinic_wave_dcmip2016 for: {'phys': 'tj2016'} |
Specify the type of analytic initial conditions for an initial run. held_suarez_1994: Initial conditions specified in Held and Suarez (1994) moist_baroclinic_wave_dcmip2016: Moist baroclinic wave as used in the DCMIP 2016 experiments dry_baroclinic_wave_dcmip2016: Dry baroclinic wave as used in the DCMIP 2016 experiments dry_baroclinic_wave_jw2006: Dry baroclinic wave as specified in Jablonowski and Williamson (2006) us_standard_atmosphere: static atmospheric state (u,v)=0, standard lapse rate for T, PS is hydrostatic equilibrium with topography (this ic is recommended for spinning up new initial condition files when changing horizontal or vertical resolution) Default: 'none' |
atm_dep_flux | phys_ctl_nl | fluxes | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] |
If FALSE then CAM will set the deposition fluxes to zero before sending
them to the coupler. A side effect of setting the
variable chem_rad_passive to TRUE is that this variable
will be set to FALSE (the deposition fluxes must be set to zero in order
for the chemistry not to impact the climate).
Default: TRUE
bndtvghg | chem_surfvals_nl | ghg_cam | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/ggas/ghg_hist_1765-2005_c091218.nc |
Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for greenhouse gas surface values. Default: set by build-namelist. |
ch4vmr | chem_surfvals_nl | ghg_cam | real | ['any real'] | 1760.0e-9 |
CH4 volume mixing ratio. This is used as the time invariant surface value of CH4 if no time varying values are specified. Default: set by build-namelist. |
co2vmr | chem_surfvals_nl | ghg_cam | real | ['any real'] | 367.0e-6 |
CO2 volume mixing ratio. This is used as the time invariant surface value of CO2 if no time varying values are specified. Default: set by build-namelist. |
co2vmr_rad | chem_surfvals_nl | ghg_cam | real | ['any real'] | User override for the prescribed CO2 volume mixing ratio used by the radiation calculation. Note however that the prescribed value of CO2 which is sent to the surface models is still the one that is set using either the co2vmr or the scenario_ghg variables. Default: not used |
f11vmr | chem_surfvals_nl | ghg_cam | real | ['any real'] | 653.45e-12 |
CFC11 volume mixing ratio adjusted to reflect contributions from many GHG species. This is used as the time invariant surface value of F11 if no time varying values are specified. Default: set by build-namelist. |
f12vmr | chem_surfvals_nl | ghg_cam | real | ['any real'] | 535.0e-12 |
CFC12 volume mixing ratio. This is used as the time invariant surface value of CFC12 if no time varying values are specified. Default: set by build-namelist. |
ghg_yearstart_data | chem_surfvals_nl | ghg_cam | integer | ['any integer'] |
Data start year. Use in conjunction
with ghg_yearstart_model.
Default: 0
ghg_yearstart_model | chem_surfvals_nl | ghg_cam | integer | ['any integer'] |
Model start year. Use in conjunction
with ghg_yearstart_data.
Default: 0
n2ovmr | chem_surfvals_nl | ghg_cam | real | ['any real'] | 316.0e-9 |
N2O volume mixing ratio. This is used as the time invariant surface value of N2O if no time varying values are specified. Default: set by build-namelist |
ramp_co2_annual_rate | chem_surfvals_nl | ghg_cam | real | ['any real'] |
Amount of co2 ramping per year (percent). Only used
if scenario_ghg = 'RAMP_CO2_ONLY'
Default: 1.0
ramp_co2_cap | chem_surfvals_nl | ghg_cam | real | ['any real'] | CO2 cap if > 0, floor otherwise. Specified as multiple or fraction of inital value; e.g., setting to 4.0 will cap at 4x initial CO2 setting. Only used if scenario_ghg = 'RAMP_CO2_ONLY' Default: boundless if ramp_co2_annual_rate > 0, zero otherwise. |
ramp_co2_start_ymd | chem_surfvals_nl | ghg_cam | integer | ['any integer'] |
Date on which ramping of co2 begins. The date is encoded as an integer in
the form YYYYMMDD. Only used if scenario_ghg = 'RAMP_CO2_ONLY'
Default: 0
rampyear_ghg | chem_surfvals_nl | ghg_cam | integer | ['any integer'] | If scenario_ghg is set to "RAMPED" then the greenhouse gas surface values are interpolated between the annual average values read from the file specified by bndtvghg. In that case, the value of this variable (> 0) fixes the year of the lower bounding value (i.e., the value for calendar day 1.0) used in the interpolation. For example, if rampyear_ghg = 1950, then the GHG surface values will be the result of interpolating between the values for 1950 and 1951 from the dataset. Default: 0 |
scenario_ghg | chem_surfvals_nl | ghg_cam | char*16 | ['FIXED', 'RAMPED', 'RAMP_CO2_ONLY', 'CHEM_LBC_FILE'] | Controls treatment of prescribed co2, ch4, n2o, cfc11, cfc12 volume mixing ratios. May be set to 'FIXED', 'RAMPED', 'RAMP_CO2_ONLY', or 'CHEM_LBC_FILE'. FIXED => volume mixing ratios are fixed and have either default or namelist input values. RAMPED => volume mixing ratios are time interpolated from the dataset specified by bndtvghg. RAMP_CO2_ONLY => only co2 mixing ratios are ramped at a rate determined by the variables ramp_co2_annual_rate, ramp_co2_cap, and ramp_co2_start_ymd. CHEM_LBC_FILE => volume mixing ratios are set from the chemistry lower boundary conditions dataset specified by flbc_file. Default: FIXED |
bndtvg | chem_inparm | ghg_chem | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/ggas/noaamisc.r8.nc |
Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for greenhouse gas production/loss rates. Only used by the simple prognostic GHG chemistry scheme that is enabled via the argument "-prog_species GHG" to configure. Default: set by build-namelist. |
ghg_chem | chem_inparm | ghg_chem | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | This variable should not be set by the user. It is set by build-namelist when the user specifies the argument "-prog_species GHG" to configure which turns on a simple prognostic chemistry scheme for CH4, N2O, CFC11 and CFC12. Default: set by build-namelist |
bnd_rdggm | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/topo/fv_0.9x1.25_nc3000_Nsw006_Nrs002_Co008_Fi001_ZR_c160505.nc for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is atm/cam/topo/fv_1.9x2.5_nc3000_Nsw084_Nrs016_Co120_Fi001_ZR_061116.nc for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} |
Full pathname of boundary dataset for meso-gamma ridges. Default: set by build-namelist. |
effgw_beres_dp | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | 0.1D0 is 0.4D0 for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is 0.55D0 for: {'waccm_phys': '0'} is 0.5D0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is 0.325D0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'nlev': '70'} is 0.7D0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'nlev': '110'} is 0.5D0 for: {'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbs', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is 0.5D0 for: {'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbsext', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} |
Efficiency associated with convective gravity waves from the Beres scheme (deep convection). Default: set by build-namelist. |
effgw_beres_sh | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | 0.03D0 |
Efficiency associated with convective gravity waves from the Beres scheme (shallow convection). Default: set by build-namelist. |
effgw_cm | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | 1.D0 |
Efficiency associated with gravity waves from frontogenesis. Default: set by build-namelist. |
effgw_cm_igw | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | 0.1D0 |
Efficiency associated with inertial gravity waves from frontogenesis. Default: set by build-namelist. |
effgw_oro | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | 0.125D0 is 0.0625D0 for: {'nlev': '60'} |
Efficiency associated with orographic gravity waves. Default: set by build-namelist. |
effgw_rdg_beta | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | Efficiency scaling factor associated with anisotropic OGW. Default: set by build-namelist. |
effgw_rdg_beta_max | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | Max efficiency associated with anisotropic OGW. Default: 1.0 |
effgw_rdg_gamma | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | Efficiency scaling factor associated with anisotropic OGW. Default: set by build-namelist. |
effgw_rdg_gamma_max | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | Max efficiency associated with anisotropic OGW. Default: 1.0 |
fcrit2 | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | Critical Froude number squared (used only for orographic waves). Default: set by build-namelist. |
frontgfc | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | 1.25D-15 is 3.00D-15 for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4'} is 7.5D-16 for: {'hgrid': '4x5'} is 3.0D-15 for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} |
Frontogenesis function critical threshold. Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_apply_tndmax | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. is .false. for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} is .false. for: {'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbs'} is .false. for: {'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbsext'} |
Apply limiter on maximum wind tendency from stress divergence in gravity wave drag scheme. Default: set by build-namelist |
gw_dc | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | Width of speed bins (delta c) for gravity wave spectrum (reference wave speeds are from -pgwv*dc to pgwv*dc). Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_dc_long | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | Width of speed bins (delta c) for long wavelength gravity wave spectrum (reference wave speeds are from -pgwv_long*dc_long to pgwv_long*dc_long). Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_drag_file | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/gw/newmfspectra40_dc25.nc |
Full pathname of Beres lookup table data file for gravity waves sourced from deep convection. Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_drag_file_sh | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/gw/mfspectra_shallow_c140530.nc |
Full pathname of Beres lookup table data file for gravity waves sourced from shallow convection. Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_limit_tau_without_eff | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} is .true. for: {'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbs'} is .true. for: {'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbsext'} |
Apply limiters to tau before applying the efficiency factor, rather than afterward. Default: set by build-namelist |
gw_lndscl_sgh | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. is .false. for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} is .false. for: {'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbs'} is .false. for: {'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbsext'} |
Scale SGH by land fraction in gravity wave drag Default: set by build-namelist |
gw_oro_south_fac | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | 1.d0 is 2.d0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} is 2.d0 for: {'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbs'} is 2.d0 for: {'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbsext'} |
Factor to multiply tau by, for orographic waves in the southern hemisphere. Default: 1._r8 |
gw_polar_taper | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'dyn': 'fv'} |
Whether or not to use tapering at the poles to reduce the effects of mid-scale gravity waves from frontogenesis. Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_prndl | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | 0.25d0 is 0.5d0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} is 0.5d0 for: {'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbs'} is 0.5d0 for: {'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbsext'} |
Inverse Prandtl number used in gravity wave diffusion Default: set by build-namelist |
gw_qbo_hdepth_scaling | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | Scaling factor for heating depth in gravity waves from convection. If less than 1.0 this acts as an effective reduction of the gravity wave phase speeds needed to drive the QBO. Default: set by build-namelist |
gw_top_taper | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'waccmx': '1'} |
Whether or not to apply tapering at the top of the model (above 0.6E-02 Pa) to reduce undesired effects of gravity waves in the thermosphere/ionosphere. Default: set by build-namelist |
n_rdg_beta | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | integer | ['any integer'] | Number of meso-Beta ridges (per gridbox) to invoke. Default: 10 (set by build-namelist) |
n_rdg_gamma | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | integer | ['any integer'] | Number of meso-gamma ridges (per gridbox) to invoke. Default: -1 (set by build-namelist) |
pgwv | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | integer | ['any integer'] | 32 is 18 for: {'waccmx': '1'} |
Gravity wave spectrum dimension (wave numbers are from -pgwv to pgwv). Default: set by build-namelist. |
pgwv_long | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | integer | ['any integer'] | Dimension for long wavelength gravity wave spectrum (wave numbers are from -pgwv_long to pgwv_long). Default: set by build-namelist. |
rdg_beta_cd_llb | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | Drag coefficient for obstacles in low-level flow. Default: 1.0 |
rdg_gamma_cd_llb | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | Drag coefficient for obstacles in low-level flow. Default: 1.0 |
tau_0_ubc | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Force the stress due to gravity waves to be zero at the top of the model. In the low-top model, this helps to conserve momentum and produce a QBO. Default: set by build-namelist. |
taubgnd | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | 1.5D-3 is 1.0D-3 for: {'hgrid': '4x5'} is 2.5D-3 for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is 1.25D-3 for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4'} |
Background source strength (used for waves from frontogenesis). Default: set by build-namelist. |
taubgnd_igw | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | real | ['any real'] | 12.0D-3 |
Background source strength (used for inertial waves from frontogenesis). Default: set by build-namelist. |
trpd_leewv_rdg_beta | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Whether or not to allow trapping for meso-Beta Ridges. Default: FALSE (set by build-namelist) |
trpd_leewv_rdg_gamma | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Whether or not to allow trapping for meso-gamma Ridges. Default: set by build-namelist |
use_gw_convect_dp | phys_ctl_nl | gw_drag | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Whether or not to enable gravity waves produced by deep convection. Default: set by build-namelist. |
use_gw_convect_sh | phys_ctl_nl | gw_drag | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Whether or not to enable gravity waves produced by shallow convection. Default: .false. |
use_gw_front | phys_ctl_nl | gw_drag | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Whether or not to enable gravity waves produced by frontogenesis. Default: set by build-namelist. |
use_gw_front_igw | phys_ctl_nl | gw_drag | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Whether or not to enable inertial gravity waves produced by frontogenesis. Default: set by build-namelist. |
use_gw_oro | phys_ctl_nl | gw_drag | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Whether or not to enable gravity waves produced by orography. Default: set by build-namelist. |
use_gw_rdg_beta | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Whether or not to enable gravity waves produced by meso-Beta Ridges. Default: set by build-namelist |
use_gw_rdg_gamma | gw_drag_nl | gw_drag | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Whether or not to enable gravity waves produced by meso-gamma Ridges. Default: FALSE (set by build-namelist) |
gw_rdg_C_BetaMax_DS | gw_rdg_nl | gw_rdg | real | ['any real'] | 0.0d0 |
Enhancement factor for downslope wind stress in DS configuration. Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_rdg_C_BetaMax_SM | gw_rdg_nl | gw_rdg | real | ['any real'] | 2.0d0 |
Enhancement factor for downslope wind stress in SM configuration. Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_rdg_C_GammaMax | gw_rdg_nl | gw_rdg | real | ['any real'] | 2.0d0 |
Enhancement factor for depth of downslope wind regime in DS configuration Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_rdg_do_adjust_tauoro | gw_rdg_nl | gw_rdg | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
If true, then adujust tauoro Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_rdg_do_backward_compat | gw_rdg_nl | gw_rdg | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true, then adjust for bit-for-bit answers with the ("N5") configuration Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_rdg_do_divstream | gw_rdg_nl | gw_rdg | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
If .true. use separate dividing streamlines for downslope wind and flow splitting regimes ("DS" configuration). If .false. use single dividing streamline as in Scinocca & McFarlane 2000 ("SM" configuration). Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_rdg_do_smooth_regimes | gw_rdg_nl | gw_rdg | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
If true, then use smooth regimes Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_rdg_do_vdiff | gw_rdg_nl | gw_rdg | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If TRUE gravity wave ridge scheme will contribute to vertical diffusion tendencies. Default: TRUE |
gw_rdg_Fr_c | gw_rdg_nl | gw_rdg | real | ['any real'] | Critical inverse4 Froude number Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_rdg_Frx0 | gw_rdg_nl | gw_rdg | real | ['any real'] | 2.0d0 |
Lower inverse Froude number limits on linear ramp terminating downslope wind regime for high mountains in DS configuration Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_rdg_Frx1 | gw_rdg_nl | gw_rdg | real | ['any real'] | 3.0d0 |
Upper inverse Froude number limits on linear ramp terminating downslope wind regime for high mountains in DS configuration Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_rdg_orohmin | gw_rdg_nl | gw_rdg | real | ['any real'] | 0.01d0 |
minimum surface displacement height for orographic waves (m) Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_rdg_orom2min | gw_rdg_nl | gw_rdg | real | ['any real'] | 0.1d0 |
Minimum stratification allowing wave behavior Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_rdg_orostratmin | gw_rdg_nl | gw_rdg | real | ['any real'] | 0.002d0 |
Minimum stratification allowing wave behavior Default: set by build-namelist. |
gw_rdg_orovmin | gw_rdg_nl | gw_rdg | real | ['any real'] | 1.0d-3 |
Minimum wind speed for orographic waves Default: set by build-namelist. |
avgflag_pertape | cam_history_nl | history | char*1(10) | ['A', 'B', 'I', 'X', 'M', 'L', 'S'] | Sets the averaging flag for all variables on a particular history file series. Valid values are: A ==> Average B ==> GMT 00:00:00 average I ==> Instantaneous M ==> Minimum X ==> Maximum L ==> Local-time S ==> Standard deviation The default is to use the averaging flags for each variable that are set in the code via calls to subroutine addfld. Defaults: set in code via the addfld and add_default subroutine calls. |
clubb_history | clubb_his_nl | history | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
if .true. then output CLUBBs history statistics Default: false |
clubb_rad_history | clubb_his_nl | history | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
if .true. then output CLUBBs radiative history statistics Default: false |
clubb_vars_rad_zm | clubb_stats_nl | history | char*16(10000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1, but for CLUBB statistics on radiation zm grid.
Default: none.
clubb_vars_rad_zt | clubb_stats_nl | history | char*16(10000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1, but for CLUBB statistics on radiation zt grid.
Default: none.
clubb_vars_sfc | clubb_stats_nl | history | char*16(10000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1, but for CLUBB statistics on surface.
Default: none.
clubb_vars_zm | clubb_stats_nl | history | char*16(10000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1, but for CLUBB statistics on zm grid.
Default: none.
clubb_vars_zt | clubb_stats_nl | history | char*16(10000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1, but for CLUBB statistics on zt grid.
Default: none.
collect_column_output | cam_history_nl | history | logical(10) | ['any logical(10)'] | Collect all column data into a single field and output in ncol format, much faster than default when you have a lot of columns. Default: false |
empty_htapes | cam_history_nl | history | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] |
If true don't put any of the variables on the history tapes by
default. Only output the variables that the user explicitly lists in
the fincl# namelist items.
Default: FALSE
fexcl1 | cam_history_nl | history | char*24(1000) | ['any char'] | List of fields to exclude from the 1st history file (by default the name of this file contains the string "h0"). Default: none |
fexcl10 | cam_history_nl | history | char*24(1000) | ['any char'] | List of fields to exclude from the 10th history file (by default the name of this file contains the string "h9"). Default: none |
fexcl2 | cam_history_nl | history | char*24(1000) | ['any char'] | List of fields to exclude from the 2nd history file (by default the name of this file contains the string "h1"). Default: none |
fexcl3 | cam_history_nl | history | char*24(1000) | ['any char'] | List of fields to exclude from the 3rd history file (by default the name of this file contains the string "h2"). Default: none |
fexcl4 | cam_history_nl | history | char*24(1000) | ['any char'] | List of fields to exclude from the 4th history file (by default the name of this file contains the string "h3"). Default: none |
fexcl5 | cam_history_nl | history | char*24(1000) | ['any char'] | List of fields to exclude from the 5th history file (by default the name of this file contains the string "h4"). Default: none |
fexcl6 | cam_history_nl | history | char*24(1000) | ['any char'] | List of fields to exclude from the 6th history file (by default the name of this file contains the string "h5"). Default: none |
fexcl7 | cam_history_nl | history | char*24(1000) | ['any char'] | List of fields to exclude from the 7th history file (by default the name of this file contains the string "h6"). Default: none |
fexcl8 | cam_history_nl | history | char*24(1000) | ['any char'] | List of fields to exclude from the 8th history file (by default the name of this file contains the string "h7"). Default: none |
fexcl9 | cam_history_nl | history | char*24(1000) | ['any char'] | List of fields to exclude from the 9th history file (by default the name of this file contains the string "h8"). Default: none |
fincl1 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] | List of fields to include on the first history file (by default the name of this file contains the string "h0"). The added fields must be in Master Field List. The averaging flag for the output field can be specified by appending a ":" and a valid averaging flag to the field name. Valid flags are: A ==> Average B ==> GMT 00:00:00 average I ==> Instantaneous M ==> Minimum X ==> Maximum L ==> Local-time S ==> Standard deviation Default: set in code via the addfld and add_default subroutine calls. |
fincl10 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1, but for the 10th history file (by default
the name of this file contains the string "h9").
Default: none.
fincl10lonlat | cam_history_nl | history | char*128(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1lonlat, but for 10th history file.
fincl1lonlat | cam_history_nl | history | char*128(1000) | ['any char'] | List of columns or contiguous columns at which the fincl1 fields will be output. Individual columns are specified as a string using a longitude degree (greater or equal to 0.) followed by a single character (e)ast/(w)est identifer, an underscore '_' , and a latitude degree followed by a single character (n)orth/(s)outh identifier. For example, '10e_20n' would pick the model column closest to 10 degrees east longitude by 20 degrees north latitude. A group of contiguous columns can be specified using bounding latitudes and longitudes separated by a colon. For example, '10e:20e_15n:20n' would select the model columns which fall with in the longitude range from 10 east to 20 east and the latitude range from 15 north to 20 north. Default: none |
fincl2 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1, but for the 2nd history file (by default
the name of this file contains the string "h1").
Default: none.
fincl2lonlat | cam_history_nl | history | char*128(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1lonlat, but for 2nd history file.
fincl3 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1, but for the 3rd history file (by default
the name of this file contains the string "h2").
Default: none.
fincl3lonlat | cam_history_nl | history | char*128(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1lonlat, but for 3rd history file.
fincl4 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1, but for the 4th history file (by default
the name of this file contains the string "h3").
Default: none.
fincl4lonlat | cam_history_nl | history | char*128(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1lonlat, but for 4th history file.
fincl5 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1, but for the 5th history file (by default
the name of this file contains the string "h4").
Default: none.
fincl5lonlat | cam_history_nl | history | char*128(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1lonlat, but for 5th history file.
fincl6 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1, but for the 6th history file (by default
the name of this file contains the string "h5").
Default: none.
fincl6lonlat | cam_history_nl | history | char*128(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1lonlat, but for 6th history file.
fincl7 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1, but for the 7th history file (by default
the name of this file contains the string "h6").
Default: none.
fincl7lonlat | cam_history_nl | history | char*128(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1lonlat, but for 7th history file.
fincl8 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1, but for the 8th history file (by default
the name of this file contains the string "h7").
Default: none.
fincl8lonlat | cam_history_nl | history | char*128(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1lonlat, but for 8th history file.
fincl9 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1, but for the 9th history file (by default
the name of this file contains the string "h8").
Default: none.
fincl9lonlat | cam_history_nl | history | char*128(1000) | ['any char'] |
Same as fincl1lonlat, but for 9th history file.
fwrtpr1 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] | Specific fields which will be written using the non-default precision on the 1st history file. Default: none |
fwrtpr10 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] | Specific fields which will be written using the non-default precision on the 10th history file. Default: none |
fwrtpr2 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] | Specific fields which will be written using the non-default precision on the 2nd history file. Default: none |
fwrtpr3 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] | Specific fields which will be written using the non-default precision on the 3rd history file. Default: none |
fwrtpr4 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] | Specific fields which will be written using the non-default precision on the 4th history file. Default: none |
fwrtpr5 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] | Specific fields which will be written using the non-default precision on the 5th history file. Default: none |
fwrtpr6 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] | Specific fields which will be written using the non-default precision on the 6th history file. Default: none |
fwrtpr7 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] | Specific fields which will be written using the non-default precision on the 7th history file. Default: none |
fwrtpr8 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] | Specific fields which will be written using the non-default precision on the 8th history file. Default: none |
fwrtpr9 | cam_history_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] | Specific fields which will be written using the non-default precision on the 9th history file. Default: none |
hfilename_spec | cam_history_nl | history | char*256(10) | ['any char'] |
Array of history filename specifiers. The filenames of up to six history
output files can be controlled via this variable. Filename specifiers give
generic formats for the filenames with specific date and time components,
file series number (0-5), and caseid, filled in when the files are
created. The following strings are expanded when the filename is created:
%c=caseid; %t=file series number (0-5); %y=year (normally 4 digits, more
digits if needed); %m=month; %d=day; %s=seconds into current day; %%=%
symbol. Note that the caseid may be set using the namelist
variable case_name.
For example, for a simulation with caseid="test" and current date and time
of 0000-12-31 0:00UT, a filename specifier of "%c.cam2.h%t.%y-%m.nc" would
expand into "test.cam2.h0.0000-12.nc" for the first history file. The
filename specifier "%c.cam2.h%t.%y-%m-%d-%s.nc" would expand to
"test.cam2.h1.0000-12-31-00000.nc" for the second history file. Spaces are
not allowed in filename specifiers. Although the character "/" is allowed
in the specifier, it will be interpreted as a directory name and the
corresponding directories will have to be created in the model execution
directory (directory given to configure with -cam_exedir option) before
model execution. The first element is for the primary history file which
is output by default as a monthly history file. Entries 2 through 6 are
user specified auxilliary output files.
Defaults: "%c.cam2.h0.%y-%m.nc", "%c.cam2.h1.%y-%m-%d-%s.nc", ...,
inithist | cam_history_nl | history | char*8 | ['NONE', '6-HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY', 'YEARLY', 'CAMIOP', 'ENDOFRUN'] | Frequency that initial files will be output: 6-hourly, daily, monthly, yearly, or never. Valid values: 'NONE', '6-HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY', 'YEARLY', 'CAMIOP', 'ENDOFRUN'. Default: 'YEARLY' |
inithist_all | cam_history_nl | history | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If false then include only REQUIRED fields on IC file. If true then include required AND optional fields on IC file. Default: FALSE |
interpolate_gridtype | cam_history_nl | history | integer(10) | ['1', '2', '3'] | Selects output grid type for lat/lon interpolated output. 1: Equally spaced, including poles (FV scalars output grid). 2: Gauss grid (CAM Eulerian). 3: Equally spaced, no poles (FV staggered velocity). Default: 1 |
interpolate_nlat | cam_history_nl | history | integer(10) | ['any integer(10)'] | Size of latitude dimension of grid for interpolated output. If interpolate_nlat and interpolate_nlon are zero, reasonable values will be chosen by the dycore based on the run resolution. Default: 0 |
interpolate_nlon | cam_history_nl | history | integer(10) | ['any integer(10)'] | Size of longitude dimension of grid for interpolated output. If interpolate_nlat and interpolate_nlon are zero, reasonable values will be chosen by the dycore based on the run resolution. Default: 0 |
interpolate_output | cam_history_nl | history | logical(10) | ['any logical(10)'] | If interpolate_output(k) = .true., then the k'th history file will be interpolated to a lat/lon grid before output. Default: .false. |
interpolate_type | cam_history_nl | history | integer(10) | ['0', '1'] | Selects interpolation method for output on lat/lon grid. 0: Use SE's native high-order method. 1: Use a bilinear method. Default: 1 (bilinear) |
lcltod_start | cam_history_nl | history | integer(10) | ['any integer(10)'] | Array containing the starting time of day for local time history averaging. Used in conjuction with lcltod_stop. If lcltod_stop is less than lcltod_start, then the time range wraps around 24 hours. The start time is included in the interval. Time is in seconds and defaults to 39600 (11:00 AM). The first value applies to the primary hist. file, the second to the first aux. hist. file, etc. Default: none |
lcltod_stop | cam_history_nl | history | integer(10) | ['any integer(10)'] | Array containing the stopping time of day for local time history averaging. Used in conjuction with lcltod_start. If lcltod_stop is less than lcltod_start, then the time range wraps around 24 hours. The stop time is not included in the interval. Time is in seconds and defaults to 0 (midnight). The first value applies to the primary hist. file, the second to the first aux. hist. file, etc. Default: none |
mfilt | cam_history_nl | history | integer(10) | ['any integer(10)'] | is 1500 for: {'scam': '1'} |
Array containing the maximum number of time samples written to a history file. The first value applies to the primary history file, the second through tenth to the auxillary history files. Default: 1,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30 |
ndens | cam_history_nl | history | integer(10) | ['1', '2'] | Array specifying the precision of real data written to each history file series. Valid values are 1 or 2. '1' implies output real values are 8-byte and '2' implies output real values are 4-byte. Default: 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 |
nhtfrq | cam_history_nl | history | integer(10) | ['any integer(10)'] | is 9 for: {'scam': '1'} |
Array of write frequencies for each history file series. If nhtfrq(1) = 0, the file will be a monthly average. Only the first file series may be a monthly average. If nhtfrq(i) > 0, frequency is specified as number of timesteps. If nhtfrq(i) < 0, frequency is specified as number of hours. Default: 0,-24,-24,-24,-24,-24,-24,-24,-24,-24 |
sathist_fincl | satellite_options_nl | history | char*26(1000) | ['any char'] |
List of history fields to output along the satellite track specified by sathist_track_infile
Default: none
sathist_hfilename_spec | satellite_options_nl | history | char*256 | ['any char'] |
Satellite track history filename specifier. See hfilename_spec
Default: "%c.cam2.sat.%y-%m-%d-%s.nc"
sathist_mfilt | satellite_options_nl | history | integer | ['any integer'] | Sets the maximum number of observation columns written to the satellite track history file series. Default: 100000 |
sathist_nclosest | satellite_options_nl | history | integer | ['any integer'] | Sets the number of columns closest to the observation that should be output. Setting this to a number greater than 1 allows for spatial interpolation in the post processing. Default: 1 |
sathist_ntimestep | satellite_options_nl | history | integer | ['any integer'] | Sets the number of timesteps closest to the observation that should be output. Setting this to a number greater than 1 allows for temporal interpolation in the post processing. Default: 1 |
sathist_track_infile | satellite_options_nl | history | char*256 | ['any char'] | Full pathname of the satellite track data used by the satellite track history output feature. Default: none |
cam_branch_file | cam_initfiles_nl | initial_conditions | char*256 | ['any char'] | Full pathname of master restart file from which to branch. Setting is Required for branch run. Default: none |
ncdata | cam_initfiles_nl | initial_conditions | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/inic/cam_vcoords_L26_c180105.nc for: {'analytic_ic': '1', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/cam_vcoords_L30_c180105.nc for: {'analytic_ic': '1', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/cam_vcoords_L32_c180105.nc for: {'analytic_ic': '1', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0000-01-01_0.23x0.31_L26_c100513.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0000-09-01_0.23x0.31_L26_c061106.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_1980-01-01_0.47x0.63_L26_c071226.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0000-09-01_0.47x0.63_L26_c061106.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0000-10-01_0.5x0.625_L26_c031204.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '1001', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.5x0.625', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_1987-01-01_0.9x1.25_L26_c060703.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0000-09-01_0.9x1.25_L26_c051205.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0000-01-01_1.9x2.5_L26_c070408.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0000-09-01_1.9x2.5_L26_c040809.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0000-01-01_2.5x3.33_L26_c110309.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0000-09-01_2.5x3.33_L26_c091007.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0001-01-01_4x5_L26_c060608.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '4x5', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0000-01-01_10x15_L26_c030918.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '10x15', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami-mam3_0000-01-01_0.23x0.31_L30_c110527.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami-mam3_0000-01-01_0.47x0.63_L30_c100929.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami-mam3_0000-01-01_0.9x1.25_L30_c100618.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami-mam3_0000-01-01_1.9x2.5_L30_c090306.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0000-09-01_1.9x2.5_L30_c070109.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0000-01-01_2.5x3.33_L30_c110309.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0000-09-01_2.5x3.33_L30_c100831.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0000-01-01_4x5_L30_c090108.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '4x5', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0000-01-01_10x15_L30_c081013.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '10x15', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/f.e22.FC2010climo.f09_f09_mg17.cam6_2_022.001.cam.i.0016-01-01-00000_c200610.nc for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbs', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/f.e22.FC2010climo.f09_f09_mg17.cam6_2_022.001.cam.i.0016-01-01-00000_c200610.nc for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_ts2', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami-mam3_0000-01-01_0.9x1.25_L32_c141031.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami-mam3_0000-01-01_1.9x2.5_L32_c150407.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami-mam4_0000-01-01_10x15_L32_c170914.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '10x15', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami_0000-01-01_0.47x0.63_L26_APE_c080227.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/aqua_0006-01-01_0.9x1.25_L26_c161020.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/aqua_0006-01-01_1.9x2.5_L26_c161020.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/aqua_0000-01-01_10x15_L26_c161230.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': '10x15', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/aqua_0006-01-01_0.9x1.25_L30_c161020.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/aqua_0006-01-01_1.9x2.5_L30_c161020.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/aqua_0000-01-01_10x15_L30_c170103.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': '10x15', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/aqua_0006-01-01_0.9x1.25_L32_c161020.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/aqua_0006-01-01_1.9x2.5_L32_c161020.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/aqua_0000-01-01_10x15_L32_c170103.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': '10x15', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami-chem_1990-01-01_0.9x1.25_L30_c080724.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '19900101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'trop_mozart', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami-chem_1990-01-01_1.9x2.5_L26_c080114.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '19900101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'trop_mozart', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/cami-chem_1990-01-01_1.9x2.5_L30_c080215.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '19900101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'trop_mozart', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/camchemi_0012-01-01_10x15_L26_c081104.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'trop_mozart', 'hgrid': '10x15', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/camchemi_0012-01-01_10x15_L30_c081104.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'trop_mozart', 'hgrid': '10x15', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/camchemi_0012-01-01_4x5_L26_c081104.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'trop_mozart', 'hgrid': '4x5', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/camchemi_0012-01-01_4x5_L30_c081104.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'trop_mozart', 'hgrid': '4x5', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/camchemi_0012-01-01_1.9x2.5_L26_c081104.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'trop_mozart', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/camchemi_0012-01-01_1.9x2.5_L30_c081104.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'trop_mozart', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/trop_strat_mam3_chem_2000-01-01_10x15_L30_c121015.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbs', 'hgrid': '10x15', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/trop_strat_mam3_chem_2000-01-01_4x5_L30_c121015.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbs', 'hgrid': '4x5', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv/trop_strat_mam3_chem_2000-01-01_1.9x2.5_L30_c121015.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbs', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/se/f.e22.FC2010climo.ne30_ne30_mg17.cam6_2_032.001.cam.i.0006-01-01-00000_c200623.nc for: {'dyn': 'se', 'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbs', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/se/f.e22.FC2010climo.ne30_ne30_mg17.cam6_2_032.001.cam.i.0006-01-01-00000_c200623.nc for: {'dyn': 'se', 'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_ts2', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/se/f.e22.FC2010climo.ne30pg3_ne30pg3_mg17.cam6_2_032.001.cam.i.0007-01-01-00000_c200623.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'npg': '3', 'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbs', 'dyn': 'se', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/se/f.e22.FCnudged.ne0CONUSne30x8_ne0CONUSne30x8_mt12.cam6_2_032.002.cam.i.2013-01-01-00000_c200623.nc for: {'dyn': 'se', 'chem': 'trop_strat_mam4_vbs', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/ic/cami_0000-09-01_4x5_L26_c060217.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'trop_mozart', 'hgrid': '4x5', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/ic/cami_0000-09-01_10x15_L26_c060216.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'trop_mozart', 'hgrid': '10x15', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/waccm/ic/cami_2000-02-01_0.9x1.25_L66_c040928.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '20000201', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'nlev': '66'} is atm/waccm/ic/cami_2000-07-01_1.9x2.5_L66_c040928.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '20000701', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '66'} is atm/waccm/ic/FWT2000_f09_spinup01.cam.i.0001-01-02-00000_c160315.nc for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'nlev': '70'} is atm/waccm/ic/f2000.waccm-mam3_1.9x2.5_L70.cam2.i.0017-01-01.c120410.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '20000101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '70'} is atm/waccm/ic/aqua.cam6.waccmsc_1.9x2.5_L70.2000-01-01.c170123.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '20000101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '70'} is atm/waccm/ic/aqua.waccm_tsmlt_1.9x2.5_L70_c170814.nc for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'nlev': '70', 'ic_ymd': '20000101', 'chem': 'waccm_tsmlt_mam4', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is atm/waccm/ic/f2000.waccm-mam3_4x5_L70.cam2.i.0017-01-01.c121113.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '20000101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '4x5', 'nlev': '70'} is atm/waccm/ic/f2000.waccm-mam3_10x15_L70.cam2.i.0017-01-01.c141016.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '20000101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '10x15', 'nlev': '70'} is atm/waccm/ic/b1850.waccm-mam3_1.9x2.5_L70.cam2.i.0156-01-01.c120523.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '18500101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '70'} is atm/waccm/ic/cami_2000-05-01_1.9x2.5_L103_c040928.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '20000501', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '103'} is atm/waccm/ic/wa3_4x5_1950_spinup.cam2.i.1960-01-01-00000.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '19600101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '4x5', 'nlev': '66'} is atm/waccm/ic/cami_2000-01-01_10x15_L66_c041121.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '20000101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'hgrid': '10x15', 'nlev': '66'} is atm/waccm/ic/f40.2000.4deg.wcm.carma.sulf.004.cam2.i.0008-01-01-00000.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '20000101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'waccm_ma_sulfur', 'hgrid': '4x5', 'nlev': '66'} is atm/waccm/ic/f40.2deg.wcm.carma.sulf.L66.cam2.i.2010-01-01.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '20100101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'chem': 'waccm_ma_sulfur', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '66'} is atm/waccm/ic/WAX3548T08CO_2003top_f2000.waccm_0017bottom_L81_c110906.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '20000101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '81'} is atm/waccm/ic/WAX3548T08CO_2003top_f2000.waccm_0017bottom_4x5_L81_c160630.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '20000101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '4x5', 'nlev': '81'} is atm/waccm/ic/WAX3548T08CO_2003top_f2000.waccm_0017bottom_10x15_L81_c141027.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '20000101', 'dyn': 'fv', 'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '10x15', 'nlev': '81'} is atm/waccm/ic/waccmx_aqua_4x5_L126_c170705.nc for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'nlev': '126', 'ic_ymd': '101', 'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '4x5'} is atm/waccm/ic/fx2000_0.9x1.25_126lev_0002-01-01-00000_c181221.nc for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'nlev': '126'} is atm/waccm/ic/wcmx-cam6-phys_1.9x2.5_130lev_2000_c181115.nc for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'nlev': '130'} is atm/waccm/ic/wcmx-cam6-phys_0.9x1.25_130lev_2000_c190122.nc for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'nlev': '130'} is atm/waccm/ic/FC6X2000_f05_spinup01.cam.i.0002-01-01-00000_c190711.nc for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'nlev': '130'} is atm/waccm/ic/waccmx_mam4_aqua_4x5_L130_c180803.nc for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'nlev': '130', 'ic_ymd': '101', 'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '4x5'} is atm/waccm/ic/waccmx_mam4_aqua_1.9x2.5_L130_c180803.nc for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'nlev': '130', 'ic_ymd': '101', 'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/aqua_0006-01-01_C24_L32_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'C24', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/aqua_0006-01-01_C48_L32_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'C48', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/aqua_0006-01-01_C48_L26_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'C48', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/aqua_0006-01-01_C96_L30_c161020.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'C96', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/aqua_0006-01-01_C96_L32_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'C96', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/aqua_0006-01-01_C96_L26_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'C96', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/aqua_0006-01-01_C192_L32_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'C192', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/aqua_0006-01-01_C384_L32_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'C384', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/cami-mam3_0000-01-01_C24_L32_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C24', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/cami-mam3_0000-01-01_C24_L30_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C24', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/cami_0000-01-01_C24_L26_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C24', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/cami-mam3_0000-01-01_C48_L30_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C48', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/cami-mam3_0000-01-01_C48_L32_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C48', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/cami_0000-01-01_C48_L26_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C48', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/cami-mam3_0000-01-01_C96_L32_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C96', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/cami-mam3_0000-01-01_C96_L30_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C96', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/cami_0000-01-01_C96_L26_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C96', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/cami-mam3_0000-01-01_C192_L32_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C192', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/cami-mam3_0000-01-01_C192_L30_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C192', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/cami_0000-01-01_C192_L26_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C192', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/cami-mam3_0000-01-01_C384_L32_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C384', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/cami-mam3_0000-01-01_C384_L30_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C384', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/fv3/cami_0000-01-01_C384_L26_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C384', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/waccm/ic/f2000.waccm-mam3_C24_L70.cam2.i.0017-01-01_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C24', 'nlev': '70'} is atm/waccm/ic/f2000.waccm-mam3_C48_L70.cam2.i.0017-01-01_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C48', 'nlev': '70'} is atm/waccm/ic/f2000.waccm-mam3_C96_L70.cam2.i.0017-01-01_c200625.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C96', 'nlev': '70'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/T341clim01.cam2.i.0024-01-01-00000.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '512x1024', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-01-01_256x512_L26_c030918.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '256x512', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-01-01_128x256_L26_c030918.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '128x256', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-09-01_128x256_L26_c040422.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '128x256', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-01-01_64x128_T42_L26_c031110.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'hgrid': '64x128', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-09-01_64x128_L26_c030918.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'hgrid': '64x128', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-01-01_64x128_L30_c090102.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'hgrid': '64x128', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-09-01_64x128_L30_c031210.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'hgrid': '64x128', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-01-01_64x128_L32_c170510.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'hgrid': '64x128', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-01-01_64x128_L32_c170510.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'hgrid': '64x128', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-01-01_48x96_L26_c091218.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'hgrid': '48x96', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-09-01_48x96_L26_c040420.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '48x96', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-01-01_48x96_L30_c100426.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'hgrid': '48x96', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-09-01_32x64_L26_c030918.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'hgrid': '32x64', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-01-01_32x64_L30_c090107.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'hgrid': '32x64', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-01-01_8x16_L26_c030228.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'hgrid': '8x16', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-09-01_8x16_L26_c030918.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'hgrid': '8x16', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-01-01_8x16_L30_c090102.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'hgrid': '8x16', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/homme/cami-mam3_0000-01_ne5np4_L30.140707.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne5np4', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_topo_cam4_ne16np4_L26_c171020.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_topo_cam4_ne16np4_L30_c171020.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_topo_cam4_ne16np4_L32_c171020.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_topo_cam4_ne30np4_L26_c171020.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_topo_cam4_ne30np4_L30_c171020.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/se/F2000climo_ne30pg3_mg17_01-01-00000_c200424.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_topo_cam4_ne60np4_L26_c171018.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_topo_cam4_ne60np4_L30_c171020.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_topo_cam4_ne60np4_L32_c171020.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_topo_cam4_ne120np4_L26_c171018.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_topo_cam4_ne120np4_L30_c171024.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/se/F2000climo_ne120pg3_mt13_01-01-00000_c200420.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/homme/cami_1850-01-01_ne240np4_L26_c110314.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/homme/cami_0000-09-01_ne240np4_L26_c061106.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '901', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/homme/cami-mam3_0000-01-ne240np4_L30_c111004.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_cam4_ne5np4_L26_c170517.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne5np4', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_cam4_ne16np4_L26_c170417.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_cam4_ne30np4_L26_c170417.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_cam4_ne60np4_L26_c171023.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_cam4_ne120np4_L26_c170419.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_cam4_ne240np4_L26_c170613.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'nlev': '26'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_cam5_ne5np4_L30_c170517.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne5np4', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_cam5_ne16np4_L30_c170417.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_cam5_ne30np4_L30_c170417.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_cam5_ne120np4_L30_c170419.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'nlev': '30'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_cam6_ne5np4_L32_c170517.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne5np4', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_cam6_ne16np4_L32_c170509.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_cam6_ne30np4_L32_c170509.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_cam6_ne120np4_L32_c170908.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/se/ape_cam6_ne240np4_L32_c170908.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'aquaplanet': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/se/F2000climo_CONUS_30x8_mt12_mg3_01-01-00000_c200421.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/se/FHIST_ARCTIC_ne30x4_mt12_1979bc-mg3_01-01-00000_c200424.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/cam/inic/se/FHIST_ARCTICGRIS_ne30x8_mt12_1979bc-mg3_01-01-00000_c200428.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8', 'nlev': '32'} is atm/waccm/ic/wa3_ne5np4_1950_spinup.cam2.i.1960-01-01-00000_c150810.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne5np4', 'nlev': '66'} is atm/waccm/ic/FW2000_ne30_L70_01-01-0001_c200602.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'nlev': '70'} is atm/waccm/ic/FW2000_ne30pg3_L70_01-01-0001_c200602.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'ic_ymd': '101', 'npg': '3', 'dyn': 'se', 'nlev': '70'} is atm/waccm/ic/FWsc2000_ne30pg3_L110_01-01-0001_c200521.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'nlev': '110'} is atm/waccm/ic/FW2000_CONUS_30x8_L70_01-01-0001_c200602.nc for: {'ic_ymd': '101', 'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'nlev': '70'} is atm/cam/inic/gaus/cami_0000-09-01_64x128_L30_c031210.nc for: {'scam': '1', 'hgrid': '64x128', 'nlev': '30'} |
Full pathname of initial atmospheric state dataset (NetCDF format). Default: set by build-namelist. |
pertlim | cam_initfiles_nl | initial_conditions | real | ['any real'] | Perturb the initial conditions for temperature randomly by up to the given amount. Only applied for initial simulations. Default: 0.0 |
readtrace | constituents_nl | initial_conditions | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If TRUE, try to initialize data for all consituents by reading from the initial conditions dataset. If variable not found then data will be initialized using internally-specified default values. If FALSE then don't try reading constituent data from the IC file; just use the internally-specified defaults. Default: TRUE |
hist_hetfrz_classnuc | hetfrz_classnuc_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Add diagnostic output for heterogeneous freezing code. Default: .false. |
hist_preexisting_ice | nucleate_ice_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Add diagnostics for pre-existing ice option in ice nucleation code to history output. Default: .false. |
micro_do_massless_droplet_destroyer | micro_mg_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'silhs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg2'} |
Do destruction of massless droplets Default: .false. |
micro_do_sb_physics | micro_mg_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Do Seifert and Behang (2001) autoconversion and accretion physics when set to true. Default: .false. |
micro_mg_adjust_cpt | micro_mg_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Switch to control whether MG microphysics should adjust the temperature at the level containing the cold point tropopause by using the value obtain by extrapolating between levels. Default: set by build-namelist |
micro_mg_berg_eff_factor | micro_mg_nl | microphys | real | ['any real'] | 1.0D0 is 1.0D0 for: {'microphys': 'mg2'} |
Efficiency factor for berg Default: 1 |
micro_mg_dcs | micro_mg_nl | microphys | real | ['any real'] | is 400.D-6 for: {'microphys': 'mg1'} is 500.D-6 for: {'microphys': 'mg2'} is 390.D-6 for: {'silhs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg2'} is 200.D-6 for: {'microphys': 'mg2', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is 500.D-6 for: {'microphys': 'mg3'} |
Autoconversion size threshold Default: set by build-namelist |
micro_mg_do_cldice | micro_mg_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to control whether MG microphysics should prognose cloud ice (cldice). Default: .true., except for carma=cirrus and carma=carma_dust |
micro_mg_do_cldliq | micro_mg_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to control whether MG microphysics should prognose cloud liquid (cldliq). Default: .true. |
micro_mg_do_graupel | micro_mg_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'microphys': 'mg3'} |
Switch to control whether MG microphysics should prognose dense precipitating ice as graupel. mg3 only. Default: .true. for mg3 |
micro_mg_do_hail | micro_mg_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Switch to control whether MG microphysics should prognose dense precipitating ice as hail. mg3 only. Default: .false. |
micro_mg_nccons | micro_mg_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Set .true. to hold cloud droplet number constant. Default: .false. |
micro_mg_ncnst | micro_mg_nl | microphys | real | ['any real'] | In-cloud droplet number concentration when micro_mg_nccons=.true. Default: 100.e6 m-3 |
micro_mg_ngcons | micro_mg_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Set .true. to hold cloud graupel number constant. Default: .false. |
micro_mg_ngnst | micro_mg_nl | microphys | real | ['any real'] | In-cloud graupel number concentration when micro_mg_nicons=.true. Default: 0.1e6 m-3 |
micro_mg_nicons | micro_mg_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Set .true. to hold cloud ice number constant. Default: .false. |
micro_mg_ninst | micro_mg_nl | microphys | real | ['any real'] | In-cloud ice number concentration when micro_mg_nicons=.true. Default: 0.1e6 m-3 |
micro_mg_num_steps | micro_mg_nl | microphys | integer | ['any integer'] | is 1 for: {'microphys': 'mg1'} is 1 for: {'microphys': 'mg2'} is 1 for: {'microphys': 'mg3'} |
Number of substeps over MG microphysics. Default: 1 |
micro_mg_precip_frac_method | micro_mg_nl | microphys | char*16 | ['max_overlap', 'in_cloud'] | max_overlap is in_cloud for: {'clubb_sgs': '1'} |
Type of precipitation fraction. Default: for CLUBB runs => in_cloud; all others => max_overlap |
micro_mg_sub_version | micro_mg_nl | microphys | integer | ['any integer'] | is 0 for: {'microphys': 'mg1'} is 0 for: {'microphys': 'mg2'} is 0 for: {'microphys': 'mg3'} |
Sub-version number for MG microphysics Default: 0 |
micro_mg_version | micro_mg_nl | microphys | integer | ['any integer'] | is 1 for: {'microphys': 'mg1'} is 2 for: {'microphys': 'mg2'} is 3 for: {'microphys': 'mg3'} |
Version number for MG microphysics. This value is set automatically based on settings in configure and passed to build-namelist Default: 1 for CAM5 and 2 for CAM6 |
microp_aero_bulk_scale | microp_aero_nl | microphys | real | ['any real'] | prescribed aerosol bulk sulfur scale factor Default: 2 |
microp_uniform | micro_mg_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to control whether MG microphysics performs a uniform calculation or not (useful for sub-columns) Default: .false. unless use_subcol_microp is true |
nucleate_ice_incloud | nucleate_ice_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. is .false. for: {'phys': 'cam6'} |
Switch to determine whether ice nucleation happens using the incloud (true) or the gridbox average (false) relative humidity. When true, it is assumed that the incloud relative humidity for nucleation is 1. Default: .true., except .false. for CAM6 |
nucleate_ice_strat | nucleate_ice_nl | microphys | real | ['any real'] | 1.0D0 |
Fraction of Aitken mode sulfate particles assumed to nucleate ice in the polar stratospheric. Provides an increase in homogeneous freezing over the Liu&Penner method. Temporary solution to adjust ice surface area density and dehydration in the polar stratosphere where there doesn't seem to be enough nucleation. A value of zero means Liu&Penner is used. Default: 1.0 |
nucleate_ice_subgrid | nucleate_ice_nl | microphys | real | ['any real'] | 1.0D0 is 1.2D0 for: {'microphys': 'mg1'} is 1.2D0 for: {'microphys': 'mg2'} is 1.2D0 for: {'microphys': 'mg3'} is 1.0D0 for: {'silhs': '1', 'microphys': 'mg2'} |
Subgrid scaling factor for relative humidity in ice nucleation code. If it has a value of -1, then indicates that the subgrid scaling factor will be calculated on the fly as 1 / qsatfac (i.e. the saturation scaling factor). Default: set by build-namelist |
nucleate_ice_subgrid_strat | nucleate_ice_nl | microphys | real | ['any real'] | 1.0D0 is 1.2D0 for: {'microphys': 'mg1'} is 1.2D0 for: {'microphys': 'mg2'} is 1.2D0 for: {'microphys': 'mg3'} |
Subgrid scaling factor for relative humidity in ice nucleation code in the stratosphere. If it has a value of -1, then indicates that the subgrid scaling factor will be calculated on the fly as 1 / qsatfac (i.e. the saturation scaling factor). Default: set by build-namelist |
nucleate_ice_use_troplev | nucleate_ice_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
Indicates whether to use the tropopause level to determine where to adjust nucleation for the stratosphere (true) or whether to use a hard coded transition level from 100 to 125 hPa applied only in the polar regions (false). Default: .true. |
use_hetfrz_classnuc | phys_ctl_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'phys': 'cam6'} |
Switch to turn on heterogeneous freezing code. Default: .false. |
use_preexisting_ice | nucleate_ice_nl | microphys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'phys': 'cam6'} |
Switch to turn on treatment of pre-existing ice in the ice nucleation code. Default: .false., except .true. for CAM6 |
Model_Times_Per_Day | nudging_nl | nudging | integer | ['any integer'] | Number of time to update model data per day. (e.g. 48 --> 1800 Second timestep) Default: none |
Nudge_Beg_Day | nudging_nl | nudging | integer | ['any integer'] | Day at which Nudging Begins. Default: none |
Nudge_Beg_Month | nudging_nl | nudging | integer | ['any integer'] | Month at which Nudging Begins. Default: none |
Nudge_Beg_Year | nudging_nl | nudging | integer | ['any integer'] | Year at which Nudging Begins. Default: none |
Nudge_End_Day | nudging_nl | nudging | integer | ['any integer'] | Day at which Nudging Ends. Default: none |
Nudge_End_Month | nudging_nl | nudging | integer | ['any integer'] | Month at which Nudging Ends. Default: none |
Nudge_End_Year | nudging_nl | nudging | integer | ['any integer'] | Year at which Nudging Ends. Default: none |
Nudge_File_Template | nudging_nl | nudging | char*80 | ['any char'] | Template for Nudging analyses file names. (e.g. '%y/ERAI_ne30np4_L30.cam2.i.%y-%m-%d-%s.nc') Default: none |
Nudge_Force_Opt | nudging_nl | nudging | integer | ['any integer'] | Select the form of nudging forcing, where (t'==Analysis times ; t==Model Times) 0 -> NEXT-OBS: Target=Anal(t'_next) 1 -> LINEAR: Target=(F*Anal(t'_curr) +(1-F)*Anal(t'_next)) F =(t'_next - t_curr )/Tdlt_Anal Default: 0 |
Nudge_Hwin_Invert | nudging_nl | nudging | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Invert Horizontal Window Function to its Compliment. TRUE = value=0 inside the specified window, 1 outside FALSE = value=1 inside the specified window, 0 outside Default: FALSE |
Nudge_Hwin_lat0 | nudging_nl | nudging | real | ['any real'] | LAT0 center of Horizontal Window in degrees [-90.,90.]. Default: none |
Nudge_Hwin_latDelta | nudging_nl | nudging | real | ['any real'] | Width of transition which controls the steepness of window transition in latitude. 0. --> Step function Default: none |
Nudge_Hwin_latWidth | nudging_nl | nudging | real | ['any real'] | Width of LAT Window in degrees. Default: none |
Nudge_Hwin_lon0 | nudging_nl | nudging | real | ['any real'] | LON0 center of Horizontal Window in degrees [0.,360.]. Default: none |
Nudge_Hwin_lonDelta | nudging_nl | nudging | real | ['any real'] | Width of transition which controls the steepness of window transition in longitude. 0. --> Step function Default: none |
Nudge_Hwin_lonWidth | nudging_nl | nudging | real | ['any real'] | Width of LON Window in degrees. Default: none |
Nudge_Model | nudging_nl | nudging | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Toggle Model Nudging ON/OFF. FORCING: -------- Nudging tendencies are applied as a relaxation force between the current model state values and target state values derived from the avalilable analyses. The form of the target values is selected by the 'Nudge_Force_Opt' option, the timescale of the forcing is determined from the given 'Nudge_TimeScale_Opt', and the nudging strength Alpha=[0.,1.] for each variable is specified by the 'Nudge_Xcoef' values. Where X={U,V,T,Q,PS} F_nudge = Alpha*((Target-Model(t_curr))/TimeScale WINDOWING: ---------- The region of applied nudging can be limited using Horizontal/Vertical window functions that are constructed using a parameterization of the Heaviside step function. The Heaviside window function is the product of separate horizonal and vertical windows that are controled via 12 parameters: Nudge_Hwin_lat0: Specify the horizontal center of the window in degrees. Nudge_Hwin_lon0: The longitude must be in the range [0,360] and the latitude should be [-90,+90]. Nudge_Hwin_latWidth: Specify the lat and lon widths of the window as positive Nudge_Hwin_lonWidth: values in degrees.Setting a width to a large value (e.g. 999) renders the window a constant in that direction. Nudge_Hwin_latDelta: Controls the sharpness of the window transition with a Nudge_Hwin_lonDelta: length in degrees. Small non-zero values yeild a step function while a large value yeilds a smoother transition. Nudge_Hwin_Invert : A logical flag used to invert the horizontal window function to get its compliment.(e.g. to nudge outside a given window). Nudge_Vwin_Lindex: In the vertical, the window is specified in terms of model Nudge_Vwin_Ldelta: level indcies. The High and Low transition levels should Nudge_Vwin_Hindex: range from [0,(NLEV+1)]. The transition lengths are also Nudge_Vwin_Hdelta: specified in terms of model indices. For a window function constant in the vertical, the Low index should be set to 0, the High index should be set to (NLEV+1), and the transition lengths should be set to 0.001 Nudge_Vwin_Invert : A logical flag used to invert the vertical window function to get its compliment. Default: FALSE |
Nudge_Path | nudging_nl | nudging | char*256 | ['any char'] | Full pathname of analyses data to use for nudging. (e.g. '/$DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/nudging/') Default: none |
Nudge_PScoef | nudging_nl | nudging | real | ['any real'] | Normalized Coeffcient for PS nudging. [0.,1.] fraction of nudging tendency applied. Default: 0. |
Nudge_PSprof | nudging_nl | nudging | integer | ['any integer'] | Profile index for PS nudging. 0 == OFF (No Nudging of this variable) 1 == CONSTANT (Spatially Uniform Nudging) 2 == HEAVISIDE WINDOW FUNCTION Default: 0 |
Nudge_Qcoef | nudging_nl | nudging | real | ['any real'] | Normalized Coeffcient for Q nudging. [0.,1.] fraction of nudging tendency applied. Default: 0. |
Nudge_Qprof | nudging_nl | nudging | integer | ['any integer'] | Profile index for Q nudging. 0 == OFF (No Nudging of this variable) 1 == CONSTANT (Spatially Uniform Nudging) 2 == HEAVISIDE WINDOW FUNCTION Default: 0 |
Nudge_Tcoef | nudging_nl | nudging | real | ['any real'] | Normalized Coeffcient for T nudging. [0.,1.] fraction of nudging tendency applied. Default: 0. |
Nudge_Times_Per_Day | nudging_nl | nudging | integer | ['any integer'] | Number of analyses files per day. (e.g. 4 --> 6 hourly analyses) Default: none |
Nudge_TimeScale_Opt | nudging_nl | nudging | integer | ['any integer'] | Select the timescale of nudging force, where (t'==Analysis times ; t==Model Times) 0 --> TimeScale = 1/Tdlt_Anal 1 --> TimeScale = 1/(t'_next - t_curr ) Default: 0 |
Nudge_Tprof | nudging_nl | nudging | integer | ['any integer'] | Profile index for T nudging. 0 == OFF (No Nudging of this variable) 1 == CONSTANT (Spatially Uniform Nudging) 2 == HEAVISIDE WINDOW FUNCTION Default: 0 |
Nudge_Ucoef | nudging_nl | nudging | real | ['any real'] | Normalized Coeffcient for U nudging. [0.,1.] fraction of nudging tendency applied. Default: 0. |
Nudge_Uprof | nudging_nl | nudging | integer | ['any integer'] | Profile index for U nudging. 0 == OFF (No Nudging of this variable) 1 == CONSTANT (Spatially Uniform Nudging) 2 == HEAVISIDE WINDOW FUNCTION Default: 0 |
Nudge_Vcoef | nudging_nl | nudging | real | ['any real'] | Normalized Coeffcient for V nudging. [0.,1.] fraction of nudging tendency applied. Default: 0. |
Nudge_Vprof | nudging_nl | nudging | integer | ['any integer'] | Profile index for V nudging. 0 == OFF (No Nudging of this variable) 1 == CONSTANT (Spatially Uniform Nudging) 2 == HEAVISIDE WINDOW FUNCTION Default: 0 |
Nudge_Vwin_Hdelta | nudging_nl | nudging | real | ['any real'] | Width of transition for HIGH end of Vertical Window. Default: none |
Nudge_Vwin_Hindex | nudging_nl | nudging | real | ['any real'] | HIGH Level Index for Verical Window specified in terms of model level indices. (e.g. For a 30 level model, Nudge_Vwin_Hindex ~ 30 ) Default: none |
Nudge_Vwin_Invert | nudging_nl | nudging | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Invert Vertical Window Function to its Compliment. TRUE = value=0 inside the specified window, 1 outside FALSE = value=1 inside the specified window, 0 outside Default: FALSE |
Nudge_Vwin_Ldelta | nudging_nl | nudging | real | ['any real'] | Width of transition for LOW end of Vertical Window. Default: none |
Nudge_Vwin_Lindex | nudging_nl | nudging | real | ['any real'] | LOW Level Index for Verical Window specified in terms of model level indices. (e.g. Nudge_Vwin_Lindex ~ 0 ) Default: none |
bndtvo | cam3_ozone_data_nl | o3_data_cam | char*256 | ['any char'] | Full pathname of time-variant ozone mixing ratio boundary dataset. Default: set by build-namelist. |
cam3_ozone_data_on | cam3_ozone_data_nl | o3_data_cam | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Add CAM3 prescribed ozone to the physics buffer. Default: FALSE |
ozncyc | cam3_ozone_data_nl | o3_data_cam | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Flag for yearly cycling of ozone data. If set to FALSE, a multi-year dataset is assumed, otherwise a single-year dataset is assumed, and ozone will be cycled over the 12 monthly averages in the file. Default: TRUE |
bubble_mediated_transfer | ocean_emis_nl | ocean_emissions | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Bubble-mediated sea-air transfer. See ocean_emis.F90 for details. Default: FALSE |
csw_cycle_yr | ocean_emis_nl | ocean_emissions | integer | ['any integer'] |
The cycle year of the seawater concentration data
if csw_time_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
csw_specifier | ocean_emis_nl | ocean_emissions | char*256(1000) | ['any char'] | Specifies a list of chemical species and corresponding seawater concentration files. Each tracer species seawater concentration is read from its own file as directed by the namelist variable csw_specifier. The csw_specifier variable tells the model which species have seawater concentration and the file path for the corresponding species. Each file path may be proceeded by a scaling factor. Example: csw_specifier = 'DMS -> /path/Csw_DMS_HiResML_f09f09_1990_2019_20190616a.nc', 'CH3COCH3 -> 0.75*/path/Csw_Acetone_HiResML_f09f09_1990_2019_20190814a.nc' These can be read in as a time series of data, cyle over a given year, or be fixed to a given date as directed by csw_time_type. Default: none |
csw_time_type | ocean_emis_nl | ocean_emissions | char*32 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', 'FIXED'] |
Type of time interpolation of seawater concentration datasets specified.
by csw_specifier.
Default: 'CYCLICAL'
ocean_salinity_file | ocean_emis_nl | ocean_emissions | char*256 | ['any char'] | File containing ocean salinity Default: none |
bndtvs | camexp | ocn | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_0.23x0.31_clim_c061106.nc for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_0.47x0.63_clim_c061106.nc for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_0.9x1.25_clim_c040926a.nc for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_1.9x2.5_clim_c061031.nc for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_2.5x3.33_clim_c091210.nc for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'hgrid': '2.5x3.33'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_4x5_clim_c061031.nc for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'hgrid': '4x5'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_10x15_clim_c050526.nc for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'hgrid': '10x15'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_256x512_clim_c031031.nc for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'hgrid': '256x512'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_128x256_clim_c050526.nc for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'hgrid': '128x256'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_64x128_clim_c050526.nc for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'hgrid': '64x128'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_48x96_clim_c050526.nc for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'hgrid': '48x96'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_32x64_clim_c050526.nc for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'hgrid': '32x64'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_8x16_clim_c050526.nc for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'hgrid': '8x16'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_1x1_clim_c101029.nc for: {'dyn': 'se', 'sim_year': '2000'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_1x1_clim_c101029.nc for: {'dyn': 'fv3', 'sim_year': '2000'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_0.23x0.31_clim_pi_c091020.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_0.47x0.63_clim_pi_c100128.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_0.9x1.25_clim_pi_c100127.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_1.9x2.5_clim_pi_c100127.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_4x5_clim_pi_c100127.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'hgrid': '4x5'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_10x15_clim_pi_c100127.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'hgrid': '10x15'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_128x256_clim_pi_c100128.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'hgrid': '128x256'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_64x128_clim_pi_c100128.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'hgrid': '64x128'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_48x96_clim_pi_c100128.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'hgrid': '48x96'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_32x64_clim_pi_c100128.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'hgrid': '32x64'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_8x16_clim_pi_c100128.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'hgrid': '8x16'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_1x1_clim_pi_c100129.nc for: {'dyn': 'se', 'sim_year': '1850'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_1x1_clim_pi_c100129.nc for: {'dyn': 'fv3', 'sim_year': '1850'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_0.23x0.31_clim_pi_c091020.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_0.47x0.63_1850_2012_c130411.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_0.9x1.25_1850_2012_c130411.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_1.9x2.5_1850_2012_c130411.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_4x5_1850_2012_c130411.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': '4x5'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_10x15_1850_2012_c130411.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': '10x15'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_128x256_1850_2012_c130411.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': '128x256'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_64x128_1850_2012_c130411.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': '64x128'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_48x96_1850_2008_c100128.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': '48x96'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_32x64_1850_2012_c130411.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': '32x64'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_8x16_1850_2012_c130411.nc for: {'sim_year': '1850-2000', 'hgrid': '8x16'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_1x1_1850_2012_c130411.nc for: {'dyn': 'se', 'sim_year': '1850-2000'} is atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_1x1_1850_2012_c130411.nc for: {'dyn': 'fv3', 'sim_year': '1850-2000'} is atm/cam/som/cam4.som.forcing.aquaplanet.QzaFix_h50Fix_TspunFix.fv19.nc for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'ocn': 'som'} |
Full pathname of time-variant sea-surface temperature and sea-ice concentration boundary dataset. Default: set by build-namelist. |
bndtvs_domain | camexp | ocn | char*256 | ['any char'] | is ocn/docn7/domain.ocn.1x1.111007.nc for: {'dyn': 'se'} is ocn/docn7/domain.ocn.1x1.111007.nc for: {'dyn': 'fv3'} |
Full pathname of grid file for time-variant sea-surface temperature and sea-ice concentration boundary dataset. Default: set by build-namelist. |
focndomain | camexp | ocn | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/ocnfrac/domain.camocn.128x256_USGS_070807.nc for: {'hgrid': '128x256'} is share/domains/domain.ocn.T42_gx1v7.180727.nc for: {'hgrid': '64x128'} is share/domains/domain.ocn.48x96_gx3v7_100114.nc for: {'hgrid': '48x96'} is atm/cam/ocnfrac/domain.camocn.32x64_USGS_070807.nc for: {'hgrid': '32x64'} is atm/cam/ocnfrac/domain.camocn.8x16_USGS_070807.nc for: {'hgrid': '8x16'} is atm/cam/ocnfrac/domain.camocn.0.23x0.31_gx1v6_101108.nc for: {'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is atm/cam/ocnfrac/domain.camocn.0.47x0.63_gx1v6_090408.nc for: {'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is share/domains/domain.ocn.fv0.9x1.25_gx1v7.151020.nc for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is share/domains/domain.ocn.fv1.9x2.5_gx1v7.170518.nc for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is share/domains/domain.ocn.4x5_gx3v7_100120.nc for: {'hgrid': '4x5'} is atm/cam/ocnfrac/domain.camocn.10x15_USGS_070807.nc for: {'hgrid': '10x15'} is share/domains/domain.ocn.C24_gx1v7_c200625.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C24'} is share/domains/domain.ocn.C48_gx1v7_c200625.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C48'} is share/domains/domain.ocn.C96_gx1v7_c200625.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C96'} is share/domains/domain.ocn.C192_gx1v7_c200625.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C192'} is share/domains/domain.ocn.C384_gx1v7_c200625.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C384'} is share/domains/domain.ocn.ne5np4_gx3v7.140810.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne5np4'} is share/domains/domain.ocn.ne16np4_gx1v7.171018.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne16np4'} is share/domains/domain.ocn.ne30_gx1v7.171003.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4'} is share/domains/domain.ocn.ne60np4_gx1v6.121113.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne60np4'} is share/domains/domain.ocn.ne120np4_gx1v6.121113.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne120np4'} is share/domains/domain.ocn.ne240np4_gx1v6.111226.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne240np4'} is atm/cam/ocnfrac/domain.aqua.fv1.9x2.5.nc for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'ocn': 'som'} |
Full pathname of Default: set by build-namelist. |
offline_driver | phys_ctl_nl | offline_unit_driver | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | True when model is configured to use an offline driver. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
offline_driver_fileslist | offline_driver_nl | offline_unit_driver | char*256 | ['any char'] | List of filepaths for dataset for offline unit driver. Default: none |
offline_driver_infile | offline_driver_nl | offline_unit_driver | char*256 | ['any char'] | Filepath for dataset for offline unit driver. Default: none |
rad_data_fdh | rad_data_nl | offline_unit_driver | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to turn on Fixed Dynamical Heating in the offline radiation tool (PORT). Default: false |
diff_cnsrv_mass_check | vert_diff_nl | pbl | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Perform mass conservation check on eddy diffusion operation. Default: FALSE |
do_beljaars | blj_nl | pbl | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'phys': 'cam6'} |
Logical switch to turn on the beljaars scheme Default: set by build-namelist |
do_iss | vert_diff_nl | pbl | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is .true. for: {'phys': 'cam6'} is .true. for: {'phys': 'spcam_m2005'} |
Logical switch to turn on implicit turbulent surface stress calculation in diffusion solver routine. Default: set by build-namelist |
do_tms | tms_nl | pbl | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'waccm_phys': '1'} is .true. for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is .false. for: {'phys': 'cam6'} is .true. for: {'phys': 'spcam_m2005'} |
Logical switch to turn on turbulent mountain stress calculation in vertical diffusion routine. Default: set by build-namelist |
eddy_lbulk_max | eddy_diff_nl | pbl | real | ['any real'] | 40.D3 |
Maximum master length scale designed to address issues in diag_TKE outside the boundary layer. In order not to disturb turbulence characteristics in the lower troposphere, this should be set at least larger than a few km. However, this does not significantly improve the values outside of the boundary layer. Smaller values make some improvement, but it is also noisy. Better results are seen using eddy_leng_max or kv_freetrop_scale. Default: 40.e3 (m) |
eddy_leng_max | eddy_diff_nl | pbl | real | ['any real'] | 40.D3 is 30.D0 for: {'carma': 'cirrus'} is 100.D0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'phys': 'cam5'} is 100.D0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'phys': 'cam6'} |
Maximum dissipation length scale designed to address issues with diag_TKE outside the boundary layer, where the default value generates large diffusivities. A value of 30 m is consistent with the length scales used in the HB scheme; however, this will also reduce value in the boundary layer. Default: 40.e3 (m) |
eddy_max_bot_pressure | eddy_diff_nl | pbl | real | ['any real'] | 100.D3 is 100.D0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'phys': 'cam5'} is 100.D0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'phys': 'cam6'} |
Bottom pressure level at which namelist values for eddy_leng_max and eddy_lbulk_max are applied. Default values are used at lower levels (i.e. the boundary layer). Default: 100.e3 (hPa) |
eddy_moist_entrain_a2l | eddy_diff_nl | pbl | real | ['any real'] | 30.D0 is 40.D0 for: {'unicon': '1'} |
Moist entrainment enhancement parameter. Default: set by build-namelist |
eddy_scheme | phys_ctl_nl | pbl | char*16 | ['HB', 'diag_TKE', 'HBR', 'CLUBB_SGS', 'SPCAM_sam1mom', 'SPCAM_m2005'] | is NONE for: {'pbl': 'none'} is diag_TKE for: {'pbl': 'uw'} is HB for: {'pbl': 'hb'} is HBR for: {'pbl': 'hbr'} is CLUBB_SGS for: {'pbl': 'clubb_sgs'} is SPCAM_m2005 for: {'pbl': 'spcam_m2005'} is SPCAM_sam1mom for: {'pbl': 'spcam_sam1mom'} |
Type of eddy scheme employed by the vertical diffusion package. 'HB' for Holtslag and Boville; 'diag_TKE' for diagnostic tke version of Grenier and Bretherton; 'HBR' for Rasch modified version of 'HB'. Default: set by build-namelist |
kv_freetrop_scale | eddy_diff_nl | pbl | real | ['any real'] | 1.D0 |
Scaling factor that is applied (multiplied) to the eddy diffusivities in the free troposphere (boundary layer to kv_top_pressure) Default: 1.0 |
kv_top_pressure | eddy_diff_nl | pbl | real | ['any real'] | 0.D0 |
Pressure (Pa) that defined the upper atmosphere for adjustment of eddy diffusivities from diag_TKE using kv_top_scale. Default: 0. |
kv_top_scale | eddy_diff_nl | pbl | real | ['any real'] | 1.D0 is 0.D0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'phys': 'cam5'} is 0.D0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'phys': 'cam6'} |
Scaling factor that is applied (multiplied) to the eddy diffusivities in the upper atmosphere (see kv_top_pressure). Default: 1.0 |
srf_flux_avg | phys_ctl_nl | pbl | integer | ['0', '1'] | Switch to turn on adjustment of the surface fluxes to reduce instabilities in the surface layer. Set to 1 to turn on the adjustments. Default: 0 |
tms_orocnst | tms_nl | pbl | real | ['any real'] | 1.0D0 |
Turbulent mountain stress parameter used when turbulent mountain stress calculation
is turned on. See do_tms.
Default: 1.0 for CAM, set by build-namelist for WACCM, T31
tms_z0fac | tms_nl | pbl | real | ['any real'] | 0.075D0 is 0.100D0 for: {'hgrid': '48x96'} is 0.100D0 for: {'phys': 'cam4', 'waccm_phys': '1'} |
Factor determining z_0 from orographic standard deviation [ no unit ]
Used when turbulent mountain stress calc is turned on. See do_tms.
Default: set by build-namelist for WACCM, T31
clubb_beta | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 2.4 |
Plume widths for theta_l and rt |
clubb_c1 | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 1.0 |
Limiting value of C1 when skewness of w (vertical velocity) is small in magnitude in the C1 skewness function. Increasing the value of C1 increases the damping of CLUBB's wp2 (variance of vertical velocity). |
clubb_c11 | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 0.7D0 |
Low Skewness in C11 Skw. Function Default: 0.7D0 |
clubb_c11b | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 0.35D0 |
High Skewness in C11 Skw. Function Default: 0.35D0 |
clubb_c14 | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 2.2D0 is 1.6D0 for: {'dyn': 'se'} is 1.0 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Constant for u'^2 and v'^2 terms Default: 2.2D0 |
clubb_c1b | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 1.0 |
Limiting value of C1 when skewness of w (vertical velocity) is large in magnitude in the C1 skewness function. Increasing the value of C1 increases the damping of CLUBB's wp2 (variance of vertical velocity). |
clubb_C2rt | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 1.0 is 0.2 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
C2 coef. for the rtp2_dp1 term |
clubb_C2rtthl | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 1.3 is 0.2 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
C2 coef. for the rtpthlp_dp1 term |
clubb_C2thl | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 1.0 is 0.2 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
C2 coef. for the thlp2_dp1 term |
clubb_C4 | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 5.2 is 5.2 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
C4 coefficient in the wp2 return-to-isotropy term. A higher value of C4 tends wp2 more towards the value of subgrid TKE. |
clubb_C7 | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 0.5 |
Low Skewness in C7 Skw. Function |
clubb_C7b | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 0.5 is 0.8 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
High Skewness in C7 Skw. Function |
clubb_C8 | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 4.2 is 2.5 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Coef. #1 in C8 Skewness Equation |
clubb_C8b | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 0.0 is 0.02 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Coefficient in the C8 skewness equation. Increasing the value of C8b increases the damping of CLUBB's wp3 when skewness of w (vertical velocity) is large in magnitude. |
clubb_c_K10 | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 0.5 is 2.0 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Momentum coefficient of Kh_zm Default: 0.5 |
clubb_c_K10h | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 0.3 is 1.0 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Thermo of Kh_zm Default: 0.3 |
clubb_c_K9 | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 0.25 is 0.25 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Coefficient of Kh_zm (diffusivity on momentum grid levels) in the up2 (variance of the west-east wind component) and vp2 (variance of the south-north wind component) predictive equations. |
clubb_C_wp2_splat | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 0.0 is 0.0 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Coefficient for gustiness near ground. |
clubb_cloudtop_cooling | clubbpbl_diff_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Apply cloud top radiative cooling parameterization Default: .false. |
clubb_do_adv | clubbpbl_diff_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | is .false. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Switch for CLUBB_ADV Default: FALSE |
clubb_do_icesuper | clubbpbl_diff_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to perform a saturation adjustment for ice which will add ice mass if the air is supersaturated with respect to ice. Default: .false. |
clubb_expldiff | clubbpbl_diff_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'clubb_sgs': '1'} is .false. for: {'silhs': '1', 'clubb_sgs': '1'} |
Explicit diffusion on temperature and moisture when CLUBB is on Default: .false. |
clubb_gamma_coef | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 0.308 is 0.280 for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is 0.270 for: {'dyn': 'se'} is 0.24 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Low Skw.: gamma coef. Skw. Fnct. |
clubb_gamma_coefb | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 0.32 is 0.37 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Limiting value of gamma when skewness of w (vertical velocity) is large in magnitude in the gamma skewness function. Increasing the value of gamma increases the standard deviation of w in both Gaussians in CLUBB's double Gaussian PDF, and also decreases the difference between the means of w from each Gaussian. |
clubb_l_brunt_vaisala_freq_moist | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to uses an alternate equation to calculate the Brunt-Vaisala frequency. This equation calculates an in-cloud Brunt-Vaisala frequency. |
clubb_l_call_pdf_closure_twice | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. is .false. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to call CLUBB's PDF closure at both thermodynamic and momentum vertical grid levels. When this flag is turned off, CLUBB's PDF closure is only called on thermodynamic grid levels. |
clubb_l_damp_wp2_using_em | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to use a dissipation formula of -(2/3)*em/tau_zm, as in Bougeault (1981), in the wp2 (variance of vertical velocity) predictive equation. |
clubb_l_damp_wp3_Skw_squared | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to damp CLUBB's wp3 by the square of skewness of w (Skw). When this flag is turned off, wp3 is damped according to Skw to the 4th power. This damping equation also involves the coefficient clubb_C8b (see description of clubb_C8b). |
clubb_l_diag_Lscale_from_tau | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .false. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag that, when it is enabled, first calculates dissipation time tau, and then calculates the mixing length scale as Lscale = tau * sqrt(tke). When the flag is turned off, Lscale is calculated first, and then dissipation time-scale tau is calculated as tau = Lscale / sqrt(tke). Default: .false. |
clubb_l_lscale_plume_centered | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Uses PDF to compute perturbed values for l_avg_Lscale code Default: .false. |
clubb_l_min_wp2_from_corr_wx | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to set an additional minimum threshold on wp2 (in addition to w_tol_sqd) based on maintaining a realizable correlation (value between -1 and 1) of w and another variable, x. When this flag is enabled, the value of wp2 will be increased when the correlation is not realizable until the correlation becomes realizable. When this flag is turned off, the magnitude of wpxp will be decreased when the correlation is not realizable until the correlation becomes realizable. This correction is applied at the point in the code where wp2 is advanced one timestep. |
clubb_l_min_xp2_from_corr_wx | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to set an additional minimum threshold on xp2 (in addition to x_tol^2), where xp2 is a variance such as rtp2 (variance of total water) or thlp2 (variance of liquid water potential temperature). This threshold is based on maintaining a realizable correlation (value between -1 and 1) of w and x. When this flag is enabled, the value of xp2 will be increased when the correlation is not realizable until the correlation becomes realizable. When this flag is turned off, the magnitude of wpxp will be decreased when the correlation is not realizable until the correlation becomes realizable. This correction is applied at the point in the code where xp2 is advanced one timestep. |
clubb_l_predict_upwp_vpwp | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to predict horizontal momentum fluxes upwp and vpwp along with mean horizontal winds um and vm. When this flag is turned off, upwp and vpwp are calculated by down-gradient diffusion. |
clubb_l_rcm_supersat_adj | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .false. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to take any remaining supersaturation after CLUBB PDF call and add it to rcm (mean cloud water mixing ratio). Supersaturation may be found after the PDF call due to issues when the PDF is called on both the thermodynamic grid levels and the momentum grid levels and variables are interpolated between the two grid level types. |
clubb_l_stability_correct_tau_zm | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. is .false. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to use a stability corrected version of CLUBB's time scale (tau_zm). This creates a time scale that provides stronger damping at altitudes where Brunt-Vaisala frequency is large. |
clubb_l_trapezoidal_rule_zm | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. is .false. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag that uses the trapezoidal rule to adjust fields calculated by CLUBB's PDF (e.g. cloud fraction) by taking into account the values of these fields from an adjacent vertical grid level. The clubb_l_trapezoidal_rule_zm flag applies this adjustment to PDF fields calculated on momentum vertical grid levels. |
clubb_l_trapezoidal_rule_zt | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. is .false. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag that uses the trapezoidal rule to adjust fields calculated by CLUBB's PDF (e.g. cloud fraction) by taking into account the values of these fields from an adjacent vertical grid level. The clubb_l_trapezoidal_rule_zt flag applies this adjustment to PDF fields calculated on thermodynamic vertical grid levels. |
clubb_l_upwind_xpyp_ta | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
Flag to use "upwind" discretization in the turbulent advection term in the xpyp predictive equation, where xpyp is a field such as rtp2 (variance of vertical velocity) or rtpthlp (covariance of total water and liquid water potential temperature). When this flag is turned off, centered discretization is used. |
clubb_l_use_C11_Richardson | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to calculate the value of CLUBB's C11 based on Richardson number, where C11 is a coefficient in a wp3 pressure term and is used to balance the effects of pressure and buoyancy in the wp3 predictive equation. |
clubb_l_use_C7_Richardson | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to calculate the value of CLUBB's C7 based on Richardson number, where C7 is a coefficient in a wpxp pressure term and is used to balance the effects of pressure and buoyancy in the wpxp predictive equation. The variable wpxp is a flux such as total water flux or flux of liquid water potential temperature. |
clubb_l_use_cloud_cover | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. is .false. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to allow cloud fraction and mean cloud water at adjacent vertical grid levels influence the amount of cloudiness and amount of cloud water in a grid box. |
clubb_l_use_ice_latent | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Include the effects of ice latent heating in turbulence terms Default: .false. |
clubb_l_use_thvm_in_bv_freq | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag to use mean theta-v in the calculation of Brunt-Vaisala frequency. |
clubb_l_vert_avg_closure | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. is .false. for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Flag that, when it is enabled, automatically enables CLUBB's l_trapezoidal_rule_zt, l_trapezoidal_rule_zm, and l_call_pdf_closure_twice. |
clubb_lambda0_stability_coef | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 0.04 is 0.03 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Intensity of stability correction applied to C1 and C6 Default 0.04 |
clubb_lmin_coef | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 0.1 is 0.5 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Coefficient used to determine the minimum allowable value of CLUBB's length scale (Lscale) in a grid-spacing dependent formula. Increasing the value of clubb_lmin_coef increases the minimum allowable value for length scale. |
clubb_mult_coef | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 1.0D0 is 1.5 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Coef. applied to log(avg dz/thresh) |
clubb_nu9 | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 20.0 is 20.0 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Constant in the diffusivity term in the up2 (variance of the west-east wind component) and vp2 (variance of the south-north wind component) predictive equations. |
clubb_rainevap_turb | clubbpbl_diff_nl | pblrad | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Include effects of precip evaporation on turbulent moments Default: .false. |
clubb_rnevap_effic | clubbpbl_diff_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 1.0D0 |
Rain evaporation efficiency factor. Default: set by build-namelist |
clubb_Skw_denom_coef | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 0.0 is 4.0 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Factor to decrease sensitivity in the denominator of Skw calculation Default: 0.0 |
clubb_skw_max_mag | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 4.5 is 10.0 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Maximum magnitude of skewness allowed. |
clubb_timestep | clubbpbl_diff_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 300.0D0 is 150.0D0 for: {'hgrid': 'ne120np4'} is 150.0D0 for: {'hgrid': 'C384'} is 75.0D0 for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8'} is 150.0D0 for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4'} is 75.0D0 for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8'} |
CLUBB timestep. Default: set by build-namelist |
clubb_up2_vp2_factor | clubb_params_nl | pblrad | real | ['any real'] | 2.0 is 4.0 for: {'silhs': '1'} |
Factor used in calculating the surface values of up2 (variance of the u wind component) and vp2 (variance of the v wind component). Increasing clubb_up2_vp2_factor increases the values of up2 and vp2 at the surface. |
pbuf_global_allocate | pbuf_nl | pbuf | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Allocate all buffers as global. This is a performance optimization on machines for which allocation/deallocation of physpkg scope buffers on every timestep was slow (Cray-X1). Default: TRUE |
phys_alltoall | phys_grid_nl | perf_dp_coup | integer | ['-1', '0', '1', '2', '11', '12', '13'] | Dynamics/physics transpose method for nonlocal load-balance. 0: use mpi_alltoallv. 1: use point-to-point MPI-1 two-sided implementation. 2: use point-to-point MPI-2 one-sided implementation if supported, otherwise use MPI-1 implementation. 3: use Co-Array Fortran implementation if supported, otherwise use MPI-1 implementation. 11-13: use mod_comm, choosing any of several methods internal to mod_comm. The method within mod_comm (denoted mod_method) has possible values 0,1,2 and is set according to mod_method = phys_alltoall - modmin_alltoall, where modmin_alltoall is 11. -1: use option 1 when each process communicates with less than half of the other processes, otherwise use option 0 (if max_nproc_smpx and nproc_busy_d are both > npes/2). Default: -1 |
phys_chnk_per_thd | phys_grid_nl | perf_dp_coup | integer | ['any integer'] | Select target number of chunks per thread. Must be positive. Default: 1 |
phys_loadbalance | phys_grid_nl | perf_dp_coup | integer | ['any integer'] | is 3 for: {'dyn': 'eul'} is 2 for: {'dyn': 'fv3'} |
Physics grid decomposition options. -1: each chunk is a dynamics block. 0: chunk definitions and assignments do not require interprocess comm. 1: chunk definitions and assignments do not require internode comm. 2: optimal diurnal, seasonal, and latitude load-balanced chunk definition and assignments. 3: chunk definitions and assignments only require communication with one other process. 4: concatenated blocks, no load balancing, no interprocess communication. Default: 2 |
phys_twin_algorithm | phys_grid_nl | perf_dp_coup | integer | ['any integer'] | Physics grid decomposition options. 0: assign columns to chunks as single columns, wrap mapped across chunks 1: use (day/night; north/south) twin algorithm to determine load-balanced pairs of columns and assign columns to chunks in pairs, wrap mapped Default: 0 for unstructured grid dycores, 1 for lat/lon grid dycores |
fc_gather_flow_cntl | spmd_utils_nl | performance | integer | ['any integer'] | fc_gather flow control option: < 0 : use MPI_Gather >= 0: use point-to-point with handshaking messages and preposting receive requests up to max(min(1,fc_gather_flow_cntl),max_gather_block_size) ahead. Default value is defined by private parameter max_gather_block_size, which is currently set to 64. Default: 64 |
swap_comm_maxreq | spmd_utils_nl | performance | integer | ['any integer'] | Swap communication maximum request count: <=0: do not limit number of outstanding send/receive requests >0: do not allow more than swap_comm_maxreq outstanding nonblocking send requests or nonblocking receive requests Default: 128 |
swap_comm_protocol | spmd_utils_nl | performance | integer | ['any integer'] | Swap communication protocol option (reduced set): 3, 5: nonblocking send 2, 3, 4, 5: nonblocking receive 4, 5: ready send Default: 4 |
phys_debug_lat | phys_debug_nl | phys_debug | real | ['any real'] | Use this variable to specify the latitude (in degrees) of a column to debug. The closest column in the physics grid will be used. Default: none |
phys_debug_lon | phys_debug_nl | phys_debug | real | ['any real'] | Use this variable to specify the longitude (in degrees) of a column to debug. The closest column in the physics grid will be used. Default: none |
state_debug_checks | phys_ctl_nl | phys_debug | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If set to .true., turns on extra validation of physics_state objects in physics_update. Used mainly to track down which package is the source of invalid data in state. Default: .false. |
cpair | physconst_nl | physconst | real | ['any real'] | Heat capacity of dry air at constant pressure [J/kg/K]. Default: set to shr_const value |
cpwv | physconst_nl | physconst | real | ['any real'] | Heat capacity of water vapor at constant pressure [J/kg/K]. Default: set to shr_const value |
dry_air_species | air_composition_nl | physconst | char*6(20) | ['any char'] | '' is 'O', 'O2', 'H', 'N2' for: {'waccmx': '1'} |
List of major species of dry air. If not set then the composition of dry air is considered fixed at tropospheric conditions and the properties of dry air are constant. If set then the list of major species is assumed to have 'N2' listed last. This information is currently used only for computing the variable properties of air in WACCM-X configurations. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
gravit | physconst_nl | physconst | real | ['any real'] | Acceleration of gravity [m/s**2]. Default: set to shr_const value |
mwdry | physconst_nl | physconst | real | ['any real'] | Molecular weight of dry air [g/mol] Default: set to shr_const value |
mwh2o | physconst_nl | physconst | real | ['any real'] | Molecular weight of water [g/mol]. Default: set to shr_const value |
omega | physconst_nl | physconst | real | ['any real'] | Planetary rotation rate (radians/second). Value set here is ONLY used in the atmosphere. Default: set to shr_const value |
rearth | physconst_nl | physconst | real | ['any real'] | Radius of Earth [m]. Default: set to shr_const value |
sday | physconst_nl | physconst | real | ['any real'] | Length of siderial day [seconds]. Default: set to shr_const value |
tmelt | physconst_nl | physconst | real | ['any real'] | Freezing point of water [K]. Default: set to shr_const value |
water_species_in_air | air_composition_nl | physconst | char*6(20) | ['any char'] | 'Q' is 'Q','CLDLIQ','RAINQM' for: {'phys': 'kessler'} is 'Q','CLDLIQ','CLDICE' for: {'phys': 'cam4'} is 'Q','CLDLIQ','CLDICE' for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is 'Q','CLDLIQ','CLDICE','RAINQM','SNOWQM' for: {'phys': 'cam6'} |
List of water species that are included in "moist" air. This is currently used only by the SE dycore to generalize the computation of the moist air mass and thermodynamic properties. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
clim_modal_aero_top_press | ref_pres_nl | press_lim | real | ['any real'] | 1.D-4 |
MAM affects climate only below the top defined by this pressure (Pa). Default: 0 for non-MAM cases, otherwise set by build-namelist |
do_molec_press | ref_pres_nl | press_lim | real | ['any real'] | 0.1D0 |
Molecular diffusion will be done only if the lowest pressure is below this limit (Pa). Default: 0.1 |
molec_diff_bot_press | ref_pres_nl | press_lim | real | ['any real'] | 50.D0 |
The level closest to this pressure (Pa) is the bottom of the region where molecular diffusion is done. Default: 50. |
trop_cloud_top_press | ref_pres_nl | press_lim | real | ['any real'] | 1.D2 |
Troposphere cloud physics will be done only below the top defined by this pressure (Pa). Default: set by build-namelist |
absems_data | radiation_nl | radiation | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/rad/abs_ems_factors_fastvx.c030508.nc for: {'rad': 'camrt'} |
Full pathname of absorption/emission dataset. Used only by camrt scheme. It consists of terms used for determining the absorptivity and emissivity of water vapor in the longwave parameterization of radiation. Default: set by build-namelist. |
conv_water_frac_limit | conv_water_nl | radiation | real | ['any real'] | 0.01d0 is 0.001d0 for: {'unicon': '1'} |
Lower limit of cumulus cloud fraction. Default: set by build-namelist |
conv_water_in_rad | conv_water_nl | radiation | integer | ['0', '1', '2'] | 0 is 1 for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is 1 for: {'phys': 'cam6'} is 1 for: {'phys': 'spcam_m2005'} |
Convective water used in radiation? 0 ==> No 1 ==> Yes - Arithmetic average. 2 ==> Yes - Average in emissivity. Default: set by build-namelist |
graupel_in_rad | radiation_nl | radiation | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Calculate radiative effect of graupel/hail (using snow optics) Default: FALSE |
icecldoptics | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | char*32 | ['ebertcurry', 'mitchell'] | is ebertcurry for: {'rad': 'rrtmg', 'microphys': 'rk'} is mitchell for: {'rad': 'rrtmg'} |
filepath and name for ice optics data for rrtmg Default: none |
iceopticsfile | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/physprops/iceoptics_c080917.nc for: {'rad': 'rrtmg'} |
filepath and name for ice optics data for rrtmg Default: none |
irad_always | radiation_nl | radiation | integer | ['any integer'] | Specifies length of time in timesteps (positive) or hours (negative) SW/LW radiation will be run for every timestep from the start of an initial run. Default: 0 |
iradae | radiation_nl | radiation | integer | ['any integer'] | Frequency of absorptivity/emissivity calculations in time steps (if positive) or model hours (if negative). To avoid having the abs/ems values saved on the restart output, make sure that the interval of the abs/ems calculation evenly divides the restart interval. Default: -12 |
iradlw | radiation_nl | radiation | integer | ['any integer'] | Frequency of long-wave radiation calculation in timesteps (if positive) or model hours (if negative). Default: -1 |
iradsw | radiation_nl | radiation | integer | ['any integer'] | Frequency of short-wave radiation calculation in timesteps (if positive) or model hours (if negative). Default: -1 |
liqcldoptics | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | char*32 | ['slingo', 'gammadist'] | is slingo for: {'rad': 'rrtmg', 'microphys': 'rk'} is gammadist for: {'rad': 'rrtmg'} |
filepath and name for ice optics data for rrtmg Default: none |
liqopticsfile | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/physprops/F_nwvl200_mu20_lam50_res64_t298_c080428.nc for: {'rad': 'rrtmg'} |
filepath and name for liquid cloud (gamma distributed) optics data for rrtmg Default: none |
mode_defs | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | char*256(120) | ['any char'] | Definitions for the aerosol modes that may be used in the rad_climate and rad_diag_* variables. Default: set by build-namelist |
oldcldoptics | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | filepath and name for ice optics data for rrtmg Default: none |
rad_climate | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | char*256(n_rad_cnst) | ['any char'] | A list of the radiatively active species, i.e., species that affect the climate simulation via the radiative heating rate calculation. Default: set by build-namelist |
rad_data_avgflag | rad_data_nl | radiation | char*1 | ['any char'] | Averaging flag for radiation driver output data. Default: 'A' |
rad_data_histfile_num | rad_data_nl | radiation | integer | ['any integer'] | History tape number radiation driver output data is written to. Default: 0 |
rad_data_output | rad_data_nl | radiation | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | output data needed for off-line radiation calculations Default: FALSE |
rad_diag_1 | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | char*256(n_rad_cnst) | ['any char'] | A list of species to be used in the first diagnostic radiative heating rate calculation. These species are not the ones affecting the climate simulation. This is a hook for performing radiative forcing calculations. Default: none |
rad_diag_10 | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | char*256(n_rad_cnst) | ['any char'] | Analogous to rad_diag_1, but for the 10th diagnostic calculation. Default: none |
rad_diag_2 | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | char*256(n_rad_cnst) | ['any char'] | Analogous to rad_diag_1, but for the 2nd diagnostic calculation. Default: none |
rad_diag_3 | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | char*256(n_rad_cnst) | ['any char'] | Analogous to rad_diag_1, but for the 3rd diagnostic calculation. Default: none |
rad_diag_4 | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | char*256(n_rad_cnst) | ['any char'] | Analogous to rad_diag_1, but for the 4th diagnostic calculation. Default: none |
rad_diag_5 | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | char*256(n_rad_cnst) | ['any char'] | Analogous to rad_diag_1, but for the 5th diagnostic calculation. Default: none |
rad_diag_6 | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | char*256(n_rad_cnst) | ['any char'] | Analogous to rad_diag_1, but for the 6th diagnostic calculation. Default: none |
rad_diag_7 | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | char*256(n_rad_cnst) | ['any char'] | Analogous to rad_diag_1, but for the 7th diagnostic calculation. Default: none |
rad_diag_8 | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | char*256(n_rad_cnst) | ['any char'] | Analogous to rad_diag_1, but for the 8th diagnostic calculation. Default: none |
rad_diag_9 | rad_cnst_nl | radiation | char*256(n_rad_cnst) | ['any char'] | Analogous to rad_diag_1, but for the 9th diagnostic calculation. Default: none |
rad_uniform_angle | radiation_nl | radiation | real | ['any real'] | The angle (in radians) to use in the calculation of coszrs within radiation Default: set by build-namelist. |
radiation_scheme | phys_ctl_nl | radiation | char*16 | ['rrtmg', 'camrt'] | Type of radiation scheme employed. Default: set by build-namelist |
spectralflux | radiation_nl | radiation | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Return fluxes per band in addition to the total fluxes. Default: FALSE |
use_rad_dt_cosz | radiation_nl | radiation | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true, then average the zenith angle over the radiation timestep rather than using instantaneous values. Default: FALSE |
use_rad_uniform_angle | radiation_nl | radiation | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true, use a uniform angle for the calculation of coszrs within radiation Default: set by build-namelist. |
water_refindex_file | modal_aer_opt_nl | radiation | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/physprops/water_refindex_rrtmg_c080910.nc |
Full pathname of dataset for water refractive indices used in modal aerosol optics Default: none |
rayk0 | rayleigh_friction_nl | rayleigh_friction | integer | ['any integer'] | Variable to specify the vertical index at which the Rayleigh friction term is centered (the peak value). Default: 2 |
raykrange | rayleigh_friction_nl | rayleigh_friction | real | ['any real'] | Rayleigh friction parameter to determine the width of the profile. If set to 0 then a width is chosen by the algorithm (see rayleigh_friction.F90). Default: 0. |
raytau0 | rayleigh_friction_nl | rayleigh_friction | real | ['any real'] | Rayleigh friction parameter to determine the approximate value of the decay time (days) at model top. If 0.0 then no Rayleigh friction is applied. Default: 0. |
iopfile | scam_nl | scam | char*128 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/scam/iop/ARM97_4scam.nc for: {'dyn': 'eul', 'scam': '1'} is atm/cam/scam/iop/ARM95_4scam.nc for: {'dyn': 'eul'} |
Full pathname of IOP dataset. Default: set by build-namelist. |
scm_backfill_iop_w_init | scam_nl | scam | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Backfill missing IOP values for omega/T/q/Ps from initial data file. Default: FALSE |
scm_cambfb_mode | scam_nl | scam | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Column bfb match with cam generated IOP. Default: FALSE |
scm_clubb_iop_name | scam_nl | scam | char*200 | ['any char'] | IOP name for CLUBB running in single column mode Default: "" |
scm_crm_mode | scam_nl | scam | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Column radiation mode. Default: FALSE |
scm_force_latlon | scam_nl | scam | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Force scam to use the lat lon fields specified in the scam namelist not what is closest to IOP avail lat lon Default: FALSE |
scm_iop_lhflxshflxTg | scam_nl | scam | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Use the SCAM-IOP specified surface LHFLX/SHFLX/ustar/Tg instead of using internally-computed values Default: FALSE |
scm_iop_tg | scam_nl | scam | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Use the specified surface properties. Default: FALSE |
scm_relax_bot_p | scam_nl | scam | real | ['any real'] | Lower most pressure that will be relaxed. Default: -1e36 |
scm_relax_fincl | scam_nl | scam | char*24(1000) | ['any char'] | List of fields that will be relaxed to obs Default: none |
scm_relax_linear | scam_nl | scam | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Use relaxation. Linearly interpolate the timescale within specified pressure range. (bpm) Default: FALSE |
scm_relax_tau_bot_sec | scam_nl | scam | real | ['any real'] | SCAM relaxation time constant in seconds that will be used at bottom of pressure range (i.e., the larger pressure value). Default: 10800 |
scm_relax_tau_sec | scam_nl | scam | real | ['any real'] | SCAM relaxation time constant in seconds Default: 10800 |
scm_relax_tau_top_sec | scam_nl | scam | real | ['any real'] | SCAM relaxation time constant in seconds that will be used at top of pressure range (i.e., the smaller pressure value). Will be used from top of pressure range to model top. Default: 10800 |
scm_relax_top_p | scam_nl | scam | real | ['any real'] | Upper most pressure that will be relaxed. Default: 1e36 |
scm_relaxation | scam_nl | scam | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Use relaxation. Default: FALSE |
scm_use_obs_qv | scam_nl | scam | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Use the SCAM-IOP specified observed water vapor at each time step instead of forecast value Default: FALSE |
scm_use_obs_T | scam_nl | scam | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Use the SCAM-IOP specified T instead of using forecasted T at each time step. Default: FALSE |
scm_use_obs_uv | scam_nl | scam | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | is .true. for: {'scam': '1'} |
Use the SCAM-IOP specified u,v instead of using forecasted u,v at each time step. Default: TRUE |
scm_zadv_q | scam_nl | scam | char*16 | ['iop', 'eulc', 'slt', 'off'] | is slt for: {'scam': '1'} |
Use specific type of vertical advection for q. Possible choices are 'iop', 'eulc', 'slt' and 'off' Default: 'slt' |
scm_zadv_T | scam_nl | scam | char*16 | ['iop', 'eulc', 'off'] | Use specific type of vertical advection for T. Possible choices are 'iop', 'eulc' and 'off' Default: 'eulc' |
scm_zadv_uv | scam_nl | scam | char*16 | ['iop', 'eulc', 'off'] | Use specific type of vertical advection for uv. Possible choices are 'iop', 'eulc' and 'off' Default: 'eulc' |
native_mapping_outgrids | native_mapping_nl | se | char*256(5) | ['any char'] | List of SCRIP grid filenames each representing a destination grid. If provided during a CAM simulation running the spectral element dycore, mapping files will be created from the native cubed-sphere grid to each destination grid. Both native mapping (using the internal spectral element basis functions) and bilinear maps are created. Default: none |
se_fine_ne | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | 0 is 240 for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8'} |
Set for refined exodus meshes (variable viscosity). Viscosity in namelist specified for regions with a resolution equivilant to a uniform grid with se_ne = se_fine_ne. Default: -1 (not used) |
se_ftype | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['0', '1', '2'] | 2 |
CAM physics forcing option: 0: tendencies 1: adjustments 2: hybrid Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_fv_nphys | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | Number of equally-spaced horizontal physics points per spectral element. A number greater than zero will define [se_fv_nphys] equally spaced physics points in each direction (e.g., se_fv_nphys = 3 will result in 9 equally-spaced physics points per element). Default: 0 = feature disabled, use dynamics GLL points. |
se_fvm_supercycling | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | -1 |
Number of SE rsplit time-steps CSLAM supercycles rsplit/se_fvm_supercycling must be an integer |
se_fvm_supercycling_jet | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | -1 |
Number of SE rsplit time-steps CSLAM supercycles in the jet region (which is specified by kmin_jet and kmax_jet) rsplit/se_fvm_supercycling_jet must be an integer se_fvm_supercycling_jet/se_fvm_supercyling must be an integer |
se_grid_filename | dyn_se_inparm | se | char*256 | ['any char'] | Name of grid file to write if se_write_grid_file is set. Default: Set according to active grid |
se_horz_num_threads | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | 0 |
Number of threads to use for loops over elements. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_hypervis_dynamic_ref_state | dyn_se_inparm | se | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. |
Hyperscosity for T and dp is applied to (T-Tref) and (dp-dp_ref) where Xref are reference states where the effect of topography has been removed (Simmons and Jiabin, 1991, QJRMS, Section 2a). If TRUE dp_ref is dynamic smoothed reference state derived by Patrick Callaghan (Lauritzen et al., 2018, JAMES, Appendix A.2) and temperature reference state based on Simmons and Jiabin (1991) but using smoothed dp_ref. If FALSE Tref is static reference state (Simmons and Jiabin) and dp_ref state derived from hydrostatic balance. Default: FALSE |
se_hypervis_power | dyn_se_inparm | se | real | ['any real'] | 0 |
Scalar viscosity with variable coefficient. Use variable hyperviscosity based on element area limited by se_max_hypervis_courant. Default: 0 |
se_hypervis_scaling | dyn_se_inparm | se | real | ['any real'] | is 3.0D0 for: {'se_refined_mesh': '1', 'hypervis_type': 'tensor'} |
Use tensor hyperviscosity. Citation: Guba, O., Taylor, M. A., Ullrich, P. A., Overfelt, J. R., and Levy, M. N.: The spectral element method (SEM) on variable-resolution grids: evaluating grid sensitivity and resolution-aware numerical viscosity, Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 2803-2816, doi:10.5194/gmd-7-2803-2014, 2014. Default: 0 (i.e., not used) |
se_hypervis_subcycle | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | 3 is 1 for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} is 4 for: {'hgrid': 'ne16np4'} is 2 for: {'se_refined_mesh': '1'} is 1 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8'} |
Number of hyperviscosity subcycles per dynamics timestep. Default: Set by build-namelist |
se_hypervis_subcycle_q | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | 1 is 2 for: {'hgrid': 'ne16np4'} |
Number of hyperviscosity subcycles done in tracer advection code. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_hypervis_subcycle_sponge | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | 1 is 1 for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} is 4 for: {'hgrid': 'ne120np4'} is 4 for: {'se_refined_mesh': '1'} is 7 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8'} |
Number of hyperviscosity subcycles per dynamics timestep in sponge del2 diffusion. Default: Set by build-namelist |
se_kmax_jet | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | -1 |
Max level index where CSLAM runs with se_fvm_supercycling_jet (if se_fvm_supercycling_jet.ne.se_fvm_supercycling) or max index where are Courant number increment is active (se_large_Courant_incr=.true.) |
se_kmin_jet | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | -1 |
Min level index where CSLAM runs with se_fvm_supercycling_jet (if se_fvm_supercycling_jet.ne.se_fvm_supercycling) or min index where are Courant number increment is active (se_large_Courant_incr=.true.) |
se_large_Courant_incr | dyn_se_inparm | se | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
If TRUE the CSLAM algorithm will work for Courant number larger than 1 with a low-order increment for tracer mass more than one grid cell width away |
se_lcp_moist | dyn_se_inparm | se | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. |
If TRUE the continous equations the dynamical core is based on will conserve a comprehensive moist total energy If FALSE the continous equations the dynamical core is based on will conserve a total energy based on cp for dry air and no condensates (same total energy as CAM physics uses). For more details see Lauritzen et al., (2018;DOI:10.1029/2017MS001257) Default: TRUE |
se_limiter_option | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['0', '4', '8'] | 8 |
Limiter used for horizontal tracer advection: 0: None 4: Sign-preserving limiter. 8: Monotone limiter. Default: 8 |
se_max_hypervis_courant | dyn_se_inparm | se | real | ['any real'] | 1.0e99 is 1.9 for: {'se_refined_mesh': '1', 'hypervis_type': 'scalar'} |
Upper bound for Courant number, used to limit se_hypervis_power. Default: 1.0e99 (i.e., not used) unless se_refined_mesh=TRUE |
se_mesh_file | dyn_se_inparm | se | char*256 | ['any char'] | none is atm/cam/coords/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8.g for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8'} is atm/cam/coords/ne0np4EQFACE.ne5x4.g for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4TESTONLY.ne5x4'} is atm/cam/coords/ne30x4_EXODUS_ARCTIC_c191009.g for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4'} is atm/cam/coords/ne30x8_EXODUS_ARCTICGRIS_c191209.g for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8'} |
Filename of exodus file to read grid from (generated by CUBIT or SQuadGen). Default: "" |
se_met_nudge_p | dyn_se_inparm | se | real | ['any real'] | Nudging factor for prescribed surface pressure in SE dycore Units: 1/sec Default: 0.0 |
se_met_nudge_t | dyn_se_inparm | se | real | ['any real'] | Nudging factor for prescribed temperature in SE dycore Units: 1/sec Default: 2e-5 |
se_met_nudge_u | dyn_se_inparm | se | real | ['any real'] | Nudging factor for prescribed winds in SE dycore Units: 1/sec Default: 2e-5 |
se_met_tevolve | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['0', '1'] | Switch to turn on/off time evolution of dynamics nudging Default: 0 |
se_molecular_diff | dyn_se_inparm | se | real | ['any real'] | 0.0 is 100.0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} |
Used by SE dycore to apply sponge layer diffusion to u, v, and T for stability of WACCM configurations. The diffusion is modeled on 3D molecular diffusion and thermal conductivity by using actual molecular diffusion and thermal conductivity coefficients multiplied by the value of se_molecular_diff. If set <= 0.0 then the code is not activated. If set > 0.0 then the molecular diffusion and thermal conductivity coefficients will be multiplied by a factor of se_molecular_diff. Default: 0. |
se_ne | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | Number of elements along a cube edge. Must match value of grid. Set this to zero to use a refined mesh. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_npes | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | Number of PEs to be used by SE dycore. Default: Number of PEs used by CAM. |
se_nsplit | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | 2 is 1 for: {'hgrid': 'ne16np4'} is 3 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne5np4'} is 3 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne16np4'} is 5 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4'} is 4 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'nlev': '110'} is 5 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8'} is 7 for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4TESTONLY.ne5x4'} |
Number of dynamics steps per physics timestep. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_nu | dyn_se_inparm | se | real | ['any real'] | -1 is 1.0e13 for: {'se_refined_mesh': '1', 'hypervis_type': 'scalar'} |
Hyperviscosity coefficient for u,v, T [m^4/s]. If < 0, se_nu is automatically set. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_nu_div | dyn_se_inparm | se | real | ['any real'] | -1 is 1.5625e13 for: {'se_refined_mesh': '1', 'hypervis_type': 'scalar'} |
Hyperviscosity applied to divergence component of winds [m^4/s]. If < 0, uses se_nu_p. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_nu_p | dyn_se_inparm | se | real | ['any real'] | -1 is 1.5625e13 for: {'se_refined_mesh': '1', 'hypervis_type': 'scalar'} |
Hyperviscosity coefficient applied to pressure-level thickness [m^4/s]. If < 0, se_nu_p is automatically set. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_nu_top | dyn_se_inparm | se | real | ['any real'] | 5.0e5 is 2.0e5 for: {'se_refined_mesh': '1'} is 0.0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} |
Second-order viscosity applied only near the model top [m^2/s]. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_phys_dyn_cp | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['0', '1', '2'] | 1 |
Scaling of temperature increment for different levels of thermal energy consistency. 0: no scaling 1: scale increment for cp consistency between dynamics and physics 2: do 1 as well as take into account condensate effect on thermal energy Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_qsplit | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | 1 |
Tracer advection is done every qsplit dynamics timesteps. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_rayk0 | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | 2 is 2 for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} |
Variable to specify the vertical index at which the Rayleigh friction term is centered (the peak value). Default: 2 |
se_raykrange | dyn_se_inparm | se | real | ['any real'] | 0.5 is 3 for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} |
Rayleigh friction parameter to determine the width of the profile. If set to 0 then a width is chosen by the algorithm (see rayleigh_friction.F90). Default: 0.5. |
se_raytau0 | dyn_se_inparm | se | real | ['any real'] | 0.0 is 0.0 for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} |
Rayleigh friction parameter to determine the approximate value of the decay time (days) at model top. If 0.0 then no Rayleigh friction is applied. Default: 0. |
se_refined_mesh | dyn_se_inparm | se | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8'} is .true. for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4TESTONLY.ne5x4'} is .true. for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4'} is .true. for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8'} |
TRUE specified use of a refined grid (mesh) for this run. Default: FALSE |
se_rsplit | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | 3 is 4 for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} is 5 for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8'} |
Vertically lagrangian code vertically remaps every rsplit tracer timesteps. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_statediag_numtrac | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | 3 |
Number of tracers to include in logfile diagnostics for SE dycore Default: 3 |
se_statefreq | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | 0 |
Frequency with which diagnostic output is written to log (output every statefreq dynamics timesteps). Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_tracer_num_threads | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | 0 |
Number of threads to use when processing loops over threads. Normally equal to se_vert_num_threads. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_tstep_type | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | 4 |
Time stepping method for SE dycore se_tstep_type=1 RK2 followed by qsplit-1 Leapfrog steps; second-order accurate in time (CESM1.2.0 setting) se_tstep_type=2 RK2-SSP 3 stage (as used by tracers) se_tstep_type=3 classic Runga-Kutta (RK) 3 stage se_tstep_type=4 Kinnmark&Gray Runga-Kutta (RK) 4 stage Default: 4 |
se_vert_num_threads | dyn_se_inparm | se | integer | ['any integer'] | 0 |
Number of threads to use when processing vertical loops. Normally equal to se_tracer_num_threads. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_vert_remap_T | dyn_se_inparm | se | char*32 | ['thermal_energy_over_P', 'Tv_over_logP'] | thermal_energy_over_P |
CAM-SE vertical remapping of temperature: "thermal_energy_over_P": Map cp*T (thermal energy conserving) using a pressure coordinate. "Tv_over_logP" : Map virtual temperature using a log pressure coordinate. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_vert_remap_tracer_alg | dyn_se_inparm | se | char*32 | ['PPM_bc_mirror', 'PPM_bc_PCoM', 'PPM_bc_linear_extrapolation', 'FV3_PPM', 'FV3_CS', 'FV3_non_monotone_CS_2dz_filter'] | PPM_bc_linear_extrapolation |
CAM-SE vertical remap algorithm for non-water tracers PPM_bc_mirror: PPM vertical remap with mirroring at the boundaries (solid wall boundary conditions, high-order throughout) PPM_bc_PCoM: PPM vertical remap without mirroring at the boundaries (no boundary conditions enforced, first-order at two cells bordering top and bottom boundaries) PPM_bc_linear_extrapolation: PPM with linear extrapolation in ghost cells (code from A. Bradley, DOE) The following options use the FV3 vertical remapping algorithm. FV3_PPM: Monotone PPM FV3_CS: Monotonic cubic spline with 2*delta_z oscillations removed FV3_non_monotone_CS_2dz_filter: Non-monotonic (linear) cubic spline with 2*delta_z oscillations removed; Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_vert_remap_uvTq_alg | dyn_se_inparm | se | char*32 | ['PPM_bc_mirror', 'PPM_bc_PCoM', 'PPM_bc_linear_extrapolation', 'FV3_PPM', 'FV3_CS', 'FV3_CS_2dz_filter', 'FV3_non_monotone_CS_2dz_filter'] | FV3_CS |
CAM-SE vertical remap algorithm for u,v,T, and water species. PPM_bc_mirror: PPM vertical remap with mirroring at the boundaries (solid wall boundary conditions, high-order throughout) PPM_bc_PCoM: PPM vertical remap without mirroring at the boundaries (no boundary conditions enforced, first-order at two cells bordering top and bottom boundaries) PPM_bc_linear_extrapolation: PPM with linear extrapolation in ghost cells (code from A. Bradley, DOE) The following options use the FV3 vertical remapping algorithm. FV3_PPM: Monotone PPM FV3_CS: Monotonic cubic spline with 2*delta_z oscillations removed FV3_CS_2dz_filter: Selectively monotonic cubic spline, where local extrema are retained, with 2*delta_z oscillations removed FV3_non_monotone_CS_2dz_filter: Non-monotonic (linear) cubic spline with 2*delta_z oscillations removed; Default: Set by build-namelist. |
se_write_gll_corners | dyn_se_inparm | se | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Set to true to write the SEMapping.nc file. Default: .false. |
se_write_grid_file | dyn_se_inparm | se | char*16 | ['no', 'SCRIP'] | no |
If 'SCRIP', write a NetCDF file with the grid in SCRIP format. If using a finite-volume physics grid, write the FVM grid, otherwise write the native GLL grid. Note that if this option is used, the simulation will exit after writing. Default: 'no' |
se_write_restart_unstruct | dyn_se_inparm | se | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Set .true. to allow writing SE dynamics fields to the restart file using the unstructured grid format. This allows the restart file to be used as an initial file, but its use as a restart file will introduce roundoff size differences into the simulation. Default: .false. |
solar_const | solar_data_opts | solar | real | ['any real'] | 1361.27 |
Total solar irradiance (W/m2). Default: 1361.27 |
solar_data_tod | solar_data_opts | solar | integer | ['any integer'] |
Seconds of the day corresponding to solar_data_ymd
Default: current model time of day
solar_data_type | solar_data_opts | solar | char*8 | ['FIXED', 'SERIAL'] |
Type of time interpolation for data in solar_irrad_data_file.
Can be set to "FIXED" or "SERIAL".
Default: SERIAL
solar_data_ymd | solar_data_opts | solar | integer | ['any integer'] | If solar_data_type is "FIXED" then solar_data_ymd is the date the solar data is fixed to. If solar_data_type is "SERIAL" the solar_data_ymd is the start date of the time series of solar data. Format: YYYYMMDD Default: none |
solar_euv_data_file | solar_data_opts | solar | char*256 | ['any char'] | Full pathname of dataset for file that contains the solar EUV data as a time series Default: none |
solar_htng_spctrl_scl | solar_data_opts | solar | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Use spectral scaling in the radiation heating Default: set by build-namelist |
solar_irrad_data_file | solar_data_opts | solar | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/solar/solar_ave_sc19-sc23.c090810.nc for: {'phys': 'cam4'} is atm/cam/solar/solar_ave_sc19-sc23.c090810.nc for: {'phys': 'cam5'} is atm/cam/solar/spectral_irradiance_Lean_1610-2009_ann_c100405.nc for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'phys': 'cam4'} is atm/cam/solar/spectral_irradiance_Lean_1610-2009_ann_c100405.nc for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'phys': 'cam5'} atm/cam/solar/SolarForcing1995-2005avg_c160929.nc is atm/cam/solar/SolarForcing1995-2005avg_c160929.nc for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} |
Full pathname of dataset for file that contains the solar photon energy spectra or TSI data as a time series Default: set by build-namelist |
aoa_read_from_ic_file | aoa_tracers_nl | test_tracers | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true age of air tracers are read from the initial conditions file. If this is not specified then they are not read from IC file. Default: TRUE |
aoa_tracers_flag | aoa_tracers_nl | test_tracers | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If true age of air tracers are included. This variable should not be set by the user. It will be set by build-namelist to be consistent with the '-age_of_air_trcs' argument specified to configure. Default: set by configure |
test_tracer_names | test_tracers_nl | test_tracers | char*16(30) | ['any char'] | User can specify names for test tracers to be read from the initial file. The number of names specified should be given as the value of the -nadv_tt option to configure. Default: '' |
test_tracer_num | test_tracers_nl | test_tracers | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | This variable should not be set by the user. If configure has been invoked with the '-nadv_tt N' option then build-namelist will set this variable to the value N. If test_tracer_names have been specified then N should be the number of names supplied. If test_tracer_names have not been specified, then the tracer_suite module generates the tracer names and supplies the initial values. Default: set by configure |
dtime | camexp | time_mgr | integer | ['any integer'] | is 1200 for: {'dyn': 'eul'} is 300 for: {'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '256x512'} is 600 for: {'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '128x256'} is 1200 for: {'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '64x128'} is 1800 for: {'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '48x96'} is 1800 for: {'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '32x64'} is 1800 for: {'dyn': 'eul', 'hgrid': '8x16'} is 1800 for: {'dyn': 'fv'} is 300 for: {'dyn': 'fv', 'waccmx': '1'} is 1800 for: {'dyn': 'fv3'} is 300 for: {'dyn': 'fv3', 'waccmx': '1'} is 1800 for: {'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C24'} is 1800 for: {'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C48'} is 1800 for: {'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C96'} is 900 for: {'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C192'} is 450 for: {'dyn': 'fv3', 'hgrid': 'C384'} is 1800 for: {'dyn': 'se'} is 1800 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne5np4'} is 1800 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne16np4'} is 1800 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4'} is 900 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne60np4'} is 450 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne120np4'} is 225 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne240np4'} is 225 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8'} is 450 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4'} is 225 for: {'dyn': 'se', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8'} |
The length (in seconds) of the atm time step, i.e., the driver calls the atm component once every dtime seconds. This is also the coupling interval between the dynamics and physics packages. This variable is not actually used in the atm model, but rather is used by build-namelist to set the value of atm_cpl_dt. So it will have an effect only when running CAM using standalone scripts. The CESM scripts have their own method for setting atm_cpl_dt. Default: is resolution and dycore dependent and is set by build-namelist. |
bnd_topo | cam_initfiles_nl | topo | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/cam/topo/topo-from-cami_0000-01-01_256x512_L26_c030918.nc for: {'hgrid': '256x512'} is atm/cam/topo/USGS-gtopo30_128x256_c050520.nc for: {'hgrid': '128x256'} is atm/cam/topo/T42_nc3000_Co060_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw042_20180111.nc for: {'hgrid': '64x128'} is atm/cam/topo/USGS-gtopo30_48x96_c050520.nc for: {'hgrid': '48x96'} is atm/cam/topo/USGS-gtopo30_32x64_c050520.nc for: {'hgrid': '32x64'} is atm/cam/topo/USGS-gtopo30_8x16_c050520.nc for: {'hgrid': '8x16'} is atm/cam/topo/USGS_gtopo30_0.23x0.31_remap_c061107.nc for: {'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'} is atm/cam/topo/USGS_gtopo30_0.47x0.63_remap_c061106.nc for: {'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is atm/cam/topo/fv_0.47x0.63_nc3000_Co030_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw021_20171023.nc for: {'phys': 'cam6', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} is atm/cam/topo/topo-from-cami_0000-10-01_0.5x0.625_L26_c031204.nc for: {'hgrid': '0.5x0.625'} is atm/cam/topo/fv_0.9x1.25_nc3000_Nsw042_Nrs008_Co060_Fi001_ZR_sgh30_24km_GRNL_c170103.nc for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is atm/cam/topo/fv_1.9x2.5_nc3000_Nsw084_Nrs016_Co120_Fi001_ZR_GRNL_c190405.nc for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'} is atm/cam/topo/USGS-gtopo30_2.5x3.33_remap_c100204.nc for: {'hgrid': '2.5x3.33'} is atm/cam/topo/USGS-gtopo30_4x5_remap_c050520.nc for: {'hgrid': '4x5'} is atm/cam/topo/fv_10x15_nc0540_Nsw042_Nrs008_Co060_Fi001_20171220.nc for: {'hgrid': '10x15'} is atm/cam/topo/fv3_C24_nc3000_Co180_Fi001_MulG_PF_nullRR_Nsw127_c200625.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C24'} is atm/cam/topo/fv3_C48_nc3000_Co120_Fi001_MulG_PF_nullRR_Nsw085_c200625.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C48'} is atm/cam/topo/fv3_C96_nc3000_Co060_Fi001_MulG_PF_nullRR_Nsw042_c200625.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C96'} is atm/cam/topo/fv3_C192_nc3000_Co030_Fi001_MulG_PF_Nsw021_c200625.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C192'} is atm/cam/topo/fv3_C384_nc3000_Co015_Fi001_MulG_PF_nullRR_Nsw011_c200625.nc for: {'hgrid': 'C384'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne5np4_nc3000_Co360_Fi001_MulG_PF_nullRR_Nsw064_20170515.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne5np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne16np4_nc3000_Co120_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw084_20171012.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne16np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne30np4_nc3000_Co060_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw042_20171020.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne60np4_nc3000_Co030_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw021_20171012.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne60np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne120np4_nc3000_Co015_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw010_20171011.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne120np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne240np4_nc3000_Co008_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw005_20171014.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne240np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne5pg2_nc3000_Co360_Fi001_MulG_PF_nullRR_Nsw060_20170706.nc for: {'npg': '2', 'hgrid': 'ne5np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne30pg2_nc3000_Co060_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw042_20171014.nc for: {'npg': '2', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne60pg2_nc3000_Co030_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw021_20171014.nc for: {'npg': '2', 'hgrid': 'ne60np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne120pg2_nc3000_Co015_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw010_20171012.nc for: {'npg': '2', 'hgrid': 'ne120np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne240pg2_nc3000_Co008_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw005_20171014.nc for: {'npg': '2', 'hgrid': 'ne240np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne5pg3_nc3000_Co360_Fi001_MulG_PF_nullRR_Nsw064_20170516.nc for: {'npg': '3', 'hgrid': 'ne5np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne16pg3_nc3000_Co120_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw084_20171012.nc for: {'npg': '3', 'hgrid': 'ne16np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne30pg3_nc3000_Co060_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw042_20171014.nc for: {'npg': '3', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne60pg3_nc3000_Co030_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw021_20171012.nc for: {'npg': '3', 'hgrid': 'ne60np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne120pg3_nc3000_Co015_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw010_20171014.nc for: {'npg': '3', 'hgrid': 'ne120np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne240pg3_nc3000_Co008_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw005_20171015.nc for: {'npg': '3', 'hgrid': 'ne240np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne5pg4_nc3000_Co360_Fi001_MulG_PF_nullRR_Nsw060_20170707.nc for: {'npg': '4', 'hgrid': 'ne5np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne30pg4_nc3000_Co060_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw042_20171014.nc for: {'npg': '4', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne60pg4_nc3000_Co030_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw021_20171018.nc for: {'npg': '4', 'hgrid': 'ne60np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne120pg4_nc3000_Co015_Fi001_PF_nullRR_Nsw010_20171014.nc for: {'npg': '4', 'hgrid': 'ne120np4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne30x8_CONUS_nc3000_Co060_Fi001_MulG_PF_RR_Nsw042_c200428.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne30x4_ARCTIC_nc3000_Co060_Fi001_MulG_PF_RR_Nsw042_c200428.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4'} is atm/cam/topo/se/ne30x8_ARCTICGRIS_nc3000_Co060_Fi001_MulG_PF_RR_Nsw042_c200428.nc for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8'} |
Full pathname of time-invariant boundary dataset for topography fields. Default: set by build-namelist. |
use_topo_file | cam_initfiles_nl | topo | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .true. is .false. for: {'aquaplanet': '1'} is .false. for: {'phys': 'held_suarez'} is .false. for: {'analytic_ic': '1'} |
Setting use_topo_file=.false. allows the user to specify that PHIS, SGH, SGH30, and LANDM_COSLAT are all zero without having to supply a topo file full of zeros. Default: set by build-namelist. |
tropopause_climo_file | tropopause_nl | tropo | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/ub/clim_p_trop.nc |
Full pathname of boundary dataset for tropopause climatology. Default: set by build-namelist. |
electron_file | chem_inparm | waccm | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/phot/electron_121129.dat |
Full pathname of dataset for the neutral species absorption cross sections for EUV photo reactions producing electrons. Default: set by build-namelist. |
epp_all_filepath | epp_ionization_nl | waccm | char*256 | ['any char'] | Filepath input dataset for ionization due to energetic particle precipitation. Default: None. |
epp_all_varname | epp_ionization_nl | waccm | char*80 | ['any char'] |
Variable name in netCDF file epp_all_filepath which contains
ion pairs production rates.
Default: None.
epp_gcr_filepath | epp_ionization_nl | waccm | char*256 | ['any char'] | Filepath input dataset for ionization due to galactic cosmic rays. Default: None. |
epp_gcr_varname | epp_ionization_nl | waccm | char*80 | ['any char'] |
Variable name in netCDF file epp_gcr_filepath which contains
ion pairs production rates.
Default: None.
epp_mee_filepath | epp_ionization_nl | waccm | char*256 | ['any char'] | Filepath input dataset for ionization due to medium energy electrons. Default: None. |
epp_mee_varname | epp_ionization_nl | waccm | char*80 | ['any char'] |
Variable name in netCDF file epp_mee_filepath which contains
ion pairs production rates.
Default: None.
epp_spe_filepath | epp_ionization_nl | waccm | char*256 | ['any char'] | Filepath input dataset for ionization due to solar proton events. Default: None. |
epp_spe_varname | epp_ionization_nl | waccm | char*80 | ['any char'] |
Variable name in netCDF file epp_spe_filepath which contains
ion pairs production rates.
Default: None.
euvac_file | chem_inparm | waccm | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/phot/EUVAC_reference_c170222.nc |
Full pathname of dataset for EUVAC solar EUV model (0.05-121nm). Default: set by build-namelist. |
fixed_geomag_year | geomag_nl | waccm | integer | ['any integer'] | If set this year is used for setting geomagnetic coordinates through out the simulation. If not set the model simulation year is used. Default: none |
igrf_geomag_coefs_file | geomag_nl | waccm | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/geomag/igrf_ceofs_c160412.nc |
International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) coefficients. Default: None. |
no_xfac_ubc | chem_inparm | waccm | real | ['any real'] | Multiplication factor applied to the upper boundary NO mass mixing ratio. Default: 1.0 |
photon_file | chem_inparm | waccm | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/phot/photon_c130710.dat |
Full pathname of dataset for the neutral species absorption cross sections. Default: set by build-namelist. |
snoe_ubc_file | chem_inparm | waccm | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/ub/snoe_eof.nc |
Full pathname of dataset for the coefficients of the NOEM nitric oxide model used to calculate its upper boundary concentration. Default: set by build-namelist. |
solar_parms_data_file | solar_data_opts | waccm | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/phot/wasolar_ave.nc is atm/waccm/solar/wasolar_c140408.nc for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'phys': 'cam4'} is atm/waccm/solar/wasolar_c140408.nc for: {'waccm_phys': '1', 'phys': 'cam5'} is atm/cam/solar/SolarForcing1995-2005avg_c160929.nc for: {'waccm_phys': '1'} |
Full pathname of time-variant dataset for the time-dependent proxies for solar and geomagnetic activity( F10.7, F10.7a, Kp, Ap ). Default: set by build-namelist. |
solar_wind_data_file | solar_data_opts | waccm | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/solar/solar_wind_imf_OMNI_WACCMX_2000001-2017365_c180731.nc |
Full pathname of time-variant dataset for the time-dependent solar wind parameters (solar wind velocity and density; IMF By and Bz components). Default: set by build-namelist. |
t_pert_ubc | chem_inparm | waccm | real | ['any real'] | Perturbation applied to the upper boundary temperature. Default: 0.0 |
tgcm_ubc_cycle_yr | chem_inparm | waccm | integer | ['any integer'] |
The cycle year of the TGCM upper boundary data
if tgcm_ubc_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
tgcm_ubc_data_type | chem_inparm | waccm | char*32 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', 'FIXED'] | Type of time interpolation for data in TGCM upper boundary file. Can be set to 'CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', or 'FIXED'. Default: 'SERIAL' |
tgcm_ubc_file | chem_inparm | waccm | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/ub/tgcm_ubc_1993_c100204.nc |
Full pathname of dataset for TGCM upper boundary Default: set by build-namelist. |
tgcm_ubc_fixed_tod | chem_inparm | waccm | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to tgcm_ubc_fixed_ymd at which the TGCM upper boundary data is fixed if tgcm_ubc_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
tgcm_ubc_fixed_ymd | chem_inparm | waccm | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the TGCM upper boundary data is fixed
if tgcm_ubc_type is 'FIXED'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
apply_lunar_tides | lunar_tides_opts | waccm_phys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to apply lunar tidal tendencies to neutral winds. Default: FALSE |
efield_hflux_file | iondrag_nl | waccm_phys | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/efld/coeff_hflux.dat |
Full pathname of dataset for coefficient data used in WACCM to calculate ion drag for high solar fluxes from the Scherliess low latitude electric potential model. Default: set by build-namelist. |
efield_lflux_file | iondrag_nl | waccm_phys | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/efld/coeff_lflux.dat |
Full pathname of dataset for coefficient data used in WACCM to calculate ion drag for low solar fluxes from the Scherliess low latitude electric potential model. Default: set by build-namelist. |
efield_potential_max | iondrag_nl | waccm_phys | real | ['any real'] | Maximum cross cap electric potential used in Heelis high-latitude potential empirical model for WACCM ion drag and joule heating. Default: set by build-namelist (120 kV). |
empirical_ion_velocities | iondrag_nl | waccm_phys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to turn on empirical ExB ion drift velocities model for use in ion drag parameterizations. If this is false then it is assumed ion drift velocities are supplied by an active ionosphere model. Default: set by build-namelist. |
nlte_limit_co2 | radheat_nl | waccm_phys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If TRUE apply upper limit to CO2 concentrations passed to the Formichev non-LTE cooling calculation (code not intended for values greater than 720 ppmv). Running with flag set to TRUE could lead to incorrect cooling rates if model CO2 exceeds 720 ppmv. If FALSE simulation will abort if CO2 levels exceed this value at altitudes above 1 mbar. The 720 ppmv CO2 limiter in the Formichev non-LTE cooling scheme is applied to all vertical levels regardless of this setting. Default: FALSE |
nlte_use_mo | radheat_nl | waccm_phys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] |
Determines which constituents are used from non-LTE calculations.
TRUE implies use prognostic constituents.
FALSE implies use constituents from dataset specified by waccm_forcing_file.
Default: TRUE for full chemistry WACCM; FALSE for WACCM_SC.
qbo_cyclic | qbo_nl | waccm_phys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | TRUE implies assume cyclic qbo data. Default: FALSE |
qbo_forcing_file | qbo_nl | waccm_phys | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/qbo/qbocyclic28months.nc |
Filepath for qbo forcing dataset. Default: Set by build-namelist. |
qbo_use_forcing | qbo_nl | waccm_phys | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | TRUE implies qbo package is active. Default: FALSE |
h2orates | chem_inparm | waccm_sc | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/waccm/phot/xh2o_c080826.nc for: {'chem': 'waccm_sc'} is atm/waccm/phot/xh2o_c080826.nc for: {'chem': 'waccm_sc_mam4'} |
Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for H2O production/loss rates. Default: set by build-namelist. |
waccm_forcing_cycle_yr | waccm_forcing_nl | waccm_sc | integer | ['any integer'] | is 0 for: {'chem': 'waccm_sc'} is 2000 for: {'chem': 'waccm_sc_mam4'} |
The cycle year of the prescribed waccm forcing data
if waccm_forcing_type is 'CYCLICAL'.
Format: YYYY
Default: 0
waccm_forcing_datapath | waccm_forcing_nl | waccm_sc | char*256 | ['any char'] | is atm/waccm/ub for: {'chem': 'waccm_sc'} is atm/waccm/waccm_forcing for: {'chem': 'waccm_sc_mam4'} |
Full pathname of the directory that contains the files specified in
Default: set by build-namelist.
waccm_forcing_file | waccm_forcing_nl | waccm_sc | char*256 | ['any char'] | is ghg_forcing_2000_c110321.nc for: {'chem': 'waccm_sc'} is SCWACCM_forcing_WACCM6_zm_5day_L70_1975-2014_c191121.nc for: {'chem': 'waccm_sc_mam4'} |
Filename of the prescribed waccm forcing data used with waccm_sc chemistry. This contains prescribed constituents for non-LTE calculations and heating rates for wavelengths less than 200 nm. Default: set by build-namelist. |
waccm_forcing_filelist | waccm_forcing_nl | waccm_sc | char*256 | ['any char'] |
A file that contains a sequence of filenames for prescribed waccm forcing data.
The filenames in this file are relative to the directory specified
by waccm_forcing_datapath.
Default: set by build-namelist.
waccm_forcing_fixed_tod | waccm_forcing_nl | waccm_sc | integer | ['any integer'] | The time of day (seconds) corresponding to waccm_forcing_fixed_ymd at which the prescribed waccm forcing data is fixed if waccm_forcing_type is 'FIXED'. Default: 0 seconds |
waccm_forcing_fixed_ymd | waccm_forcing_nl | waccm_sc | integer | ['any integer'] |
The date at which the prescribed waccm forcing data is fixed
if waccm_forcing_type is 'FIXED'.
Default: 0
waccm_forcing_rmfile | waccm_forcing_nl | waccm_sc | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Remove the file containing prescribed waccm forcing data from local disk when no longer needed. Default: FALSE |
waccm_forcing_specifier | waccm_forcing_nl | waccm_sc | char*16(100) | ['any char'] | Names of variables containing concentrations and heating rate in the prescribed waccm forcing datasets. Default: none |
waccm_forcing_type | waccm_forcing_nl | waccm_sc | char*32 | ['CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', 'FIXED'] | Type of time interpolation for data in waccm_forcing files. Can be set to 'CYCLICAL', 'SERIAL', 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS', or 'FIXED'. Default: 'CYCLICAL' |
amienh_file | ionosphere_nl | waccmx | char*256 | ['any char'] | Full pathname of AMIE inputs for northern hemisphere. Default: NONE. |
amiesh_file | ionosphere_nl | waccmx | char*256 | ['any char'] | Full pathname of AMIE inputs for southern hemisphere. Default: NONE. |
epot_crit_colats | ionosphere_nl | waccmx | real*2 | ['any real*2'] | Co-latitudes (degrees) of the critical angles where the ionosphere high-latitude electric potential is merged with the low and middle latitude electric potential computed by the electro-dynamo of WACCM-X. Default: none |
ionos_edyn_active | ionosphere_nl | waccmx | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to invoke electro-dynamo to compute ion drift velocities used in O+ transport in ionosphere. If false, ExB empirical model is used to provide the ion drift velocities for O+ transport. Default: set by build-namelist |
ionos_epotential_amie | ionosphere_nl | waccmx | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Give the user the ability to input prescribed high-latitude electric potential. Default: FALSE |
ionos_epotential_model | ionosphere_nl | waccmx | char*16 | ['heelis', 'weimer'] | heelis |
Electric potential model used in the waccmx ionosphere. Default: set by build-namelist |
ionos_xport_active | ionosphere_nl | waccmx | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to to turn on/off O+ transport in ionosphere. Default: set by build-namelist |
ionos_xport_nsplit | ionosphere_nl | waccmx | integer | ['any integer'] | is 5 for: {'waccmx': '1'} is 30 for: {'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is 90 for: {'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} |
Number of ion transport steps per physics timestep. Default: 5 |
oplus_adiff_limiter | ionosphere_nl | waccmx | real | ['any real'] | Limiter for ambipolar diffusion coefficient used in O+ transport in the ionosphere. Default: 1.5e+8 |
oplus_enforce_floor | ionosphere_nl | waccmx | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | Switch to apply floor to O+ concentrations within in ionosphere O+ transport. Default: TRUE |
oplus_ring_polar_filter | ionosphere_nl | waccmx | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | .false. is .true. for: {'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'} is .true. for: {'waccmx': '1', 'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'} |
Switch to apply ring polar filter within in ionosphere O+ transport. Default: FALSE |
oplus_shapiro_const | ionosphere_nl | waccmx | real | ['any real'] | Shapiro constant for spatial smoother used in O+ transport in the ionosphere. Default: 0.03 |
steady_state_ion_elec_temp | ion_electron_temp_nl | waccmx | logical | ['.true.', '.false.'] | If TRUE a steady state solution is used to calculate electron and ion temperature. Default: TRUE |
waccmx_opt | phys_ctl_nl | waccmx | char*16 | ['ionosphere', 'neutral', 'off'] | off is ionosphere for: {'waccmx': '1'} is neutral for: {'ionosphere': 'none', 'waccmx': '1'} |
Runtime options of upper thermosphere WACCM-X. 'ionosphere' for full ionosphere and neutral thermosphere, 'neutral' for just neutral thermosphere, and off for no WACCM-X. Default: 'off' |
wei05_coefs_file | ionosphere_nl | waccmx | char*256 | ['any char'] | atm/waccm/efld/wei05sc_c080415.nc |
Full pathname of dataset for coefficient data used in Weimer05 high latitude electric potential model. Default: set by build-namelist. |
wv_sat_scheme | wv_sat_nl | wv_sat | char*16 | ['GoffGratch', 'MurphyKoop'] | Type of water vapor saturation vapor pressure scheme employed. 'GoffGratch' for Goff and Gratch (1946); 'MurphyKoop' for Murphy & Koop (2005) Default: GoffGratch; except MurphyKoop for carma=cirrus or carma=cirrus_dust |
Variable | Namelist Group | Category | Entry Type | Valid Values | Possible Default Values | Description and out-of-the-box Default |