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Use CASEROOT tools xmlquery to query these variables and xmlchange to change their values.

Parameter Name Default Value Data Type Group CASEROOT File Valid Values Description
COMP_ICE cice char case_comp env_case.xml ['cice']
Name of sea-ice component
CICE_MODE prognostic char build_component_cice env_build.xml ['prognostic', 'prescribed', 'thermo_only']
Option to the CICE configure utility for the -mode argument (default is prognostic)
CICE_CONFIG_OPTS char build_component_cice env_build.xml []
CICE configure options, see CICE configure utility for details.
      Provides option(s) for the CLM configure utility.
      CICE_CONFIG_OPTS are normally set as compset variables (e.g., -ntr_aero 3)
      and in general should not be modified for supported compsets.
      It is recommended that if you want to modify this value for your experiment,
      you should use your own user-defined component sets via using create_newcase
      with a compset_file argument.
      This is an advanced flag and should only be used by expert users.
CICE_NAMELIST_OPTS char run_component_cice env_run.xml []
CICE specific namelist settings for -namelist option
CICE_AUTO_DECOMP true logical build_component_cice env_build.xml ['true', 'false']
This is for experts only - if CICE_AUTO_DECOMP is set to false, then
      can manually set the values of CICE_BLCKX, CICE_BLCKY, CICE_MXBLCKS,
CICE_BLCKX 0 integer build_component_cice env_build.xml []
Size of cice block in first horiz dimension
      (DO NOT EDIT if CICE_AUTO_DECOMP is true).
      This is for experts only - automatically set if CICE_AUTO_DECOMP
      is true to set this value, must first set CICE_AUTO_DECOMP to false.
CICE_BLCKY 0 integer build_component_cice env_build.xml []
Size of cice block in second horiz dimension
      (DO NOT EDIT if CICE_AUTO_DECOMP is true).
      This is for experts only - automatically set if CICE_AUTO_DECOMP is true,
      to set this value, must first set CICE_AUTO_DECOMP to false.
CICE_MXBLCKS 0 integer build_component_cice env_build.xml []
Max number of cice blocks per processor (do not edit if CICE_AUTO_DECOMP is true)
      This is for experts only - automatically set if CICE_AUTO_DECOMP is true,
      to set this value, must first set CICE_AUTO_DECOMP to false.
CICE_DECOMPTYPE null char build_component_cice env_build.xml ['cartesian', 'rake', 'sectrobin', 'spacecurve', 'roundrobin', 'sectrobin', 'sectcart', 'null']
cice block distribution type (do not edit if CICE_AUTO_DECOMP is true)
      This is for experts only - automatically set if CICE_AUTO_DECOMP is true,
      to set this value, must first set CICE_AUTO_DECOMP to false.
CICE_DECOMPSETTING square-ice char build_component_cice env_build.xml ['slenderX1', 'slenderX2', 'square-ice', 'square-pop', 'blocks', 'null']
cice decomp setting for decomp type (do not edit if CICE_AUTO_DECOMP is true)
      This is for experts only - automatically set if CICE_AUTO_DECOMP is true,
      to set this value, must first set CICE_AUTO_DECOMP to false.
CICE_CPPDEFS UNSET char build_component_cice env_build.xml []
CICE cpp definitions (setup automatically - DO NOT EDIT)
ICE_PE_CHANGE_REQUIRES_REBUILD true logical case_comp env_case.xml ['true', 'false']
This component requires a clean build if the pelayout changes, if this variable is
          not defined for a component it is assumed false
CICE_USER_MODS char run_component_cice env_case.xml []
User mods to apply to specific compset matches. 
Parameter Name Default Value Data Type Group CASEROOT File Valid Values Description