Component Tag:
HTML Created:
Variable Namelist Group Category Entry Type Valid Values Possible Default Values Description and out-of-the-box Default
ncat derived None integer ['any integer']
Number of ice categories
scam derived None integer ['0', '1']
      Configure CICE for single column mode: 0=off, 1=on.  This option is
      dictated by running in prescribed mode with CICE.
albedo_type shortwave_nml albedos char ['default', 'constant']
      albedo parameterization, 'default' ('ccsm3') or 'constant'
albicei shortwave_nml albedos real ['any real']
      near-ir ice albedo for h gt ahmax
albicev shortwave_nml albedos real ['any real']
      visible ice albedo for h gt ahmax
albsnowi shortwave_nml albedos real ['any real']
      cold snow albedo, near IR
albsnowv shortwave_nml albedos real ['any real']
      cold snow albedo, visible
distribution_type domain_nml decomp char ['cartesian', 'roundrobin', 'sectcart', 'sectrobin', 'rake', 'spacecurve', 'spiralcenter', 'wghtfile']
      method to use for distributing blocks among processors
distribution_wght domain_nml decomp char ['block', 'latitude', 'erfc', 'file']
      method to use for distributing blocks
ew_boundary_type domain_nml decomp char ['cyclic', 'open']
      type of boundary in logical east-west dir
maskhalo_bound domain_nml decomp logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      turn on masked halos in state bound
maskhalo_dyn domain_nml decomp logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      turn on masked halos in subcycling
maskhalo_remap domain_nml decomp logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      turn on masked halos in tracer halo update in remap
ns_boundary_type domain_nml decomp char ['open', 'cyclic', 'tripole', 'tripoleT']
      type of boundary in logical north-south dir
processor_shape domain_nml decomp char ['slenderX1', 'slenderX2', 'square-ice', 'square-pop']
      processor shape
fbot_xfer_type forcing_nml forcing char ['constant', 'Cdn_ocn']
      transfer coefficient type for ocn heat flux
formdrag forcing_nml forcing logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      calculate form drag
highfreq forcing_nml forcing logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      high frequency atmospheric coupling
l_mpond_fresh forcing_nml forcing logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      switch for including meltpond freshwater flux feedback to ocean model
natmiter forcing_nml forcing integer ['any integer']
      number of iterations for atm boundary layer calculations
tfrz_option forcing_nml forcing char ['minus1p8', 'linear_salt', 'mushy']
      form of ocean freezing temperature
update_ocn_f forcing_nml forcing logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      include frazil water/salt fluxes in ocean fluxes
ustar_min forcing_nml forcing real ['any real']
      minimum value of ocean friction velocity
grid_file grid_nml grid char ['any char']
      input file for CICE grid info
grid_format grid_nml grid char ['bin', 'nc']
      file format ('bin'=binary or 'nc'=netcdf)
grid_type grid_nml grid char ['displaced_pole', 'tripole', 'panarctic', 'latlon', 'rectangular']
      type of grid
gridcpl_file grid_nml grid char ['any char']
      Input file for CICE coupling grid info if coupling grid is different than computation grid
kcatbound grid_nml grid integer ['any integer']
      category boundary formula (0 = old, 1 = new)
kmt_file grid_nml grid char ['any char']
      input file for CICE grid info
f_a11 icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_a12 icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_aero icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_aeron icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_aice icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_aicen icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_aisnap icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_albice icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_albpnd icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_albsni icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_albsno icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_alidf icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_alidf_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_alidr icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_alidr_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_alvdf icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_alvdf_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_alvdr icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_alvdr_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_alvl icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_angle icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_anglet icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_aparticn icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_apeff icefields_pond_nml history char ['any char']
f_apeff_ai icefields_pond_nml history char ['any char']
f_apeffn icefields_pond_nml history char ['any char']
f_apond icefields_pond_nml history char ['any char']
f_apond_ai icefields_pond_nml history char ['any char']
f_apondn icefields_pond_nml history char ['any char']
f_araftn icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_ardg icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_ardgn icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_aredistn icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_am_ml icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_am_sk icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_c icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_c_sk icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_chl icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_chl_sk icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_dms icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_dms_ml icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_dms_sk icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_dmsp_ml icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_dmspd icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_dmspd_sk icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_dmspp icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_dmspp_sk icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_n icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_n_sk icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_nh icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_nit_ml icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_nit_sk icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_no icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_s icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_sil icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_sil_ml icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_bgc_sil_sk icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_blkmask icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_bounds icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_bphi icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_btin icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_cdn_atm icefields_drag_nml history char ['any char']
f_cdn_ocn icefields_drag_nml history char ['any char']
f_cmip icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_congel icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_coszen icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_daidtd icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_daidtt icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_dardg1dt icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_dardg1ndt icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_dardg2dt icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_dardg2ndt icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_divu icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_drag icefields_drag_nml history char ['any char']
f_dsnow icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_dvidtd icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_dvidtt icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_dvirdgdt icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_dvirdgndt icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_dxt icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_dxu icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_dyt icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_dyu icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_e11 icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_e12 icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_e22 icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_evap icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_evap_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_faero_atm icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_faero_ocn icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_fbri icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_fcondtop_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fcondtopn_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fhocn icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fhocn_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fiso_atm icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_fiso_ocn icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_flat icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_flat_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_flatn_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_flwdn icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_flwup icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_flwup_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fmeltt_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fmelttn_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fn icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_fn_ai icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_fnh icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_fnh_ai icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_fno icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_fno_ai icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_frazil icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fresh icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fresh_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_frz_onset icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_frzmlt icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fsalt icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fsalt_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fsens icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fsens_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fsensn_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fsil icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_fsil_ai icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_fsurf_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fsurfn_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fswabs icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fswabs_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fswdn icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fswfac icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fswint_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fswintn icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fswsfcn icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fswthru icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fswthru_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fswthrun icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fswup icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_fy icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_grownet icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_hbri icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_hi icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_hisnap icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_hpond icefields_pond_nml history char ['any char']
f_hpond_ai icefields_pond_nml history char ['any char']
f_hpondn icefields_pond_nml history char ['any char']
f_hs icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_hte icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_htn icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_iage icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_icepresent icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_ipond icefields_pond_nml history char ['any char']
f_ipond_ai icefields_pond_nml history char ['any char']
f_iso icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_ison icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_keffn_top icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_krdgn icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_meltb icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_meltl icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_melts icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_meltt icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_mlt_onset icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_ncat icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_opening icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_ppnet icefields_bgc_nml history char ['any char']
f_qref icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_rain icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_rain_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_s11 icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_s12 icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_s22 icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_shear icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_sice icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_sig1 icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_sig2 icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_sinz icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_snoice icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_snow icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_snow_ai icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_snowfrac icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_snowfracn icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_sss icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_sst icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_strairx icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_strairy icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_strcorx icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_strcory icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_strength icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_strintx icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_strinty icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_strocnx icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_strocny icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_strtltx icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_strtlty icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_tair icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_tarea icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_tinz icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_tmask icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_tref icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_trsig icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_tsfc icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_tsnz icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_uarea icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_uatm icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_uocn icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_uvel icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_vatm icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_vgrdb icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_vgrdi icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_vgrds icefields_nml history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
f_vicen icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_vlvl icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_vocn icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_vraftn icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_vrdg icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_vrdgn icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_vredistn icefields_mechred_nml history char ['any char']
f_vsnon icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_vvel icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_yieldstress11 icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_yieldstress12 icefields_nml history char ['any char']
f_yieldstress22 icefields_nml history char ['any char']
model_year_align ice_prescribed_nml icepresc integer ['any integer']
      Align stream_year_first with this model year
prescribed_ice ice_prescribed_nml icepresc logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      use prescribed ice mode if true
prescribed_ice_fill ice_prescribed_nml icepresc logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      true => pice data fill required
stream_domareaname ice_prescribed_nml icepresc char ['any char']
      domain file: area varname
stream_domfilename ice_prescribed_nml icepresc char ['any char']
      domain file name
stream_dommaskname ice_prescribed_nml icepresc char ['any char']
      domain file: mask varname
stream_domtvarname ice_prescribed_nml icepresc char ['any char']
      domain file: time-dim var name
stream_domxvarname ice_prescribed_nml icepresc char ['any char']
      domain file: x-dim var name
stream_domyvarname ice_prescribed_nml icepresc char ['any char']
      domain file: y-dim varname
stream_fldfilename ice_prescribed_nml icepresc char ['any char']
      file name containing sst/ifrac data
stream_fldvarname ice_prescribed_nml icepresc char ['any char']
      ifrac variable name on sst/ifrac dataset
stream_mapread ice_prescribed_nml icepresc char ['any char']
      Map file to read to map stream data to domain data
stream_year_first ice_prescribed_nml icepresc integer ['any integer']
      first year in stream to use
stream_year_last ice_prescribed_nml icepresc integer ['any integer']
      Last year in stream to use
a_rapid_mode thermo_nml parameterizations real ['any real']
      brine channel diameter (m)
advection dynamics_nml parameterizations char ['remap', 'upwind']
      incremental remapping transport scheme, remap or upwind
aspect_rapid_mode thermo_nml parameterizations real ['any real']
      brine convection aspect ratio
bgc_data_dir zbgc_nml parameterizations char ['any char']
      data directory for bgc
bgc_flux_type zbgc_nml parameterizations char ['any char']
      ice-ocean flux velocity (Jin2006, constant)
cf dynamics_nml parameterizations real ['any real']
      Ratio of ridging work to PE change in ridging
conduct thermo_nml parameterizations char ['MU71', 'bubbly']
      conductivity (MU71, bubbly)
dpscale ponds_nml parameterizations real ['any real']
      time scale for flushing in permeable ice
dsdt_slow_mode thermo_nml parameterizations real ['any real']
      drainage strength parameter m/s/K
frzpnd ponds_nml parameterizations char ['hlid', 'cesm']
      pond refreezing formulation (hlid or cesm)
hp1 ponds_nml parameterizations real ['any real']
      critical ice lid thickness for topo ponds (m)
hs0 ponds_nml parameterizations real ['any real']
      snow depth of transition to bare sea ice (m)
hs1 ponds_nml parameterizations real ['any real']
      snow depth of transition to pond ice (m)
kdyn dynamics_nml parameterizations integer ['0', '1', '2']
      type of dynamics (0=off, 1=evp, 2=eap)
kitd thermo_nml parameterizations integer ['0', '1']
      type of itd conversions (0 = delta, 1 = linear)
krdg_partic dynamics_nml parameterizations integer ['0', '1']
      ridging participation function (0=Thorndike et al 75, 1=new participation )
krdg_redist dynamics_nml parameterizations integer ['0', '1']
      ridging distribution function (0=old Hibler 80, 1=new redistribution)
kstrength dynamics_nml parameterizations integer ['0', '1']
      ice strength formulation (0=Hibler 79, 1=Rothrock 75)
ktherm thermo_nml parameterizations integer ['0', '1', '2']
      type of thermodynamics (0=zero-layer, 1=bitz/lipscomb, 2=mushy)
mu_rdg dynamics_nml parameterizations real ['any real']
      e-folding scale of ridged ice
ndte dynamics_nml parameterizations integer ['any integer']
      subcycles per dynamics timestep
nit_data_type zbgc_nml parameterizations char ['any char']
      default forcing value for nitrate (default, clim, sss)
phi_c_slow_mode thermo_nml parameterizations real ['any real']
      critical liquid fraction between 0 and 1
phi_i_mushy thermo_nml parameterizations real ['any real']
      solid fraction at lower boundary between 0 and 1
phi_snow zbgc_nml parameterizations real ['any real']
      snow prorosity for brine height tracer
pndaspect ponds_nml parameterizations real ['any real']
      aspect ratio of pond changes (depth:area)
rac_rapid_mode thermo_nml parameterizations real ['any real']
      critical Rayleigh number
restart_bgc zbgc_nml parameterizations logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      restart tracer values from file
restart_hbrine zbgc_nml parameterizations logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      restart tracer values from file
restore_bgc zbgc_nml parameterizations logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      restore nitrate/silicate to data
revised_evp dynamics_nml parameterizations logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      use revised EVP formulation
rfracmax ponds_nml parameterizations real ['any real']
      maximum melt water added to ponds
rfracmin ponds_nml parameterizations real ['any real']
      minimum melt water added to ponds
sil_data_type zbgc_nml parameterizations char ['any char']
      default forcing value for silicate (default, clim)
skl_bgc zbgc_nml parameterizations logical ['.true.', '.false.']
tr_bgc_am_sk zbgc_nml parameterizations logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      ammonium tracer
tr_bgc_c_sk zbgc_nml parameterizations logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      algal carbon tracer
tr_bgc_chl_sk zbgc_nml parameterizations logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      algal chlorophyll tracer
tr_bgc_dms_sk zbgc_nml parameterizations logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      DMS tracer
tr_bgc_dmspd_sk zbgc_nml parameterizations logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      dissolved DMSP tracer
tr_bgc_dmspp_sk zbgc_nml parameterizations logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      particular DMSP tracer
tr_bgc_sil_sk zbgc_nml parameterizations logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      silicate tracer
tr_brine zbgc_nml parameterizations logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      brine height tracer
atm2ice_fmap_is_pos_def setup_nml setup logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Is atm2ice_fmap positive definite? If not, need to account for possible
      negative values in ice_import_export.F90
atm2ice_smap_is_pos_def setup_nml setup logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Is atm2ice_smap positive definite? If not, need to account for possible
      negative values in ice_import_export.F90
bfbflag setup_nml setup logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      logical to control bit-for-bit computations
days_per_year setup_nml setup real ['any real']
      Days per year
dbug setup_nml setup logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      if true, write extra diagnostics
diag_file setup_nml setup char ['any char']
      diagnostic output file
diag_type setup_nml setup char ['stdout', 'file']
      diagnostic output to stdout or file
diagfreq setup_nml setup integer ['any integer']
      diagnostic output frequency (10 = once per 10 dt)
dump_last setup_nml setup logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      if true, write restart on last time step of simulation
dumpfreq setup_nml setup char ['any char']
      frequency of restart output (once per 1,h,d,m,y)
dumpfreq_n setup_nml setup integer ['any integer']
      frequency restart data is written
hist_avg setup_nml setup logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      if true, write time-averages (not snapshots)
histfreq setup_nml setup char(10) ['any char']
      frequency of history output (once per 1,h,d,m,y)
histfreq_n setup_nml setup integer(5) ['any integer(5)']
      frequency of history output (10 = once per 10 h,d,m,y)
history_dir setup_nml setup char ['any char']
      path to history output directory
history_file setup_nml setup char ['any char']
      history filename prefix
history_precision setup_nml setup integer ['any integer']
      history precision (4 or 8)
ice_ic setup_nml setup char ['any char']
      Method of ice cover initialization.
      'default'=>latitude and sst dependent, 'none'=>no ice, restart filename (must be a full path)
incond_dir setup_nml setup char ['any char']
      path to initial condition directory
incond_file setup_nml setup char ['any char']
      output file for initial condition 
istep0 setup_nml setup integer ['any integer']
      initial time step number
latpnt setup_nml setup real(2) ['any real(2)']
      list of latitudes for point diagnostics
lcdf64 setup_nml setup logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      64 bit offset
lonpnt setup_nml setup real(2) ['any real(2)']
      list of longitudes for point diagnostics
ndtd setup_nml setup integer ['any integer']
      number of dynamic time steps per thermodynamic time step
pointer_file setup_nml setup char ['any char']
      restart pointer filename
print_global setup_nml setup logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      logical to print out diagnostics for global output
print_points setup_nml setup logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      logical to print out diagnostics for point data
restart setup_nml setup logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Restart from previous run 
restart_dir setup_nml setup char ['any char']
      restart directory
restart_ext setup_nml setup logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Restart with extended grid
restart_file setup_nml setup char ['any char']
      restart filename prefix
restart_format setup_nml setup char ['bin', 'nc', 'pio']
      Restart file format. bin, nc, or pio
use_leap_years setup_nml setup logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      if true, include leap days
use_restart_time setup_nml setup logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      if true, use time written in core restart file
write_ic setup_nml setup logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      if true, write initial state
year_init setup_nml setup integer ['any integer']
      Initial year.
ahmax shortwave_nml swrad real ['any real']
      albedo is constant above this thickness
dt_mlt shortwave_nml swrad real ['any real']
      melt onset temperature tunable parameter for dEdd albedo
kalg shortwave_nml swrad real ['any real']
      algae absorption coefficient for 0.5 m thick layer
r_ice shortwave_nml swrad real ['any real']
      tuning parameter for delta-eddington shortwave for sea ice albedo
r_pnd shortwave_nml swrad real ['any real']
      tuning parameter for delta-eddington shortwave for ponded sea ice albedo
r_snw shortwave_nml swrad real ['any real']
      tuning parameter for delta-eddington shortwave for broadband snow albedo
rsnw_mlt shortwave_nml swrad real ['any real']
      maximum melting snow grain radius tunable parameter for dEdd albedo
shortwave shortwave_nml swrad char ['default', 'dEdd']
      shortwave method, 'default' ('ccsm3') or 'dEdd'
restart_aero tracer_nml tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Aerosol restart from file.
restart_age tracer_nml tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Ice age restart from file.
restart_fy tracer_nml tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      FY area restart from file.
restart_iso tracer_nml tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Aerosol restart from file.
restart_lvl tracer_nml tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      lvl restart from file.
restart_pond_cesm tracer_nml tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Pond volume restart from file.
restart_pond_lvl tracer_nml tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Pond lvl restart from file.
restart_pond_topo tracer_nml tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Pond topo restart from file.
tr_aero tracer_nml tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Aerosol tracers.
tr_fy tracer_nml tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      FY area tracer.
tr_iage tracer_nml tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Ice age tracer.
tr_iso tracer_nml tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Aerosol tracers.
tr_lvl tracer_nml tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      lvl tracer.
tr_pond_cesm tracer_nml tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Pond volume tracer.
tr_pond_lvl tracer_nml tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Pond lvl tracer.
tr_pond_topo tracer_nml tracers logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Pond topo tracer.
Variable Namelist Group Category Entry Type Valid Values Possible Default Values Description and out-of-the-box Default