CESM2.2.0 DATM2.1 CASEROOT Variable Definitions
Model Version: 2.2.0
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Parameter Name | Default Value | Data Type | Group | CASEROOT File | Valid Values | Description |
COMP_ATM | datm | char | case_comp | env_case.xml | ['datm'] | Name of atmospheric component |
DATM_MODE | CORE2_NYF | char | run_component_datm | env_run.xml | ['CORE2_NYF', 'CORE2_IAF', 'CLM_QIAN', 'CLM_QIAN_WISO', 'CLM1PT', 'CLMCRUNCEP', 'CLMCRUNCEPv7', 'CLMGSWP3v1', 'CLMMOSARTTEST', 'CLMNLDAS2', 'CPLHIST', 'CORE_IAF_JRA', 'CORE_IAF_JRA_1p4_2018'] | Mode for data atmosphere component. CORE2_NYF (CORE2 normal year forcing) are modes used in forcing prognostic ocean/sea-ice components. CLM_QIAN, CLMCRUNCEP, CLMCRUNCEPv7, CLMGSWP3v1, CLMMOSARTTEST, CLMNLDAS2 and CLM1PT are modes using observational data for forcing prognostic land components. WARNING for CLMNLDAS2: This is a regional forcing dataset over the U.S. (25-53N, 235-293E). Garbage data will be produced for runs extending beyond this regional domain. WARNING for CLMGSWP3v1: Humidity is identically zero for last time step in Dec/2013 and all of 2014 so you should NOT use 2014 data (see cime issue #3653 -- https://github.com/ESMCI/cime/issues/3653). |
DATM_PRESAERO | clim_2000 | char | run_component_datm | env_run.xml | ['none', 'clim_1850', 'clim_2000', 'clim_2010', 'trans_1850-2000', 'SSP1-1.9', 'SSP1-2.6', 'SSP2-4.5', 'SSP3-7.0', 'SSP4-3.4', 'SSP4-6.0', 'SSP5-3.4', 'SSP5-8.5', 'cplhist'] | DATM prescribed aerosol forcing |
DATM_TOPO | observed | char | run_component_datm | env_run.xml | ['none', 'observed', 'cplhist'] | DATM surface topography forcing |
DATM_CO2_TSERIES | none | char | run_component_datm | env_run.xml | ['none', '20tr', '20tr.latbnd', 'omip', 'SSP1-1.9', 'SSP1-2.6', 'SSP2-4.5', 'SSP3-7.0', 'SSP4-3.4', 'SSP4-6.0', 'SSP5-3.4', 'SSP5-8.5', 'SSP1-1.9.latbnd', 'SSP1-2.6.latbnd', 'SSP2-4.5.latbnd', 'SSP3-7.0.latbnd', 'SSP4-3.4.latbnd', 'SSP4-6.0.latbnd', 'SSP5-3.4.latbnd', 'SSP5-8.5.latbnd'] | DATM CO2 time series |
DATM_CPLHIST_DOMAIN_FILE | null | char | run_component_datm | env_run.xml | [] | Full pathname for domain file for datm when DATM_MODE is CPLHIST, NOTE: if this is set to 'null' (the default), then domain information is read in from the first coupler history file in the target stream and it is assumed that the first coupler stream file that is pointed to contains the domain information for that stream. |
DATM_CPLHIST_DIR | UNSET | char | run_component_datm | env_run.xml | [] | directory for coupler history data mode (only used for when DATM_MODE is CPLHIST) |
DATM_CPLHIST_CASE | UNSET | char | run_component_datm | env_run.xml | [] | case name used to determine stream filenames when DATM_MODE is CPLHIST |
DATM_CPLHIST_YR_ALIGN | -999 | integer | run_component_datm | env_run.xml | [] | Simulation year corresponding to DATM_CPLHIST_YR_START (only used when DATM_MODE is CPLHIST). A common usage is to set this to RUN_STARTDATE. With this setting, the forcing in the first year of the run will be the forcing of year DATM_CPLHIST_YR_START. Another use case is to align the calendar of transient forcing with the model calendar. For example, setting DATM_CPLHIST_YR_ALIGN=DATM_CPLHIST_YR_START will lead to the forcing calendar being the same as the model calendar. The forcing for a given model year would be the forcing of the same year. This would be appropriate in transient runs where the model calendar is setup to span the same year range as the forcing data. |
DATM_CPLHIST_YR_START | -999 | integer | run_component_datm | env_run.xml | [] | starting year to loop data over (only used when DATM_MODE is CPLHIST) |
DATM_CPLHIST_YR_END | -999 | integer | run_component_datm | env_run.xml | [] | ending year to loop data over (only used when DATM_MODE is CPLHIST) |
DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_ALIGN | 1 | integer | run_component_datm | env_run.xml | [] | year align |
DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_START | 2004 | integer | run_component_datm | env_run.xml | [] | starting year to loop data over |
DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_END | 2004 | integer | run_component_datm | env_run.xml | [] | ending year to loop data over |
Parameter Name | Default Value | Data Type | Group | CASEROOT File | Valid Values | Description |