CESM2.2.0 DESP2.1 Namelist Definitions
Model Version: 2.2.0
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Variable | Namelist Group | Category | Entry Type | Valid Values | Possible Default Values | Description and out-of-the-box Default |
desp_mode | desp_nml | desp | char | ['NOCHANGE', 'DATATEST'] | The mode of operation for the DESP model. NOCHANGE: report status of model 'pause' but make no changes DATATEST: make a roundoff change to the restart files of the components with their 'PAUSE_ACTIVE_XXX' XML variable set to TRUE. Default: NOCHANGE |
restfilm | desp_nml | desp | char | ['any char'] | Model restart filename for the external system (ESP) model data. This is optional. If restfilm is undefined, the restart filename will be read from the DESP restart pointer file (or files for multiple instances). |
Variable | Namelist Group | Category | Entry Type | Valid Values | Possible Default Values | Description and out-of-the-box Default |