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Parameter Name Default Value Data Type Group CASEROOT File Valid Values Description
COMP_ICE dice char case_comp env_case.xml ['dice']
Name of ice component
DICE_MODE ssmi char run_component_dice env_run.xml ['prescribed', 'ssmi', 'ssmi_iaf', 'copyall', 'null']
DICE mode. DICE is a combination of a data model and a prognostic model.
      The data functionality reads in ice coverage. The prognostic functionality
      calculates the ice/atmosphere and ice/ocean fluxes. DICE receives the same
      atmospheric input from the coupler as the active CICE model (i.e., atmospheric
      states, shortwave fluxes, and ocean ice melt flux). DICE acts very similarly
      to CICE running in prescribed mode.) Currently, this component is only
      used to drive POP in C compsets.
      If DICE_MODE is set to ssmi or ssmi_iaf, it is a prognostic mode.
      It requires data be sent to the ice model.
      Ice fraction (extent) data is read from an input stream,
      atmosphere state variables are received from the coupler, and then
      an atmosphere-ice surface flux is computed and sent to the
      coupler. Normally the ice fraction data is found in the same data files
      that provide SST data to the data ocean model. They are normally found
      in the same file because the SST and ice fraction data are derived from the
      same observational data sets and are consistent with each other.
Parameter Name Default Value Data Type Group CASEROOT File Valid Values Description