CESM2.2.0 DOCN2.1 CASEROOT Variable Definitions
Model Version: 2.2.0
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Parameter Name | Default Value | Data Type | Group | CASEROOT File | Valid Values | Description |
COMP_OCN | docn | char | case_comp | env_case.xml | ['docn'] | Name of ocn component |
DOCN_MODE | prescribed | char | run_component_docn | env_run.xml | ['prescribed', 'sst_aquap1', 'sst_aquap2', 'sst_aquap3', 'sst_aquap4', 'sst_aquap5', 'sst_aquap6', 'sst_aquap7', 'sst_aquap8', 'sst_aquap9', 'sst_aquap10', 'sst_aquapfile', 'som', 'som_aquap', 'sst_aquap_constant', 'interannual', 'null'] | DOCN mode. The data ocean component (DOCN) always returns SSTs to the driver. The atmosphere/ocean fluxes are computed in the coupler. Therefore, the data ocean model does not compute fluxes like the data ice model. DOCN has two distinct modes of operation. It can run as a pure data model, reading in ocean SSTs (normally climatological) from input datasets, performing time/spatial interpolations, and passing these to the coupler. Alternatively, DOCN can compute updated SSTs by running as a slab ocean model where bottom ocean heat flux convergence and boundary layer depths are read in and used with the atmosphere/ocean and ice/ocean fluxes obtained from the driver. --- A setting of prescribed assumes the only field in the input stream is SST. It also assumes the SST is in Celsius and must be converted to Kelvin. All other fields are set to zero except for ocean salinity, which is set to a constant reference salinity value. Normally the ice fraction data is found in the same data files that provide SST data to the data ocean model. They are normally found in the same file because the SST and ice fraction data are derived from the same observational data sets and are consistent with each other. --- Settings of som (slab ocean model) or som_aquap (aquaplanet slab ocean) are prognostic modes which compute a prognostic sea surface temperature and a freeze/melt potential (surface Q-flux) used by the sea ice model. This calculation requires an external SOM forcing data file that includes ocean mixed layer depths and bottom-of-the-slab Q-fluxes. Scientifically appropriate bottom-of-the-slab Q-fluxes are normally ocean resolution dependent and are derived from the ocean model output of a fully coupled CCSM run. Note that while this mode runs out of the box, the default SOM forcing file is not scientifically appropriate and is provided for testing and development purposes only. Users must create scientifically appropriate data for their particular application. A tool is available to derive valid SOM forcing. --- A setting of sst_aquapN (where "N" is an integer index value) is a type of prescribed SST mode used specifically for an aquaplanet setup in which global SSTs correspond to an analytic form set by the index value. Currently, indices for 10 SST profiles are supported [e.g., index 3 corresponds to the "QOBS" profile of Neale and Hoskins (2001, Atmos. Sci. Lett.)]. With source code modifications, it is possible for users to create their own analytic SST distributions and match them to indices 11 or greater. |
DOCN_SOM_FILENAME | UNSET | char | run_component_docn | env_run.xml | [] | Sets SOM forcing filename. This is only used when DOCN_MODE=som. |
DOCN_AQP_FILENAME | UNSET | char | run_component_docn | env_run.xml | [] | Sets aquaplanet forcing filename instead of using an analytic form. This is only used when DOCN_MODE=sst_aquapfile. |
DOCN_AQPCONST_VALUE | -1 | real | run_component_docn | env_run.xml | [] | Sets globally constant SST value |
SSTICE_STREAM | CAMDATA | char | run_component_docn | env_run.xml | [] | Prescribed SST and ice coverage stream name. Sets SST and ice coverage stream name. This is only used when DOCN_MODE=prescribed. |
SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME | $DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_1x1_clim_c101029.nc | char | run_component_docn | env_run.xml | [] | Prescribed SST and ice coverage data file name. Sets SST and ice coverage data file name. This is only used when DOCN_MODE=prescribed. |
SSTICE_GRID_FILENAME | $DIN_LOC_ROOT/ocn/docn7/domain.ocn.1x1.111007.nc | char | run_component_cam_sstice | env_run.xml | [] | Prescribed SST and ice coverage grid file name. Sets SST and ice coverage grid file name for prescribed runs. This is only used when DOCN_MODE=prescribed. |
SSTICE_YEAR_ALIGN | 1 | integer | run_component_cam_sstice | env_run.xml | [] | The model year that corresponds to SSTICE_YEAR_START on the data file. Prescribed SST and ice coverage data will be aligned so that the first year of data corresponds to SSTICE_YEAR_ALIGN in the model. For instance, if the first year of prescribed data is the same as the first year of the model run, this should be set to the year given in RUN_STARTDATE. If SSTICE_YEAR_ALIGN is later than the model's starting year, or if the model is run after the prescribed data ends (as determined by SSTICE_YEAR_END), the default behavior is to assume that the data from SSTICE_YEAR_START to SSTICE_YEAR_END cyclically repeats. This behavior is controlled by the "taxmode" stream option; see the data model documentation for more details. This is only used when DOCN_MODE=prescribed. |
SSTICE_YEAR_START | 0 | integer | run_component_cam_sstice | env_run.xml | [] | The first year of data to use from SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME. This is the first year of prescribed SST and ice coverage data to use. For example, if a data file has data for years 0-99, and SSTICE_YEAR_START is 10, years 0-9 in the file will not be used. This is only used when DOCN_MODE=prescribed. |
SSTICE_YEAR_END | 0 | integer | run_component_cam_sstice | env_run.xml | [] | The last year of data to use from SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME. This is the last year of prescribed SST and ice coverage data to use. For example, if a data file has data for years 0-99, and value is 49, years 50-99 in the file will not be used. This is only used when DOCN_MODE=prescribed. |
Parameter Name | Default Value | Data Type | Group | CASEROOT File | Valid Values | Description |