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Variable Namelist Group Category Entry Type Valid Values Possible Default Values Description and out-of-the-box Default
carma_fields carma_inparm carma char ['any char']
      List of fluxes needed by the CARMA model, from CLM to CAM.
megan_cmpds drv_physics drv_flds_in char(150) ['any char']
      List of possible MEGAN compounds to use
      (the list used by the simulation is on the megan_factors_file as the Comp_Name)
megan_factors_file megan_emis_nl drv_flds_in char ['any char']
      File containing MEGAN emissions factors. Includes the list of MEGAN compounds that can be
      used in the Comp_Name variable on the file.
megan_mapped_emisfctrs megan_emis_nl drv_flds_in logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      MEGAN mapped isoprene emissions factors switch
      If TRUE then use mapped MEGAN emissions factors for isoprene.
megan_specifier megan_emis_nl drv_flds_in char(100) ['any char']
      MEGAN specifier. This is in the form of: Chem-compound = megan_compound(s)
      where megan_compound(s) can be the sum of megan compounds with a "+" between them.
      In each equation, the item to the left of the equal sign is a CAM chemistry compound, the
      items to the right are compounds known to the MEGAN model (single or combinations).
      For example: megan_specifier = 'ISOP = isoprene', 'C10H16 = pinene_a + carene_3 + thujene_a'
drydep_list drydep_inparm dry-deposition char(300) ['any char']
      List of species that undergo dry deposition.
drydep_method drydep_inparm dry-deposition char ['xactive_lnd', 'xactive_atm', 'table']
      Where dry deposition is calculated (from land, atmosphere, or from a table)
      This specifies the method used to calculate dry
      deposition velocities of gas-phase chemical species.  The available methods are:
      'table'       - prescribed method in CAM
      'xactive_atm' - interactive method in CAM
      'xactive_lnd' - interactive method in CLM
fire_emis_elevated fire_emis_nl Fire_emissions logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      If ture fire emissions are input into atmosphere as elevated forcings.
      Otherwise they are treated as surface emissions.
fire_emis_factors_file fire_emis_nl Fire_emissions char ['any char']
      File containing fire emissions factors.
fire_emis_specifier fire_emis_nl Fire_emissions char(100) ['any char']
      Fire emissions specifier.
ndep_list ndep_inparm nitrogen deposition char(2) ['any char']
      List of nitrogen deposition fluxes to be sent from CAM to surfae models.
Variable Namelist Group Category Entry Type Valid Values Possible Default Values Description and out-of-the-box Default