CESM2.2.0 Driver CASEROOT Variable Definitions
Model Version: 2.2.0
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Parameter Name | Default Value | Data Type | Group | CASEROOT File | Valid Values | Description |
MODEL_DOI_URL | https://doi.org/10.5065/D67H1H0V | char | run_metadata | env_case.xml | [] | run DOI |
DRV_THREADING | FALSE | logical | run_flags | env_run.xml | ['TRUE', 'FALSE'] | Turns on component varying thread control in the driver. Used to set the driver namelist variable "drv_threading". |
INFO_TASKMAP_MODEL | 0 | integer | run_flags | env_run.xml | ['0', '1', '2'] | Sets level of task-to-node mapping output for the whole model (0: no output; 1: compact; 2: verbose). |
INFO_TASKMAP_COMP | 0 | integer | run_flags | env_run.xml | ['0', '1', '2'] | Sets level of task-to-node mapping output for supported component models (0: no output; 1: compact; 2: verbose). |
SAVE_TIMING | FALSE | logical | run_flags | env_run.xml | ['TRUE', 'FALSE'] | logical to save timing files in rundir |
TPROF_TOTAL | 0 | integer | run_flags | env_run.xml | [] | Determines number of times profiler is called over the model run period. This sets values for tprof_option and tprof_n that determine the timing output file frequency |
TIMER_DETAIL | 2 | integer | run_flags | env_run.xml | [] | integer indicating maximum detail level to profile. This xml variable is used to set the namelist variable timing_detail_limit. This namelist variable is used by perf_mod (in $CIMEROOT/src/share/timing/perf_mod.F90) to turn timers off and on depending on calls to the routine t_adj_detailf. If in the code a statement appears like t_adj_detailf(+1), then the current timer detail level is incremented by 1 and compared to the time_detail_limit obtained from the namelist. If the limit is exceeded then the timer is turned off. |
TIMER_LEVEL | 12 | integer | run_flags | env_run.xml | [] | Maximum code stack depth of enabled timers. |
DOUT_S_SAVE_INTERIM_RESTART_FILES | FALSE | logical | run_data_archive | env_run.xml | ['TRUE', 'FALSE'] | Logical to archive all interim restart files, not just those at eor If TRUE, perform short term archiving on all interim restart files, not just those at the end of the run. By default, this value is TRUE. The restart files are saved under the specific component directory ($DOUT_S_ROOT/$CASE/$COMPONENT/rest rather than the top-level $DOUT_S_ROOT/$CASE/rest directory). Interim restart files are created using the REST_N and REST_OPTION variables. This is for expert users ONLY and requires expert knowledge. We will not document this further in this guide. |
BFBFLAG | FALSE | logical | run_flags | env_run.xml | ['TRUE', 'FALSE'] | turns on coupler bit-for-bit reproducibility with varying pe counts |
BARRIER_OPTION | never | char | run_begin_stop_restart | env_run.xml | ['none', 'never', 'nsteps', 'nstep', 'nseconds', 'nsecond', 'nminutes', 'nminute', 'nhours', 'nhour', 'ndays', 'nday', 'nmonths', 'nmonth', 'nyears', 'nyear', 'date', 'ifdays0', 'end'] | sets frequency of full model barrier (same options as STOP_OPTION) for synchronization with BARRIER_N and BARRIER_DATE |
CCSM_BGC | none | char | run_coupling | env_run.xml | ['none', 'CO2A', 'CO2B', 'CO2C'] | Activates additional CO2-related fields to be exchanged between components. Possible values are: CO2A: sets the driver namelist variable flds_co2a = .true.; this adds prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level to be sent from the atmosphere to the land and ocean. CO2B: sets the driver namelist variable flds_co2b = .true.; this adds prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level to be sent from the atmosphere just to the land, and the surface upward flux of CO2 to be sent from the land back to the atmosphere CO2C: sets the driver namelist variable flds_co2c = .true.; this adds prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level to be sent from the atmosphere to the land and ocean, and the surface upward flux of CO2 to be sent from the land and the open ocean back to the atmosphere. The namelist variables flds_co2a, flds_co2b and flds_co2c are in the namelist group cpl_flds_inparm. |
CPL_USER_MODS | char | run_component_cpl | env_case.xml | [] | User mods to apply to specific compset matches. |
NCPL_BASE_PERIOD | day | char | run_coupling | env_run.xml | ['hour', 'day', 'year', 'decade'] | Base period associated with NCPL coupling frequency. This xml variable is only used to set the driver namelist variables, atm_cpl_dt, lnd_cpl_dt, ocn_cpl_dt, ice_cpl_dt, glc_cpl_dt, rof_cpl_dt, wav_cpl_dt, and esp_dt. |
ATM_NCPL | 48 | integer | run_coupling | env_run.xml | [] | Number of atm coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD. This is used to set the driver namelist atm_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/ATM_NCPL, where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds. |
LND_NCPL | $ATM_NCPL | integer | run_coupling | env_run.xml | [] | Number of land coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD. This is used to set the driver namelist atm_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/LND_NCPL, where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds. |
ICE_NCPL | $ATM_NCPL | integer | run_coupling | env_run.xml | [] | Number of ice coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD. This is used to set the driver namelist ice_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/ICE_NCPL where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds. |
OCN_NCPL | $ATM_NCPL | integer | run_coupling | env_run.xml | [] | Number of ocn coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD. Thisn is used to set the driver namelist ocn_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/OCN_NCPL where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds. |
GLC_NCPL | 1 | integer | run_coupling | env_run.xml | [] | Number of glc coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD. |
GLC_AVG_PERIOD | yearly | char | run_coupling | env_run.xml | ['glc_coupling_period', 'yearly'] | Period at which coupler averages fields sent to GLC. This supports doing the averaging to GLC less frequently than GLC is called (i.e., separating the averaging frequency from the calling frequency). This is useful because there are benefits to only averaging the GLC inputs as frequently as they are really needed (yearly for CISM), but GLC needs to still be called more frequently than that in order to support mid-year restarts. Setting GLC_AVG_PERIOD to 'glc_coupling_period' means that the averaging is done exactly when the GLC is called (governed by GLC_NCPL). IMPORTANT: In order to restart mid-year when running with CISM, you MUST specify GLC_AVG_PERIOD = 'yearly'. If using GLC_AVG_PERIOD = 'glc_coupling_period' with CISM, you can only restart on year boundaries. |
ROF_NCPL | 8 | integer | run_coupling | env_run.xml | [] | Number of rof coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD. This is used to set the driver namelist rof_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/ROF_NCPL where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds. |
WAV_NCPL | $ATM_NCPL | integer | run_coupling | env_run.xml | [] | Number of wav coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD. This is used to set the driver namelist wav_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/WAV_NCPL where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds. |
CPL_ALBAV | FALSE | logical | run_component_cpl | env_run.xml | ['TRUE', 'FALSE'] | Only used for compsets with DATM and POP (currently C, G and J): If true, compute albedos to work with daily avg SW down If false (default), albedos are computed with the assumption that downward solar radiation from the atm component has a diurnal cycle and zenith-angle dependence. This is normally the case when using an active atm component If true, albedos are computed with the assumption that downward solar radiation from the atm component is a daily average quantity and does not have a zenith-angle dependence. This is often the case when using a data atm component. Only used for compsets with DATM and POP (currently C, G and J). NOTE: This should really depend on the datm forcing and not the compset per se. So, for example, whether it is set in a J compset should depend on what datm forcing is used. |
CPL_EPBAL | off | char | run_component_cpl | env_run.xml | ['off', 'ocn'] | Only used for compsets with DATM and POP (currently C, G and J): If ocn, ocn provides EP balance factor for precipitation. Provides EP balance factor for precip for POP. A factor computed by POP is applied to precipitation so that precipitation balances evaporation and ocn global salinity does not drift. This is intended for use when coupling POP to a DATM. Only used for C, G and J compsets. Default is off |
CPL_SEQ_OPTION | CESM1_MOD_TIGHT | char | run_coupling | env_run.xml | ['CESM1_MOD', 'CESM1_MOD_TIGHT', 'RASM_OPTION1', 'RASM_OPTION2', 'NUOPC', 'NUOPC_TIGHT'] | Coupler sequencing option. This is used to set the driver namelist variable cpl_seq_option. CESM1_MOD includes a cesm1.3 mod that swaps ocean merging and atm/ocn flux computation. RASM_OPTION1 runs prep ocean before the ocean coupling reducing most of the lags and field inconsistency but still allowing the ocean to run concurrently with the ice and atmosphere. RASM_OPTION2 is similar to RASM_OPTION1 but sequences the ice model, prep ocean and ocean model in that order. The ocean model loses some of the concurrency with the ice model. CESM1_MOD_TIGHT are consistent with the old variables ocean_tight_coupling = true in the driver. |
AVGHIST_OPTION | never | char | run_drv_history | env_run.xml | ['none', 'never', 'nsteps', 'nstep', 'nseconds', 'nsecond', 'nminutes', 'nminute', 'nhours', 'nhour', 'ndays', 'nday', 'nmonths', 'nmonth', 'nyears', 'nyear', 'date', 'ifdays0', 'end'] | Sets driver average history file frequency (like REST_OPTION) |
AVGHIST_N | -999 | char | run_drv_history | env_run.xml | [] | Sets driver average history file frequency (like REST_N) |
AVGHIST_DATE | -999 | integer | run_drv_history | env_run.xml | [] | yyyymmdd format, sets driver average history date (like REST_DATE) |
BUDGETS | FALSE | logical | run_budgets | env_run.xml | ['TRUE', 'FALSE'] | logical that turns on diagnostic budgets for driver |
CCSM_CO2_PPMV | 284.7 | real | run_co2 | env_run.xml | [] | Mechanism for setting the CO2 value in ppmv for CLM if CLM_CO2_TYPE is constant or for POP if OCN_CO2_TYPE is constant. |
FLDS_WISO | FALSE | logical | run_flags | env_run.xml | ['TRUE', 'FALSE'] | Turn on the passing of water isotope fields through the coupler |
GLC_NEC | 10 | integer | run_glc | env_run.xml | ['1', '3', '5', '10', '36'] | Number of glacier elevation classes used in CLM. Used by both CLM and the coupler (even if CISM is not running, and only SGLC is used). |
GLC_TWO_WAY_COUPLING | FALSE | logical | run_glc | env_run.xml | ['TRUE', 'FALSE'] | Whether the glacier component feeds back to the rest of the system This affects: (1) Whether CLM updates its areas based on glacier areas sent from GLC (2) Whether GLC sends fluxes (e.g., calving fluxes) to the coupler Note that this is set to TRUE by default for TG compsets - even though there are no feedbacks for TG compsets, this enables extra coupler diagnostics for these compsets. |
TFREEZE_SALTWATER_OPTION | mushy | char | run_physics | env_run.xml | ['minus1p8', 'linear_salt', 'mushy'] | Freezing point calculation for salt water. |
Parameter Name | Default Value | Data Type | Group | CASEROOT File | Valid Values | Description |