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Use CASEROOT tools xmlquery to query these variables and xmlchange to change their values.

Parameter Name Default Value Data Type Group CASEROOT File Valid Values Description
COMP_OCN pop char case_comp env_case.xml ['pop']
Name of ocean component
OCN_PE_CHANGE_REQUIRES_REBUILD TRUE logical case_comp env_case.xml ['TRUE', 'FALSE']
This component requires a clean build if the pelayout changes, if this variable is
                not defined for a component it is assumed FALSE
OCN_CHL_TYPE diagnostic char run_component_pop env_run.xml ['diagnostic', 'prognostic']
      Determines provenance of surface Chl for radiative penetration,
      computations. This option is used in the POP ecosystem model.
      The default is diagnostic.
OCN_TAVG_TRACER_BUDGET FALSE logical run_component_pop env_run.xml ['TRUE', 'FALSE']
tavg output control for tracer-budget terms
OCN_TAVG_HIFREQ FALSE logical run_component_pop env_run.xml ['TRUE', 'FALSE']
tavg output control for high-frequency output
OCN_ONEDIM FALSE logical run_component_pop env_run.xml ['TRUE', 'FALSE']
TRUE turns off all horizontal motion in POP (single column)
OCN_PHYS_DEV FALSE logical run_component_pop env_run.xml ['TRUE', 'FALSE']
TRUE uses development parameter settings that haven't necessarily
          been scientifically vetted for all compsets in the POP namelist
OCN_NDEP_DRIVER FALSE logical run_component_pop env_run.xml ['TRUE', 'FALSE']
TRUE means pop uses nitrogen deposition provided by coupler
OCN_TRACER_MODULES iage char build_component_pop env_build.xml []
Optional ocean tracers.  Valid values are Any combination of: iage cfc sf6 IRF ecosys abio_dic_dic14
OCN_TRACER_MODULES_OPT char build_component_pop env_build.xml []
Optional ocean tracers option (keyword=value pairs)
OCN_COUPLING full char build_pop env_build.xml ['full', 'partial']
Determine surface freshwater and heat forcing settings.
      The full option yields settings that are appropriate for coupling to an
      active atmospheric model (e.g., a B-type compset). The partial option yields
      settings that are appropriate for coupling to a data atmospheric model
      (e.g., a C or G-type compset). The create_newcase command selects the
      appropriate setting for this variable based on the specified compset.
      Users should NOT EDIT this setting.
OCN_TRANSIENT unset char run_component_pop env_run.xml ['unset', 'CORE2_NYF', 'CORE2', 'CORE2_OMIP', 'JRA', 'JRA_OMIP', '1850-2000', 'rcp4.5', 'rcp8.5', 'ssp126', 'ssp245', 'ssp370', 'ssp585']
Determine settings for transient forcing datasets (e.g., atmospheric pCFC
      concentrations). The create_newcase command selects the appropriate setting for this
      variable based on the specified compset. This option is used in the POP ecosystem model.
      Users should NOT EDIT this setting.
OCN_ICE_FORCING active char run_component_pop env_run.xml ['active', 'inactive']
Determine under-ice forcing settings.
      The active option yields settings that are appropriate for coupling to an active ice model
      (e.g., a B or G-type compset). The inactive option yields settings that are appropriate for
      coupling to a data ice model (e.g., a C-type compset). The create_newcase command
      selects the appropriate setting for this variable based on the specified compset.
      Users should NOT EDIT this setting.
OCN_CO2_TYPE constant char run_component_pop env_run.xml ['constant', 'prognostic', 'diagnostic', 'box_atm_co2']
Determines provenance of atmospheric CO2 for gas flux computation.
      This option is used in the POP ecosystem model.
      The default is constant.
OCN_BGC_CONFIG latest char run_component_pop env_run.xml ['latest', 'latest+cocco', 'cesm2.1', 'cesm2.1+cocco', 'cesm2.0', 'SPECTRA1.0']
Version of ocean BGC tunings to use (default values can be overwritten by user_nl_pop and user_nl_marbl)
POP_TAVG_R8 FALSE logical build_component_pop env_build.xml ['TRUE', 'FALSE']
If TRUE then time-averaged history files from POP will contain double precision output
POP_AUTO_DECOMP TRUE logical build_component_pop env_build.xml ['TRUE', 'FALSE']
if FALSE, user must set the POP decomp, otherwise cesm_setup script sets it
POP_BLCKX 0 integer build_component_pop env_build.xml []
Size of pop block in first horiz dimension (do not edit if POP_AUTO_DECOMP is TRUE)
POP_BLCKY 0 integer build_component_pop env_build.xml []
Size of pop block in second horiz dimension (do not edit if POP_AUTO_DECOMP is TRUE)
POP_NX_BLOCKS 0 integer build_component_pop env_build.xml []
Number of pop blocks in first horiz dimension (do not edit if POP_AUTO_DECOMP is TRUE)
POP_NY_BLOCKS 0 integer build_component_pop env_build.xml []
Number of pop blocks in second horiz dimension (do not edit if POP_AUTO_DECOMP is TRUE)
POP_MXBLCKS 0 integer build_component_pop env_build.xml []
Max number of pop blocks per processor (do not edit if POP_AUTO_DECOMP is TRUE
POP_DECOMPTYPE 0 char build_component_pop env_build.xml []
pop block distribution type (do not edit if POP_AUTO_DECOMP is TRUE)
POP_CPPDEFS UNSET char build_component_pop env_build.xml []
POP cpp definitions (for diagnostic use only, setup automatically, overwritten by - DO NOT EDIT)
MARBL_NT 0 integer build_component_pop env_build.xml []
pop marbl tracer count (this is runtime configurable in marbl but not in pop - do not edit)
POP_PHYS_CYCLE_YEARS_IN_CYCLE 0 integer run_component_pop env_run.xml []
number of years to run before cycling POP physics
    POP physics cycling only occurs if POP_PHYS_CYCLE_YEARS_IN_CYCLE>0
    and pre- and post-run scripts are specified in env vars
POP_PHYS_CYCLE_MONTHS_RUN_SINCE_CYCLE 0 integer run_component_pop env_run.xml []
number of months run since most recent cycling of POP physics
POP_PASSIVE_TRACER_RESTART_OVERRIDE none char run_component_pop env_run.xml []
if not equal to none, then passive tracers modules use this as their restart file
Parameter Name Default Value Data Type Group CASEROOT File Valid Values Description