Component Tag:
HTML Created:
Variable Namelist Group Category Entry Type Valid Values Possible Default Values Description and out-of-the-box Default
budget_ann seq_infodata_inparm budget integer ['0', '1', '2', '3']
      sets the diagnotics level of the annual budgets. [0,1,2,3],
      written only if do_budgets variable is .true.,
      1=+net summary budgets,
      2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets,
      3=+detailed atm budgets
      default: 1
budget_daily seq_infodata_inparm budget integer ['0', '1', '2', '3']
      sets the diagnotics level of the daily budgets. [0,1,2,3],
      written only if do_budgets variable is .true.,
      1=+net summary budgets,
      2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets,
      3=+detailed atm budgets
      default: 0
budget_inst seq_infodata_inparm budget integer ['0', '1', '2', '3']
      sets the diagnotics level of the instantaneous budgets. [0,1,2,3],
      written only if BUDGETS variable is true
      1=+net summary budgets,
      2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets,
      3=+detailed atm budgets
      default: 0
budget_ltann seq_infodata_inparm budget integer ['0', '1', '2', '3']
      sets the diagnotics level of the longterm budgets written at the end
      of the year. [0,1,2,3],
      written only if do_budgets variable is .true.,
      1=+net summary budgets,
      2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets,
      3=+detailed atm budgets,
      default: 1
budget_ltend seq_infodata_inparm budget integer ['0', '1', '2', '3']
      sets the diagnotics level of the longterm budgets written at the end
      of each run. [0,1,2,3],
      written only if do_budgets variable is .true.,
      1=+net summary budgets,
      2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets,
      3=+detailed atm budgets,
      default: 0
do_budgets seq_infodata_inparm budget logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      logical that turns on diagnostic budgets, false means budgets will never be written
ninst_driver cime_driver_inst cime_driver_inst integer ['any integer']
      Number of CESM driver instances.  Only used if MULTI_DRIVER is TRUE.
atm_layout cime_pes cime_pes char ['concurrent', 'sequential']
      Layout of multi-instance atms (if there are more than 1)
atm_ntasks cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of mpi tasks assigned to the atm components.
      set by NTASKS_ATM in env_configure.xml.
atm_nthreads cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of threads per mpi task for the atm component.
      set by NTHRDS_ATM in env_configure.xml.
atm_pestride cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the atm component.
      set by PSTRID_ATM in env_configure.xml.
atm_rootpe cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the atm component.
      set by ROOTPE_ATM in env_configure.xml.
cpl_ntasks cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of mpi tasks assigned to the cpl components.
      set by NTASKS_CPL in env_configure.xml.
cpl_nthreads cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of threads per mpi task for the cpl component.
      set by NTHRDS_CPL in env_configure.xml.
cpl_pestride cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the cpl component.
      set by PSTRID_CPL in env_configure.xml.
cpl_rootpe cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the cpl component.
      set by ROOTPE_CPL in env_configure.xml.
esp_layout cime_pes cime_pes char ['concurrent', 'sequential']
      Layout of multi-instance external system processor (if there are more than 1)
esp_ntasks cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of mpi tasks assigned to the esp components.
      set by NTASKS_ESP in env_configure.xml.
esp_nthreads cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of threads per mpi task for the esp component.
      set by NTHRDS_ESP in env_configure.xml.
esp_pestride cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the esp component.
      set by PSTRID_ESP in env_configure.xml.
esp_rootpe cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the esp component.
      set by ROOTPE_ESP in env_configure.xml.
glc_layout cime_pes cime_pes char ['concurrent', 'sequential']
      Layout of multi-instance glcs (if there are more than 1)
glc_ntasks cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of mpi tasks assigned to the glc components.
      set by NTASKS_GLC in env_configure.xml.
glc_nthreads cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of threads per mpi task for the glc component.
      set by NTHRDS_GLC in env_configure.xml.
glc_pestride cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the glc component.
      set by PSTRID_GLC in env_configure.xml.
glc_rootpe cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the glc component.
      set by ROOTPE_GLC in env_configure.xml.
iac_layout cime_pes cime_pes char ['concurrent', 'sequential']
      Layout of multi-instance iacs (if there are more than 1)
iac_ntasks cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of mpi tasks assigned to the iac components.
      set by NTASKS_IAC in env_configure.xml.
iac_nthreads cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of threads per mpi task for the iac component.
      set by NTHRDS_IAC in env_configure.xml.
iac_pestride cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the iac component.
      set by PSTRID_IAC in env_configure.xml.
iac_rootpe cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the iac component.
      set by ROOTPE_IAC in env_configure.xml.
ice_layout cime_pes cime_pes char ['concurrent', 'sequential']
      Layout of multi-instance ices (if there are more than 1)
ice_ntasks cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of mpi tasks assigned to the ice components.
      set by NTASKS_ICE in env_configure.xml.
ice_nthreads cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of threads per mpi task for the ice component.
      set by NTHRDS_ICE in env_configure.xml.
ice_pestride cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the ice component.
      set by PSTRID_ICE in env_configure.xml.
ice_rootpe cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the ice component.
      set by ROOTPE_ICE in env_configure.xml.
info_taskmap_comp cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      level of task-to-node mapping output for individual component models
      (0: no output; 1: compact; 2: verbose)
info_taskmap_model cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      level of task-to-node mapping output for the whole model 
      (0: no output; 1: compact; 2: verbose)
lnd_layout cime_pes cime_pes char ['concurrent', 'sequential']
      Layout of multi-instance lnds (if there are more than 1)
lnd_ntasks cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of mpi tasks assigned to the lnd components.
      set by NTASKS_LND in env_configure.xml.
lnd_nthreads cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of threads per mpi task for the lnd component.
      set by NTHRDS_LND in env_configure.xml.
lnd_pestride cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the lnd component.
      set by PSTRID_LND in env_configure.xml.
lnd_rootpe cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the lnd component.
      set by ROOTPE_LND in env_configure.xml.
ocn_layout cime_pes cime_pes char ['concurrent', 'sequential']
      Layout of multi-instance ocns (if there are more than 1)
ocn_ntasks cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of mpi tasks assigned to the ocn components.
      set by NTASKS_OCN in env_configure.xml.
ocn_nthreads cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of threads per mpi task for the ocn component.
      set by NTHRDS_OCN in env_configure.xml.
ocn_pestride cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the ocn component.
      set by PSTRID_OCN in env_configure.xml.  default: 1
ocn_rootpe cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the ocn component.
      set by ROOTPE_OCN in env_configure.xml.
rof_layout cime_pes cime_pes char ['concurrent', 'sequential']
      Layout of multi-instance lnds (if there are more than 1)
rof_ntasks cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of mpi tasks assigned to the lnd components.
      set by NTASKS_LND in env_configure.xml.
rof_nthreads cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of threads per mpi task for the lnd component.
      set by NTHRDS_ROF in env_configure.xml.
rof_pestride cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the lnd component.
      set by PSTRID_LND in env_configure.xml.
rof_rootpe cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the lnd component.
      set by ROOTPE_LND in env_configure.xml.
wav_layout cime_pes cime_pes char ['concurrent', 'sequential']
      Layout of multi-instance wavs (if there are more than 1)
wav_ntasks cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of mpi tasks assigned to the wav components.
      set by NTASKS_WAV in env_configure.xml.
wav_nthreads cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the number of threads per mpi task for the wav component.
      set by NTHRDS_WAV in env_configure.xml.
wav_pestride cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the wav component.
      set by PSTRID_WAV in env_configure.xml.
wav_rootpe cime_pes cime_pes integer ['any integer']
      the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the wav component.
      set by ROOTPE_WAV in env_configure.xml.
coldair_outbreak_mod seq_infodata_inparm control logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      if true use  Mahrt and Sun 1995,MWR modification to surface flux calculation
flux_albav seq_infodata_inparm control logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Only used for C,G compsets: if true, compute albedos to work with daily avg SW down
flux_convergence seq_infodata_inparm control real ['any real']
      Iterate atmocn flux calculation to this % difference
      Setting this to zero will always do flux_max_iteration
flux_diurnal seq_infodata_inparm control logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      If true, turn on diurnal cycle in computing atm/ocn fluxes
      default: false
flux_epbal seq_infodata_inparm control char ['off', 'ocn']
      Only used for C,G compsets: if ocn, ocn provides EP balance factor for precip
flux_max_iteration seq_infodata_inparm control integer ['any integer']
      Iterate atmocn flux calculation a max of this value
force_stop_at seq_infodata_inparm control char ['day', 'month', 'year']
      Force stop at the next month, day, etc when wall_time_limit is hit
      default: month
glc_renormalize_smb seq_infodata_inparm control char ['on', 'off', 'on_if_glc_coupled_fluxes']
      Whether to renormalize the surface mass balance (smb) sent from lnd to glc so that the
      global integral on the glc grid agrees with the global integral on the lnd grid.

      Unlike most fluxes, smb is remapped with bilinear rather than conservative mapping weights,
      so this option is needed for conservation. However, conservation is not required in many
      cases, since we often run glc as a diagnostic (one-way-coupled) component.

      Allowable values are:
      'on': always do this renormalization
      'off': never do this renormalization (see WARNING below)
      'on_if_glc_coupled_fluxes': Determine at runtime whether to do this renormalization.
         Does the renormalization if we're running a two-way-coupled glc that sends fluxes
         to other components (which is the case where we need conservation).
         Does NOT do the renormalization if we're running a one-way-coupled glc, or if
         we're running a glc-only compset (T compsets).
         (In these cases, conservation is not important.)

      Only used if running with a prognostic GLC component.

      WARNING: Setting this to 'off' will break conservation when running with an
      evolving, two-way-coupled glc.
ocn_surface_flux_scheme seq_infodata_inparm control integer ['any integer']
      0: standard surface flux calculation as in E3SMv1 
      1: COAREv3.0 flux computation (Fairall et al., 2003)
      2: University of Arizona algorithm (Zeng et al., 1998)
      default: 0
tfreeze_option seq_infodata_inparm control char ['any char']
Freezing point calculation for salt water.
wall_time_limit seq_infodata_inparm control real ['any real']
      Wall time limit for run
      default: -1.0
data_assimilation_atm seq_timemgr_inparm data_assimilation logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Data Assimilation is on for component atm
data_assimilation_cpl seq_timemgr_inparm data_assimilation logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Data Assimilation is on for component CPL
data_assimilation_glc seq_timemgr_inparm data_assimilation logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Data Assimilation is on for component glc
data_assimilation_iac seq_timemgr_inparm data_assimilation logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Data Assimilation is on for component iac
data_assimilation_ice seq_timemgr_inparm data_assimilation logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Data Assimilation is on for component ice
data_assimilation_lnd seq_timemgr_inparm data_assimilation logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Data Assimilation is on for component lnd
data_assimilation_ocn seq_timemgr_inparm data_assimilation logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Data Assimilation is on for component ocn
data_assimilation_rof seq_timemgr_inparm data_assimilation logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Data Assimilation is on for component rof
data_assimilation_wav seq_timemgr_inparm data_assimilation logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Data Assimilation is on for component wav
eps_aarea seq_infodata_inparm domain_check real ['any real']
      Error tolerance for differences in atm/land areas in domain checking
      default: 1.0e-07
eps_agrid seq_infodata_inparm domain_check real ['any real']
      Error tolerance for differences in atm/land lat/lon in domain checking
      default: 1.0e-12
eps_amask seq_infodata_inparm domain_check real ['any real']
      Error tolerance for differences in atm/land masks in domain checking
      default: 1.0e-13
eps_frac seq_infodata_inparm domain_check real ['any real']
      Error tolerance for differences in fractions in domain checking
      default: 1.0e-02
eps_oarea seq_infodata_inparm domain_check real ['any real']
      Error tolerance for differences in ocean/ice lon/lat in domain checking
      default: 1.0e-1
eps_ogrid seq_infodata_inparm domain_check real ['any real']
      Error tolerance for differences in ocean/ice lon/lat in domain checking
      default: 1.0e-2
eps_omask seq_infodata_inparm domain_check real ['any real']
      Error tolerance for differences in ocean/ice masks in domain checking
      default: 1.0e-06
      Specify type of ESMF logging
logfilepostfix seq_infodata_inparm driver char ['any char']
      Ending suffix "postfix" for output log files.
max_cplstep_time seq_infodata_inparm driver real ['any real']
      Abort model if coupler timestep wallclock time exceeds this value, ignored if 0,
      if < 0 then use abs(max_cplstep_time)*cktime as the threshold.
      default: 0
outpathroot seq_infodata_inparm drv_history char ['any char']
      Root directory for driver output files
drv_flds_in_files default_settings drv_physics char(10) ['any char']
      List of files to merge together that contains drv_flds_in namelists
      The paths are relative to the case directory. drv_flds_in include the namelists that
      the driver reads and gives information on additional fields to be passed to different
      components that need to look at the same data.
aqua_planet seq_infodata_inparm expdef logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      true => turn on aquaplanet mode in cam
aqua_planet_sst seq_infodata_inparm expdef integer ['any integer']
      1 => default sst mode for aquaplanet in cam
bfbflag seq_infodata_inparm expdef logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      turns on bfb option in coupler which produce bfb results in the
      coupler on different processor counts.  (default: .false.)
brnch_retain_casename seq_infodata_inparm expdef logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Allow same branch casename as reference casename. If $CASE and $REFCASE are the same and the start_type is
      not startup, then the value of brnch_retain_casename is set to .true.
budget_month seq_infodata_inparm expdef integer ['0', '1', '2', '3']
      sets the diagnotics level of the monthy budgets. [0,1,2,3],
      written only if do_budgets variable is .true.,
      1=+net summary budgets,
      2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets,
      3=+detailed atm budgets
      default: 1
case_desc seq_infodata_inparm expdef char ['any char']
      case description.
case_name seq_infodata_inparm expdef char ['any char']
      case name.
cime_model seq_infodata_inparm expdef char ['e3sm', 'cesm']
cime model
cpl_decomp seq_infodata_inparm expdef integer ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']
      cpl decomp option (0=default, 1=comp decomp, 2=rearr comp decomp, 3=new single 1d seg
      default: 0
cpl_seq_option seq_infodata_inparm expdef char ['CESM1_MOD', 'CESM1_MOD_TIGHT', 'RASM_OPTION1', 'RASM_OPTION2', 'NUOPC', 'NUOPC_TIGHT']
      Set the coupler sequencing.
hostname seq_infodata_inparm expdef char ['any char']
      hostname information,
info_debug seq_infodata_inparm expdef integer ['any integer']
      Level of debug output, 0=minimum, 1=normal, 2=more, 3=too much (default: 1)
model_doi_url seq_infodata_inparm expdef char ['any char']
      model doi url
model_version seq_infodata_inparm expdef char ['any char']
      model version documentation,
restart_file seq_infodata_inparm expdef char ['any char']
      Driver restart filename.
      (NOTE: Normally THIS IS NOT USED -- Set with RUN_REFCASE and RUN_REFDATE)
start_type seq_infodata_inparm expdef char ['startup', 'branch', 'continue']
      mode to start the run up, [startup,branch,continue],
      automatically derived from RUN_TYPE in env_run.xml
tchkpt_dir seq_infodata_inparm expdef char ['any char']
      location of timing checkpoint output.
timing_dir seq_infodata_inparm expdef char ['any char']
      location of timing output.
username seq_infodata_inparm expdef char ['any char']
      username documentation
do_histinit seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      logical to write an extra initial coupler history file
histaux_a2x seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      turns on coupler history stream for instantaneous atm to coupler fields.
      default: false
histaux_a2x1hr seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      turns on coupler history stream for 1-hour average atm to coupler fields.
      default: false
histaux_a2x1hri seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      turns on coupler history stream for 1-hour instantaneous atm to coupler fields.
      default: false
histaux_a2x24hr seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      turns on coupler history stream for daily average atm to coupler fields.
      default: false
histaux_a2x3hr seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      turns on coupler history stream for 3-hour average atm to coupler fields.
      default: false
histaux_a2x3hrp seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      turns on coupler history stream for 3-hour average atm to coupler precip fields.
      default: false
histaux_double_precision seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      if true, use double-precision rather than single-precision for
      coupler auxiliary history files
      default: false
histaux_l2x seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      turns on coupler history stream for instantaneous land to coupler fields.
      default: false
histaux_l2x1yrg seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      turns on coupler history stream for annual lnd to coupler glc forcing fields.
      default: false
histaux_r2x seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      turns on coupler history stream for average* runoff to coupler fields
      (*despite the lack of an averaging time span in the name).
      Files are written at time-of-day = 00000, and at the end of the run interval,
      even if that time is not 00000.
      Run length less than 24 hours; averaging period is the run length,
      Otherwise; averaging period is 24 hours for files before the last (partial) day,
                 averaging period is the last (partial) day for the last file.
      default: false
histavg_atm seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      writes atm fields in coupler average history files.
      default: true
histavg_glc seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      writes glc fields in coupler average history files.
      default: true
histavg_iac seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      writes iac fields in coupler average history files.
      default: true
histavg_ice seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      writes ice fields in coupler average history files.
      default: true
histavg_lnd seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      writes lnd fields in coupler average history files.
      default: true
histavg_ocn seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      writes ocn fields in coupler average history files.
      default: true
histavg_rof seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      writes rof fields in coupler average history files.
      default: true
histavg_wav seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      writes wav fields in coupler average history files.
      default: true
histavg_xao seq_infodata_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      writes xao fields in coupler average history files.
      default: true
aoflux_grid seq_infodata_inparm mapping char ['ocn', 'atm', 'exch']
      Grid for atm ocn flux calc (untested)
      default: ocn
atm2ice_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      atm to ice flux mapping file for fluxes
atm2ice_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
atm2ice_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      atm to ice state mapping file for states
atm2ice_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
atm2ice_vmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      atm to ice state mapping file for velocity
atm2ice_vmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
atm2lnd_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      atm to land mapping file for fluxes
atm2lnd_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
atm2lnd_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      atm to land mapping file for states
atm2lnd_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
atm2ocn_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      atm to ocn flux mapping file for fluxes
atm2ocn_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
atm2ocn_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      atm to ocn state mapping file for states
atm2ocn_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
atm2ocn_vmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      atm to ocn state mapping file for velocity
atm2ocn_vmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
atm2rof_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      atm to runoff flux mapping file
atm2rof_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
atm2rof_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      atm to runoff state mapping file
atm2rof_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
atm2wav_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      atm to wav state mapping file for states
atm2wav_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
atm_gnam seq_infodata_inparm mapping char ['any char']
      ATM_GRID values passed into driver.
glc2ice_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      glc to ice flux mapping file for fluxes
glc2ice_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
glc2ice_rmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      glc to ice runoff conservative mapping file
glc2ice_rmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
glc2ice_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      glc to ice state mapping file for states
glc2ice_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
glc2lnd_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      glc to land mapping file for fluxes
glc2lnd_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
glc2lnd_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      glc to land mapping file for states
glc2lnd_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
glc2ocn_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      glc to ocn flux mapping file for fluxes
glc2ocn_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
glc2ocn_ice_rmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      glc to ocn runoff conservative mapping file for ice runoff
glc2ocn_ice_rmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
glc2ocn_liq_rmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      glc to ocn runoff conservative mapping file for liquid runoff
glc2ocn_liq_rmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
glc2ocn_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      glc to ocn state mapping file for states
glc2ocn_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
glc_gnam seq_infodata_inparm mapping char ['any char']
      GLC_GRID values passed into driver.
iac2atm_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      iac to atm mapping file for fluxes
iac2atm_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
iac2atm_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      iac to atm mapping file for states
iac2atm_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
iac2lnd_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      iac to lnd mapping file for fluxes
iac2lnd_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
iac2lnd_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      iac to lnd mapping file for states
iac2lnd_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
iac_gnam seq_infodata_inparm mapping char ['any char']
      IAC_GRID values passed into driver.
ice2atm_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      ice to atm mapping file for fluxes
ice2atm_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
ice2atm_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      ice to atm mapping file for states
ice2atm_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
ice2wav_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      ice to wav state mapping file for states
ice2wav_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
ice_gnam seq_infodata_inparm mapping char ['any char']
      ICE_GRID values passed into driver.
lnd2atm_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      land to atm mapping file for fluxes
lnd2atm_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
lnd2atm_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      land to atm mapping file for states
lnd2atm_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
lnd2glc_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      land to glc mapping file for fluxes
lnd2glc_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
lnd2glc_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      land to glc mapping file for states
lnd2glc_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
lnd2rof_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      lnd to runoff conservative mapping file
lnd2rof_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
lnd_gnam seq_infodata_inparm mapping char ['any char']
      LND_GRID values passed into driver.
mct_usealltoall seq_infodata_inparm mapping logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      mct alltoall mapping flag
      default: false
mct_usevector seq_infodata_inparm mapping logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      mct vector flag
      default: false
ocn2atm_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      ocn to atm mapping file for fluxes
ocn2atm_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
ocn2atm_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      ocn to atm mapping file for states
ocn2atm_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
ocn2glc_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      ocn to glc flux mapping file for fluxes
ocn2glc_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
ocn2glc_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      ocn to glc state mapping file for states
ocn2glc_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
ocn2wav_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      ocn to wav state mapping file for states
ocn2wav_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
ocn_gnam seq_infodata_inparm mapping char ['any char']
      OCN_GRID values passed into driver.
rof2lnd_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      runoff to lnd conservative mapping file
rof2lnd_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
rof2ocn_fmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      runoff to ocn area overlap conservative mapping file
rof2ocn_fmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
rof2ocn_ice_rmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      runoff to ocn nearest neighbor plus smoothing conservative mapping file
rof2ocn_ice_rmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
rof2ocn_liq_rmapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      runoff to ocn nearest neighbor plus smoothing conservative mapping file
rof2ocn_liq_rmaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
rof_gnam seq_infodata_inparm mapping char ['any char']
      ROF_GRID values passed into driver.
shr_map_dopole seq_infodata_inparm mapping logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      invoke pole averaging corrections in shr_map_mod weights generation (default: true)
vect_map seq_infodata_inparm mapping char ['none', 'npfix', 'cart3d', 'cart3d_diag', 'cart3d_uvw', 'cart3d_uvw_diag']
      turns on the vector mapping option for u and v vector mapping between
      atm and ocean grids in the coupler.  the options are none, npfix,
      cart3d, cart3d_diag, cart3d_uvw, and cart3d_uvw_diag.  the none option
      results in scalar mapping independently for the u and v field which
      tends to generate large errors near the poles.  npfix is the
      traditional option where the vectors are corrected on the ocean grid
      north of the last latitude line of the atmosphere grid.  the cart3d
      options convert the east (u) and north (v) vectors to 3d (x,y,z)
      triplets, and maps those fields before converting back to the east (u)
      and north (v) directions.  the cart3d ignores the resuling "w"
      velocity.  the cart3d_uvw calculates the resulting u and v vectors by
      preserving the total "u,v,w" speed and the angle of the (u,v) vector.
      the _diag options just add diagnotics to the log file about the vector
wav2ocn_smapname seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      wav to ocn state mapping file for states
wav2ocn_smaptype seq_maps mapping char ['any char']
      The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
      X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
      destination grid and then local mapping.  Y is associated with mapping
      on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
wav_gnam seq_infodata_inparm mapping char ['any char']
      WAV_GRID values passed into driver.
constant_zenith_deg seq_infodata_inparm orbital real ['any real']
      Constant solar zenith angle value in degrees for idealized configurations
      such as radiative-convective equilibrium experiments. This is disabled when 
      the value is less than 0
      Default: -1
orb_eccen seq_infodata_inparm orbital real ['any real']
      eccentricity of orbit, used when orb_mode is fixed_parameters.
      default: SHR_ORB_UNDEF_REAL (1.e36) (Not currently used in build-namelist)
orb_iyear seq_infodata_inparm orbital integer ['any integer']
      year of orbit, used when orb_mode is fixed_year or variable_year. (default: 1990)
orb_iyear_align seq_infodata_inparm orbital integer ['any integer']
      model year associated with orb_iyear when orb_mode is variable_year. (default: 1990)
orb_mode seq_infodata_inparm orbital char ['fixed_year', 'variable_year', 'fixed_parameters']
      orbital model setting.  this sets how the orbital mode will be
      "fixed_year" uses the orb_iyear and other orb inputs are ignored.  In
      this mode, the orbital parameters are constant and based on the year.
      "variable_year" uses the orb_iyear and orb_iyear_align.  In this mode,
      the orbital parameters vary as the model year advances and the model
      year orb_iyear_align has the equivalent orbital year of orb_iyear.
      "fixed_parameters" uses the orb_eccen, orb_mvelp, and orb_obliq to set
      the orbital parameters which then remain constant through the model
      integration. [fixed_year, variable_year, fixed_parameters]  (default: 'fixed_year'.)
orb_mvelp seq_infodata_inparm orbital real ['any real']
      location of vernal equinox in longitude degrees, used when orb_mode is fixed_parameters.
      default: SHR_ORB_UNDEF_REAL (1.e36)(Not currently used in build-namelist)
orb_obliq seq_infodata_inparm orbital real ['any real']
      obliquity of orbit in degrees, used when orb_mode is fixed_parameters.
      default: SHR_ORB_UNDEF_REAL (1.e36) (Not currently used in build-namelist)
drv_threading seq_infodata_inparm performance logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      turn on run time control of threading per pe per component by the driver
      default: false
papi_ctr1_str papi_inparm performance char ['any char']
      See gptl_papi.c for the list of valid values
papi_ctr2_str papi_inparm performance char ['any char']
      See gptl_papi.c for the list of valid values
papi_ctr3_str papi_inparm performance char ['any char']
      See gptl_papi.c for the list of valid values
papi_ctr4_str papi_inparm performance char ['any char']
      See gptl_papi.c for the list of valid values
profile_add_detail prof_inparm performance logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      default: .false.
profile_barrier prof_inparm performance logical ['.true.', '.false.']
profile_depth_limit prof_inparm performance integer ['any integer']
profile_detail_limit prof_inparm performance integer ['any integer']
profile_disable prof_inparm performance logical ['.true.', '.false.']
profile_global_stats prof_inparm performance logical ['.true.', '.false.']
profile_outpe_num prof_inparm performance integer ['any integer']
      default: 1
profile_outpe_stride prof_inparm performance integer ['any integer']
profile_ovhd_measurement prof_inparm performance logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      default: .false.
profile_papi_enable prof_inparm performance logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      default: .false.
profile_single_file prof_inparm performance logical ['.true.', '.false.']
profile_timer prof_inparm performance integer ['any integer']
run_barriers seq_infodata_inparm performance logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      default: .false.
pio_async_interface pio_default_inparm pio logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      future asynchronous IO capability (not currently supported).
      If pio_async_interface is .true. or {component}_PIO_* variable is not set or set to -99
      the component variable will be set using the pio_* value.
      default: .false.
pio_blocksize pio_default_inparm pio integer ['any integer']
      blocksize for pio box rearranger
pio_buffer_size_limit pio_default_inparm pio integer ['any integer']
      pio buffer size limit
pio_debug_level pio_default_inparm pio integer ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']
      pio debug level
      valid values: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
pio_rearr_comm_enable_hs_comp2io pio_default_inparm pio logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      pio rearranger communication option: Enable handshake (comp2io)
pio_rearr_comm_enable_hs_io2comp pio_default_inparm pio logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      pio rearranger communication option: Enable handshake (io2comp)
pio_rearr_comm_enable_isend_comp2io pio_default_inparm pio logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      pio rearranger communication option: Enable isends (comp2io)
pio_rearr_comm_enable_isend_io2comp pio_default_inparm pio logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      pio rearranger communication option: Enable isends (io2comp)
      default: .false.
pio_rearr_comm_fcd pio_default_inparm pio char ['2denable', 'io2comp', 'comp2io', 'disable', 'default']
      pio rearranger communication flow control direction.
pio_rearr_comm_max_pend_req_comp2io pio_default_inparm pio integer ['any integer']
      pio rearranger communication max pending req (comp2io)
pio_rearr_comm_max_pend_req_io2comp pio_default_inparm pio integer ['any integer']
      pio rearranger communication max pending req (io2comp)
pio_rearr_comm_type pio_default_inparm pio char ['p2p', 'coll', 'default']
      pio rearranger communication type.
      valid values: p2p, coll, default
reprosum_allow_infnan seq_infodata_inparm reprosum logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Allow INF and NaN in summands
      default: .false.
reprosum_diffmax seq_infodata_inparm reprosum real ['any real']
      Tolerance for relative error
      default: -1.0e-8
reprosum_recompute seq_infodata_inparm reprosum logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Recompute with non-scalable algorithm if reprosum_diffmax is exceeded.
      default: .false.
reprosum_use_ddpdd seq_infodata_inparm reprosum logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Use faster method for reprosum, but one where reproducibility is not always guaranteed.
      default: .false.
cplflds_custom seq_cplflds_userspec seq_flds char(200) ['any char']
      New fields that are user specidied can be added as namelist variables
      by the user in the cpl namelist seq_flds_user using the namelist variable
      array cplflds_customs. The user specified new fields must follow the
      above naming convention.
      As an example, say you want to add a new state 'foo' that is passed
      from the land to the atm - you would do this as follows
      cplflds_custom = 'Sa_foo->a2x', 'Sa_foo->x2a'
      This would add the field 'Sa_foo' to the character strings defining the
      attribute vectors a2x and x2a. It is assumed that code would need to be
      introduced in the atm and land components to deal with this new attribute
      vector field.
      Modify user_nl_cpl to edit this.
flds_bgc_oi seq_cplflds_inparm seq_flds logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      If set to .true. BGC fields will be passed back and forth between the ocean and seaice
      via the coupler.
flds_co2_dmsa seq_cplflds_inparm seq_flds logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      If CCSM_BGC is set to 'CO2_DMSA', then flds_co2_dmsa will be set to .true. by default.
flds_co2a seq_cplflds_inparm seq_flds logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      If set to .true., adds prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest
      model level to be sent from the atmosphere to the land and ocean.
      If CCSM_BGC is set to 'CO2A', then flds_co2a will be set to .true. by default
flds_co2b seq_cplflds_inparm seq_flds logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      If set to .true., adds prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest
      model level to be sent from the atmosphere just to the land, and the
      surface upward flux of CO2 to be sent from the land back to the
      If CCSM_BGC is set to 'CO2B', then flds_co2b will be set to .true. by default.
flds_co2c seq_cplflds_inparm seq_flds logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      If set to .true., adds prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest
      model level to be sent from the atmosphere to the land and ocean, and the
      surface upward flux of CO2 to be sent from the land and the open ocean
      back to the atmosphere.
      If CCSM_BGC is set to 'CO2C', then flds_co2c will be set to .true. by default.
flds_wiso seq_cplflds_inparm seq_flds logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Pass water isotopes between components
glc_nec seq_cplflds_inparm seq_flds integer ['any integer']
      Number of cism elevation classes. Set by the xml variable GLC_NEC in env_run.xml
ice_ncat seq_cplflds_inparm seq_flds integer ['any integer']
      Number of sea ice thickness categories. Set by the xml variable ICE_NCAT in env_build.xml
nan_check_component_fields seq_cplflds_inparm seq_flds logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      .true. means that all fields passed to coupler are checked for NaN values
rof_heat seq_cplflds_inparm seq_flds logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      If set to .true., adds fields needed to calculate heat in the river model
seq_flds_i2o_per_cat seq_cplflds_inparm seq_flds logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      .true. if select per ice thickness category fields are passed to the ocean.
      Set by the xml variable CPL_I2O_PER_CAT in env_run.xml
seq_flux_atmocn_minwind seq_flux_mct_inparm seq_flux_mct real ['any real']
       minimum wind speed for atmOcn flux calculations
seq_flux_mct_albdif seq_flux_mct_inparm seq_flux_mct real ['any real']
       Surface albedo for direct radiation
seq_flux_mct_albdir seq_flux_mct_inparm seq_flux_mct real ['any real']
       Surface albedo for diffuse radiation
iop_mode seq_infodata_inparm seq_infodata_inparm logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      turns on Intensive Observation Period (IOP) mode, a planet covered
      with homogenous surface and forced identically with a forcing file,
      set by IOP_MODE in env_case.xml, default: false
scmlat seq_infodata_inparm seq_infodata_inparm real ['any real']
      grid point latitude associated with single column mode.
      if set to -999, ignore this value
scmlon seq_infodata_inparm seq_infodata_inparm real ['any real']
      grid point longitude associated with single column mode.
      set by PTS_LON in env_run.xml.
single_column seq_infodata_inparm seq_infodata_inparm logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      turns on single column mode. set by PTS_MODE in env_case.xml, default: false
atm_cpl_dt seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      atm coupling interval in seconds
      set via ATM_NCPL in env_run.xml.
      ATM_NCPL is the number of times the atm is coupled per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD
      NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is also set in env_run.xml and is the base period
      associated with NCPL coupling frequency, and has valid values: hour,day,year,decade
atm_cpl_offset seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      atm coupling interval offset in seconds default: 0
barrier_n seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      Sets model barriers with barrier_option and barrier_ymd (same options as stop_n)
      default: 1
barrier_option seq_timemgr_inparm time char ['none', 'never', 'nsteps', 'nstep', 'nseconds', 'nsecond', 'nminutes', 'nminute', 'nhours', 'nhour', 'ndays', 'nday', 'nmonths', 'monthly', 'nmonth', 'nyears', 'nyear', 'date', 'ifdays0', 'end']
      sets the driver barrier frequency to sync models across all tasks with barrier_n and barrier_ymd
      barrier_option alarms are like restart_option
      default: never
barrier_ymd seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      Date in yyyymmdd format, sets model barriers date with barrier_option and barrier_n
calendar seq_timemgr_inparm time char ['NO_LEAP', 'GREGORIAN']
      calendar in use.  [NO_LEAP, GREOGORIAN].
      set by CALENDAR in env_build.xml
end_restart seq_timemgr_inparm time logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      true => write restarts at end of run
      forces a restart write at the end of the run in addition to any
      setting associated with rest_option.  default=true.  this setting
      will be set to false if restart_option is none or never.
      default: false
esp_cpl_dt seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      esp run interval in seconds
      esp_cpl_dt is the number of times the esp is run per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD
      NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is set in env_run.xml and is the base period
      associated with NCPL coupling frequency, nad has valid values: hour,day,year,decade
      default value set by buildnml to be the pause interval if pause is active
      otherwise, it is set to the shortest component coupling time
esp_cpl_offset seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      esp coupling interval offset in seconds default: 0
esp_run_on_pause seq_timemgr_inparm time logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      true => ESP component runs after driver 'pause cycle' If any
      component 'pauses' (see PAUSE_OPTION,
      variables), the ESP component (if present) will be run to
      process the component 'pause' (restart) files and set any
      required 'resume' signals.  If true, esp_cpl_dt and
      esp_cpl_offset settings are ignored.  default: true
glc_avg_period seq_timemgr_inparm time char ['glc_coupling_period', 'yearly']
      Period at which coupler averages fields sent to GLC.
      This supports doing the averaging to GLC less frequently than GLC is called
      (i.e., separating the averaging frequency from the calling frequency).
      This is useful because there are benefits to only averaging the GLC inputs
      as frequently as they are really needed (yearly for CISM), but GLC needs to
      still be called more frequently than that in order to support mid-year restarts.

      Setting glc_avg_period to 'glc_coupling_period' means that the averaging is
      done exactly when the GLC is called (governed by GLC_NCPL).
glc_cpl_dt seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      glc coupling interval in seconds
      set via GLC_NCPL in env_run.xml.
      GLC_NCPL is the number of times the glc is coupled per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD
      NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is also set in env_run.xml and is the base period
      associated with NCPL coupling frequency, nad has valid values: hour,day,year,decade
glc_cpl_offset seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      glc coupling interval offset in seconds default: 0
histavg_n seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      Sets coupler time-average history file frequency (like restart_option)
      set by AVGHIST_N in env_run.xml.
histavg_option seq_timemgr_inparm time char ['none', 'never', 'nsteps', 'nstep', 'nseconds', 'nsecond', 'nminutes', 'nminute', 'nhours', 'nhour', 'ndays', 'nday', 'monthly', 'nmonths', 'nmonth', 'nyears', 'nyear', 'date', 'ifdays0', 'end']
      coupler time average history option (used with histavg_n and histavg_ymd)
      set by AVGHIST_OPTION in env_run.xml.
      histavg_option alarms are:
      [none/never], turns option off
      [nstep/s]   , history snapshot every histavg_n nsteps  , relative to current run start time
      [nsecond/s] , history snapshot every histavg_n nseconds, relative to current run start time
      [nminute/s] , history snapshot every histavg_n nminutes, relative to current run start time
      [nhour/s]   , history snapshot every histavg_n nhours  , relative to current run start time
      [nday/s]    , history snapshot every histavg_n ndays   , relative to current run start time
      [monthly/s] , history snapshot every           month   , relative to current run start time
      [nmonth/s]  , history snapshot every histavg_n nmonths , relative to current run start time
      [nyear/s]   , history snapshot every histavg_n nyears  , relative to current run start time
      [date]      , history snapshot at histavg_ymd value
      [ifdays0]   , history snapshot at histavg_n calendar day value and seconds equal 0
      [end]       , history snapshot at end
histavg_ymd seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      date associated with histavg_option date.  yyyymmdd format.
      set by AVGHIST_DATE in env_run.xml.
history_n seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      sets coupler snapshot history file frequency (like restart_n)
      set by HIST_N in env_run.xml.
history_option seq_timemgr_inparm time char ['none', 'never', 'nsteps', 'nstep', 'nseconds', 'nsecond', 'nminutes', 'nminute', 'nhours', 'nhour', 'ndays', 'nday', 'monthly', 'nmonths', 'nmonth', 'nyears', 'nyear', 'date', 'ifdays0', 'end']
      coupler history snapshot option (used with history_n and history_ymd)
      set by HIST_OPTION in env_run.xml.
      history_option alarms are:
      [none/never], turns option off
      [nstep/s]   , history snapshot every history_n nsteps  , relative to current run start time
      [nsecond/s] , history snapshot every history_n nseconds, relative to current run start time
      [nminute/s] , history snapshot every history_n nminutes, relative to current run start time
      [nhour/s]   , history snapshot every history_n nhours  , relative to current run start time
      [nday/s]    , history snapshot every history_n ndays   , relative to current run start time
      [monthly/s] , history snapshot every           month   , relative to current run start time
      [nmonth/s]  , history snapshot every history_n nmonths , relative to current run start time
      [nyear/s]   , history snapshot every history_n nyears  , relative to current run start time
      [date]      , history snapshot at history_ymd value
      [ifdays0]   , history snapshot at history_n calendar day value and seconds equal 0
      [end]       , history snapshot at end
history_ymd seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      date associated with history_option date.  yyyymmdd format.
      set by HIST_DATE in env_run.xml.
iac_cpl_dt seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      iac coupling interval in seconds
      set via IAC_NCPL in env_run.xml.
      IAC_NCPL is the number of times the iac is coupled per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD
      NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is also set in env_run.xml and is the base period
      associated with NCPL coupling frequency, nad has valid values: hour,day,year,decade
iac_cpl_offset seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      iac coupling interval offset in seconds default: 0
ice_cpl_dt seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      ice coupling interval in seconds
      set via ICE_NCPL in env_run.xml.
      ICE_NCPL is the number of times the ice is coupled per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD
      NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is also set in env_run.xml and is the base period
      associated with NCPL coupling frequency, nad has valid values: hour,day,year,decade
ice_cpl_offset seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      ice coupling interval offset in seconds default: 0
lnd_cpl_dt seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      lnd coupling interval in seconds
      set via LND_NCPL in env_run.xml.
      LND_NCPL is the number of times the lnd is coupled per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD
      NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is also set in env_run.xml and is the base period
      associated with NCPL coupling frequency, nad has valid values: hour,day,year,decade
lnd_cpl_offset seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      lnd coupling interval offset in seconds default: 0
ocn_cpl_dt seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      ocn coupling interval in seconds
      set via OCN_NCPL in env_run.xml.
      OCN_NCPL is the number of times the ocn is coupled per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD
      NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is also set in env_run.xml and is the base period
      associated with NCPL coupling frequency, nad has valid values: hour,day,year,decade
ocn_cpl_offset seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      ocn coupling interval offset in seconds default: 0
pause_active_atm seq_timemgr_inparm time logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Pause signals are active for component atm
pause_active_cpl seq_timemgr_inparm time logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Pause signals are active for component CPL
pause_active_glc seq_timemgr_inparm time logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Pause signals are active for component glc
pause_active_iac seq_timemgr_inparm time logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Pause signals are active for component iac
pause_active_ice seq_timemgr_inparm time logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Pause signals are active for component ice
pause_active_lnd seq_timemgr_inparm time logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Pause signals are active for component lnd
pause_active_ocn seq_timemgr_inparm time logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Pause signals are active for component ocn
pause_active_rof seq_timemgr_inparm time logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Pause signals are active for component rof
pause_active_wav seq_timemgr_inparm time logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether Pause signals are active for component wav
pause_n seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      Sets the pause frequency with pause_option
pause_option seq_timemgr_inparm time char ['none', 'never', 'nsteps', 'nstep', 'nseconds', 'nsecond', 'nminutes', 'nminute', 'nhours', 'nhour', 'ndays', 'nday', 'monthly', 'nmonths', 'nmonth', 'nyears', 'nyear']
      sets the pause frequency with pause_n
      pause_option alarms are:
      [none/never], turns option off
      [nstep/s]   , pauses every pause_n nsteps  , relative to start or last pause time
      [nsecond/s] , pauses every pause_n nseconds, relative to start or last pause time
      [nminute/s] , pauses every pause_n nminutes, relative to start or last pause time
      [nhour/s]   , pauses every pause_n nhours  , relative to start or last pause time
      [nday/s]    , pauses every pause_n ndays   , relative to start or last pause time
      [nmonth/s]  , pauses every pause_n nmonths , relative to start or last pause time
      [monthly/s] , pauses every        month    , relative to start or last pause time
      [nyear/s]   , pauses every pause_n nyears  , relative to start or last pause time
restart_n seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      Sets model restart writes with restart_option and restart_ymd (same options as stop_n)
restart_option seq_timemgr_inparm time char ['none', 'never', 'nsteps', 'nstep', 'nseconds', 'nsecond', 'nminutes', 'nminute', 'nhours', 'nhour', 'ndays', 'nday', 'nmonths', 'monthly', 'nmonth', 'nyears', 'nyear', 'date', 'ifdays0', 'end']
      sets the restart frequency with restart_n and restart_ymd
      restart_option alarms are:
      [none/never], turns option off
      [nstep/s]   , restarts every restart_n nsteps  , relative to current run start time
      [nsecond/s] , restarts every restart_n nseconds, relative to current run start time
      [nminute/s] , restarts every restart_n nminutes, relative to current run start time
      [nhour/s]   , restarts every restart_n nhours  , relative to current run start time
      [nday/s]    , restarts every restart_n ndays   , relative to current run start time
      [monthly/s] , restarts every           month   , relative to current run start time
      [nmonth/s]  , restarts every restart_n nmonths , relative to current run start time
      [nyear/s]   , restarts every restart_n nyears  , relative to current run start time
      [date]      , restarts at restart_ymd value
      [ifdays0]   , restarts at restart_n calendar day value and seconds equal 0
      [end]       , restarts at end
restart_ymd seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      Date in yyyymmdd format, sets model restart write date with rest_option and restart_n
      default: STOP_N
rof_cpl_dt seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      river runoff coupling interval in seconds
      currently set by default to 10800 seconds.
      default: 10800
start_tod seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      Start time-of-day in universal time (seconds), should be between zero and 86400
      default: 0
start_ymd seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      Run start date in yyyymmdd format, only used for startup and hybrid runs.
      default: 00010101
stop_n seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      Sets the run length with stop_option and stop_ymd
stop_option seq_timemgr_inparm time char ['none', 'never', 'nsteps', 'nstep', 'nseconds', 'nsecond', 'nminutes', 'nminute', 'nhours', 'nhour', 'ndays', 'nday', 'monthly', 'nmonths', 'nmonth', 'nyears', 'nyear', 'date', 'ifdays0', 'end']
      sets the run length with stop_n and stop_ymd
      stop_option alarms are:
      [none/never], turns option off
      [nstep/s]   , stops every stop_n nsteps  , relative to current run start time
      [nsecond/s] , stops every stop_n nseconds, relative to current run start time
      [nminute/s] , stops every stop_n nminutes, relative to current run start time
      [nhour/s]   , stops every stop_n nhours  , relative to current run start time
      [nday/s]    , stops every stop_n ndays   , relative to current run start time
      [nmonth/s]  , stops every stop_n nmonths , relative to current run start time
      [monthly/s] , stops every        month   , relative to current run start time
      [nyear/s]   , stops every stop_n nyears  , relative to current run start time
      [date]      , stops at stop_ymd value
      [ifdays0]   , stops at stop_n calendar day value and seconds equal 0
      [end]       , stops at end
stop_ymd seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      date in yyyymmdd format, sets the run length with stop_option and stop_n,
      can be in addition to stop_option and stop_n, negative value implies off
tprof_n seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      Sets timing output file frequency (like restart_n)
tprof_option seq_timemgr_inparm time char ['none', 'never', 'nsteps', 'nstep', 'nseconds', 'nsecond', 'nminutes', 'nminute', 'nhours', 'nhour', 'ndays', 'nday', 'monthly', 'nmonths', 'nmonth', 'nyears', 'nyear', 'date', 'ifdays0', 'end']
      Sets timing output file frequency (like rest_option but relative to run start date)
      tprof_option alarms are:
      [none/never], turns option off
      [nstep/s]   , every tprof_n nsteps  , relative to current run start time
      [nsecond/s] , every tprof_n nseconds, relative to current run start time
      [nminute/s] , every tprof_n nminutes, relative to current run start time
      [nhour/s]   , every tprof_n nhours  , relative to current run start time
      [nday/s]    , every tprof_n ndays   , relative to current run start time
      [monthly/s] , every         month   , relative to current run start time
      [nmonth/s]  , every tprof_n nmonths , relative to current run start time
      [nyear/s]   , every tprof_n nyears  , relative to current run start time
      [date]      , at tprof_ymd value
      [ifdays0]   , at tprof_n calendar day value and seconds equal 0
      [end]       , at end
tprof_ymd seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      yyyymmdd format, sets timing output file date (like restart_date)
wav_cpl_dt seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      wav coupling interval in seconds
      set via WAV_NCPL in env_run.xml.
      WAV_NCPL is the number of times the wav is coupled per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD
      NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is also set in env_run.xml and is the base period
      associated with NCPL coupling frequency, nad has valid values: hour,day,year,decade
wav_cpl_offset seq_timemgr_inparm time integer ['any integer']
      wav coupling interval offset in seconds default: 0
wv_sat_scheme seq_infodata_inparm wv_sat char ['GoffGratch', 'MurphyKoop', 'Bolton', 'Flatau']
      Type of water vapor saturation vapor pressure scheme employed. 'GoffGratch' for
      Goff and Gratch (1946); 'MurphyKoop' for Murphy and Koop (2005); 'Bolton' for
      Bolton (1980); 'Flatau' for Flatau, Walko, and Cotton (1992).
      Default: GoffGratch
wv_sat_table_spacing seq_infodata_inparm wv_sat real ['any real']
      Temperature resolution of saturation vapor pressure lookup tables in Kelvin.
      (This is only used if wv_sat_use_tables is .true.)
      Default: 1.0
wv_sat_transition_start seq_infodata_inparm wv_sat real ['any real']
      Width of the liquid-ice transition range in mixed-phase water saturation vapor
      pressure calculations. The range always ends at 0 degrees Celsius, so this
      variable only affects the start of the transition.
      Default: 20K
      WARNING: CAM is tuned to the default value of this variable. Because it affects
      so many different parameterizations, changes to this variable may require a
      significant retuning of CAM's cloud physics to give reasonable results.
wv_sat_use_tables seq_infodata_inparm wv_sat logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Whether or not to produce lookup tables at init time to use as a cache for
      saturation vapor pressure.
      Default: .false.
Variable Namelist Group Category Entry Type Valid Values Possible Default Values Description and out-of-the-box Default