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Variable Namelist Group Category Entry Type Valid Values Possible Default Values Description and out-of-the-box Default
rtmhist_fexcl1 mosart_inparm history char(1000) ['any char']
      Fields to exclude from history tape series 1.
rtmhist_fexcl2 mosart_inparm history char(1000) ['any char']
      Fields to exclude from history tape series  2.
rtmhist_fexcl3 mosart_inparm history char(1000) ['any char']
      Fields to exclude from history tape series  3.
rtmhist_fincl1 mosart_inparm history char(1000) ['any char']
      Fields to add to history tape series  1.
rtmhist_fincl2 mosart_inparm history char(1000) ['any char']
      Fields to add to history tape series  2.
rtmhist_fincl3 mosart_inparm history char(1000) ['any char']
      Fields to add to history tape series  3.
rtmhist_mfilt mosart_inparm history integer(6) ['any integer(6)']
      Per tape series  maximum number of time samples.
rtmhist_ndens mosart_inparm history integer(6) ['1']
      Per tape series  history file density (i.e. output precision)
      1=double precision, 2=single precision (NOT working)
rtmhist_nhtfrq mosart_inparm history integer(6) ['any integer(6)']
      Per tape series history write frequency.
      positive means in time steps,  0=monthly, negative means hours
      (i.e. 24 means every 24 time-steps and -24 means every day
bypass_routing_option mosart_inparm mosart char ['direct_in_place', 'direct_to_outlet', 'none']
      Method for bypassing routing model.
coupling_period mosart_inparm mosart integer ['any integer']
      MOSART coupling period to driver (sec).
      Can ONLY be set by modifying the value of the xml variable ROF_NCPL in env_run.xml.
decomp_option mosart_inparm mosart char ['basin', '1d', 'roundrobin']
      Decomposition Option for mosart
delt_mosart mosart_inparm mosart integer ['any integer']
      MOSART time step (sec). Default: 3600 Internal mosart timestep,
      will be adjusted down to be integer multiple of coupling_period if
do_rtm mosart_inparm mosart logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      If .true., turn on mosart river routing
      If the value of the xml variable ROF GRID in env_build.xml is set to 'null', then
      the MOSART build-namelist will set do_mosart to .false.
      If do_mosart is set to .false., then MOSART will send a flag of rof_prognostic = .false.
      back to the coupler on initialization.
do_rtmflood mosart_inparm mosart logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      If .true., turn on mosart flooding back to clm
      Note that mosart flood is not supported in CESM1.1
finidat_rtm mosart_inparm mosart char ['any char']
      Full pathname of initial rtm file
frivinp_rtm mosart_inparm mosart char ['any char']
      Full pathname of input datafile for RTM.
ice_runoff mosart_inparm mosart logical ['.true.', '.false.']
      Default: .true.
      If .true., river runoff will be split up into liquid and ice streams,
      otherwise ice runoff will be zero and all runoff directed to liquid
nrevsn_rtm mosart_inparm mosart char ['any char']
      Name of master restart file for a branch run. (only used if RUN_TYPE is branch)
qgwl_runoff_option mosart_inparm mosart char ['all', 'negative', 'threshold']
      Method for handling of qgwl runoff inputs.
smat_option mosart_inparm mosart char ['opt', 'Xonly', 'Yonly']
      sparse matrix mct setting.  Xonly is bfb on different pe counts,
      opt and Yonly might involve partial sums
Variable Namelist Group Category Entry Type Valid Values Possible Default Values Description and out-of-the-box Default