Component Tag:
HTML Created:
Variable Namelist Group Category Entry Type Valid Values Possible Default Values Description and out-of-the-box Default
denitrif_nitrateconc_coefficient nitrif_inparm bgc real ['any real']
Multiplier for nitrate concentration for max denitrification rates
(ONLY used if use_nitrif_denitrif is enabled)
denitrif_nitrateconc_exponent nitrif_inparm bgc real ['any real']
Exponent power for nitrate concentrationfor max denitrification rates
(ONLY used if use_nitrif_denitrif is enabled)
denitrif_respiration_coefficient nitrif_inparm bgc real ['any real']
Multiplier for heterotrophic respiration for max denitrification rates
(ONLY used if use_nitrif_denitrif is enabled)
denitrif_respiration_exponent nitrif_inparm bgc real ['any real']
Exponent power for heterotrophic respiration for max denitrification rates
(ONLY used if use_nitrif_denitrif is enabled)
k_nitr_max nitrif_inparm bgc real ['any real']
Maximum nitrification rate constant (1/s)
(ONLY used if use_nitrif_denitrif is enabled)
use_century_decomp clm_inparm bgc logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'bgc_mode': 'sp'}
is .false. for: {'bgc_mode': 'cn'}
is .true. for: {'bgc_mode': 'bgc'}
is .true. for: {'bgc_mode': 'fates'}
Use parameters for decomposition from the CENTURY Carbon model
Requires the CN or FATES model to work (either CN or CNDV).
use_cn clm_inparm bgc logical ['.true.', '.false.']
CLM Biogeochemistry mode : Carbon Nitrogen model (CN) 
(or CLM45BGC if phys=clm4_5, vsoilc_centbgc='on', and clm4me='on')
use_cndv clm_inparm bgc logical ['.true.', '.false.']
CLM Biogeochemistry mode : Carbon Nitrogen with Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (CNDV)
(or CLM45BGCDV if phys=clm4_5, vsoilc_centbgc='on', and clm4me='on')
use_fun clm_inparm bgc logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.true.'}
Turn the Fixation and Uptate of Nitrogen model version 2 (FUN2.0)
Requires the CN model to work (either CN or CNDV).
use_lch4 clm_inparm bgc logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'bgc_mode': 'sp'}
is .false. for: {'bgc_mode': 'cn'}
is .true. for: {'bgc_mode': 'bgc'}
is .false. for: {'bgc_mode': 'fates'}
Turn on methane model. Standard part of CLM45BGC model.
use_nitrif_denitrif clm_inparm bgc logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'bgc_mode': 'sp'}
is .false. for: {'bgc_mode': 'cn'}
is .true. for: {'bgc_mode': 'bgc'}
is .false. for: {'bgc_mode': 'fates'}
Nitrification/denitrification splits the prognostic mineral N pool into two 
   mineral N pools: NO3 and NH4, and includes the transformations between them.
Requires the CN model to work (either CN or CNDV).
use_vertsoilc clm_inparm bgc logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'bgc_mode': 'sp'}
is .false. for: {'bgc_mode': 'cn'}
is .true. for: {'bgc_mode': 'bgc'}
is .true. for: {'bgc_mode': 'fates'}
Turn on vertical soil carbon.
Requires the CN or FATES model to work (either CN or CNDV).
atm_c13_filename clm_inparm clm_isotope char*256 ['any char'] is lnd/clm2/isotopes/ for: {'use_c13': '.true.', 'use_c13_timeseries': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'hist'}
is lnd/clm2/isotopes/ for: {'use_c13': '.true.', 'use_c13_timeseries': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-1.9'}
is lnd/clm2/isotopes/ for: {'use_c13': '.true.', 'use_c13_timeseries': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-2.6'}
is lnd/clm2/isotopes/ for: {'use_c13': '.true.', 'use_c13_timeseries': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP2-4.5'}
is lnd/clm2/isotopes/ for: {'use_c13': '.true.', 'use_c13_timeseries': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP3-7.0'}
is lnd/clm2/isotopes/ for: {'use_c13': '.true.', 'use_c13_timeseries': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-3.4'}
is lnd/clm2/isotopes/ for: {'use_c13': '.true.', 'use_c13_timeseries': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5'}
Filename with time series of atmospheric Delta C13 data, which use CMIP6 format.  variables in file are "time" and "delta13co2_in_air".  time variable is in format: years since 1850-01-01 0:0:0.0. units are permil.
atm_c14_filename clm_inparm clm_isotope char*256 ['any char'] is lnd/clm2/isotopes/ for: {'use_c14': '.true.', 'use_c14_bombspike': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'hist'}
is lnd/clm2/isotopes/ for: {'use_c14': '.true.', 'use_c14_bombspike': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-1.9'}
is lnd/clm2/isotopes/ for: {'use_c14': '.true.', 'use_c14_bombspike': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-2.6'}
is lnd/clm2/isotopes/ for: {'use_c14': '.true.', 'use_c14_bombspike': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP2-4.5'}
is lnd/clm2/isotopes/ for: {'use_c14': '.true.', 'use_c14_bombspike': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP3-7.0'}
is lnd/clm2/isotopes/ for: {'use_c14': '.true.', 'use_c14_bombspike': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-3.4'}
is lnd/clm2/isotopes/ for: {'use_c14': '.true.', 'use_c14_bombspike': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5'}
Filename with time series of atmospheric Delta C14 data.  variables in file are "time" and "Delta14co2_in_air". time variable is in format: years since 1850-01-01 0:0:0.0  units are permil.
for_testing_allow_interp_non_ciso_to_ciso clm_inparm clm_isotope logical ['.true.', '.false.']
There is a bug that causes incorrect values for C isotopes if running
init_interp from a case without C isotopes to a case with C isotopes
( Normally, an error-check
prevents you from doing this interpolation (until we have fixed that
bug). However, we sometimes want to bypass this error-check in system
tests. This namelist flag bypasses this error-check.
use_c13 clm_inparm clm_isotope logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Enable C13 model
use_c13_timeseries clm_inparm clm_isotope logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to use the atmospheric time series of C13 concentrations from natural abundance and the Seuss Effect, rather than static values.
use_c14 clm_inparm clm_isotope logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Enable C14 model
use_c14_bombspike clm_inparm clm_isotope logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to use the atmospheric time series of C14 concentrations from bomb fallout and Seuss effect, rather than natural abundance C14 (nominally set as 10^-12 mol C14 / mol C)
deepmixing_depthcrit clm_inparm clm_lake real ['any real']
Minimum lake depth to increase non-molecular thermal diffusivities by the factor deepmixing_mixfact.
deepmixing_mixfact clm_inparm clm_lake real ['any real']
Factor to increase non-molecular thermal diffusivities for lakes deeper than deepmixing_depthcrit
to account for unresolved 3D processes.
Set to 1 to 
lake_melt_icealb clm_inparm clm_lake real(2) ['any real(2)']
Visible and Near-infrared albedo values for melting lakes. Albedo will relax to these values as temperature
reaches melting when ice is present with no snow layers. Represents puddling, ice disintegration, and white ice.
Set to alblak values (0.6, 0.4) to keep albedo constant for ice-covered lakes without snow layers.
allowlakeprod ch4par_in clm_methane logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, turn on methane biogeochemistry model for lake columns, using a simplified version of the CH4 submodel.
ch4offline ch4par_in clm_methane logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, run the methane submodel decoupled from the atmosphere. The atmospheric methane concentration is prescribed by
atmch4, the methane flux is not passed to the atmosphere, and the CO2 flux to the atmosphere is not adjusted for
net methane production. NOTE: Currently this must be TRUE.
(EXPERIMENTAL and NOT functional)
finundation_method ch4par_in clm_methane char*50 ['h2osfc', 'ZWT_inversion', 'TWS_inversion'] is TWS_inversion for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is ZWT_inversion for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Inundated fraction method type to use for the CH4 submodel (possibly affecting soil 
heterotrophic respiration and denitrification depending on the configuration),

h2osfc ----------- Use prognostic saturated fraction h2osfc value calculated in Soil Hydrology
ZWT_inversion ---- Use inversion of Prigent Satellite data to model ZWT
TWS_inversion ---- Use inversion of Prigent Satellite data to model TWS

Inversion options require additional data on fsurdat or use of stream_fldfilename_ch4finundated files.
(h2osfc option is EXPERIMENTAL and NOT tested)
replenishlakec ch4par_in clm_methane logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, maintain constant soil carbon under lakes, and use the methane submodel simply to predict the net conversion of
CO2 (via biological assimilation, decomposition, and methanogenesis) to CH4. If FALSE, transiently decompose initial
soil carbon stock based on soil carbon dataset.  NOTE: if FALSE, a new transient source of C is added to the climate system,
so the coupled system will NOT conserve carbon in this mode if the methane model is coupled to the atmosphere.
use_aereoxid_prog ch4par_in clm_methane logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'use_cn': '.true.'}
is .true. for: {'use_fates': '.true.'}
Allows user to tune the value of aereoxid.  If set to FALSE, then use the value of aereoxid from 
the parameter file (set to 0.0, but may be tuned with values in the range {0.0,1.0}.  If set to TRUE,
then don't fix aere (see ch4Mod.F90).
usefrootc ch4par_in clm_methane logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, use the fine root carbon predicted by CN when calculating the aerenchyma area, rather than the parametrization
based on annual NPP, aboveground NPP fraction, and LAI.
usephfact ch4par_in clm_methane logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, apply a limitation to methane production based on the soil pH dataset.
vmax_oxid_unsat ch4par_in clm_methane real ['any real']
Michaelis-Mentin maximum methane oxidation rate (mol/m^3-water/s), in the unsaturated zone.
carbon_resp_opt clm_nitrogen clm_nitrogen integer ['0', '1'] is 1 for: {'use_flexibleCN': '.true.', 'use_fun': '.false.'}
is 0 for: {'use_flexibleCN': '.true.', 'use_fun': '.true.'}
Carbon respiration option to burn off carbon when CN ratio is too high (do NOT use when FUN is on)
CN_evergreen_phenology_opt clm_nitrogen clm_nitrogen integer ['0', '1'] is 1 for: {'use_flexibleCN': '.true.'}
Evergreen phenology option for CNPhenology
CN_partition_opt clm_nitrogen clm_nitrogen integer ['0', '1'] is 1 for: {'use_flexibleCN': '.true.'}
Partition option for flexible-CN
   CN_partition_opt = 1
CN_residual_opt clm_nitrogen clm_nitrogen integer ['0', '1'] is 1 for: {'use_flexibleCN': '.true.'}
Residual option for flexible-CN
CNratio_floating clm_nitrogen clm_nitrogen logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'use_flexibleCN': '.true.'}
   Flexible CN ratio used for Phenology
downreg_opt clm_nitrogen clm_nitrogen logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'use_flexibleCN': '.true.'}
   GPP downregulation for use_flexibleCN option
initial_vegC cnvegcarbonstate clm_nitrogen real ['any real'] is 100.d00 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'mm_nuptake_opt': '.true.'}
is 20.d00 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'mm_nuptake_opt': '.true.'}
is 1.d00 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'mm_nuptake_opt': '.false.'}
is 1.d00 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'mm_nuptake_opt': '.false.'}
How much Carbon to initialize vegetation pools (leafc/frootc and storage) to when -- Michaelis Menten nitrogen uptake kinetics is on
lnc_opt clm_nitrogen clm_nitrogen logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'use_cn': '.true.'}
is .false. for: {'use_cn': '.false.'}
How LUNA and Photosynthesis (if needed) will get Leaf nitrogen content
   lnc_opt = true  get from leaf N from CN model
   lnc_opt = false get based on LAI and fixed CN ratio from parameter file
MM_Nuptake_opt clm_nitrogen clm_nitrogen logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'use_flexibleCN': '.true.'}
   Michaelis Menten nitrogen uptake kinetics
nscalar_opt clm_nitrogen clm_nitrogen logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'use_flexibleCN': '.true.'}
   Michaelis Menten nitrogen limitation for use_flexibleCN option
plant_ndemand_opt clm_nitrogen clm_nitrogen integer ['0', '1', '2', '3'] is 3 for: {'use_flexibleCN': '.true.'}
   Plant nitrogen demand for use_flexibleCN option
reduce_dayl_factor clm_nitrogen clm_nitrogen logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'use_flexibleCN': '.true.'}
   Reduce day length factor
(NOT implemented)
substrate_term_opt clm_nitrogen clm_nitrogen logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'use_flexibleCN': '.true.'}
   Michaelis Menten substrate limitation for use_flexibleCN option
temp_scalar_opt clm_nitrogen clm_nitrogen logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'use_flexibleCN': '.true.'}
   Michaelis Menten temperature limitation for use_flexibleCN option
use_flexibleCN clm_inparm clm_nitrogen logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Allow the CN ratio to flexibly change with the simulation, rather than being fixed
vcmax_opt clm_nitrogen clm_nitrogen integer ['0', '3', '4'] is 3 for: {'use_flexibleCN': '.true.'}
Vcmax calculation for Photosynthesis
    vcmax_opt = 4 As for vcmax_opt=0, but using leafN, and exponential if tree  (EXPERIMENTAL NOT TESTED!)
    vcmax_opt = 3 Based on leafN and VCAD (used with Luna for crop and C4 vegetation)
    vcmax_opt = 0 Based on canopy top and foilage Nitrogen limitation factor from params file (clm4.5)
clump_pproc clm_inparm clm_performance integer ['any integer']
Clumps per processor.
nsegspc clm_inparm clm_performance integer ['any integer'] 35
number of segments per clump for decomposition
perchroot clm_inparm clm_permafrost logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, weight btran (vegetation soil moisture availability) by unfrozen layers only, assuming that vegetation
will allocate roots preferentially to the active layer.
perchroot_alt clm_inparm clm_permafrost logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, weight btran (vegetation soil moisture availability) by the active layer, as defined by the greatest thaw depth over the current and prior years.
albice clm_inparm clm_physics real(2) ['any real(2)'] is 0.50,0.30 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 0.60,0.40 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Visible and Near-infrared albedo's for glacier ice
all_active clm_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, make ALL pfts, columns and landunits active, even those with 0 weight.
This means that computations will be run even over these 0-weight points.

baseflow_scalar soilhydrology_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 1.d-2 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'lower_boundary_condition': '1'}
is 0.001d00 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'lower_boundary_condition': '2'}
is 1.d-2 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'lower_boundary_condition': '1'}
is 1.d-2 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'lower_boundary_condition': '2'}
Scalar multiplier for base flow rate
(ONLY used if lower_boundary_condition is not aquifer or table)
boreal_peatfire_c lifire_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 4.2d-5 for: {'fire_method': 'li2014qianfrc'}
is 0.09d-4 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc'}
boreal peat fires (/hr)
br_root cnmresp_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 0.83d-06
CN Maintenence Respiration base rate for roots
(if NOT set, use the value for br_mr on the params file)
bt_max lifire_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 0.7d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2014qianfrc'}
is 0.98d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc'}
Saturation BTRAN for ignition (0-1)
bt_min lifire_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 0.3d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2014qianfrc'}
is 0.85d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc'}
Critical BTRAN for ignition (0-1)
building_temp_method clmu_inparm clm_physics integer ['0', '1'] is 1 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 0 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
0 = simpler method (clm4_5)
1 = prognostic calculation of interior building temp (clm5_0)
calc_human_stress_indices clm_humanindex_inparm clm_physics char*16 ['ALL', 'FAST', 'NONE'] is FAST for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is NONE for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Human heat stress indices:
    ALL  = All indices will be calculated
    FAST = A subset of indices will be calculated (will not include the computationally 
           expensive wet bulb calculation and associated indices)
    NONE = No indices will be calculated
ccrit cnprecision_inparm clm_physics real ['any real']
Critical threshold for truncation of Carbon (truncate Carbon states to zero below this value)
cli_scale lifire_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 0.035d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2014qianfrc'}
is 0.033d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc'}
Global constant for deforestation fires (/day)
cmb_cmplt_fact lifire_inparm clm_physics real(2) ['any real(2)'] is 0.5d00, 0.25d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2014qianfrc'}
is 0.5d00, 0.28d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc'}
Combustion completeness factor (for litter and CWD[Course Woody Debris]) (unitless)
cnegcrit cnprecision_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is -6.d+1 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
is -6.d+2 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
Critical threshold of negative Carbon to die (abort when Carbon states are below this value)
co2_ppmv clm_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 379.0 for: {'sim_year': '1000'}
is 336.6 for: {'sim_year': '1979'}
is 379.0 for: {'sim_year': '2000'}
is 388.8 for: {'sim_year': '2010'}
is 397.5 for: {'sim_year': '2015'}
is 284.7 for: {'sim_year': '1850'}
is 284.7 for: {'sim_year': 'PtVg'}
Atmospheric CO2 molar ratio (by volume) only used when co2_type==constant (umol/mol)
(Set by CCSM_CO2_PPMV)
co2_type clm_inparm clm_physics char*16 ['constant', 'prognostic', 'diagnostic'] constant
Type of CO2 feedback.
    constant   = use the input co2_ppmv value
    prognostic = use the prognostic value sent from the atmosphere
    diagnostic = use the diagnostic value sent from the atmosphere
constrain_stress_deciduous_onset bgc_shared clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is .true. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
If TRUE use additional stress deciduous onset trigger
create_crop_landunit clm_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'use_fates': '.false.'}
is .false. for: {'use_fates': '.true.'}
If TRUE, separate the vegetated landunit into a crop landunit and a natural vegetation landunit
crop_fsat_equals_zero clm_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
If TRUE, fsat will be set to zero for crop columns.
cropfire_a1 lifire_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 0.3d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2014qianfrc'}
is 1.6d-4 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc'}
Scalar for cropfire (/hr)
dribble_crophrv_xsmrpool_2atm cn_general clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'co2_type': 'prognostic', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is .false. for: {'use_crop': '.true.'}
Harvest the XSMR pool at crop harvest time to the atmosphere slowly at an exponential rate
dtmin soilwater_movement_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 60.
minimum time step length (seconds) for adaptive time stepping in richards equation
enable_water_isotopes water_tracers_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
If .true., run with water isotopes
enable_water_tracer_consistency_checks water_tracers_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
If .true., add water tracers needed to perform water tracer consistency checks.

These consistency checks ensure that all water tracers are updated to remain in-sync with
the related bulk quantities.
expensive soilwater_movement_inparm clm_physics integer ['any integer'] 42

fire_method cnfire_inparm clm_physics char*80 ['nofire', 'li2014qianfrc', 'li2016crufrc'] is li2016crufrc for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is li2014qianfrc for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
The method type to use for CNFire

nofire:        Turn fire effects off
li2014qianfrc: Reference paper Li, et. al.(2014) tuned with QIAN atmospheric forcing
li2016crufrc:  Reference paper Li, et. al.(2016) tuned with CRU-NCEP atmospheric forcing
flux_calculation soilwater_movement_inparm clm_physics integer ['any integer'] 1

freelivfix_intercept mineral_nitrogen_dynamics clm_physics real ['any real']
Intercept of free living Nitrogen fixation with zero annual ET
freelivfix_slope_wET mineral_nitrogen_dynamics clm_physics real ['any real']
Slope of free living Nitrogen fixation with annual ET
fresh_snw_rds_max aerosol clm_physics real ['any real'] is 54.526d00 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is 204.526d00 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
maximum warm (at freezing) fresh snow effective radius [microns]
glacier_region_behavior clm_glacier_behavior clm_physics char*32(10) ['multiple', 'virtual', 'single_at_atm_topo'] 'single_at_atm_topo','virtual','virtual','multiple'
Behavior of each glacier region (GLACIER_REGION in surface dataset).
First item corresponds to GLACIER_REGION with ID 0 in the surface dataset,
second to GLACIER_REGION with ID 1, etc.
Allowed values are:
'multiple': grid cells can potentially have multiple glacier elevation classes,
   but no virtual columns
'virtual': grid cells have virtual columns: values are computed for every glacier
   elevation class, even those with 0 area (in order to provide surface mass
   balance for every glacier elevation class).
'single_at_atm_topo': glacier landunits in these grid cells have a single column,
   whose elevation matches the atmosphere's topographic height (so that there is no
   adjustment due to downscaling)
Behavior of 'virtual' is required in the region where we have an ice sheet model
glacier_region_ice_runoff_behavior clm_glacier_behavior clm_physics char*32(10) ['remains_ice', 'melted'] 'melted','melted','remains_ice','remains_ice'
Treatment of ice runoff for each glacier region (GLACIER_REGION in surface dataset).
First item corresponds to GLACIER_REGION with ID 0 in the surface dataset,
second to GLACIER_REGION with ID 1, etc.
Allowed values are:
'remains_ice': ice runoff is sent to the river model as ice; this is a crude parameterization
   of iceberg calving, and so is appropriate in regions where there is substantial iceberg calving
   in reality
'melted': ice runoff generated by the CLM physics (primarily due to snow capping) is melted
   (generating a negative sensible heat flux) and runs off as liquid; this is appropriate in
   regions that have little iceberg calving in reality. This can be important to avoid unrealistic
   cooling of the ocean and consequent runaway sea ice growth.
Only applies when melt_non_icesheet_ice_runoff is .true.
glacier_region_melt_behavior clm_glacier_behavior clm_physics char*32(10) ['replaced_by_ice', 'remains_in_place'] 'remains_in_place','replaced_by_ice','replaced_by_ice','replaced_by_ice'
Treatment of ice melt for each glacier region (GLACIER_REGION in surface dataset).
First item corresponds to GLACIER_REGION with ID 0 in the surface dataset,
second to GLACIER_REGION with ID 1, etc.
Allowed values are:
'replaced_by_ice': any melted ice runs off and is immediately replaced by solid ice;
   this results in positive liquid runoff and negative ice runoff
'remains_in_place': any melted ice remains in place as liquid until it refreezes;
   thus, ice melt does not result in any runoff
IMPORTANT NOTE: Regions with the 'remains_in_place' behavior also do not
compute SMB (because negative SMB would be pretty much meaningless in
those regions). Thus, you cannot use this behavior where GLC is
Regions with the 'replaced_by_ice' behavior also compute SMB for the
vegetated column.
glc_do_dynglacier clm_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, dynamically change areas and topographic heights over glacier points.
Only works when running with a non-stub glacier model.
glc_snow_persistence_max_days clm_inparm clm_physics integer ['any integer'] is 0 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 7300 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Number of days before one considers the perennially snow-covered point 'land ice'
(and thus capable of generating a positive surface mass balance for the glacier model).
This is meant to compensate for the fact that, with small values of h2osno_max,
the onset of a snow-capped state (and thus conversion to land ice) can occur in an
unrealistically short amount of time.
Thus, in general, large values of h2osno_max should have glc_snow_persistence_max_days = 0;
small values of h2osno_max should have glc_snow_persistence_max_days > 0.
glcmec_downscale_longwave atm2lnd_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .true.
If TRUE, downscale longwave radiation over glc_mec landunits.
This downscaling is conservative.
h2osfcflag clm_soilhydrology_inparm clm_physics integer ['0', '1']
If surface water is active or not
(deprecated -- will be removed)
h2osno_max clm_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 10000.0 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'structure': 'standard'}
is 5000.0 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'structure': 'fast'}
is 1000.0 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Maximum snow depth in mm H2O equivalent. Additional mass gains will be capped when this depth 
is exceeded.
Changes in this value should possibly be accompanied by changes in:
- nlevsno: larger values of h2osno_max should be accompanied by increases in nlevsno
- glc_snow_persistence_max_days: large values of h2osno_max should generally have
  glc_snow_persistence_max_days = 0; small values of h2osno_max should generally have
  glc_snow_persistence_max_days > 0.
inexpensive soilwater_movement_inparm clm_physics integer ['any integer'] 1

initial_Cstocks century_soilbgcdecompcascade clm_physics real(3) ['any real(3)'] is 20.0d00, 20.0d00, 20.0d00 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'use_century_decomp': '.true.'}
is 200.0d00, 200.0d00, 200.0d00 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'use_century_decomp': '.true.'}
is 20.0d00, 20.0d00, 20.0d00 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.true.', 'use_century_decomp': '.true.'}
is 200.0d00, 200.0d00, 200.0d00 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.true.', 'use_century_decomp': '.true.'}
Initial stocks of Carbon to use in soil organic matter pools for CENTURY decomposition
initial_Cstocks_depth century_soilbgcdecompcascade clm_physics real(3) ['any real(3)'] is 1.50d00 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'use_century_decomp': '.true.'}
is 0.3 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'use_century_decomp': '.true.'}
is 1.50d00 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.true.', 'use_century_decomp': '.true.'}
is 0.3 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.true.', 'use_century_decomp': '.true.'}
Soil depth to place initial stocks of Carbon in soil organic matter pools for CENTURY decomposition
int_snow_max scf_swenson_lawrence_2012_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 2000. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 1.e30 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Limit applied to integrated snowfall when determining changes in snow-covered fraction during melt
(mm H2O)
Only applies when using the SwensonLawrence2012 snow cover fraction method
interception_fraction clm_canopyhydrology_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 1.0 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 0.25 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Fraction of intercepted precipitation
irrig_depth irrigation_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 0.6
Soil depth to which we measure for irrigation (m)
irrig_length irrigation_inparm clm_physics integer ['any integer'] 14400
Desired amount of time to irrigate per day (sec).
Actual time may differ if this is not a multiple of dtime.
irrig_method_default irrigation_inparm clm_physics char*32 ['drip', 'sprinkler'] drip
Irrigation method used if not specified on surface dataset
irrig_min_lai irrigation_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 0.0
Minimum leaf area index for irrigation to occur
irrig_river_volume_threshold irrigation_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 0.1
Threshold for river water volume below which irrigation is shut off (as a fraction of available river water), if limit_irrigation_if_rof_enabled is .true.
A threshold of 0 means allow all river water to be used;
a threshold of 0.1 means allow 90% of the river volume to be used; etc.
irrig_start_time irrigation_inparm clm_physics integer ['any integer'] 21600
Time of day to check whether we need irrigation, seconds (0 = midnight).
We start applying the irrigation in the time step FOLLOWING this time.
irrig_target_smp irrigation_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] -3400.
Target soil matric potential for irrigation (mm).
When we irrigate, we aim to bring the total soil moisture in the top (irrig_depth) m of soil up to this level.
irrig_threshold_fraction irrigation_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 1.0 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 0.5 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Determines soil moisture threshold at which we irrigate.
If h2osoi_liq_wilting_point is the soil moisture level at wilting point and
h2osoi_liq_target is the soil moisture level at the target irrigation level
(given by irrig_target_smp), then the threshold at which we irrigate is
    h2osoi_liq_wilting_point +
         irrig_threshold_fraction*(h2osoi_liq_target - h2osoi_liq_wilting_point)
A value of 1 means that we irrigate whenever soil moisture falls below the target.
A value of 0 means that we only irrigate when soil moisture falls below the wilting point.
irrigate clm_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'use_crop': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is .false. for: {'use_crop': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cndv': '.true.', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is .false. for: {'use_crop': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm4_5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is .false. for: {'use_crop': '.true.'}
is .true. for: {'use_crop': '.false.'}
If TRUE, irrigation will be active.
itmax_canopy_fluxes canopyfluxes_inparm clm_physics integer ['any integer'] is 40 for: {'structure': 'standard'}
is 3 for: {'structure': 'fast'}
Max number of iterations used in subr. CanopyFluxes. For many years, 40 was the hardwired default value.
Jmaxb1 luna clm_physics real ['any real']
baseline proportion of nitrogen allocated for electron transport (J)
lapse_rate atm2lnd_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 0.006
Surface temperature lapse rate (K m-1)
A positive value means a decrease in temperature with increasing height
lapse_rate_longwave atm2lnd_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 0.032
Longwave radiation lapse rate (W m-2 m-1)
A positive value means a decrease in LW radiation with increasing height
Only relevant if glcmec_downscale_longwave is .true.
leaf_mr_vcm clm_canopy_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 0.015d00 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 0.015d00 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Scalar of leaf respiration to vcmax
leafresp_method photosyns_inparm clm_physics integer ['any integer'] is 2 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
is 1 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
is 0 for: {'use_cn': '.false.'}
Leaf maintencence respiration for canopy top at 25C method to use

    0  Scaled by vcmax25top
    1  Ryan 1991
    2  Atkin 2015
lfuel lifire_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 75.d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2014qianfrc'}
is 105.d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc'}
Lower threshold for fuel mass needed for ignition
light_inhibit photosyns_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is .true. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
Switch to inihibit photosynthesis in daytime
Lloyd et al. 2010, & Metcalfe et al. 2012
limit_irrigation_if_rof_enabled irrigation_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
If TRUE, limit irrigation when river storage drops below a threshold.
Only applies if using an active runoff (ROF) model; otherwise, river storage-based limitation
is turned off regardless of the setting of this namelist variable.
longwave_downscaling_limit atm2lnd_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 0.5
Relative limit for how much longwave downscaling can be done (unitless)
The pre-normalized, downscaled longwave is restricted to be in the range
[lwrad*(1-longwave_downscaling_limit), lwrad*(1+longwave_downscaling_limit)]
This parameter must be in the range [0,1]
Only relevant if glcmec_downscale_longwave is .true.
lotmp_snowdensity_method clm_snowhydrology_inparm clm_physics char*25 ['Slater2017', 'TruncatedAnderson1976'] is 'Slater2017' for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 'TruncatedAnderson1976' for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Snow density method to use for low temperatures (below -15C)
TruncatedAnderson1976 -- Truncate the Anderson-1976 equation at the value for -15C
Slater2017 ------------- Use equation from Slater that increases snow density for very cold temperatures  (Arctic, Antarctic)
lower_boundary_condition soilwater_movement_inparm clm_physics integer ['1', '2', '3', '4'] is 4 for: {'soilwater_movement_method': '0'}
is 2 for: {'soilwater_movement_method': '1', 'use_bedrock': '.true.'}
is 2 for: {'soilwater_movement_method': '1', 'use_bedrock': '.false.'}
is 3 for: {'soilwater_movement_method': '1', 'use_bedrock': '.false.', 'vichydro': '1'}
Index of lower boundary condition for Richards equation.

lower_boundary_condition = 1 : flux lower boundary condition                                     (use with soilwater_movement_method=adaptive time stepping)
lower_boundary_condition = 2 : zero-flux lower boundary condition                                (use with soilwater_movement_method=adaptive time stepping)
lower_boundary_condition = 3 : water table head-based lower boundary condition w/ aquifer layer. (use with soilwater_movement_method=adaptive time stepping)
lower_boundary_condition = 4 : 11-layer solution w/ aquifer layer                                (only used with soilwater_movement_method=Zeng&Decker 2009)

TODO(bja, 2015-09) these should be strings so they have meaningful names instead of ints. 
maximum_leaf_wetted_fraction clm_canopyhydrology_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 0.05 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 1.0 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Maximum fraction of leaf that may be wet prior to drip occuring
maxpatch_glcmec clm_inparm clm_physics integer ['1', '3', '5', '10', '36']
Number of  multiple elevation classes over glacier points.
melt_non_icesheet_ice_runoff lnd2atm_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is .true. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
If TRUE, ice runoff generated from non-glacier columns and glacier columns outside icesheet regions
is converted to liquid, with an appropriate sensible heat flux.
That is, the atmosphere (rather than the ocean) melts the ice.
(Exception: ice runoff generated to ensure conservation with dynamic landunits remains as ice.)
min_wind_snowcompact clm_snowhydrology_inparm clm_physics real ['any real']
Minimum wind speed tht results in compaction (m/s)
modifyphoto_and_lmr_forcrop photosyns_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Modify photosynthesis and leaf maintence respiration for crop
n_melt_glcmec scf_swenson_lawrence_2012_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 10.0d00 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 10.0 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
SCA shape parameter for glc_mec (glacier multiple elevation class) columns
For most columns, n_melt is based on the standard deviation of 1km topography in the grid cell;
but glc_mec columns already account for subgrid topographic variability through their use of
multiple elevation classes; thus, to avoid double-accounting for topographic variability
in these columns, we use a fixed value of n_melt.
Only applies when using the SwensonLawrence2012 snow cover fraction method
ncrit cnprecision_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 1.d-9 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
is 1.d-8 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
Critical threshold for truncation of Nitrogen (truncate Nitrogen states to zero below this value)
nlevsno clm_inparm clm_physics integer ['3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12'] is 12 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'structure': 'standard'}
is 5 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'structure': 'fast'}
is 5 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Number of snow layers.
Values less than 5 are mainly useful for testing, and should not be used for science.
nnegcrit cnprecision_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is -6.d+0 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
is -6.d+1 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
Critical threshold of negative Nitrogen to die (abort when Nitrogen states are below this value)
non_boreal_peatfire_c lifire_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 0.001d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2014qianfrc'}
is 0.17d-3 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc'}
non-boreal peat fires (/hr)
occur_hi_gdp_tree lifire_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 0.39d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2014qianfrc'}
is 0.33d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc'}
Fire occurance for high GDP areas that are tree dominated (fraction)
organic_frac_squared clm_soilstate_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
If TRUE, square the organic fraction when it's used (as was done in CLM4.5)
Otherwise use the fraction straight up              (the default for CLM5.0)
origflag clm_soilhydrology_inparm clm_physics integer ['0', '1']
Use original CLM4 soil hydraulic properties
(deprecated -- will be removed)
overburden_compress_Tfactor clm_snowhydrology_inparm clm_physics real ['any real']
Snow compaction overburden exponential factor (1/K)
Not used for snow_overburden_compaction_method=Vionnet2012
pertlim clm_inparm clm_physics real ['any real']
Perturbation limit when doing error growth test
pot_hmn_ign_counts_alpha lifire_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 0.0035d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2014qianfrc'}
is 0.010d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_GSWP3v1'}
is 0.010d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_CRUv7'}
is 0.008d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0'}
Potential human ignition counts (/person/month)
precip_repartition_glc_all_rain_t atm2lnd_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 2. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is 0. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
Temperature above which all precipitation falls as rain, for glacier columns (deg C)
Only relevant if repartition_rain_snow is .true.
precip_repartition_glc_all_snow_t atm2lnd_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 0. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is -2. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
Temperature below which all precipitation falls as snow, for glacier columns (deg C)
Only relevant if repartition_rain_snow is .true.
precip_repartition_nonglc_all_rain_t atm2lnd_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 2.
Temperature above which all precipitation falls as rain, for non-glacier columns (deg C)
Only relevant if repartition_rain_snow is .true.
precip_repartition_nonglc_all_snow_t atm2lnd_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 0.
Temperature below which all precipitation falls as snow, for non-glacier columns (deg C)
Only relevant if repartition_rain_snow is .true.
repartition_rain_snow atm2lnd_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
If TRUE, repartition rain/snow from atmosphere based on temperature.
reseed_dead_plants cn_general clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag to reseed any dead plants on startup from reading the initial conditions file
reset_snow clm_snowhydrology_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
If set to .true., then reset the snow pack over non-glacier columns to a small value.
This is useful when transitioning from a spinup under one set of atmospheric forcings
to a run under a different set of atmospheric forcings: By resetting too-large snow packs,
we make it more likely that points will remain only seasonally snow-covered under the new
atmospheric forcings. (This is particularly true in a coupled run, where starting with a
too-large snow pack can cool the atmosphere, thus maintaining the too-large snow pack.)

WARNING: Setting this to .true. will break water conservation for approximately the first
day of the new run. This is by design: The excess snow is completely removed from the system.
reset_snow_glc clm_snowhydrology_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
If set to .true., then reset the snow pack over glacier columns to a small value.
This is useful when transitioning from a spinup under one set of atmospheric forcings
to a run under a different set of atmospheric forcings: By resetting too-large snow packs,
we make it more likely that points will remain only seasonally snow-covered under the new
atmospheric forcings. (This is particularly true in a coupled run, where starting with a
too-large snow pack can cool the atmosphere, thus maintaining the too-large snow pack.)

See also reset_snow_glc_ela, which controls the elevation below which
glacier columns are reset.

WARNING: Setting this to .true. will break water conservation for approximately the first
day of the new run. This is by design: The excess snow is completely removed from the system.

WARNING: This variable is intended for short test runs, and generally
should not be used for scientific production runs. By resetting snow
below a given elevation, you risk forcing the system to evolve
differently in areas below and above reset_snow_glc_ela.
reset_snow_glc_ela clm_snowhydrology_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 1.e9
Only relevant if reset_snow_glc is .true.

When resetting snow pack over glacier columns, one can choose to do this over all glacier
columns, or only those below a certain elevation. A typical use case is to reset only those 
columns that have a seasonal snow pack in the real world, i.e. SMB less than 0, also known as 
the equilibrium line altitude (ELA). This parameter sets a single global ELA value. By
setting this parameter to a large value (i.e. 10000 m), all glacier columns will be reset.

WARNING: This variable is intended for short test runs, and generally
should not be used for scientific production runs. By resetting snow
below a given elevation, you risk forcing the system to evolve
differently in areas below and above reset_snow_glc_ela.
rh_hgh lifire_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 80.0d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2014qianfrc'}
is 80.0d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc'}
Saturation RH for ignition (0-100)
rh_low lifire_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 30.0d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2014qianfrc'}
is 30.0d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_GSWP3v1'}
is 30.0d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_CRUv7'}
is 20.0d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0'}
Critical RH for ignition (0-100)
rooting_profile_method_carbon rooting_profile_inparm clm_physics integer ['0', '1', '2'] is 1 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 1 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Index of rooting profile for carbon

Changes rooting profile from Zeng 2001 double exponential (0) to
Jackson 1996 single exponential (1) to Koven uniform exponential (2).
rooting_profile_method_carbon rooting_profile_inparm clm_physics integer ['0', '1', '2'] is 1 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 1 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Index of rooting profile for carbon

Changes rooting profile from Zeng 2001 double exponential (0) to
Jackson 1996 single exponential (1) to Koven uniform exponential (2).
rooting_profile_method_soilcarbon rooting_profile_inparm clm_physics integer ['0', '1', '2']
Index of rooting profile for soil carbon

Changes rooting profile from Zeng 2001 double exponential (0) to
Jackson 1996 single exponential (1) to Koven uniform exponential (2).
rooting_profile_method_water rooting_profile_inparm clm_physics integer ['0', '1', '2'] is 1 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 0 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Index of rooting profile for water

Changes rooting profile from Zeng 2001 double exponential (0) to
Jackson 1996 single exponential (1) to Koven uniform exponential (2).
rooting_profile_varindex_carbon rooting_profile_inparm clm_physics integer ['1', '2']
Variant index of rooting profile for carbon and soil carbon
(Currently only used for Jackson 1996 method)
rooting_profile_varindex_water rooting_profile_inparm clm_physics integer ['1', '2']
Variant index of rooting profile for water
(Currently only used for Jackson 1996 method)
rootstem_acc photosyns_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Switch to turn on root and stem respiratory acclimation
Atkin, Fisher et al. (2008) and Lombardozzi et al. (2015)
run_zero_weight_urban clm_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
If TRUE, run all urban landunits everywhere where we have valid urban data.
This forces memory to be allocated and calculations to be run even for 0-weight urban points.
This has a substantial impact on memory use and performance, and should only be used
if you're interested in potential urban behavior globally.
snow_cover_fraction_method clm_inparm clm_physics char*64 ['NiuYang2007', 'SwensonLawrence2012'] SwensonLawrence2012
Parameterization to use for snow cover fraction
NiuYang2007: Niu and Yang 2007
SwensonLawrence2012: Swenson and Lawrence 2012
snow_dzmax_l_1 clm_snowhydrology_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 0.03d00
Max snow thickness of layer 1 (top snow layer) when no layers beneath; values other than the default 0.03 have not been tested as of Sep 6, 2019
snow_dzmax_l_2 clm_snowhydrology_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 0.07d00
Max snow thickness of layer 2 when no layers beneath; values other than the default 0.07 have not been tested as of Sep 6, 2019; snow_dzmax_l of remaining layers is generated with the following recursive formula: dzmax_l(j) = dzmax_u(j) + dzmax_l(j-1)
snow_dzmax_u_1 clm_snowhydrology_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 0.02d00
Max snow thickness of layer 1 (top snow layer) when layers beneath; values other than the default 0.02 have not been tested as of Sep 6, 2019
snow_dzmax_u_2 clm_snowhydrology_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 0.05d00
Max snow thickness of layer 2 when layers beneath; values other than the default 0.05 have not been tested as of Sep 6, 2019; snow_dzmax_u of remaining layers is generated with the following recursive formula: dzmax_u(j) = 2._r8 * dzmax_u(j-1) + 0.01_r8
snow_dzmin_1 clm_snowhydrology_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 0.010d00
Min snow thickness of layer 1 (top snow layer); values other than the default 0.01 have not been tested as of Sep 6, 2019
snow_dzmin_2 clm_snowhydrology_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 0.015d00
Min snow thickness of layer 2; values other than the default 0.015 have not been tested as of Sep 6, 2019; snow_dzmin of remaining layers is generated with the following recursive formula: dzmin(j) = dzmax_u(j-1) * 0.5_r8
snow_overburden_compaction_method clm_snowhydrology_inparm clm_physics char*64 ['Vionnet2012', 'Anderson1976'] is 'Vionnet2012' for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 'Anderson1976' for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Method used to compute snow overburden compaction
Anderson1976 -- older method, default in CLM45
Vionnet2012 --- newer method, default in CLM50
snowveg_affects_radiation surfacealbedo_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .true.
Whether snow on the vegetation canopy affects the radiation/albedo calculations
soil_layerstruct_predefined clm_inparm clm_physics char*16 ['10SL_3.5m', '23SL_3.5m', '49SL_10m', '20SL_8.5m', '4SL_2m'] is 4SL_2m for: {'structure': 'fast'}
is 20SL_8.5m for: {'structure': 'standard', 'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 10SL_3.5m for: {'structure': 'standard', 'phys': 'clm4_5'}
10SL_3.5m    = standard CLM4 and CLM4.5 version
23SL_3.5m    = more vertical layers for permafrost simulations 
49SL_10m     = 49 layer soil column, 10m of soil, 5 bedrock layers
20SL_8.5m    = 20 layer soil column, 8m of soil, 5 bedrock layers
4SL_2m       = 4 layer soil column, 2m of soil, 0 bedrock layers
soil_layerstruct_userdefined clm_inparm clm_physics real(99) ['any real(99)']
User-defined vector of dzsoi. The length of this vector determines nlevgrnd. When the user sets this vector, they have to set soil_layerstruct_userdefined_nlevsoi in the namelist, too; soil_layerstruct_userdefined_nlevsoi must be less than nlevgrnd in this version of the model, even though ideally soil_layerstruct_userdefined_nlevsoi could also equal nlevgrnd.
soil_layerstruct_userdefined_nlevsoi clm_inparm clm_physics integer ['any integer']
User-defined number of soil layers required to be set in the namelist when the user sets soil_layerstruct_userdefined in the namelist.
soil_resis_method soil_resis_inparm clm_physics integer ['0', '1'] is 1 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 0 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Index of evaporative resistance method.

Changes soil evaporative resistance method from Sakaguchi and Zeng
2009 Beta function (0) to Swenson and Lawrence 2014 dry surface layer
formulation (1).
soilwater_movement_method soilwater_movement_inparm clm_physics integer ['0', '1'] is 0 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is 1 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
Index of solution method of Richards equation.

Change method for richards equation solution and boundary

CLM 4.5 - soilwater_movement_method = 0 (Zeng and Decker, 2009, method). 
CLM 5.0 - soilwater_movement_method = 1 (adaptive time stepping moisture form from Martyn Clark).

1 (adaptive time stepping moisture form
stomatalcond_method photosyns_inparm clm_physics char*50 ['Ball-Berry1987', 'Medlyn2011'] is Medlyn2011 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_hydrstress': '.true.'}
is Ball-Berry1987 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_hydrstress': '.false.'}
is Ball-Berry1987 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Stomatal conductance model method to use

    Ball-Berry1987 --- Ball Berry 1987 methodology
    Medlyn2011 ------- Medlyn 2011 methodology
suplnitro clm_inparm clm_physics char*15 ['NONE', 'ALL'] is NONE for: {'use_cn': '.true.'}
is NONE for: {'use_fates': '.true.'}
Supplemental Nitrogen mode and for what type of vegetation it's turned on for. 
In this mode Nitrogen is unlimited rather than prognosed and in general vegetation is 
    NONE           = No vegetation types get supplemental Nitrogen
    ALL            = Supplemental Nitrogen is active for all vegetation types
ufuel lifire_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 1050.d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2014qianfrc'}
is 1050.d00 for: {'fire_method': 'li2016crufrc'}
Upper threshold for fuel mass needed for ignition
upper_boundary_condition soilwater_movement_inparm clm_physics integer ['1'] is 1 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is 1 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
Index of upper boundary condition for Richards equation.
upplim_destruct_metamorph clm_snowhydrology_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] is 100.d00 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is 175.d00 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
Upper Limit on Destructive Metamorphism Compaction [kg/m3]
urban_hac clmu_inparm clm_physics char*16 ['OFF', 'ON', 'ON_WASTEHEAT'] is ON_WASTEHEAT for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is ON for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Turn urban air conditioning/heating ON or OFF and add wasteheat:
    OFF          = Air conditioning/heating is OFF in buildings, internal temperature allowed to float freely
    ON           = Air conditioning/heating is ON in buildings, internal temperature constrained
    ON_WASTEHEAT = Air conditioning/heating is ON and waste-heat sent to urban canyon
urban_traffic clmu_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
If TRUE, urban traffic flux will be activated (Currently NOT implemented).
use_bedrock clm_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_fates': '.true.'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'vichydro': '1'}
is .true. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
If TRUE, use variable soil depth.

If present on surface dataset, use depth to bedrock information to
specify spatially variable soil thickness. If not present, use bottom
of soil column (nlevsoi).
use_clm5_fpi clm_canopyhydrology_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
If TRUE use clm5 equation for fraction of intercepted precipitation
use_groundwater_irrigation irrigation_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
If TRUE, supply irrigation from groundwater (in addition to surface water).

Can only be set if limit_irrigation_if_rof_enabled is true (otherwise
groundwater extraction is never invoked).

Cannot be combined with lower_boundary_condition = 3 or 4
use_nguardrail clm_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.false.'}
is .true. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
Apply the guardrail for leaf-Nitrogen that ensures it doesn't go negative or too small
use_subgrid_fluxes clm_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .true.
Whether to use subgrid fluxes for snow
use_undercanopy_stability canopyfluxes_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is .true. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
If TRUE use the undercanopy stability term used with CLM4.5 (Sakaguchi&Zeng, 2008)
verySmall soilwater_movement_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 1.e-8
a very small number: used to check for sub step completion for adaptive time stepping in richards equation
wind_dependent_snow_density clm_snowhydrology_inparm clm_physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
If TRUE, the density of new snow depends on wind speed, and there is also
wind-dependent snow compaction.
xTolerLower soilwater_movement_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 1.e-2
tolerance to double length of substep for adaptive time stepping in richards equation
xTolerUpper soilwater_movement_inparm clm_physics real ['any real'] 1.e-1
tolerance to halve length of substep for adaptive time stepping in richards equation
zetamaxstable friction_velocity clm_physics real ['any real'] is 2.0d00 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is 0.5d00 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
The maximum value to use for zeta under stable conditions
check_finidat_pct_consistency finidat_consistency_checks clm_restart logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE (which is the default), check consistency between pct_pft on the finidat file
and pct_pft read from the surface dataset. This check is only done for a NON-transient run.
check_finidat_year_consistency finidat_consistency_checks clm_restart logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE (which is the default), check consistency between year on the finidat file
and the current model year. This check is only done for a transient run.
nrevsn clm_inparm clm_restart char*256 ['any char']
Full pathname of master restart file for a branch run. (only used if RUN_TYPE=branch)
rest_flag clm_inparm clm_restart logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If FALSE, don't write any restart files.
anoxia clm_inparm clm_vertcn logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, reduce heterotrophic respiration according to available oxygen predicted by CH4 submodel.
decomp_depth_efolding bgc_shared clm_vertcn real ['any real'] is 0.5 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is 10.0 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
E-folding depth over which decomposition is slowed with depth in all soils.
froz_q10 clm_inparm clm_vertcn real ['any real']
separate q10 for frozen soil respiration rates.  default to same as above zero rates
max_depth_cryoturb clm_inparm clm_vertcn real ['any real']
Maximum depth to mix soils to by croturbation, in permafrost soils.
nfix_timeconst clm_inparm clm_vertcn real ['any real']
Number of days over which to use exponential relaxation of NPP in N fixation calculation
no_frozen_nitrif_denitrif clm_inparm clm_vertcn logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If true, no denitrification or nitrification in frozen soil layers.
override_bgc_restart_mismatch_dump clm_inparm clm_vertcn logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Flag for overriding the crash that should occur if user tries to start the model from a restart file made with a different version of the soil decomposition structure than is currently being used.
som_adv_flux clm_inparm clm_vertcn real ['any real']
Base advective flux (downwards) for SOM.
spinup_state clm_inparm clm_vertcn integer ['0', '1', '2'] is 2 for: {'clm_accelerated_spinup': 'on', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 1 for: {'clm_accelerated_spinup': 'on', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is 2 for: {'clm_accelerated_spinup': 'on', 'use_fates': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 1 for: {'clm_accelerated_spinup': 'on', 'use_fates': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is 0 for: {'clm_accelerated_spinup': 'off'}
Flag for setting the state of the Accelerated decomposition spinup state for the BGC model.  
   0 = normal model behavior; 
   1 = AD spinup (standard)
   2 = AD spinup (accelerated spinup from Ricciuto, doesn't work for CNDV and not implemented for CN soil decomposition)
Entering and exiting spinup mode occurs automatically by comparing the namelist and restart file values for this variable.
surfprof_exp clm_inparm clm_vertcn real ['any real']
Profile over which to distribute C and N coming from surface pools (leaves, stem, grain).
check_dynpft_consistency dynpft_consistency_checks datasets logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE (which is the default), check consistency between pct_nat_pft on the flanduse_timeseries file
and pct_nat_pft read from the surface dataset.
fates_inventory_ctrl_filename clm_inparm datasets char*256 ['any char']
Full pathname to the inventory initialization control file.
(Required, if use_fates_inventory_init=T)
fates_paramfile clm_inparm datasets char*256 ['any char'] lnd/clm2/paramdata/
Full pathname datafile with fates parameters
fatmlndfrc clm_inparm datasets char*256 ['any char']
Full pathname of land fraction data file.
finidat clm_inparm datasets char*256 ['any char'] lnd/clm2/initdata/clmi.${clm_usr_name}_${mask}_simyr${sim_year}.nc
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'maxpft': '17', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '18500101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.true.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.true.', 'sim_year': '1850', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm4_5_GSWP3v1'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'maxpft': '17', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '18500101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.true.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.true.', 'sim_year': '1850', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm4_5_CRUv7'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'maxpft': '79', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '18500101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.true.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.true.', 'sim_year': '1850', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.true.', 'irrigate': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm4_5_cam6.0'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'maxpft': '17', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '18500101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.false.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.false.', 'sim_year': '1850', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_GSWP3v1'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'maxpft': '79', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '18500101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.true.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.true.', 'sim_year': '1850', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.true.', 'irrigate': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_GSWP3v1'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'maxpft': '79', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '18500101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.true.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.true.', 'sim_year': '1850', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.true.', 'irrigate': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_CRUv7'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'maxpft': '79', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '18500101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.true.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.true.', 'sim_year': '1850', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.true.', 'irrigate': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'maxpft': '17', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '18500101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.false.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.false.', 'sim_year': '1850', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_CRUv7'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'maxpft': '79', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '20110101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.true.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.true.', 'sim_year': '2000', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.true.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm4_5_GSWP3v1'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'maxpft': '79', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '20110101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.true.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.true.', 'sim_year': '2000', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.true.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm4_5_CRUv7'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'maxpft': '79', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '20110101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.true.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.true.', 'sim_year': '2000', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.true.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_GSWP3v1'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'maxpft': '79', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '20110101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.true.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.true.', 'sim_year': '2000', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.true.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_CRUv7'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'maxpft': '17', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '19790101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.false.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.false.', 'sim_year': '1979', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm4_5_cam6.0'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'maxpft': '17', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '19790101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.false.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.false.', 'sim_year': '1979', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'maxpft': '17', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '19790101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.false.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.false.', 'sim_year': '1979', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4', 'maxpft': '17', 'mask': 'tx0.1v2', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '19790101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.false.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.false.', 'sim_year': '1979', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8', 'maxpft': '17', 'mask': 'tx0.1v2', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '19790101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.false.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.false.', 'sim_year': '1979', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne120np4.pg3', 'maxpft': '79', 'mask': 'tx0.1v3', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '2000101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.true.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.true.', 'sim_year': '2000', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.true.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'maxpft': '79', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '20000101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.true.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.true.', 'sim_year': '2000', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.true.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'maxpft': '17', 'mask': 'gx1v7', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '20030101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.false.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.false.', 'sim_year': '2003', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0'}
is lnd/clm2/initdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'maxpft': '17', 'mask': 'tx0.1v2', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'ic_ymd': '20130101', 'use_nitrif_denitrif': '.false.', 'use_vertsoilc': '.false.', 'sim_year': '2013', 'ic_tod': '0', 'glc_nec': '10', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0'}
Full pathname of initial conditions file. If blank CLM will startup from
arbitrary initial conditions.
finidat_interp_dest clm_inparm datasets char*256 ['any char']
If use_init_interp is set to .true., interpinic will be called to interpolate
the file given by finidat, creating the output file specified by finidat_interp_dest.
flanduse_timeseries dynamic_subgrid datasets char*256 ['any char'] is null for: {'sim_year_range': 'constant', 'ssp_rcp': 'hist'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata/landuse.timeseries_${clm_usr_name}_simyr${sim_year_range}.nc for: {'ssp_rcp': 'hist'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata/landuse.timeseries_${clm_usr_name} for: {'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'ssp_rcp': 'hist'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata/landuse.timeseries_${ssp_rcp}_${clm_usr_name} for: {'sim_year_range': '1850-2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '4x5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '48x96', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'irrigate': '.true.', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '4x5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '48x96', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4.pg2', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4.pg3', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'C24', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'C96', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'C24', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'C96', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4.pg2', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4.pg3', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-2.6', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-2.6', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-2.6', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP2-4.5', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP2-4.5', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP2-4.5', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP3-7.0', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP3-7.0', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP3-7.0', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP4-3.4', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP4-3.4', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP4-3.4', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-1.9', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-1.9', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-1.9', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP4-6.0', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP4-6.0', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP4-6.0', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-3.4', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-3.4', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-3.4', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-2.6', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-2.6', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-2.6', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP2-4.5', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP2-4.5', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP2-4.5', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP3-7.0', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP3-7.0', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP3-7.0', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP4-3.4', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP4-3.4', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP4-3.4', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-1.9', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-1.9', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-1.9', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP4-6.0', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP4-6.0', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP4-6.0', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-3.4', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-3.4', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-3.4', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
Full pathname of time varying landuse data file. This causes the land-use types of
the initial surface dataset to vary over time.
fsnowaging clm_inparm datasets char*256 ['any char'] lnd/clm2/snicardata/
SNICAR (SNow, ICe, and Aerosol Radiative model) snow aging data file name
fsnowoptics clm_inparm datasets char*256 ['any char'] lnd/clm2/snicardata/
SNICAR (SNow, ICe, and Aerosol Radiative model) optical data file name
fsurdat clm_inparm datasets char*256 ['any char'] is lnd/clm2/surfdata/surfdata_${clm_usr_name}_simyr${sim_year}.nc for: {'phys': 'clm4_0'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/surfdata_${clm_usr_name}_simyr${sim_year}.nc for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '48x96', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '4x5', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '0.125nldas2', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '5x5_amazon', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '64x128', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'C384', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'C192', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'C96', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'C48', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'C24', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.24/ for: {'hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '4x5', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ctsm1.0.dev094-2-g633be0eb/ for: {'hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4.pg2', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4.pg3', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne120np4.pg2', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne120np4.pg3', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'sim_year': '2000', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '48x96', 'sim_year': '1850', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year': '1850', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year': '1850', 'use_crop': '.false.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year': '1850', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '4x5', 'sim_year': '1850', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'sim_year': '1850', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'sim_year': '1850', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '48x96', 'sim_year': '1850', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'C384', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'C192', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'C96', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'C48', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'C24', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year': '1850', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'sim_year': '1850', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '10x15', 'sim_year': '1850', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '4x5', 'sim_year': '1850', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'sim_year': '1850', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'sim_year': '1850', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/ for: {'hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'sim_year': '1850', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'sim_year': '1850', 'use_crop': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4.pg2', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne30np4.pg3', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne120np4.pg2', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne120np4.pg3', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.30/ for: {'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'sim_year': 'PtVg', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'irrigate': '.false.'}
Full pathname of surface data file.
init_interp_fill_missing_with_natveg clm_initinterp_inparm datasets logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If FALSE (which is the default): If an output type cannot be found in the input for initInterp,
code aborts
If TRUE: If an output type cannot be found in the input, fill with closest natural veg column
(using bare soil for patch-level variables)

NOTE: Natural vegetation and crop landunits always behave as if this were true. e.g., if
we can't find a column with the same type as a given crop column in the output, then we
always fill with the closest natural veg patch / column, regardless of the value of this
flag. So interpolation from non-crop to crop cases can be done without setting this flag.
init_interp_method clm_initinterp_inparm datasets char*64 ['general', 'use_finidat_areas'] general
Method to use for init_interp. Only applies when use_init_interp = .true.

'general': The general-purpose method that can be used when changing
grids, configurations, etc. This starts off with subgrid areas taken
from the surface dataset.

'use_finidat_areas': This starts off with subgrid areas taken from the
input finidat file. This is needed to achieve bit-for-bit results in a
coupled case (where areas in initialization impact initial fields sent
to the atmosphere) (but using the 'general' method will typically have
only a very minor impact on results in this case). For this method to
work, the input finidat file needs to be at the same resolution as the
current configuration. So this is a less general form of
init_interp. However, it can be used in cases where the only difference
is in internal memory allocation. In order to catch possible problems,
this uses a different algorithm for finding the input point for each
output point, which ensures that each active output point is associated
with exactly one input point with the same latitude, longitude and
type. This method requires (a) the same grid for input and output,
within roundoff; (b) any non-zero-weight point in the input must have
memory allocated for it in this grid cell in the output (this will be
satisfied if the point is non-zero-weight on the surface dataset or if
it's a point for which we allocate memory even for zero-weight points);
(c) any active point in the output (based on the surface dataset and
rules for determining active points) must have a matching point in this
grid cell in the input. (Note that this generally can NOT be used when
transitioning from a spinup run to a transient run, because spinup runs
typically have irrigation off and transient runs have irrigation on, and
the presence/absence of irrigation affects the subgrid structure; if it
weren't for that difference, then this option would be useful for this
use case.)

lai_mapalgo lai_streams datasets char*256 ['bilinear', 'nn', 'nnoni', 'nnonj', 'spval', 'copy'] bilinear
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_brazil'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '5x5_amazon'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_brazil'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '5x5_amazon'}
Mapping method from LAI input file to the model resolution
    bilinear = bilinear interpolation
    nn       = nearest neighbor
    nnoni    = nearest neighbor on the "i" (longitude) axis
    nnonj    = nearest neighbor on the "j" (latitude) axis
    spval    = set to special value
    copy     = copy using the same indices
lai_tintalgo lai_streams datasets char*80 ['linear', 'nearest', 'lower', 'upper']
Time interpolation method to use with LAI streams
lightng_tintalgo light_streams datasets char*80 ['linear', 'nearest', 'lower', 'upper']
Time interpolation method to use with Lightning streams
lightngmapalgo light_streams datasets char*256 ['bilinear', 'nn', 'nnoni', 'nnonj', 'spval', 'copy'] is bilinear for: {'use_cn': '.true.'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_brazil'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '5x5_amazon'}
Mapping method from Lightning input file to the model resolution
    bilinear = bilinear interpolation
    nn       = nearest neighbor
    nnoni    = nearest neighbor on the "i" (longitude) axis
    nnonj    = nearest neighbor on the "j" (latitude) axis
    spval    = set to special value
    copy     = copy using the same indices
model_year_align_lai lai_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] 2001
Simulation year that aligns with stream_year_first_lai value
model_year_align_lightng light_streams datasets integer ['any integer']
Simulation year that aligns with stream_year_first_lightng value
model_year_align_ndep ndepdyn_nml datasets integer ['any integer'] is 2015 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is 2015 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
Simulation year that aligns with stream_year_first_ndep value
model_year_align_popdens popd_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] is 2015 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'cnfireson': '.true.', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is 2015 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'cnfireson': '.true.', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
Simulation year that aligns with stream_year_first_popdens value
model_year_align_soilm soil_moisture_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] 1997
Simulation year that aligns with stream_year_first_soilm value
model_year_align_soilm soil_moisture_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] 1997
Simulation year that aligns with stream_year_first_soilm value
model_year_align_urbantv urbantv_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] is 2015 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is 2015 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
Simulation year that aligns with stream_year_first_urbantv value
ndep_taxmode ndepdyn_nml datasets char*80 ['cycle', 'extend', 'limit'] is cycle for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
is limit for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
is cycle for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
is limit for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
Time interpolation mode to determine how to handle data before and after the times in the file
    cycle   = Always cycle over the data
    extend  = Use the first time before the available data, and use the last time after the available data
    limit   = Only use the data within the times available -- abort if the model tries to go outside it
ndep_tintalgo ndepdyn_nml datasets char*80 ['linear', 'nearest', 'lower', 'upper']
Time interpolation method to use for Nitrogen Deposition
ndep_varlist ndepdyn_nml datasets char*256 ['any char'] is NDEP_month for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
is NDEP_month for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
Colon delimited list of variables to read from the streams file for nitrogen deposition
(Normally just read the single variable NDEP_year or NDEP_month)
ndepmapalgo ndepdyn_nml datasets char*256 ['bilinear', 'nn', 'nnoni', 'nnonj', 'spval', 'copy'] is bilinear for: {'use_cn': '.true.'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_brazil'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '5x5_amazon'}
Mapping method from Nitrogen deposition input file to the model resolution
    bilinear = bilinear interpolation
    nn       = nearest neighbor
    nnoni    = nearest neighbor on the "i" (longitude) axis
    nnonj    = nearest neighbor on the "j" (latitude) axis
    spval    = set to special value
    copy     = copy using the same indices
paramfile clm_inparm datasets char*256 ['any char'] is lnd/clm2/paramdata/ for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is lnd/clm2/paramdata/ for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Full pathname datafile with plant function type (PFT) constants combined with
constants for biogeochem modules
popdens_tintalgo popd_streams datasets char*80 ['linear', 'nearest', 'lower', 'upper']
Time interpolation method to use with human population density streams
popdensmapalgo popd_streams datasets char*256 ['bilinear', 'nn', 'nnoni', 'nnonj', 'spval', 'copy'] is bilinear for: {'use_cn': '.true.'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_brazil'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ'}
is nn for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'hgrid': '5x5_amazon'}
Mapping method from human population density input file to the model resolution
    bilinear = bilinear interpolation
    nn       = nearest neighbor
    nnoni    = nearest neighbor on the "i" (longitude) axis
    nnonj    = nearest neighbor on the "j" (latitude) axis
    spval    = set to special value
    copy     = copy using the same indices
soilm_ignore_data_if_missing soil_moisture_streams datasets logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If false will abort if using soil moisture streams and find a point where the model shows H2OSOI_VOL
should be set because it's vegetated, but the input soilm streams dataset shows that point is missing.
If true, will ignore the prescribed soilm data for that point and let the model run for that point without
prescribed data.
soilm_offset soil_moisture_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] 0
Offset in time coordinate for soil moisture streams (sec)
soilm_tintalgo soil_moisture_streams datasets char*256 ['linear', 'nearest', 'lower', 'upper'] linear
Time interpolation method to use for prescribed soil moisture streams data
soilm_tintalgo soil_moisture_streams datasets char*256 ['linear', 'nearest', 'lower', 'upper'] linear
Time interpolation method to use for prescribed soil moisture streams data
stream_fldfilename_ch4finundated ch4finundated datasets char*256 ['any char'] is lnd/clm2/paramdata/ for: {'finundation_method': 'TWS_inversion', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'}
is lnd/clm2/paramdata/ for: {'finundation_method': 'ZWT_inversion', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'}
Filename of input stream data for finundated inversion of observed (from Prigent dataset) 
to hydrologic variables (either TWS or ZWT)
stream_fldfilename_lai lai_streams datasets char*256(30) ['any char'] is lnd/clm2/lai_streams/ for: {'hgrid': '360x720cru'}
Filename of input stream data for LAI
stream_fldfilename_lightng light_streams datasets char*256 ['any char'] is atm/datm7/NASA_LIS/ for: {'hgrid': '94x192', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
is atm/datm7/NASA_LIS/ for: {'hgrid': '360x720', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
Filename of input stream data for Lightning
stream_fldfilename_ndep ndepdyn_nml datasets char*256 ['any char'] is lnd/clm2/ndepdata/ for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'hist'}
is lnd/clm2/ndepdata/ for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'hist'}
is lnd/clm2/ndepdata/ for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5'}
is lnd/clm2/ndepdata/ for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-2.6'}
is lnd/clm2/ndepdata/ for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP2-4.5'}
is lnd/clm2/ndepdata/ for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP3-7.0'}
is lnd/clm2/ndepdata/ for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5'}
is lnd/clm2/ndepdata/ for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-2.6'}
is lnd/clm2/ndepdata/ for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP2-4.5'}
is lnd/clm2/ndepdata/ for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP3-7.0'}
Filename of input stream data for Nitrogen Deposition
stream_fldfilename_popdens popd_streams datasets char*256 ['any char'] is lnd/clm2/firedata/ for: {'hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
is lnd/clm2/firedata/ for: {'hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-1.9'}
is lnd/clm2/firedata/ for: {'hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP1-2.6'}
is lnd/clm2/firedata/ for: {'hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP2-4.5'}
is lnd/clm2/firedata/ for: {'hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP3-7.0'}
is lnd/clm2/firedata/ for: {'hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP4-6.0'}
is lnd/clm2/firedata/ for: {'hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP4-3.4'}
is lnd/clm2/firedata/ for: {'hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-8.5'}
is lnd/clm2/firedata/ for: {'hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'ssp_rcp': 'SSP5-3.4'}
Filename of input stream data for human population density
stream_fldfilename_soilm soil_moisture_streams datasets char*256(30) ['any char'] is lnd/clm2/prescribed_data/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'}
is lnd/clm2/prescribed_data/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'}
Filename of input stream data for prescribed soil moisture streams data
stream_fldfilename_soilm soil_moisture_streams datasets char*256(30) ['any char'] is lnd/clm2/prescribed_data/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'}
is lnd/clm2/prescribed_data/ for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'}
Filename of input stream data for prescribed soil moisture streams data
stream_fldfilename_urbantv urbantv_streams datasets char*256 ['any char'] is lnd/clm2/urbandata/ for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'}
is lnd/clm2/urbandata/ for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'}
Filename of input stream data for urban time varying
stream_year_first_lai lai_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] 2001
First year to loop over for LAI data
stream_year_first_lightng light_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] is 0001 for: {'use_cn': '.true.'}
First year to loop over for Lightning data
stream_year_first_ndep ndepdyn_nml datasets integer ['any integer'] is 2015 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is 2015 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is 2010 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': '2010'}
is 2000 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is 1850 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is 2000 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': '1000'}
is 2000 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': 'constant', 'sim_year_range': '1000-1002'}
is 2000 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': 'constant', 'sim_year_range': '1000-1004'}
First year to loop over for Nitrogen Deposition data
stream_year_first_popdens popd_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] is 2015 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'cnfireson': '.true.', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is 2015 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'cnfireson': '.true.', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is 2010 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': '2010'}
is 2000 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is 1850 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is 2000 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': '1000'}
is 2000 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': 'constant', 'sim_year_range': '1000-1002'}
is 2000 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': 'constant', 'sim_year_range': '1000-1004'}
First year to loop over for human population density data
stream_year_first_soilm soil_moisture_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] 1997
First year to loop over for prescribed soil moisture streams data
stream_year_first_soilm soil_moisture_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] 1997
First year to loop over for prescribed soil moisture streams data
stream_year_first_urbantv urbantv_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] is 2015 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is 2015 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is 2000 for: {'sim_year': '2000'}
is 1850 for: {'sim_year': '1850'}
is 2000 for: {'sim_year': '1000'}
is 2000 for: {'sim_year': 'constant', 'sim_year_range': '1000-1002'}
is 2000 for: {'sim_year': 'constant', 'sim_year_range': '1000-1004'}
is 1850 for: {'sim_year': 'constant', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000'}
First year to loop over for urban time varying data
stream_year_last_lai lai_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] 2013
Last year to loop over for LAI data
stream_year_last_lightng light_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] is 0001 for: {'use_cn': '.true.'}
Last year to loop over for Lightning data
stream_year_last_ndep ndepdyn_nml datasets integer ['any integer'] is 2101 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is 2101 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is 2010 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': '2010'}
is 2000 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is 1850 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is 2000 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': '1000'}
is 2000 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': 'constant', 'sim_year_range': '1000-1002'}
is 2000 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': 'constant', 'sim_year_range': '1000-1004'}
Last year to loop over for Nitrogen Deposition data
stream_year_last_popdens popd_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] is 2100 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'cnfireson': '.true.', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is 2100 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'cnfireson': '.true.', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is 2010 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': '2010'}
is 2000 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is 1850 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is 2000 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': '1000'}
is 2000 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': 'constant', 'sim_year_range': '1000-1002'}
is 2000 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'sim_year': 'constant', 'sim_year_range': '1000-1004'}
Last year to loop over for human population density data
stream_year_last_soilm soil_moisture_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] 1997
Last year to loop over for prescribed soil moisture streams data
stream_year_last_soilm soil_moisture_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] 1997
Last year to loop over for prescribed soil moisture streams data
stream_year_last_urbantv urbantv_streams datasets integer ['any integer'] is 2106 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is 2106 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
is 2000 for: {'sim_year': '2000'}
is 1850 for: {'sim_year': '1850'}
is 2000 for: {'sim_year': '1000'}
is 2000 for: {'sim_year': 'constant', 'sim_year_range': '1000-1002'}
is 2000 for: {'sim_year': 'constant', 'sim_year_range': '1000-1004'}
is 2106 for: {'sim_year': 'constant', 'sim_year_range': '1850-2000'}
Last year to loop over for urban time varying data
urbantv_tintalgo urbantv_streams datasets char*80 ['linear', 'nearest', 'lower', 'upper']
Time interpolation method to use with urban time varying streams
urbantvmapalgo urbantv_streams datasets char*256 ['bilinear', 'nn', 'nnoni', 'nnonj', 'spval', 'copy'] nn
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_brazil'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ'}
is nn for: {'hgrid': '5x5_amazon'}
Mapping method from urban time varying input file to the model resolution
    bilinear = bilinear interpolation
    nn       = nearest neighbor
    nnoni    = nearest neighbor on the "i" (longitude) axis
    nnonj    = nearest neighbor on the "j" (latitude) axis
    spval    = set to special value
    copy     = copy using the same indices
use_init_interp clm_inparm datasets logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is .true. for: {'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'sim_year': '1979', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'maxpft': '17', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'}
is .true. for: {'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'sim_year': '1979', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'maxpft': '17', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'}
is .true. for: {'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'sim_year': '1979', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'maxpft': '17', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4'}
is .true. for: {'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'sim_year': '1979', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'maxpft': '17', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8'}
is .true. for: {'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'sim_year': '2003', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'maxpft': '17', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'}
is .true. for: {'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'sim_year': '2013', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'maxpft': '17', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'use_crop': '.false.', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8'}
is .true. for: {'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'sim_year': '2000', 'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is .true. for: {'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'sim_year': '2000', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm4_5_GSWP3v1'}
is .true. for: {'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'sim_year': '2000', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm4_5_CRUv7'}
is .true. for: {'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'sim_year': '1979', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm4_5_cam6.0'}
If set to .true., interpinic will be called to interpolate the file given by finidat,
creating the output file specified by finidat_interp_dest.

This requires that finidat be non-blank.
diri modelio datm char*256 ['any char'] .
datm input directory
diro modelio datm char*256 ['any char'] .
datm output directory
logfile modelio datm char*256 ['any char']
Datm logfile name
bgc_mode default_settings default_settings char*5 ['sp', 'cn', 'bgc', 'fates'] sp
Command line arguement for biogeochemistry mode for CLM4.5
   sp  = Satellitte Phenology
   cn  = Carbon Nitrogen model
   bgc = CLM4.5 BGC model with: 
        CENTURY model pools 
        Methane model
        Vertically resolved Carbon
   fates = FATES/ED ecosystem demography model with below ground BGC:
chk_res default_settings default_settings integer ['0', '1'] 0
Check that the resolution and land-mask is valid before continuing.
clm_accelerated_spinup default_settings default_settings char*3 ['on', 'off'] off
Command line argument for setting up your simulation in a mode for faster
throughput. By default turns off some options, and sets up for a lower level
of output. When bgc_mode is some level of prognostic BGC (so NOT Satellite Phenology)
it also sets up for accelerated decomposition.
      Set the env_run variable, rather than setting this directly.
clm_demand default_settings default_settings char*256 ['any char'] is flanduse_timeseries for: {'sim_year_range': '1850-2000'}
is flanduse_timeseries for: {'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
Namelist entries to demand be provided on the namelist.
clm_start_type default_settings default_settings char*8 ['default', 'cold', 'arb_ic', 'startup', 'continue', 'branch'] is arb_ic for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_cndv': '.true.'}
is arb_ic for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_cndv': '.true.'}
is arb_ic for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_fates': '.true.'}
is arb_ic for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_fates': '.true.'}
is startup for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is startup for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'sim_year': '1850'}
is startup for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is startup for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'sim_year': '2000'}
is arb_ic for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is arb_ic for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is arb_ic for: {'phys': 'clm4_5', 'use_fates': '.true.'}
is cold for: {'bgc_spinup': 'on'}
is arb_ic for: {'sim_year_range': '1850-2100'}
CLM run type.  
    'default' use the default type of clm_start type for this configuration
    'cold' is a run from arbitrary initial conditions
    'arb_ic' is a run using initial conditions if provided, OR arbitrary initial conditions if no files can be found
    'startup' is an initial run with initial conditions provided.  
    'continue' is a restart run.
    'branch' is a restart run in which properties of the output history files may be changed.
finundation_res default_settings default_settings char*10 ['none', '1.9x2.5'] is 1.9x2.5 for: {'finundation_method': 'TWS_inversion'}
is 1.9x2.5 for: {'finundation_method': 'ZWT_inversion'}
Resolution of finundated inversion streams dataset (stream_fldfilename_ch4finundated)
to use for methane model
(only applies when CN and methane model are turned on)
init_interp_attributes default_settings default_settings char*256 ['any char'] is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=17 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.false. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm4_5_GSWP3v1'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=17 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.false. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm4_5_CRUv7'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.false. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm4_5_cam6.0'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=17 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.false. use_nitrif_denitrif=.false. use_vertsoilc=.false. use_crop=.false. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_GSWP3v1', 'use_cn': '.false.'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.false. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_GSWP3v1', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.false. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_CRUv7', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=17 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.false. use_nitrif_denitrif=.false. use_vertsoilc=.false. use_crop=.false. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_CRUv7', 'use_cn': '.false.'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.false. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '1850', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0'}
is hgrid=1.9x2.5 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm4_5_GSWP3v1'}
is hgrid=1.9x2.5 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm4_5_CRUv7'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=17 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.false. use_nitrif_denitrif=.false. use_vertsoilc=.false. use_crop=.false. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '1979', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm4_5_cam6.0'}
is hgrid=1.9x2.5 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_GSWP3v1'}
is hgrid=1.9x2.5 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_CRUv7'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': '4x5'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': '10x15'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': 'ne16np4'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': 'ne30np4'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': '48x96'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': '64x128'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': 'C24'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': 'C48'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=79 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': 'C96'}
is hgrid=ne120np4.pg3 maxpft=79 mask=tx0.1v3 use_cn=.true. use_nitrif_denitrif=.true. use_vertsoilc=.true. use_crop=.true. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2000', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0'}
is hgrid=0.9x1.25 maxpft=17 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.false. use_nitrif_denitrif=.false. use_vertsoilc=.false. use_crop=.false. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '1979', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'maxpft': '17'}
is hgrid=1.9x2.5 maxpft=17 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.false. use_nitrif_denitrif=.false. use_vertsoilc=.false. use_crop=.false. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '1979', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'maxpft': '17'}
is hgrid=ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4 maxpft=17 mask=tx0.1v2 use_cn=.false. use_nitrif_denitrif=.false. use_vertsoilc=.false. use_crop=.false. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '1979', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'maxpft': '17'}
is hgrid=ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8 maxpft=17 mask=tx0.1v2 use_cn=.false. use_nitrif_denitrif=.false. use_vertsoilc=.false. use_crop=.false. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '1979', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'maxpft': '17'}
is hgrid=1.9x2.5 maxpft=17 mask=gx1v7 use_cn=.false. use_nitrif_denitrif=.false. use_vertsoilc=.false. use_crop=.false. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2003', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'maxpft': '17'}
is hgrid=ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8 maxpft=17 mask=tx0.1v2 use_cn=.false. use_nitrif_denitrif=.false. use_vertsoilc=.false. use_crop=.false. irrigate=.true. glc_nec=10 for: {'sim_year': '2013', 'use_cndv': '.false.', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'lnd_tuning_mode': 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'use_cn': '.false.', 'maxpft': '17'}
Attributes to use when looking for an initial condition file (finidat) if interpolation is turned on (use_init_interp is .true.)
init_interp_how_close default_settings default_settings integer ['any integer'] 61
How close in years to use when looking for an initial condition file (finidat) if interpolation is turned on (use_init_interp is .true.)
init_interp_sim_years default_settings default_settings integer(6) ['1850', '1979', '2000', '2003', '2010', '2013'] 1850,1979,2000,2003,2013
Simulation years you can look for in initial condition files (finidat) if interpolation is turned on (use_init_interp is .true.)
light_res default_settings default_settings char*10 ['none', '360x720', '94x192'] is none for: {'use_cn': '.false.'}
is none for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'fire_method': 'nofire'}
is 94x192 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is 94x192 for: {'use_cn': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm5_0'}
Resolution of Lightning dataset to use for CN fire model
(only applies when CN and the CN fire model are turned on)
lnd_tuning_mode default_settings default_settings char*20 ['clm4_5_CRUv7', 'clm4_5_GSWP3v1', 'clm4_5_cam6.0', 'clm5_0_cam6.0', 'clm5_0_CRUv7', 'clm5_0_GSWP3v1'] is clm4_5_CRUv7 for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is clm5_0_cam6.0 for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
General configuration of model version and atmospheric forcing to tune the model to run under.
This sets the model to run with constants and initial conditions that were set to run well under 
the configuration of model version and atmospheric forcing. To run well constants would need to be changed
to run with a different type of atmospheric forcing.
mask default_settings default_settings char*10 ['USGS', 'gx3v7', 'gx1v6', 'gx1v7', 'navy', 'test', 'tx0.1v2', 'tx0.1v3', 'tx1v1', 'T62', 'cruncep', 'nldas2'] is gx1v6 for: {'hgrid': '0.23x0.31'}
is gx1v6 for: {'hgrid': '0.47x0.63'}
is gx1v6 for: {'hgrid': '0.9x1.25'}
is gx1v6 for: {'hgrid': '1.9x2.5'}
is gx3v7 for: {'hgrid': '2.5x3.33'}
is gx3v7 for: {'hgrid': '4x5'}
is USGS for: {'hgrid': '10x15'}
is cruncep for: {'hgrid': '360x720cru'}
is USGS for: {'hgrid': '128x256'}
is USGS for: {'hgrid': '64x128'}
is gx3v7 for: {'hgrid': '48x96'}
is USGS for: {'hgrid': '32x64'}
is USGS for: {'hgrid': '8x16'}
is T62 for: {'hgrid': '94x192'}
is gx1v6 for: {'hgrid': 'ne120'}
is gx1v6 for: {'hgrid': 'ne240'}
is gx1v6 for: {'hgrid': 'ne30'}
is nldas2 for: {'hgrid': '0.125nldas2'}
is navy for: {'hgrid': '5x5_amazon'}
is navy for: {'hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ'}
is navy for: {'hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN'}
is navy for: {'hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX'}
is navy for: {'hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ'}
is navy for: {'hgrid': '1x1_brazil'}
is test for: {'hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha'}
is navy for: {'hgrid': '1x1_numaIA'}
is test for: {'hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA'}
Land mask description
megan default_settings default_settings integer ['0', '1'] 1
is 0 for: {'clm_accelerated_spinup': 'on'}
is 0 for: {'configuration': 'nwp'}
If 1, turn on the MEGAN model for BVOC's (Biogenic Volitile Organic Compounds)
note default_settings default_settings integer ['0', '1'] is 1 for: {'mode': 'clm_stndln'}
is 0 for: {'mode': 'ext_cesm'}
Add a note to the output namelist about the options given to build-namelist
res default_settings default_settings char*30 ['512x1024', '360x720cru', '128x256', '64x128', '48x96', '94x192', '0.23x0.31', '0.47x0.63', '0.9x1.25', '1.9x2.5', '2.5x3.33', '4x5', '10x15', '0.125nldas2', '5x5_amazon', '1x1_camdenNJ', '1x1_vancouverCAN', '1x1_mexicocityMEX', '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', '1x1_brazil', '1x1_urbanc_alpha', '1x1_numaIA', '1x1_smallvilleIA', '0.1x0.1', '0.25x0.25', '0.5x0.5', '3x3min', '5x5min', '10x10min', '0.33x0.33', '0.125x0.125', 'ne4np4', 'ne16np4', 'ne30np4.pg2', 'ne30np4.pg3', 'ne30np4', 'ne60np4', 'ne120np4', 'ne120np4.pg2', 'ne120np4.pg3', 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4', 'ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8', 'ne240np4', '1km-merge-10min', 'C24', 'C48', 'C96', 'C192', 'C384'] is 1.9x2.5 for: {'sitespf_pt': 'none'}
is 1x1_brazil for: {'sitespf_pt': '1x1_brazil'}
is 5x5_amazon for: {'sitespf_pt': '5x5_amazon'}
is 1x1_camdenNJ for: {'sitespf_pt': '1x1_camdenNJ'}
is 1x1_vancouverCAN for: {'sitespf_pt': '1x1_vancouverCAN'}
is 1x1_mexicocityMEX for: {'sitespf_pt': '1x1_mexicocityMEX'}
is 1x1_asphaltjungleNJ for: {'sitespf_pt': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ'}
is 1x1_urbanc_alpha for: {'sitespf_pt': '1x1_urbanc_alpha'}
is 1x1_numaIA for: {'sitespf_pt': '1x1_numaIA'}
is 1x1_smallvilleIA for: {'sitespf_pt': '1x1_smallvilleIA'}
Horizontal resolutions
Note: 0.1x0.1, 0.25x0.25, 0.5x0.5, 5x5min, 10x10min, 3x3min, 1km-merge-10min and 0.33x0.33 are only used for CLM toolsI
sim_year default_settings default_settings char*4 ['PtVg', '1000', '850', '1100', '1350', '1600', '1850', '1855', '1865', '1875', '1885', '1895', '1905', '1915', '1925', '1935', '1945', '1955', '1965', '1975', '1979', '1980', '1982', '1985', '1995', '2000', '2005', '2010', '2013', '2015', '2025', '2035', '2045', '2055', '2065', '2075', '2085', '2095', '2105'] 2000
Year to simulate and to provide datasets for (such as surface datasets, initial conditions, aerosol-deposition, Nitrogen deposition rates etc.)
A sim_year of 1000 corresponds to data used for testing only, NOT corresponding to any real datasets.
A sim_year greater than 2015 corresponds to ssp_rcp scenario data
A sim_year of PtVg refers to the Potential Vegetation dataset, that doesn't include human influences
Most years are only used for clm_tools and there aren't CLM datasets that correspond to them.
CLM datasets exist for years: 1000 (for testing), 1850, and 2000
sim_year_range default_settings default_settings char*9 ['constant', '1000-1002', '1000-1004', '850-1850', '1850-1855', '1850-2000', '1850-2005', '1850-2100', '1980-2015', '2000-2100'] constant
Range of years to simulate transitory datasets for (such as dynamic: land-use datasets, aerosol-deposition, Nitrogen deposition rates etc.)
Constant means simulation will be held at a constant year given in sim_year.
A sim_year_range of 1000-1002 or 1000-1004 corresponds to data used for testing only, NOT corresponding to any real datasets.
A sim_year_range that goes beyond 2005 corresponds to historical data until 2005 and then scenario data beyond that point.
ssp_rcp default_settings default_settings char*8 ['hist', 'SSP1-2.6', 'SSP3-7.0', 'SSP5-3.4', 'SSP2-4.5', 'SSP1-1.9', 'SSP4-3.4', 'SSP4-6.0', 'SSP5-8.5'] hist
Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) and Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) combination for future scenarios 
The form is SSPn-m.m Where n is the SSP number and m.m is RCP radiative forcing at peak or 2100 in W/m^2
n is just the whole number of the specific SSP scenario. The lower numbers have higher mitigation
- the higher numbers less mitigation, more than one SSP can result in the same RCP forcing
hist means do NOT use a future scenario, just use historical data.
use_case_desc use_case_desc default_settings char*256 ['any char']
Description of the use case selected.
use_noio clm_inparm default_settings logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Toggle to turn all history output completely OFF (possibly used for testing)
hist_avgflag_pertape clm_inparm history char*1(10) ['A', 'I', 'X', 'M']
Per file averaging flag.
    'A' (average over history period)
    'I' (instantaneous)
    'X' (maximum over history period)
    'M' (minimum over history period)
hist_dov2xy clm_inparm history logical(10) ['any logical(10)']
If TRUE, implies output data on a 2D latitude/longitude grid. False means
output in 1D vector format.  One setting per history tape series.
hist_empty_htapes clm_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'clm_accelerated_spinup': 'on'}
If TRUE, indicates do NOT output any default history fields (requires you to use
hist_fincl* to set the exact output fields to use)..
hist_fexcl1 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to exclude from history tape series 1.
hist_fexcl10 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to exclude from history tape series 10.
hist_fexcl2 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to exclude from history tape series  2.
hist_fexcl3 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to exclude from history tape series  3.
hist_fexcl4 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to exclude from history tape series  4.
hist_fexcl5 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to exclude from history tape series  5.
hist_fexcl6 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to exclude from history tape series  6.
hist_fexcl7 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to exclude from history tape series  7.
hist_fexcl8 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to exclude from history tape series  8.
hist_fexcl9 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to exclude from history tape series  9.
hist_fincl1 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char'] is 'TOTECOSYSC','TOTECOSYSN','TOTSOMC','TOTSOMN','TOTVEGC','TOTVEGN','TLAI','GPP','NPP','TWS','TSAI','HTOP','HBOT' for: {'clm_accelerated_spinup': 'on', 'use_cn': '.true.', 'use_cndv': '.true.'}
is 'TOTECOSYSC','TOTECOSYSN','TOTSOMC','TOTSOMN','TOTVEGC','TOTVEGN','TLAI','GPP','CPOOL','NPP','TWS' for: {'clm_accelerated_spinup': 'on', 'use_cn': '.true.'}
is 'TOTSOMC','TOTSOMN','TLAI','GPP','NPP','TWS' for: {'clm_accelerated_spinup': 'on', 'use_fates': '.true.'}
is 'TLAI','TWS' for: {'clm_accelerated_spinup': 'on', 'use_cn': '.false.'}
Fields to add to history tape series  1.
hist_fincl10 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to add to history tape series 10.
hist_fincl2 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to add to history tape series  2.
hist_fincl3 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to add to history tape series  3.
hist_fincl4 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to add to history tape series  4.
hist_fincl5 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to add to history tape series  5.
hist_fincl6 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to add to history tape series  6.
hist_fincl7 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to add to history tape series  7.
hist_fincl8 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to add to history tape series  8.
hist_fincl9 clm_inparm history char*64(1000) ['any char']
Fields to add to history tape series  9.
hist_mfilt clm_inparm history integer(10) ['any integer(10)'] is 20 for: {'clm_accelerated_spinup': 'on'}
Per tape series  maximum number of time samples.
hist_ndens clm_inparm history integer(10) ['1', '2']
Per tape series  history file density (i.e. output precision) 
    1=double precision
    2=single precision
hist_nhtfrq clm_inparm history integer(10) ['any integer(10)'] is -8760 for: {'clm_accelerated_spinup': 'on'}
Per tape series history write frequency. 
    positive means in time steps
    negative means hours
(i.e. 5 means every 24 time-steps and -24 means every day
hist_type1d_pertape clm_inparm history char*4(10) ['GRID', 'LAND', 'COLS', 'PFTS', ' ']
Averaging type of output for 1D vector output (when hist_dov2xy is false).
    GRID means average all land-units up to the grid-point level
    LAND means average all columns up to the land-unit level
    COLS means average all PFT's up to the column level
    PFTS means report everything on native PFT level
hist_wrtch4diag clm_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, add extra diagnostics for methane model to the history files
wrtdia clm_inparm history logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, write diagnostic of global radiative temperature written to CLM log file.
mksrf_edgee clmexp mkgriddata real ['any real']
Eastern edge of the regional grid
mksrf_edgen clmexp mkgriddata real ['any real']
Northern edge of the regional grid
mksrf_edges clmexp mkgriddata real ['any real']
Southern edge of the regional grid
mksrf_edgew clmexp mkgriddata real ['any real']
Western edge of the regional grid
mksrf_fcamfile clmexp mkgriddata char*256 ['any char']
CAM file
mksrf_fcamtopo clmexp mkgriddata char*256 ['any char']
CAM topography file
mksrf_fccsmdom clmexp mkgriddata char*256 ['any char']
CESM domain file
mksrf_fclmgrid clmexp mkgriddata char*256 ['any char']
CLM grid file
mksrf_fnavyoro clmexp mkgriddata char*256 ['any char']
Orography file with surface heights and land area fraction
mksrf_frawtopo clmexp mkgriddata char*256 ['any char']
Raw topography file
mksrf_lsmlat clmexp mkgriddata integer ['any integer']
Number of latitudes to use for a regional grid (for single-point set to 1)
mksrf_lsmlon clmexp mkgriddata integer ['any integer']
Number of longitudes to use for a regional grid (for single-point set to 1)
scripgriddata clmexp mkmapdata char*256 ['any char']
SCRIP format grid data file
scripgriddata_lrgfile_needed clmexp mkmapdata char*256 ['none', '64bit_offset', 'netcdf4']
Flag to pass to the ESMF mapping utility, telling it what kind of large
file support is needed for an output file generated with this grid as
either the source or destination ('none', '64bit_offset' or 'netcdf4'). 
scripgriddata_meshname clmexp mkmapdata char*256 ['any char']
For UGRID files, flag to pass to the ESMF mapping utility, telling it the
name of the dummy variable that has all of the topology information stored
in its attributes. (Only used if scripgriddata_src_type = UGRID.)
scripgriddata_type clmexp mkmapdata char*256 ['SCRIP', 'UGRID']
Flag to pass to the ESMF mapping utility, telling it what kind of grid
file this is (SCRIP or UGRID).
all_urban clmexp mksurfdata logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, ignore other files, and set the output percentage to 100% urban and
zero for other land-use types.
gitdescribe clmexp mksurfdata char*80 ['any char']
Output of "git describe" to give the tag/commit the version being used corresponds to
hgrid default_settings mksurfdata char*10 ['0.1x0.1', '0.25x0.25', '0.5x0.5', '10x10min', '5x5min', '360x720cru', '0.9x1.25', '19basin', '1km-merge-10min']
Horizontal grid resolutions for mksurfdata input files
lmask default_settings mksurfdata char*10 ['nomask', 'navy', 'AVHRR', 'MODIS', 'USGS', 'IGBPmergeICESatGIS', 'IGBP-GSDP', 'ISRIC-WISE', 'LandScan2004', 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'GRDC', 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'ORNL-Soil']
Land mask description for mksurfdata input files
map clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char'] is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '4x5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.1x0.1/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_asphaltjungleNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_asphaltjungleNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_brazil/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_brazil', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_camdenNJ/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_camdenNJ', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_mexicocityMEX/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_mexicocityMEX', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_numaIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_numaIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_smallvilleIA/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_smallvilleIA', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_urbanc_alpha/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_urbanc_alpha', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1x1_vancouverCAN/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1x1_vancouverCAN', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBPmergeICESatGIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.47x0.63/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '0.47x0.63', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.9x1.25/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/1.9x2.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '10x15', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/360x720/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/512x1024/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '512x1024', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/128x256/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '128x256', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/64x128/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '64x128', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/48x96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '48x96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/4x5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '4x5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.23x0.31/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.23x0.31', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/2.5x3.33/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '2.5x3.33', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBPmergeICESatGIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '4x5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1.9x2.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': 'to', 'to_lmask': '0.5x0.5'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.5x0.5/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C24', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C24/ for: {'frm_hgrid': 'C24', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C48', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C48/ for: {'frm_hgrid': 'C48', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C96', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C96/ for: {'frm_hgrid': 'C96', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': 'C192', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'C384', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/C384/ for: {'frm_hgrid': 'C384', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne4np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne4np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne4np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': 'ne4np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne4np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne4np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne4np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': 'ne4np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne4np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': 'ne4np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne4np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne4np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne4np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': 'ne4np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne4np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': 'ne4np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne4np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne4np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne4np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': 'ne4np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne4np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': 'ne4np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne4np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': 'ne4np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne4np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': 'ne4np4', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne16np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': 'ne16np4', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne30np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': 'ne30np4', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne60np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': 'ne60np4', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.1x0.1', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125nldas2/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.125nldas2', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125nldas2/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.125nldas2', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125nldas2/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '0.125nldas2', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125nldas2/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.125nldas2', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125nldas2/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '0.125nldas2', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125nldas2/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '0.125nldas2', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125nldas2/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBPmergeICESatGIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.125nldas2', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125nldas2/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.125nldas2', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125nldas2/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.125nldas2', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBPmergeICESatGIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/5x5_amazon/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '5x5_amazon', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/5x5_amazon/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '5x5_amazon', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/5x5_amazon/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '5x5_amazon', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/5x5_amazon/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '5x5_amazon', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/5x5_amazon/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '5x5_amazon', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/5x5_amazon/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '5x5_amazon', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/5x5_amazon/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '5x5_amazon', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne240np4/ for: {'frm_hgrid': 'ne240np4', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.9x1.25', 'frm_lmask': 'GRDC', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBPmergeICESatGIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '1km-merge-10min', 'frm_lmask': 'HYDRO1K-merge-nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'LandScan2004', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS-wCsp', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/0.125x0.125/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.125x0.125', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/94x192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '94x192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/94x192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ORNL-Soil', 'to_hgrid': '94x192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/94x192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '94x192', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/94x192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '94x192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/94x192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'USGS', 'to_hgrid': '94x192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/94x192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '10x10min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBPmergeICESatGIS', 'to_hgrid': '94x192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/94x192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '360x720cru', 'frm_lmask': 'cruncep', 'to_hgrid': '94x192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/94x192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner', 'to_hgrid': '94x192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/94x192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': '94x192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/94x192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.5x0.5', 'frm_lmask': 'AVHRR', 'to_hgrid': '94x192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/94x192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'GLOBE-Gardner-mergeGIS', 'to_hgrid': '94x192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/94x192/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': '94x192', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ARCTICGRIS/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '0.25x0.25', 'frm_lmask': 'MODIS', 'to_hgrid': 'ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
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is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4.pg3/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'IGBP-GSDP', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4.pg3', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4.pg3/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'ISRIC-WISE', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4.pg3', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4.pg3/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '5x5min', 'frm_lmask': 'nomask', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4.pg3', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
is lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/ne120np4.pg3/ for: {'frm_hgrid': '3x3min', 'frm_lmask': 'MODISv2', 'to_hgrid': 'ne120np4.pg3', 'to_lmask': 'nomask'}
Mapping file to go from one resolution/land-mask to another resolution/land-mask
mksrf_fabm clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Agricultural burning dominant month dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_fch4 clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Inversion-derived CH4 parameters dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_fdynuse clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Text file with filepaths (or list of XML elements) for vegetation fractions
and harvesting for each year to run over for mksurfdata to be able to model
transient land-use change
mksrf_ffrac clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
High resolution land mask/fraction dataset for mksurfdata
(used for glacier_mec land-units)
mksrf_fgdp clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
GDP dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_fglacier clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Dataset for percent glacier land-unit for mksurfdata
mksrf_fglacierregion clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Dataset for glacier region ID for mksurfdata
mksrf_fgrid clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Grid file at the output resolution for mksurfdata
mksrf_fhrvtyp clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Harvest dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_filename default_settings mksurfdata char*256 ['mksrf_fsoitex', 'mksrf_forganic', 'mksrf_flakwat', 'mksrf_fwetlnd', 'mksrf_fmax', 'mksrf_fmax', 'mksrf_fglacier', 'mksrf_fglacierregion', 'mksrf_fvocef', 'mksrf_furbtopo', 'firrig', 'mksrf_furban', 'mksrf_fvegtyp', 'mksrf_fhrvtyp', 'mksrf_fsoicol', 'mksrf_flai', 'mksrf_fgdp', 'mksrf_fpeat', 'mksrf_fsoildepth', 'mksrf_fabm', 'mksrf_ftopostats', 'mksrf_fvic', 'mksrf_fch4']
Filename for mksurfdata_map to remap raw data into the output surface dataset
mksrf_firrig clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Irrigation dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_flai clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Leaf Area Index dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_flakwat clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Lake water dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_fmax clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Soil max fraction dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_forganic clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Organic soil dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_fpeat clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Peat dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_fsoicol clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Soil color dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_fsoildepth clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Soil depth dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_fsoitex clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Soil texture dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_ftopo clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
High resolution topography dataset for mksurfdata
(used for glacier_mec land-units)
mksrf_ftopostats clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Topography statistics dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_furban clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Urban dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_furbtopo clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Dataset for topography used to define urban threshold
mksrf_fvegtyp clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Plant Function Type dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_fvic clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
VIC parameters dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_fvocef clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) emissions dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_fwetlnd clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['any char']
Wetland dataset for mksurfdata
mksrf_gridtype clmexp mksurfdata char*256 ['global', 'regional']
Type of grid to create for mksurfdata
no_inlandwet clmexp mksurfdata logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, set wetland to 0% over land (renormalizing other landcover types as needed);
wetland will only be used for ocean points.
numpft clmexp mksurfdata integer ['16', '20']
Number of Plant Functional Types (excluding bare-soil)
outnc_double clmexp mksurfdata logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, output variables in double precision for mksurfdata
pft_frc clmexp mksurfdata real ['any real']
Plant Function Type fraction to override global file with for mksurfdata
pft_idx clmexp mksurfdata integer ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20']
Plant Function Type index to override global file with for mksurfdata
soil_clay clmexp mksurfdata real ['any real']
Soil percent clay to override global file with for mksurfdata
soil_color clmexp mksurfdata integer ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20']
Soil color index to override global file with for mksurfdata
soil_fmax clmexp mksurfdata real ['any real']
Soil maximum fraction to override global file with for mksurfdata
soil_sand clmexp mksurfdata real ['any real']
Soil percent sand to override global file with for mksurfdata
baset_latvary_intercept crop physics real ['any real'] is 12.0d00 for: {'use_crop': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm5_0', 'baset_mapping': 'varytropicsbylat'}
Only used when baset_mapping == varytropicsbylat
Intercept at zero latitude to add to baset from the PFT parameter file
baset_latvary_slope crop physics real ['any real'] is 0.4d00 for: {'use_crop': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm5_0', 'baset_mapping': 'varytropicsbylat'}
Only used when baset_mapping == varytropicsbylat
Slope with latitude in degrees to vary tropical baset by
baset_mapping crop physics char*20 ['constant', 'varytropicsbylat'] is constant for: {'use_crop': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is varytropicsbylat for: {'use_crop': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm5_0'}
Type of mapping to use for base temperature for prognostic crop model
constant = Just use baset from the PFT parameter file
varytropicsbylat = Vary the tropics by latitude 
collapse_urban clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'structure': 'standard'}
is .true. for: {'structure': 'fast'}
If true, this directs the model to collapse the urban landunits to the dominant urban landunit. Selecting .false. means DO NOTHING, ie all urban landunits found in the input data are active.
do_harvest dynamic_subgrid physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, apply harvest from flanduse_timeseries file.
(Only valid for transient runs, where there is a flanduse_timeseries file.)
(Also, only valid for use_cn = true.)
do_transient_crops dynamic_subgrid physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, apply transient crops from flanduse_timeseries file.
(Only valid for transient runs, where there is a flanduse_timeseries file.)
do_transient_pfts dynamic_subgrid physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, apply transient natural PFTs from flanduse_timeseries file.
(Only valid for transient runs, where there is a flanduse_timeseries file.)
fates_parteh_mode clm_inparm physics integer ['1'] is 1 for: {'use_fates': '.true.'}
Switch deciding which nutrient model to use in FATES.
for_testing_allow_non_annual_changes dynamic_subgrid physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, allow area changes at times other than the year boundary. This should
only arise in some test configurations where we artifically create changes more
frequently so that we can run short tests. This flag is only used for
error-checking, not controlling any model behavior. Do not set this in a
production (non-test) run unless you know what you're doing!
for_testing_zero_dynbal_fluxes dynamic_subgrid physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
If TRUE, set the dynbal water and energy fluxes to zero. This should typically
only be done for testing: This is needed in some tests where we have daily
rather than annual glacier dynamics: if we allow the true dynbal adjustment
fluxes in those tests, we end up with sensible heat fluxes of thousands of W m-2
or more, which causes CAM to blow up. However, note that setting it to true will
break water and energy conservation!
initial_seed_at_planting cnphenology physics real ['any real'] is 3.d00 for: {'use_crop': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is 1.d00 for: {'use_crop': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Initial seed Carbon to use at planting
(only used when CN is on as well as crop)
maxpatch_pft clm_inparm physics integer ['any integer']
Max number of plant functional types in naturally vegetated landunit.
n_dom_landunits clm_inparm physics integer ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] is 0 for: {'structure': 'standard'}
is 1 for: {'structure': 'fast'}
Number of dominant landunits, so this determines the number of active landunits. Selecting the value 0 means DO NOTHING, ie all landunits in the input data are active.
n_dom_pfts clm_inparm physics integer ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14'] is 0 for: {'structure': 'standard'}
is 1 for: {'structure': 'fast'}
Number of dominant pfts, so this determines the number of active pfts. Selecting the value 0 means DO NOTHING, ie all pfts in the input data are active.
reset_dynbal_baselines dynamic_subgrid physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
If TRUE, reset baseline values of total column water and energy in the
first step of the run. This should typically be set when transitioning
from an offline spinup to a coupled run with transient glaciers, and
*possibly* when transitioning from the spinup to the transient portion
of a coupled run with transient glaciers; it should typically remain
unset at other times.

These baseline values are computed only for particular columns
(currently, only for glacier columns). They provide values that are
subtracted from the current state when counting total column water and
energy. For glacier columns, these discount the water and energy
contents in the "virtual" glacier ice, while adding representative
amounts of water and energy in the non-explicitly-modeled soil beneath
the ice. Subtracting these baselines reduces the fictitious dynbal
fluxes generated when total grid cell water and energy changes as a
result of dynamic column/landunit areas.

These baseline values are initially computed based on cold start
states. If this flag remains unset (.false.), these baseline values will
remain fixed at their cold start values. This will conserve mass and
energy, but may result in larger-than-desired dynbal energy fluxes (and,
in principle, also larger dynbal water fluxes; but currently, the mass
of glacier ice remains fixed over time, so dynbal water fluxes are
fairly small regardless of whether this flag is ever set). To further
reduce these dynbal fluxes, you can set this flag to .true. when
starting a startup or hybrid run from a partially or entirely spun-up
state. This will reset the baseline values based on the state at the
start of this run.

Note that setting this flag can break water and energy conservation!
Specifically, any water and energy that has previously been added to or
removed from states that contribute to these baselines (currently, (a)
glacier ice and (b) soil water and energy in the vegetated landunit in
the same grid cell as glaciers) will effectively be ignored when
computing conservation corrections due to land cover change. Instead,
only the change in states from this point forward will be
considered. So, for example, this flag should NOT be set when
transitioning from a historical run to a future scenario.

This setting only impacts startup and hybrid runs; it has no effect in a
continue run; it is an error for this to be set in a branch
run. Furthermore, this setting has no effect in a cold start run.
toosmall_crop clm_inparm physics real ['any real'] 0.d00
Percentage threshold above which the model keeps the crop landunit. Selecting the value 0 means DO NOTHING.
toosmall_glacier clm_inparm physics real ['any real'] 0.d00
Percentage threshold above which the model keeps the glacier landunit. Selecting the value 0 means DO NOTHING.
toosmall_lake clm_inparm physics real ['any real'] 0.d00
Percentage threshold above which the model keeps the lake landunit. Selecting the value 0 means DO NOTHING.
toosmall_soil clm_inparm physics real ['any real'] 0.d00
Percentage threshold above which the model keeps the soil landunit. Selecting the value 0 means DO NOTHING.
toosmall_urban clm_inparm physics real ['any real'] 0.d00
Percentage threshold above which the model keeps the urban landunits. Selecting the value 0 means DO NOTHING. If collapse_urban = .false., the same threshold will apply to all three urban landunits if they are present. If collapse_urban = .true., this threshold will apply to the single collapsed urban landunit if presnet.
toosmall_wetland clm_inparm physics real ['any real'] 0.d00
Percentage threshold above which the model keeps the wetland landunit. Selecting the value 0 means DO NOTHING.
use_crop clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Toggle to turn on the prognostic crop model
use_dynroot clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'bgc_mode': 'sp'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'bgc_mode': 'cn'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'bgc_mode': 'fates'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'bgc_mode': 'bgc'}
Toggle to turn on the dynamic root model
use_extralakelayers clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Toggle to use 25 lake layers instead of 10
(extralaklayers=".true." is EXPERIMENTAL NOT SUPPORTED! Nor is it Tested!)
use_fates clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Toggle to turn on the FATES model
(use_fates= '.true.' is EXPERIMENTAL NOT SUPPORTED!)
use_fates_ed_prescribed_phys clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'use_fates': '.true.'}
Toggle to turn on prescribed physiology (only relevant if FATES is being used).
use_fates_ed_st3 clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'use_fates': '.true.'}
Toggle to turn on Static Stand Structure Mode (only relevant if FATES is being used).
(use_fates_ed_st3=".true." is EXPERIMENTAL NOT SUPPORTED! Nor is it Tested!)
use_fates_inventory_init clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'use_fates': '.true.'}
Toggle to turn on inventory initialization to startup FATES (only relevant if FATES is being used).
(use_fates_inventory_init=".true." is EXPERIMENTAL NOT SUPPORTED! Nor is it Tested!)
use_fates_logging clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'use_fates': '.true.'}
Toggle to turn on the logging module (only relevant if FATES is being used).
use_fates_planthydro clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'use_fates': '.true.'}
Toggle to turn on plant hydraulics (only relevant if FATES is on).
(use_fates_planthydro=".true." is EXPERIMENTAL NOT SUPPORTED! Nor is it Tested!)
use_fates_spitfire clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .false. for: {'use_fates': '.true.'}
Toggle to turn on spitfire module for modeling fire (only relevant if FATES is being used).
use_fertilizer clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
is .true. for: {'use_crop': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is .true. for: {'use_crop': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm5_0'}
Toggle to turn on the prognostic fertilizer for crop model 
use_grainproduct clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
is .false. for: {'use_crop': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm4_5'}
is .true. for: {'use_crop': '.true.', 'phys': 'clm5_0'}
Toggle to turn on the 1-year grain product pool in the crop model 
use_hydrstress clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
is .true. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_fates': '.false.', 'configuration': 'clm'}
Toggle to turn on the plant hydraulic stress model
use_lai_streams clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
Toggle to turn on use of LAI streams in place of the LAI on the surface dataset when using Satellite Phenology mode.
use_luna clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] is .true. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm5_0', 'use_fates': '.true.'}
is .false. for: {'phys': 'clm4_5'}
Toggle to turn on the LUNA model, to effect Photosynthesis by leaf Nitrogen
LUNA operates on C3 and non-crop vegetation (see vcmax_opt for how other veg is handled)
LUNA: Leaf Utilization of Nitrogen for Assimilation
use_mexicocity clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Toggle for mexico city specific logic.
use_ozone clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Toggle to turn on ozone stress
use_snicar_frc clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Toggle to turn on calculation of SNow and Ice Aerosol Radiation model (SNICAR) radiative forcing
(snicar_frc=".true." is EXPERIMENTAL NOT SUPPORTED!)
use_soil_moisture_streams clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
Toggle to turn on use of input prescribed soil moisture streams rather than have CLM prognose it (EXPERIMENTAL)
use_soil_moisture_streams clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
Toggle to turn on use of input prescribed soil moisture streams rather than have CLM prognose it (EXPERIMENTAL)
use_SSRE clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Toggle to turn on on diagnostic Snow Radiative Effect
use_vancouver clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Toggle for vancouver specific logic.
use_vichydro clm_inparm physics logical ['.true.', '.false.']
Toggle to turn on the VIC hydrologic parameterizations
(vichydro=".true." is EXPERIMENTAL NOT SUPPORTED!)
dtype domain_nl tools char*5 ['datm', 'docn']
Type of domain file to create (ocean or atmosphere) (only used for mkdatadomain)
f_domain domain_nl tools char*256 ['any char']
Full pathname of output domain dataset (only used for mkdatadomain).
f_fracdata domain_nl tools char*256 ['any char']
Full pathname of CLM fraction dataset (only used for mkdatadomain).
f_griddata domain_nl tools char*256 ['any char']
Full pathname of CLM grid dataset (only used for mkdatadomain).
faerdep clmexp tools char*256 ['any char']
Aerosol deposition file name (only used for aerdepregrid.ncl)
mkghg_bndtvghg clmexp tools char*256 ['any char']
Historical greenhouse gas concentrations from CAM, only used
by getco2_historical.ncl
Variable Namelist Group Category Entry Type Valid Values Possible Default Values Description and out-of-the-box Default