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Variable Namelist Group Category Entry Type Valid Values Possible Default Values Description and out-of-the-box Default
auto_mort2_exp 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 1.75
Value of power loss exponent for autotrophs
bSi_bury_frac_max 4. general parameters (bury coeffs) general_parms real ['any real'] 1.0
maximum bury fraction for bSi
bury_coeff_rmean_timescale_years 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 10
Running mean time scale for bury coefficients
caco3_bury_thres_depth 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 3.0000000000000000e+05
Threshold depth for CaCO3 burial when opt = 'fixed_depth'
caco3_bury_thres_omega_calc 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 1.0
omega calcite threshold for CaCO3 burial when opt = 'omega_calc'
caco3_bury_thres_opt 4. general parameters general_parms string ['fixed_depth', 'omega_calc'] "omega_calc"
Option of threshold of CaCO3 burial
ciso_fract_factors 4. general parameters general_parms string ['any string'] "Laws"
Option for which biological fractionation calculation to use
ciso_lsource_sink 2. config flags general_parms logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .true.
Control which portions of the carbon isotope code are executed (useful for debugging)
ciso_on 2. config flags general_parms logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
Control whether CISO tracer module is active
f_graze_CaCO3_remin 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 0.33
Fraction of spCaCO3 grazing which is remineralized in zooplankton guts
gQ_Fe_kFe_thres 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 10.0
Fe:kFe ratio threshold in uptake ratio computations
gQ_Si_kSi_thres 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 5.0
Si:kSi ratio threshold in uptake ratio computations
gQsi_0 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 0.137
initial Si/C ratio for growth
gQsi_max 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 0.685
max Si/C ratio for growth
gQsi_min 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 0.0457
min Si/C ratio for growth
Jint_Ctot_thres_molpm2pyr 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 1e-09
MARBL will abort if abs(Jint_Ctot) exceeds this threshold
ladjust_bury_coeff 2. config flags general_parms logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
Control if bury coefficients are adjusted (rather than constant)
lcompute_nhx_surface_emis 2. config flags general_parms logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .true.
Control if NHx emissions are computed
lecovars_full_depth_tavg 2. config flags general_parms logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
If .false., MARBL will recommend truncating the column for some diagnostics
lflux_gas_co2 2. config flags general_parms logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .true.
Control which portions of code are executed (useful for debugging)
lflux_gas_o2 2. config flags general_parms logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .true.
Control which portions of code are executed (useful for debugging)
lo2_consumption_scalef 2. config flags general_parms logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .true.
Apply o2_consumption_scalef to o2 consumption (and request it as a forcing)
lp_remin_scalef 2. config flags general_parms logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .false.
Apply p_remin_scalef to particulate remin (and request it as a forcing)
lsource_sink 2. config flags general_parms logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .true.
Control which portions of code are executed (useful for debugging)
lvariable_PtoC 2. config flags general_parms logical ['.true.', '.false.'] .true.
Control if PtoC ratios in autotrophs vary
o2_sf_o2_range_hi 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 45.0
o2_scalefactor is applied to diss length scales for O2 less than this
o2_sf_o2_range_lo 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 5.0
o2_scalefactor is constant for O2 less than this
o2_sf_val_lo_o2 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 3.0
o2_scalefactor constant for O2 less than o2_sf_o2_range_lo
parm_CaCO3_diss 4. general parameters (dissolution) general_parms real ['any real'] 5.0000000000000000e+04
Base CaCO3 dissolution length scale
parm_CaCO3_gamma 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 0.1
CaCO3 gamma (fraction of production -> hard subclass)
parm_f_prod_sp_CaCO3 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 0.07
Fraction of sp production as CaCO3 production
parm_Fe_bioavail 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 1.0
Fraction of Fe flux that is bioavailable
parm_Fe_desorption_rate0 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 9.9999999999999995e-07
Desorption rate for scavenged Fe from particles
parm_Fe_scavenge_rate0 4. general parameters (scavenging) general_parms real ['any real'] 24.0
Scavenging base rate for Fe
parm_FeLig_scavenge_rate0 4. general parameters (scavenging) general_parms real ['any real'] 1.3
Scavenging base rate for bound iron
parm_hPOC_CaCO3_ratio 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 0.05
hPOC to CaCO3 ratio
parm_hPOC_dust_ratio 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 0.05
hPOC to dust ratio
parm_hPOC_SiO2_ratio 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 0.05
hPOC to SiO2 ratio
parm_init_bSi_bury_coeff 4. general parameters (bury coeffs) general_parms real ['any real'] 1.0
Initial scale factor for burial of bSi
parm_init_POC_bury_coeff 4. general parameters (bury coeffs) general_parms real ['any real'] 1.1
Initial scale factor for burial of POC, PON
parm_init_POP_bury_coeff 4. general parameters (bury coeffs) general_parms real ['any real'] 1.1
Initial scale factor for burial of POP
parm_kappa_nitrif_per_day 4. general parameters (nitrification) general_parms real ['any real'] 0.06
Nitrification inverse time constant
parm_labile_ratio 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 0.94
Fraction of loss to DOC that routed directly to DIC
parm_Lig_degrade_rate0 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 9.4e-05
Fe-binding ligand bacterial degradation base rate coefficient
parm_Lig_scavenge_rate0 4. general parameters (scavenging) general_parms real ['any real'] 0.015
Scavenging base rate for bound ligand
parm_nitrif_par_lim 4. general parameters (nitrification) general_parms real ['any real'] 1.0
PAR limit for nitrification
parm_o2_min 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 5.0
Minimum O2 needed for production & consumption
parm_o2_min_delta 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 5.0
Width of min O2 range
parm_POC_diss 4. general parameters (dissolution) general_parms real ['any real'] 1.0000000000000000e+04
Base POC dissolution length scale
parm_scalelen_vals 5. Scale lengths general_parms real(4) ['any real(4)'] [1, 3.2, 4.8, 5.3]
Prescribed scalelen values
parm_scalelen_z 5. Scale lengths general_parms real(4) ['any real(4)'] ['100.0e2', '250.0e2', '500.0e2', '1000.0e2']
Depths of prescribed scalelen values
parm_sed_denitrif_coeff 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 1
Global scaling factor for sed_denitrif
parm_SiO2_diss 4. general parameters (dissolution) general_parms real ['any real'] 6.5000000000000000e+04
Base SiO2 dissolution length scale
parm_SiO2_gamma 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 0.1
SiO2 gamma (fraction of production -> hard subclass)
particulate_flux_ref_depth 4. general parameters general_parms integer ['any integer'] 100
reference depth for particulate flux diagnostics
PFT_defaults 1. config PFTs general_parms string ['CESM2', 'user-specified'] "CESM2"
Define how PFTs are initialized
POM_bury_frac_max 4. general parameters (bury coeffs) general_parms real ['any real'] 0.8
maximum bury fraction for POM
PON_bury_coeff 4. general parameters (bury coeffs) general_parms real ['any real'] 0.5
Scale factor for burial of PON
QCaCO3_max 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 0.4
Max CaCO3/C ratio for calcifiers
zoo_mort2_exp 4. general parameters general_parms real ['any real'] 1.5
Value of power loss exponent for zooplankton
init_bury_coeff_opt 3. config strings general_parms2 string ['any string'] "settings_file"
Source of initial burial coefficient
autotroph_cnt 1. config PFTs PFT_counts integer ['any integer'] 3
Number of autotroph classes
max_grazer_prey_cnt 1. config PFTs PFT_counts integer ['any integer'] 3
Number of grazer prey classes
zooplankton_cnt 1. config PFTs PFT_counts integer ['any integer'] 1
Number of zooplankton classes
autotroph_settings%agg_rate_max 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
Maximum agg rate
autotroph_settings%agg_rate_min 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [0.01, 0.02, 0.01]
Minimum agg rate
autotroph_settings%alphaPI_per_day 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [0.39, 0.39, 0.39]
Initial slope of P_I curve (GD98)
autotroph_settings%Ea 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [0.32, 0.32, 0.32]
Activation energy for Arrhenius equation
autotroph_settings%exp_calcifier 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%logical ['any logical'] ['.false.', '.false.', '.false.']
Flag set to true if autotroph explicitly handles calcification
autotroph_settings%gQfe_0 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] ['35e-6', '35e-6', '70e-6']
Initial Fe/C ratio for growth
autotroph_settings%gQfe_min 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [2.7e-06, 2.7e-06, 5.4e-06]
Minimum Fe/C ratio for growth
autotroph_settings%imp_calcifier 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%logical ['any logical'] ['.true.', '.false.', '.false.']
Flag set to true if autotroph implicitly handles calcification
autotroph_settings%is_carbon_limited 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%logical ['any logical'] ['.false.', '.false.', '.false.']
Flag set to true if autotroph is carbon limited
autotroph_settings%kCO2 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [0, 0, 0]
CO2 uptake half-sat constant
autotroph_settings%kDOP 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [0.3, 0.5, 0.075]
DOP uptake half-sat constant
autotroph_settings%kFe 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [3e-05, 5.5e-05, 4.5e-05]
Fe uptake half-sat constant
autotroph_settings%kNH4 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [0.01, 0.05, 0.2]
NH4 uptake half-sat constant
autotroph_settings%kNO3 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [0.25, 0.5, 2]
NO3 uptake half-sat constant
autotroph_settings%kPO4 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [0.01, 0.05, 0.015]
PO4 uptake half-sat constant
autotroph_settings%kSiO3 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [0, 0.7, 0]
SiO3 uptake half-sat constant
autotroph_settings%lname 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%string ['any string'] ['Small Phyto', 'Diatom', 'Diazotroph']
Long name of the autotroph
autotroph_settings%loss_poc 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [0, 0, 0]
Routing of loss term
autotroph_settings%loss_thres 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [0.01, 0.02, 0.02]
concentration where losses go to zero
autotroph_settings%loss_thres2 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [0, 0, 0.001]
concentration where losses go to zero
autotroph_settings%mort2_per_day 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
Quadratic mortality rate
autotroph_settings%mort_per_day 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
Linear mortality rate
autotroph_settings%Nfixer 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%logical ['any logical'] ['.false.', '.false.', '.true.']
Flag set to true if autotroph fixes nitrogen
autotroph_settings%PCref_per_day 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [5, 5, 2.5]
Maximum C-spec growth rate at Tref
autotroph_settings%Qp_fixed 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] ['1.0/117', '1.0/117', '0.32*(1.0/117)']
P/C ratio when using fixed P/C ratios
autotroph_settings%silicifier 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%logical ['any logical'] ['.false.', '.true.', '.false.']
Flag set to true if autotroph is a silicifier
autotroph_settings%sname 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%string ['any string'] ['sp', 'diat', 'diaz']
Short name of the autotroph
autotroph_settings%temp_func_form_opt 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%string ['any string'] ['q_10', 'q_10', 'q_10']
Option for the temperature scaling functional form
autotroph_settings%temp_thres 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [-10, -10, 15]
Temperature where concentration threshold and photosynthesis rate drops
autotroph_settings%thetaN_max 10. autotrophs PFT_derived_types dtype(3)%real ['any real'] [2.5, 4, 2.5]
Maximum thetaN (Chl / N)
grazing_relationship_settings%auto_ind 12. grazing PFT_derived_types dtype(3,1)%integer(3) ['any integer(3)'] [0, 0, 0]
Indices of autotrophs being grazed
grazing_relationship_settings%auto_ind_cnt 12. grazing PFT_derived_types dtype(3,1)%integer ['any integer'] [1, 1, 1]
Number of autotrophs being grazed
grazing_relationship_settings%f_zoo_detr 12. grazing PFT_derived_types dtype(3,1)%real ['any real'] ['1e34', '1e34', '1e34']
Fraction of zoo losses to detrital
grazing_relationship_settings%graze_doc 12. grazing PFT_derived_types dtype(3,1)%real ['any real'] ['1e34', '1e34', '1e34']
Routing of grazed term, remainder goes to dic
grazing_relationship_settings%graze_poc 12. grazing PFT_derived_types dtype(3,1)%real ['any real'] ['1e34', '1e34', '1e34']
Routing of grazed term, remainder goes to dic
grazing_relationship_settings%graze_zoo 12. grazing PFT_derived_types dtype(3,1)%real ['any real'] ['1e34', '1e34', '1e34']
Routing of grazed term, remainder goes to dic
grazing_relationship_settings%grazing_function 12. grazing PFT_derived_types dtype(3,1)%integer ['any integer'] [1, 1, 1]
Functional form of grazing parameterization
grazing_relationship_settings%lname 12. grazing PFT_derived_types dtype(3,1)%string ['any string'] ['UNSET', 'UNSET', 'UNSET']
Long name of the grazing relationship
grazing_relationship_settings%sname 12. grazing PFT_derived_types dtype(3,1)%string ['any string'] ['UNSET', 'UNSET', 'UNSET']
Short name of the grazing relationship
grazing_relationship_settings%z_grz 12. grazing PFT_derived_types dtype(3,1)%real ['any real'] ['1e34', '1e34', '1e34']
Grazing coefficient
grazing_relationship_settings%z_umax_0_per_day 12. grazing PFT_derived_types dtype(3,1)%real ['any real'] ['1e34', '1e34', '1e34']
Max zoo growth rate at tref
grazing_relationship_settings%zoo_ind 12. grazing PFT_derived_types dtype(3,1)%integer(1) ['any integer(1)'] [0, 0, 0]
Indices of zooplankton being grazed
grazing_relationship_settings%zoo_ind_cnt 12. grazing PFT_derived_types dtype(3,1)%integer ['any integer'] [0, 0, 0]
Number of zooplankton being grazed
zooplankton_settings%Ea 11. zooplankton PFT_derived_types dtype(1)%real ['any real'] [0.65]
Activation energy for Arrhenius equation
zooplankton_settings%lname 11. zooplankton PFT_derived_types dtype(1)%string ['any string'] ['Zooplankton']
Long name of the zooplankton
zooplankton_settings%loss_thres 11. zooplankton PFT_derived_types dtype(1)%real ['any real'] [0.075]
Zoo concentration where losses go to zero
zooplankton_settings%sname 11. zooplankton PFT_derived_types dtype(1)%string ['any string'] ['zoo']
Short name of the zooplankton
zooplankton_settings%temp_func_form_opt 11. zooplankton PFT_derived_types dtype(1)%string ['any string'] ['q_10']
Option for the temperature scaling functional form
zooplankton_settings%z_mort2_0_per_day 11. zooplankton PFT_derived_types dtype(1)%real ['any real'] [0.4]
Quadratic mortality rate
zooplankton_settings%z_mort_0_per_day 11. zooplankton PFT_derived_types dtype(1)%real ['any real'] [0.1]
Linear mortality rate
tracer_restore_vars 20. tracer restoring tracer_dependent string(32) ['any string(32)'] ['PO4', 'NO3', 'SiO3', 'ALK', 'ALK_ALT_CO2']
Tracer names for tracers that are restored
Variable Namelist Group Category Entry Type Valid Values Possible Default Values Description and out-of-the-box Default