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Support Levels

Defined - The component set is defined but has not been tested.

Tested - The defined component set has been tested with a scientifically supported grid resolution.

Scientific - The tested component set has been validated scientifically.

Alias Long name Defined By Support Level Scientifically Supported Grids Details
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2%ECO POP2 Ecosystem
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Ocean Biogeochemistry BGC%BDRD BGC CO2=diag, rad CO2=diag:
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCTS CAM cam6 physics:WACCM with tropospheric, stratospheric, mesospheric, and lower thermospheric chemistry:
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2%ECO%NDEP POP2 EcosystemNitrogen Deposition from Coupler
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCCM CAM cam6 physics:WACCM with middle atmosphere chemistry:
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2%ECO%NDEP POP2 EcosystemNitrogen Deposition from Coupler
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2%ECO POP2 Ecosystem
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Ocean Biogeochemistry BGC%BDRD BGC CO2=diag, rad CO2=diag:
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2%ECO POP2 Ecosystem
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%EVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned on:
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Ocean Biogeochemistry BGC%BDRD BGC CO2=diag, rad CO2=diag:
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2%ECO POP2 Ecosystem
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM1%EVOLVE cism1 (shallow ice approximation, serial only):cism ice evolution turned on:
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Ocean Biogeochemistry BGC%BDRD BGC CO2=diag, rad CO2=diag:
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean DOCN%SOM DOCN slab ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean DOCN%SOM DOCN slab ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Ocean Biogeochemistry BGC%BDRD BGC CO2=diag, rad CO2=diag:
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%CRUv7 Data driven ATM CLM CRU NCEP v7 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%EVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned on:
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
F2000Nuopc 2000_CAM40_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_SROF_SGLC_SWAV cam Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM40 CAM cam4 physics:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
F2000climo 2000_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV cam Scientific / Tested
  • f09_f09_mg17
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
  • f09_f09_mg17
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
  • T42z30_T42_mg17
  • T85z30_T85_mg17
  • T85z60_T85_mg17
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM%DABIP04 CAM simplified and non-versioned physics :CAM dry adiabatic baroclinic instability (Polvani et al., 2004):
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
  • T42_T42
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%SCAM CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
FHS94 2000_CAM%HS94_SLND_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV cam Scientific / Tested
  • T42z30_T42_mg17
  • T85z30_T85_mg17
  • T85z60_T85_mg17
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM%HS94 CAM simplified and non-versioned physics :CAM dry Held-Suarez forcing (Held and Suarez (1994)):
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM30 CAM cam3 physics:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%AQP3 DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM40 CAM cam4 physics:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%AQP3 DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM40%WXIE CAM cam4 physics:WACCM-X enhanced ionosphere, transport, and electrodynamics:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%AQP3 DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM40%TMOZ CAM cam4 physics:CAM tropospheric chemistry with bulk aerosols:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%AQP3 DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM40 CAM cam4 physics:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%AQP3 DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM40%WX CAM cam4 physics:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%AQP3 DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM50 CAM cam5 physics:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%AQP3 DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM50 CAM cam5 physics:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%AQP3 DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%AQP3 DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM%SPCAMS CAM simplified and non-versioned physics :CAM super-parameterized CAM one moment SAM microphysics
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%AQP3 DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM%SPCAMM CAM simplified and non-versioned physics :CAM super-parameterized CAM double moment m2005 SAM microphysics
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%AQP3 DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
QPC6 2000_CAM60_SLND_SICE_DOCN%AQP3_SROF_SGLC_SWAV cam Scientific / Tested
  • f09_f09_mg17
  • f19_f19_mg17
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%AQP3 DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
QPC2000climo 2000_CAM60%CCTS1_SLND_SICE_DOCN%AQP3_SROF_SGLC_SWAV cam Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%CCTS1 CAM cam6 physics:CAM-Chem troposphere/stratosphere chemistry with simplified VBS-SOA:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%AQP3 DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM50%SCAM CAM cam5 physics:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%AQP3 DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCCM CAM cam6 physics:WACCM with middle atmosphere chemistry:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%AQP3 DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
QSC6 2000_CAM60_SLND_SICE_DOCN%SOMAQP_SROF_SGLC_SWAV cam Scientific / Tested
  • f09_f09_mg17
  • f19_f19_mg17
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%SOMAQP DOCN aquaplanet slab ocean mode
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
F2010climo 2010_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV cam Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2010 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM%SPCAMM CAM simplified and non-versioned physics :CAM super-parameterized CAM double moment m2005 SAM microphysics
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM%SPCAMS CAM simplified and non-versioned physics :CAM super-parameterized CAM one moment SAM microphysics
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%BGC clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane):
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Ocean Biogeochemistry BGC%BDRD BGC CO2=diag, rad CO2=diag:
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Ocean Biogeochemistry BGC%BDRD BGC CO2=diag, rad CO2=diag:
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM%ADIAB CAM simplified and non-versioned physics :CAM dry adiabatic configurarion (no physics forcing):
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM%TJ16 CAM simplified and non-versioned physics :CAM moist Held-Suarez forcing (Thatcher and Jablonowski, 2016):
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM%KESSLER CAM simplified and non-versioned physics :CAM moist dynamical core test with Ullrich et al. (2014) baroclinic wave IC, Kessler physics and terminator chemistry:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM40%PORT CAM cam4 physics:CAM Parallel Offline Radiation Tool:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM50%PORT CAM cam5 physics:CAM Parallel Offline Radiation Tool:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%PORT CAM cam6 physics:CAM Parallel Offline Radiation Tool:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM%SPCAMCLBS CAM simplified and non-versioned physics :CAM super-parameterized CAM one moment SAM microphysics using CLUBB
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM%SPCAMCLBM CAM simplified and non-versioned physics :CAM super-parameterized CAM double moment m2005 SAM microphysics using CLUBB
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%CCTS1 CAM cam6 physics:CAM-Chem troposphere/stratosphere chemistry with simplified VBS-SOA:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2010 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%CCTS1 CAM cam6 physics:CAM-Chem troposphere/stratosphere chemistry with simplified VBS-SOA:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%CCTS1 CAM cam6 physics:CAM-Chem troposphere/stratosphere chemistry with simplified VBS-SOA:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%CVBSX CAM cam6 physics:CAM-Chem troposphere/stratosphere chem with extended volatility basis set SOA scheme and modal aersols :
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%CFIRE CAM cam6 physics:CAM-Chem troposphere/stratosphere chem with simplified volatility basis set SOA scheme and fire emissons :
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%CCTS1%NUDG CAM cam6 physics:CAM-Chem troposphere/stratosphere chemistry with simplified VBS-SOA:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%CCTS2%NUDG CAM cam6 physics:CAM-Chem troposphere/stratosphere chemistry with simplified VBS-SOA and expanded isoprene and terpene oxidation:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%CCTS1%SDYN CAM cam6 physics:CAM-Chem troposphere/stratosphere chemistry with simplified VBS-SOA:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%CCTS2%SDYN CAM cam6 physics:CAM-Chem troposphere/stratosphere chemistry with simplified VBS-SOA and expanded isoprene and terpene oxidation:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%SDYN CAM cam6 physics:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM40%TMOZ CAM cam4 physics:CAM tropospheric chemistry with bulk aerosols:
Land CLM45%SP clm4.5:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM40 CAM cam4 physics:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%SOMAQP DOCN aquaplanet slab ocean mode
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM50 CAM cam5 physics:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%SOMAQP DOCN aquaplanet slab ocean mode
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60 CAM cam6 physics:
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean DOCN%AQPCONST DOCN globally constant SST for idealized experiments, such as RCE
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
  • f09_f09_mg17
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCTS CAM cam6 physics:WACCM with tropospheric, stratospheric, mesospheric, and lower thermospheric chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
  • f09_f09_mg17
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCTS CAM cam6 physics:WACCM with tropospheric, stratospheric, mesospheric, and lower thermospheric chemistry:
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
FWsc2010climo 2010_CAM60%WCSC_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV cam Scientific / Tested
  • f09_f09_mg17
Value Description
Initialization Time 2010 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCSC CAM cam6 physics:WACCM specified chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
FWsc2000climo 2000_CAM60%WCSC_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV cam Scientific / Tested
  • f09_f09_mg17
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCSC CAM cam6 physics:WACCM specified chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
FWsc1850 1850_CAM60%WCSC_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV cam Scientific / Tested
  • f09_f09_mg17
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCSC CAM cam6 physics:WACCM specified chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
  • f09_f09_mg17
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCSC CAM cam6 physics:WACCM specified chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
FW1850 1850_CAM60%WCTS_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV cam Scientific / Tested
  • f09_f09_mg17
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCTS CAM cam6 physics:WACCM with tropospheric, stratospheric, mesospheric, and lower thermospheric chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCCM CAM cam6 physics:WACCM with middle atmosphere chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCTS CAM cam6 physics:WACCM with tropospheric, stratospheric, mesospheric, and lower thermospheric chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2010 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCTS CAM cam6 physics:WACCM with tropospheric, stratospheric, mesospheric, and lower thermospheric chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCTS%SDYN CAM cam6 physics:WACCM with tropospheric, stratospheric, mesospheric, and lower thermospheric chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCCM CAM cam6 physics:WACCM with middle atmosphere chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCCM%SDYN CAM cam6 physics:WACCM with middle atmosphere chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCMD CAM cam6 physics:WACCM with middle atmosphere chemistry with enhanced D-region ion chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WCMD%SDYN CAM cam6 physics:WACCM with middle atmosphere chemistry with enhanced D-region ion chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM40%WCMD CAM cam4 physics:WACCM with middle atmosphere chemistry with enhanced D-region ion chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM40%WCMD%SDYN CAM cam4 physics:WACCM with middle atmosphere chemistry with enhanced D-region ion chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WXIE CAM cam6 physics:WACCM-X enhanced ionosphere, transport, and electrodynamics:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WXIE CAM cam6 physics:WACCM-X enhanced ionosphere, transport, and electrodynamics:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WXIED CAM cam6 physics:WACCM-X enhanced ionosphere, transport, and electrodynamics with D-region ion chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WXIE%SDYN CAM cam6 physics:WACCM-X enhanced ionosphere, transport, and electrodynamics:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere CAM60%WXIED%SDYN CAM cam6 physics:WACCM-X enhanced ionosphere, transport, and electrodynamics with D-region ion chemistry:
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice CICE%PRES Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
Ocean DOCN%DOM DOCN prescribed ocean mode
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%1PT Data driven ATM single point tower site data set
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%1PT Data driven ATM single point tower site data set
Land CLM45%SP clm4.5:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Clm50SpRsGs 2000_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%SP_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Clm50SpRtmGs 2000_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%SP_SICE_SOCN_RTM_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2010 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%CRUv7 Data driven ATM CLM CRU NCEP v7 data set
Land CLM50%BGC clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane):
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Clm50BgcCropRtmGs 2000_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%BGC-CROP_SICE_SOCN_RTM_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%CN clm5.0:CN: Carbon Nitrogen model
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I1850Clm50Sp 1850_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%SP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_SWAV clm Scientific / Tested
  • f09_g17
  • f19_g17
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I1850Clm50SpCru 1850_DATM%CRUv7_CLM50%SP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_SWAV clm Scientific / Tested
  • f09_g17
  • f19_g17
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%CRUv7 Data driven ATM CLM CRU NCEP v7 data set
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I1850Clm50BgcCrop 1850_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%BGC-CROP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_SWAV clm Scientific / Tested
  • f09_g17
  • f19_g17
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP-CMIP6DECK clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop, with modifications appropriate for CMIP6 DECK experiments:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP-CMIP6WACCMDECK clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop, with modifications appropriate for CMIP6 WACCM DECK experiments:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I1850Clm50BgcCropCru 1850_DATM%CRUv7_CLM50%BGC-CROP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_SWAV clm Scientific / Tested
  • f09_g17
  • f19_g17
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%CRUv7 Data driven ATM CLM CRU NCEP v7 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Clm50SpGs 2000_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%SP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Clm50BgcCropQianRsGs 2000_DATM%QIA_CLM50%BGC-CROP_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%QIA Data driven ATM QIAN data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Clm45BgcCropQianRsGs 2000_DATM%QIA_CLM45%BGC-CROP_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%QIA Data driven ATM QIAN data set
Land CLM45%BGC-CROP clm4.5:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Clm50BgcCruGs 2000_DATM%CRUv7_CLM50%BGC_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%CRUv7 Data driven ATM CLM CRU NCEP v7 data set
Land CLM50%BGC clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane):
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Clm50BgcCruRsGs 2000_DATM%CRUv7_CLM50%BGC_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%CRUv7 Data driven ATM CLM CRU NCEP v7 data set
Land CLM50%BGC clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane):
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM%FLOOD RTM: River Transport ModelRTM model with flood:
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%FATES clm5.0:FATES (Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator) Ecosystem Demography model: (experimental)
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Clm50FatesCruGs 2000_DATM%CRUv7_CLM50%FATES_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%CRUv7 Data driven ATM CLM CRU NCEP v7 data set
Land CLM50%FATES clm5.0:FATES (Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator) Ecosystem Demography model: (experimental)
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Clm50FatesCruRsGs 2000_DATM%CRUv7_CLM50%FATES_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%CRUv7 Data driven ATM CLM CRU NCEP v7 data set
Land CLM50%FATES clm5.0:FATES (Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator) Ecosystem Demography model: (experimental)
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Clm50FatesRsGs 2000_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%FATES_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%FATES clm5.0:FATES (Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator) Ecosystem Demography model: (experimental)
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane):
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-NOANTHRO clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) without anthropomorphic influences:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%SP-NOANTHRO clm5.0:Satellite phenology without anthropomorphic influences
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
  • f09_g17
  • f19_g17
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
  • f09_g17
  • f19_g17
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
  • f09_g17
  • f19_g17
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%CRUv7 Data driven ATM CLM CRU NCEP v7 data set
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane):
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%QIA Data driven ATM QIAN data set
Land CLM50%BGC clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane):
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%QIA Data driven ATM QIAN data set
Land CLM50%BGC clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane):
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time SSP585 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time SSP126 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time SSP119 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time SSP245 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time SSP370 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time SSP434 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time SSP460 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time SSP534 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%QIA Data driven ATM QIAN data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGCDV-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with dynamic vegetation and prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%QIA Data driven ATM QIAN data set
Land CLM50%BGCDV-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with dynamic vegetation and prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%CPLHIST Data driven ATM Coupler hist data set (in this mode, it is strongly recommended that the model domain and the coupler history forcing are on the same domain)
Land CLM50%BGC clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane):
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Ctsm50NwpSpGswpGs 2000_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%NWP-SP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%NWP-SP clm5.0:NWP configuration with satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Ctsm50NwpBgcCropGswpGs 2000_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%NWP-BGC-CROP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%NWP-BGC-CROP clm5.0:NWP configuration with BGC and CROP:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Ctsm50NwpSpNldasGs 2000_DATM%NLDAS2_CLM50%NWP-SP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NLDAS2 Data driven ATM NLDAS2 regional 0.125 degree data set over the U.S. (25-53N, 235-293E). WARNING: Garbage data will be produced for runs extending beyond this regional domain.
Land CLM50%NWP-SP clm5.0:NWP configuration with satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Ctsm50NwpSpNldasRsGs 2000_DATM%NLDAS2_CLM50%NWP-SP_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NLDAS2 Data driven ATM NLDAS2 regional 0.125 degree data set over the U.S. (25-53N, 235-293E). WARNING: Garbage data will be produced for runs extending beyond this regional domain.
Land CLM50%NWP-SP clm5.0:NWP configuration with satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM45%BGC-CROP clm4.5:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I1850Clm45BgcCruGs 1850_DATM%CRUv7_CLM45%BGC_SICE_SOCN_RTM_SGLC_SWAV clm Scientific / Tested
  • f09_g17
  • f19_g17
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%CRUv7 Data driven ATM CLM CRU NCEP v7 data set
Land CLM45%BGC clm4.5:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane):
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM45%BGC-CROP clm4.5:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%QIA Data driven ATM QIAN data set
Land CLM45%BGC-CROP clm4.5:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM45%SP clm4.5:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM45%BGC-CROP clm4.5:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM45%FATES clm4.5:FATES (Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator) Ecosystem Demography model: (experimental)
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Clm45FatesRsGs 2000_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM45%FATES_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM45%FATES clm4.5:FATES (Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator) Ecosystem Demography model: (experimental)
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM45%CN clm4.5:CN: Carbon Nitrogen model
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM45%BGC clm4.5:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane):
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I1850Clm45BgcGs 1850_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM45%BGC_SICE_SOCN_RTM_SGLC_SWAV clm Scientific / Tested
  • f09_g17
  • f19_g17
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM45%BGC clm4.5:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane):
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%CRUv7 Data driven ATM CLM CRU NCEP v7 data set
Land CLM45%BGC clm4.5:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane):
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM45%BGC clm4.5:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane):
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
IHistClm45BgcGs HIST_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM45%BGC_SICE_SOCN_RTM_SGLC_SWAV clm Scientific / Tested
  • f09_g17
  • f19_g17
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM45%BGC clm4.5:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane):
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
IHistClm45BgcCruGs HIST_DATM%CRUv7_CLM45%BGC_SICE_SOCN_RTM_SGLC_SWAV clm Scientific / Tested
  • f09_g17
  • f19_g17
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%CRUv7 Data driven ATM CLM CRU NCEP v7 data set
Land CLM45%BGC clm4.5:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane):
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
IHistClm45SpGs HIST_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM45%SP_SICE_SOCN_RTM_SGLC_SWAV clm Scientific / Tested
  • f09_g17
  • f19_g17
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM45%SP clm4.5:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%SP-VIC clm5.0:Satellite phenology with VIC hydrology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%CRUv7 Data driven ATM CLM CRU NCEP v7 data set
Land CLM45%SP-VIC clm4.5:Satellite phenology with VIC hydrology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice CISM2%NOEVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned off (this is the standard configuration unless you're explicitly interested in ice evolution):
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%EVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned on:
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%SP clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%EVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned on:
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%EVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned on:
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
IHistClm40SpGswGs HIST_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM40%SP_SICE_SOCN_RTM_SGLC_SWAV clm Scientific / Tested
  • f09_g17
  • f19_g17
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM40%SP
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff RTM RTM: River Transport Model
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time HIST 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%GSWP3v1 Data driven ATM GSWP3v1 data set
Land CLM50%BGC-CROP clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff MOSART MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
Land Ice CISM2%EVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned on:
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
I2000Ctsm50NwpSpAsRsGs 2000_SATM_CLM50%NWP-SP_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV clm Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere SATM Stub atm component
Land CLM50%NWP-SP clm5.0:NWP configuration with satellite phenology:
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NYF Data driven ATM COREv2 normal year forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean DOCN%SOM DOCN slab ocean mode
River runoff DROF%NYF Data runoff modelCOREv2 normal year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%IAF Data driven ATM COREv2 interannual forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean DOCN%SOM DOCN slab ocean mode
River runoff DROF%IAF Data runoff modelCOREv2 interannual year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NYF Data driven ATM COREv2 normal year forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean DOCN%SOM DOCN slab ocean mode
River runoff DROF%NYF Data runoff modelCOREv2 normal year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NYF Data driven ATM COREv2 normal year forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice DICE%SSMI dice mode is ssmi
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%NYF Data runoff modelCOREv2 normal year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NYF Data driven ATM COREv2 normal year forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice DICE%SSMI dice mode is ssmi
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%NYF Data runoff modelCOREv2 normal year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%JRA Data driven ATM interannual JRA55 forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice DICE%SSMI dice mode is ssmi
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%JRA Data runoff modelJRA55 interannual forcing
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
C_JRA 2000_DATM%JRA-1p4-2018_SLND_DICE%SSMI_POP2_DROF%JRA-1p4-2018_SGLC_WW3 pop Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%JRA-1p4-2018 Data driven ATM interannual JRA55 forcing, v1.4, through 2018
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice DICE%SSMI dice mode is ssmi
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%JRA-1p4-2018 Data runoff modelJRA55 interannual forcing, v1.4, through 2018
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%JRA Data driven ATM interannual JRA55 forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice DICE%SSMI dice mode is ssmi
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%JRA Data runoff modelJRA55 interannual forcing
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
C_JRA_HR 2000_DATM%JRA-1p4-2018_SLND_DICE%SSMI_POP2_DROF%JRA-1p4-2018_SGLC_SWAV pop Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%JRA-1p4-2018 Data driven ATM interannual JRA55 forcing, v1.4, through 2018
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice DICE%SSMI dice mode is ssmi
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%JRA-1p4-2018 Data runoff modelJRA55 interannual forcing, v1.4, through 2018
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%IAF Data driven ATM COREv2 interannual forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice DICE%IAF dice mode is siaf
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%IAF Data runoff modelCOREv2 interannual year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NYF Data driven ATM COREv2 normal year forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice DICE%SSMI dice mode is ssmi
Ocean POP2%ECO POP2 Ecosystem
River runoff DROF%NYF Data runoff modelCOREv2 normal year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NYF Data driven ATM COREv2 normal year forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice DICE%SSMI dice mode is ssmi
Ocean POP2%ECOCESM21 POP2 Ecosystem, using CESM 2.1 settings
River runoff DROF%NYF Data runoff modelCOREv2 normal year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NYF Data driven ATM COREv2 normal year forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice DICE%SSMI dice mode is ssmi
Ocean POP2%ECOCESM20 POP2 Ecosystem, using CESM 2.0 settings
River runoff DROF%NYF Data runoff modelCOREv2 normal year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NYF Data driven ATM COREv2 normal year forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%NYF Data runoff modelCOREv2 normal year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%IAF Data driven ATM COREv2 interannual forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%IAF Data runoff modelCOREv2 interannual year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%IAF Data driven ATM COREv2 interannual forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%IAF Data runoff modelCOREv2 interannual year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%JRA Data driven ATM interannual JRA55 forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%JRA Data runoff modelJRA55 interannual forcing
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
GIAF_JRA 2000_DATM%JRA-1p4-2018_SLND_CICE_POP2_DROF%JRA-1p4-2018_SGLC_WW3 pop Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%JRA-1p4-2018 Data driven ATM interannual JRA55 forcing, v1.4, through 2018
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%JRA-1p4-2018 Data runoff modelJRA55 interannual forcing, v1.4, through 2018
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%JRA Data driven ATM interannual JRA55 forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%JRA Data runoff modelJRA55 interannual forcing
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
GIAF_JRA_HR 2000_DATM%JRA-1p4-2018_SLND_CICE%CICE4_POP2_DROF%JRA-1p4-2018_SGLC_SWAV pop Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%JRA-1p4-2018 Data driven ATM interannual JRA55 forcing, v1.4, through 2018
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE%CICE4 Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :running with cice4 physics
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%JRA-1p4-2018 Data runoff modelJRA55 interannual forcing, v1.4, through 2018
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
G1850ECOIAF_JRA_HR 1850_DATM%JRA-1p4-2018_SLND_CICE%CICE4_POP2%ECO_DROF%JRA-1p4-2018_SGLC_SWAV pop Defined
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%JRA-1p4-2018 Data driven ATM interannual JRA55 forcing, v1.4, through 2018
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE%CICE4 Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :running with cice4 physics
Ocean POP2%ECO POP2 Ecosystem
River runoff DROF%JRA-1p4-2018 Data runoff modelJRA55 interannual forcing, v1.4, through 2018
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NYF Data driven ATM COREv2 normal year forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2%ECO POP2 Ecosystem
River runoff DROF%NYF Data runoff modelCOREv2 normal year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%IAF Data driven ATM COREv2 interannual forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2%ECO POP2 Ecosystem
River runoff DROF%IAF Data runoff modelCOREv2 interannual year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time OMIP 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%IAF Data driven ATM COREv2 interannual forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2%ECO POP2 Ecosystem
River runoff DROF%IAF Data runoff modelCOREv2 interannual year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%JRA-1p4-2018 Data driven ATM interannual JRA55 forcing, v1.4, through 2018
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2%ECO%PHYS-DEV POP2 EcosystemUse development namelist defaults
River runoff DROF%JRA-1p4-2018 Data runoff modelJRA55 interannual forcing, v1.4, through 2018
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time OMIP 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%JRA-1p4-2018 Data driven ATM interannual JRA55 forcing, v1.4, through 2018
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2%ECO POP2 Ecosystem
River runoff DROF%JRA-1p4-2018 Data runoff modelJRA55 interannual forcing, v1.4, through 2018
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%CPLHIST Data driven ATM Coupler hist data set (in this mode, it is strongly recommended that the model domain and the coupler history forcing are on the same domain)
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2%ECO POP2 Ecosystem
River runoff DROF%CPLHIST Data runoff modelCPLHIST mode:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%CPLHIST Data driven ATM Coupler hist data set (in this mode, it is strongly recommended that the model domain and the coupler history forcing are on the same domain)
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2%ECO%PHYS-CYCLE POP2 Ecosystemphys cycle option
River runoff DROF%CPLHIST Data runoff modelCPLHIST mode:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave WW3 Wave Watch
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NYF Data driven ATM COREv2 normal year forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice DICE%SSMI dice mode is ssmi
Ocean POP2%1D POP2 Single column
River runoff DROF%NYF Data runoff modelCOREv2 normal year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NYF Data driven ATM COREv2 normal year forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2%1D POP2 Single column
River runoff DROF%NYF Data runoff modelCOREv2 normal year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NYF Data driven ATM COREv2 normal year forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice DICE%SSMI dice mode is ssmi
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%NYF Data runoff modelCOREv2 normal year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave DWAV%CLIMO Data wave model (DWAV)climatological mode
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%IAF Data driven ATM COREv2 interannual forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice DICE%IAF dice mode is siaf
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%IAF Data runoff modelCOREv2 interannual year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave DWAV%CLIMO Data wave model (DWAV)climatological mode
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NYF Data driven ATM COREv2 normal year forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%NYF Data runoff modelCOREv2 normal year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave DWAV%CLIMO Data wave model (DWAV)climatological mode
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%IAF Data driven ATM COREv2 interannual forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
Ocean POP2 POP2
River runoff DROF%IAF Data runoff modelCOREv2 interannual year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave DWAV%CLIMO Data wave model (DWAV)climatological mode
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NYF Data driven ATM COREv2 normal year forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice DICE%SSMI dice mode is ssmi
River runoff DROF%NYF Data runoff modelCOREv2 normal year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%IAF Data driven ATM COREv2 interannual forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice DICE%IAF dice mode is siaf
River runoff DROF%IAF Data runoff modelCOREv2 interannual year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%JRA Data driven ATM interannual JRA55 forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice DICE%SSMI dice mode is ssmi
River runoff DROF%JRA Data runoff modelJRA55 interannual forcing
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%NYF Data driven ATM COREv2 normal year forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
River runoff DROF%NYF Data runoff modelCOREv2 normal year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%IAF Data driven ATM COREv2 interannual forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
River runoff DROF%IAF Data runoff modelCOREv2 interannual year forcing:
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere DATM%JRA Data driven ATM interannual JRA55 forcing
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice CICE Sea ICE (cice) model version 5
River runoff DROF%JRA Data runoff modelJRA55 interannual forcing
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere SATM Stub atm component
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice SGLC Stub glacier (land ice) component
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 2000 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere SATM Stub atm component
Land SLND Stub land component
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice CISM2%EVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned on:
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere SATM Stub atm component
Land DLND%SCPL Data land model (DLND) snow coupling mode
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice CISM1%EVOLVE cism1 (shallow ice approximation, serial only):cism ice evolution turned on:
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Value Description
Initialization Time 1850 1850: Pre-Industrial; 2000 present day:
Additional initialization times defined by components.
Atmosphere SATM Stub atm component
Land DLND%SCPL Data land model (DLND) snow coupling mode
Sea-Ice SICE Stub ice component
Ocean SOCN Stub ocn component
River runoff SROF Stub river component
Land Ice CISM2%EVOLVE cism2 (default, higher-order, can run in parallel):cism ice evolution turned on:
Wave SWAV Stub wave component
Alias Long name Defined By Support Level Scientifically Supported Grids Details